Author Topic: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)  (Read 80341 times)

Offline Darkshifter98

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #60 on: October 30, 2012, 10:03:11 PM »
As 34370 begins to notice the condition 'Beef' is in, he growls lightly uneasily, bending down only slightly. Just incase the crazy man deciedes he wants to eat him, when the sound of a muscle car causes him to squeal loudly in fright, bouncing off the table and scurrying under a nearby chair by the campfire. The little headcrab shivers in fright, still keeping its six beady eyes on Beef uneasily. As he hears the commotion outside, he begins to shake more, when he hears Eli's voice. Not being able to make much sense of it, he quickly scurries over towards the radio where Joanna is, lightly squeaking in a frightened manner.
\\\"Hold right bumper to flip... wait, what? How did you do that?\\\"

Offline Kevin

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #61 on: October 30, 2012, 10:21:15 PM »
Beans quickly jumps from his car after yanking on the door handle . He takes aim at one of the ant lions, quickly pulling the trigger. Meanwhile, Scruffy is charging on the second, swinging his baton wildly at what he thinks to be its head.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2012, 03:23:44 PM by Cpl. Tray [22nd AB NA] [MP] »
Frolie [Tray is Krogan]: sup bra
Tray [Isn't Krogan]: not much panties

Offline Lone Wanderer <??"?

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #62 on: October 31, 2012, 12:12:12 AM »
Jennifer jerks her head towards the window as Beans' races by with the group of antlions following his tail. Not knowing if any are still around, or more to come, she releases the grip on her handheld radio, flinging her hands around her back to quickly unslign her bow. She swiflty pulls out a single arrow, resting it in the string. While holding the arrow in place, she loosens the strap along her leg, which nestles her axe snuggly. She unlocks the holster for her 9mm pistol, and pats her knife to ensure it's location is indeed where she thinks it is.

Where do you need me.

Current Characters:
Abdul Sadek - Unregistered citizen, currently near City 18.
Monica Halleway - A seemingly crazy woman roaming the plaza.

Former HL2RP-Characters:
Jennifer Hanson - Former trader now involved with the Lambda Movement in City 17.
'091' - A former rogue medical unit now on the Combine Homeworld. Or is she?
Michael 'Y' Eloriga - A wanted criminal located in City 17, frequently spotted on rooftops.

Offline turhral=S=C=

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #63 on: October 31, 2012, 08:30:42 AM »
As Ori hears Joanna, he quickly asks.

I have a gun, but don't have any ammo, should I stay here with everyone?

He then puts back his MP7 into his pants, "holstering" it.
We shall bring HL2RP back.
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Offline Egf_Adam

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #64 on: October 31, 2012, 04:07:43 PM »
Beef looks to Violet

"I need something for my head. It's killing me got any---."

As Beef turns mid-sentence when Eli tells people to get ready to defend, he quickly stumbles over to the Wilson's stock pile grabbing his hatchet and spare ammunition.
Looking over to Meaty he shakes him and says, "Get up Meatcake, we got bugs to kill!"

He looks at Meaty as he hands him Beef's hatchet.

Turning to Violet he finishes his sentence asking if she has anything similar to aspirin.

"Hopefully Beans gets back with my rations before this gets worse. Hate to go looking for corpses in this weather."
« Last Edit: October 31, 2012, 04:10:53 PM by Cpl. eGF_Adam [22nd AB] [TA1P] »
"If horses could draw, they would draw their gods like horses." - Xenophanes

Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #65 on: October 31, 2012, 04:46:00 PM »
Off in the distance an Old man sits around a fire outside the alliance bunker, using an improvised shelter  he tries to stay warm in the rain.

Last fucking time I come out here with out the jeep..

Suddenly he hears gun fire and checks his radio and realizes its out of battery.
Quickly Matthew pulls off his backpack and pulls out a small pack of batteries and changes them out in the radio.

Hello? Whats going on? I hear gun fire!

1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #66 on: October 31, 2012, 11:14:40 PM »
Violet Collins

Violet follows Beef around. She swings her pack around, opening the main pouch and drawing one of her multiple first aid kits. "I might have something here. Lemme check." She sifts through the various pill bottles in this kit. She looks at a bottle of ibuprophen. She sets it back in the bag and continues searching. "I thought I-" Violet draws a blue bottle with a prescription sticker on the side. Black marker covers most of the words. The black marker reads 'Panadol XT'. "This should do the trick." She opens the bottle, sifting one pill into the cap, holding it toward beef. "Here. Take this, quick."

Out of Character for OOC:
Panadol is the same thing as tylenol. It's an analgesic which is similar to Aspirn. The Panadol Extra (the one she gave beef) does however have 65mg of caffeine. That's the same amount of caffeine found in an 8oz cup of coffee.

Offline Elions

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #67 on: November 01, 2012, 12:58:43 AM »
Spoiler for Hiden:
Sorry for the very late reply. But it has been a rather eventfull day for me.

Eli quickly takes the wheel of the situation. He tries to give instructions to people as he checks how many Antlions are left dwelving around town. From the windows of the lobby they can count at the least 5. All of them seem confused and enraged, the storm's loud thunders resonating on the Inn's walls, causing them to attack the walls and windows, breaking them

He looks at the people currently in the inn for a moment, trying to think of "orders" for anyone of them.

Allright... We'll need that Radio up. So Jo's got to stay here...

He looks at Beef and Ori, knowing they don't have any weapons with actual bullets on them

You two. Stay inside and help her any way you can. If the Antlions get in you'll at least be able to avoid getting swarmed in here. Jo, get that radio operating. FAST.

She nods at him, the process seems to be half-way done, and some of the messages coming through the radio are clearer, barely making the message "Heard gunfire!" come through. A strangely familiar voice, but too unclear to make any sense of it at the moment.

He then looks at Violet and Jennifer

Allright... We'll need to clear them out quickly... Use that bow to take them out from the windows on the second floor. Violet, you follow me out, we'll use the storm as distraction. The sound from the thunder and the rain should confuse them enough for us to take them out quickly. Just stay close and make as little noise as you can. Strike at the same time the thunder sounds if you can. I'll fire a flare out first to signal we're in distress then we're going out. Get ready.

His words seem dry, but he's simply trying to think as clearly as possible as the situation develops. He takes out his flaregun, loading one normal flare into it. He walks up to the window, opening it for a second and firing it out into the air, in case anyone is able to see it. Matthew and anyone out there who have a clear view of the sky should be able to notice it.

Eli walks outside, his flaregun back in it's holster as he now holds Joanna's 9mm again. he sticks close to the wall as he takes aim at one of the more isolated Antlions. Waiting for the Storm's thunder to fire 3 times. He misses the first bullet but the other two hit the Antlion on the head, killing it quickly. He signals Violet  to follow him out and Jennifer to take aim at the Antlions from the second floor windows of the Inn.

Meanwhile, The Antlion Beans fires at dodges his first shot. Taking a quick jump back and hissing at the man, with the loud noise of the shotgun he is able to get a position on the man, the giant bug leaps towards him, hoping to attain a hit on him. The other Antlion however, has to deal with the head on attack from Scruffy. It dodges to the side as it hears the large biker's steps, biting down on his forearm as his arm stretches out during the swing. The Antlion tries to latch onto Scruffy, it's legs hitting the muscular biker hard, though weakened by the chase from before.

Offline Egf_Adam

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #68 on: November 01, 2012, 07:02:11 AM »

Beef nods quickly taking the pill. Reaching into his his bag he finds some spare clips with bullets in them,smiling,
He calls to Eli
"I got a few magazines, If I run out I'll get Ori to the basement."

Beef turns to meaty pointing to the door to the basement

"Meaty, I need you to go in there and stay safe with this alright?"

 Beef uses a serious tone to get his message to Meaty. Meaty moves over to the basement door and gets inside.  Upholstering his radio, he checks his radio to see if it now works, well to his view it did as the static wasn't so strong. Beef just wasn't sure if people could hear him.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2012, 03:22:40 PM by Cpl. eGF_Adam [22nd AB] [TA1P] »
"If horses could draw, they would draw their gods like horses." - Xenophanes

Offline turhral=S=C=

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #69 on: November 01, 2012, 10:09:19 AM »
Ori nods to Eli's orders, getting close to Joanna, protecting her.
As he hears Beef's ammo annoucment, he looks over to him, smiles with happiness.

Finally, haven't shot a bullet out of this gun for ages.

He then leans a bit to Joanna's, observing what she is doing with her weird PDA.

Out of Character for OOC:
Will try to waste the ammo before we are done with the downtime
« Last Edit: November 01, 2012, 10:11:31 AM by turhral=S=C= [1-03] »
We shall bring HL2RP back.
We must.

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #70 on: November 01, 2012, 01:51:23 PM »

Beef nods quickly taking the pill. Reaching into his his bag he finds some spare clips with bullets in them,smiling,
He calls to Eli
"I got clips, If I run out I'll get Ori to the basement."

Out of Character for OOC:
magazines* I get extreme OCD about that pls to fix it

Offline Kevin

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #71 on: November 01, 2012, 02:59:55 PM »
Beans quickly moves back, moving about knee deep into the water and racking the handle of the shotgun back, the plastic and brass used shotgun shell ejects from the weapon, along with a small amount of smoke from the shot. He quickly forces the forestock of the shotgun forward again, taking aim at the same ant lion and firing. towards the center mass of it's body. Meanwhile, the ant lion attacking Scruffy has latched itself onto his arm, and he begins swinging his nightstick wildly at it's head, trying to also kick it's underside as it's latched onto his arm.

Beans doesn't bother to look back to the ant lion he fired the second shot at, instead, his view is attracted to the flare listlessly sailing through the air.

Scruffy! Gotta get to the Inn an' help dammit!"
Frolie [Tray is Krogan]: sup bra
Tray [Isn't Krogan]: not much panties

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #72 on: November 01, 2012, 04:01:47 PM »
Violet Collins

She watches Beef take the pill, then closes the bottle with the cap and drops it back in the appropriate med kit. She zips up her ruck and heaves it back over her shoulder. "Good luck then."

Violet watches Eli again, listening to what he's saying. "Copy that sir!" she shouts in a serious, somewhat fearful tone after receiving her orders. Violet grabs the quick release on her ruck and frees the MP5, swinging it to her front by holding the hand guard. She unlocks the stock, sliding it out and into her shoulder. Violet switches the weapon to semi-auto and pulls the charging handle, letting it snap back into place and loading a round into the chamber.

Violet waits for Eli to signal her, then proceeds to cautiously follow him out the door, taking aim at the closest antlion.

Offline Darkshifter98

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #73 on: November 01, 2012, 04:42:30 PM »
34370 looks around amounst all the chaos as everyone gets ready, the headcrab hops down from the counter, scurrying quickly over towards the wooden table that sits in between two couches, and hops up onto it to avoid getting trampled. He watches from the safety of the table at the Antlions outside.
\\\"Hold right bumper to flip... wait, what? How did you do that?\\\"

Offline Dixon

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Re: The Outlands' Inn (Downtime Roleplay Thread)
« Reply #74 on: November 01, 2012, 05:19:54 PM »
A shadowy figure burst threw the doors near the fire in the Inn, He is covered in mud and stains of blood, While noticing the men and women in side he lets out a short sentence.

"What's going on?"


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