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New Log Opened: This has been a large accomplishment. Not as large as I had expected, but still pretty big. I had never thought it would be like this....So well oriented and together, better than our previous military forces themselves. They just know how to do it and I'm a new subject in their socioality experiment. To me, that sounds like the chance of a lifetime, to others....it may sound a bit bitter. But, I do understand how their methods are...
harsh against others. Still having a bit of trouble dealing with this, but I....had to deal with a rouge citizen. I was about to leave her in her cell...but my superior officer, superior in intelligence and strength, told me to....perform a Major Re-education amongst her body. I can't re-call
how many times I struck her.....but I know I did the job, and it wasn't easy. The worst part was, I was ordered to throw her in the garbage dumpster.
The garbage!I had never thought they were that cruel against...well their own kind. But, I am still new to this orginzation and I hope to learn a lot more. I'm still a little proud for helping catch those two murderers, wasn't even hard to tell the truth. I wonder how that citizen got our radio frequency....anyways, I hope she gets a large sum of points and maybe even a spot in the CCA.
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