Author Topic: HL2RP Authorizations Applications [TEMPORARY]  (Read 66415 times)

Offline Lewis

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #30 on: August 21, 2011, 03:36:02 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Lewis
Age: 13
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Nearly 16 months.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 11 months and a bit.

Character Section

Authorization(s): Crossbow; w/ bolts.

Name: Angus Buchanan
Age: 44
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Refugee

What has caused your character to require these authorizations?

Angus opened the warehouse door slowly; MP7 in hand, looking around. He was late to the party; most of the warehouse had been scavenged already, boxes were lying everywhere. Lowering his gun, he walked inside, shutting the door. He rummaged in his pocket, taking out a notepad with a pencil stuck through the ring binders. Pulling a pushcart towards him, he looked at the first item on his list, and began to push the cart into one of the long corridors of shelving.

"Now... I'm going to need... some hooks... nails..." he mumbled, chewing on the pencil; deep in thought.

He stopped pushing the cart, and slid a box from the shelf, opening it. Inside were many packets of nails with the writing -
- on them, Angus picked up two packets, stuffing them in his jacket's inside pocket. He pushed the cart along, opening another box. Inside were many glue guns, with an "E-Z Gloo!" logo on them. He scooped out three of them, albeit they were missing glue, and one of them had a snapped trigger; they were the best ones in the box. He continued pushing the cart along, stopping every once in a while until he had most of the items he needed; elastic, some metal strips, a couple pieces of wood, the three glue guns. Setting his backpack down on the cart, he began to pack everything in; leaving for the day.  Angus walked to the exit, his backpack slung over one shoulder. He ducked under the hole in the fence, dropping down into the canals, where he removed a piece of corrugated iron from it's position, revealing a tunnel entrance. He crawled inside, pulling the sheet metal back over. Tossing his backpack onto the table, he walked over to his badly etched map pinned to a clipboard on the wall, examining it. He had just returned from "W/H 1"; he traced his finger along the lines, or roads, on the map, until he came to the writing "B&Q", drawing a circle around it. Angus checked on his water, which he had been purifying for the last few days, replaced the cloth on the bottle top with a cap, before sitting the bottle itself in a bucket of boiling canal water suspended over the fire.
Angus sat down on his sofa, slowly drifting off to sleep.
It was still dark when Angus woke up, just what he needed. Not hesitating, he zipped up his City Eighteen raincoat, pulling the hood up. He pulled on his backpack, and slung his sub-machine gun over his shoulder and set off. It was an hour or so before he arrived at his destination; an old warehouse shop, stocking mainly garden ware and domestic equipment. Climbing through the window frame, Angus flicked on his flashlight; pointing it at the boards suspended from the roof, looking at the symbols.

"Lighting... Bathroom Equipment... Kitchen Tools... Out-doors... here we are..."

He walked briskly to the row of shelving with the "Out-doors" board next to it, examining the boxes. Walking past the display toy houses, he smiled slightly; amused by their presence, for no particular reason. Angus stopped when he came to a large box, about three feet high and one foot wide; a mini barbecue.

"Must be near here..."

Slowly, Angus pulled himself up to the second level of shelving, and began to climb up, using the support poles. Pulling away the bags of charcoal and fire-lighters, he heaved a box towards him, opening it. Sadly, he did not find what he wanted. Instead; he found a large quantity of bricks: he was going to have to improvise. Sighing, Angus climbed back down; heading towards the 'Staff Only' section. Opening the door, he checked to see if there was anything in the backroom. Rummaging through the vast amount of boxes for a few minutes, he emerged with a box full of pieces of metal wallmounts, and two cans of adhesive spray. Angus shoved the cans in his backpack, and carried the box, exiting through the truck loading bay. On the long journey back, he looked over his sketchy plans for his weapon; a crossbow-type design. Sliding down a rather steep slope, he landed in the canal water, getting rather muddy. Wading through the water, Angus pulled away the metal 'door' and hopped up onto his backside, replacing the metal; crawling inside. He spread out everything he collected, and other things he hoarded; including his limited amount of duct tape. Angus took one of the pieces of metal he had collected, lay it on its side and sprayed adhesive on it. Sticking one of the glue guns onto it, Angus pulled another piece of metal from the box, roughly the same size as the first one. Spraying adhesive on a block of wood, he placed it on the first piece of metal, then stuck the other piece to it; making a frame for his 'weapon.' Next, he stuck two of the concrete nails to either side of another glue gun, binding it all together with some duct tape. He slid the glue gun in from under, then proceeded to stick and tape metal to the bottom of the frame so that the glue gun would not come loose, and so that only the handle would stick out. Taking two more nails, he unloaded his MP7, and used the side of it as a makeshift hammer, hammering two nails into the wooden block so that they stuck out horizontally at the front of the frame. Next, he took another block of wood, and hammered it in loosely at the back of the frame, so that it could spin around, as if it were on an axis. Angus carefully positioned one of the metal clothing hooks on the block, marking it's position with his pencil. Jabbing at the wood, he slowly screwed the hook in, until he could not remove it. Next, he took a piece of elastic from his bag, tying it between the two horizontal nails. Testing the elastic, he used the glue gun/nail duo to pull it back, and catch it around the hook. Pulling away the small piece of metal from underneath the wood/hook part, the elastic shot forward, making a 'twang' noise as it did so.
Setting the finished frame down, Angus walked over to another box, taking out various pieces of rubbish covering a hacksaw blade. Taking a cloth from his pocket, he wrapped it around the blade, and began to saw off the heads of some of the cement nails, making a good amount of viable 'ammunition' for his crossbow, after a few hours' work. Angus then proceeded to tie elastic in the spare pieces of the metal, creating a shoulder sling. He finished off the weapon by spraying adhesive all over it, to harden it up; make it more durable. He left the weapon to dry, and sat down, gulping down his water; he had been working for most of the day. Looking at his small amount of ammunition, Angus had to reserve it, using it if he needed it. Rummaging in his box of possessions, he took out a can of spray paint, setting it on the table. Taking his handkerchief and tying it around his mouth and nose, he began to spray the paint on the crossbow ammunition, so that they were a highly visible yellow; he had to keep track of his bolts. Picking up his crossbow, Angus raised it to his shoulder, pulling the elastic back with the fore-handle, clipping it around the hook. He loaded one of his nails into the rifle, making sure it was secure. Aiming the bolt at the top of his water bucket, he pulled out the block beneath the hook, letting the elastic go free; the bolt coming loose. There was a loud metallic clang, as the bolt penetrated the thin metal of the bucket, embedding itself in the mud. Angus pulled the bolt free, chuckling to himself.

"I think me and you'll get along just fine..."

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
           + The concrete nails are designed for concrete(Hence the name.); they would easily penetrate human tissue.
                     + Rather sturdy frame.
                     + The crossbow is quite silent.
                     + Ammunition could be scavenged for it; anything that will fit on it will fire; albeit the effect of the projectile would vary

                      - The elastic will have to get replaced every once in a while.
                     - Bulky, may hinder movement.
                     - It may misfire if the tension builds up in the elastic.
                     - The bolts are rather visible; may lead to being detected. 
                     - Loading ammunition is a slow process.   

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
It'll have some fun RP, like, hunting for food (NPCs), or self defense, I plan to RP replacing the elastic, and perhaps making bolts, which will be painstakingly slow.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Extra Notes (optional):
Crossbows are hard to think up, seriously; I guess that when someone reads this they won't understand it, but I'm the only one who will because I had a clear image in my head of it. : (

Physically, this thing wouldn't last. I've made pen guns before which is basically an elastic band o- just look it up on youtube. The problem with getting authorized for weapons is you have to have everything the weapon itself has due to the strength, range, spread, and special abilities. The crossbow is actually a powered weapon. It superheats rebar "bolts" with a battery. It has a scope on it which is a series of lenses. You cant really make a scope from scratch. Finally, I do picture the weapon you built in my head. It would be pretty ineffective and as I said before, break easily.

TL;DR This is unrealistic.
Denied ~Statua
« Last Edit: August 22, 2011, 10:12:38 PM by Statua »

Offline Pielolz

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #31 on: August 21, 2011, 08:44:37 PM »
Player Section
Steam Name: [={.NAL.}=] Renegade Awsome
Age: 24
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 6 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 3 years
Character Section
Authorization(s):To have a Manhack character
Age: N/A
Gender: N/A
Affiliation: CCA
What has caused your character to require these authorizations?: Built by Grid, designed by Grid.
What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?: Perks: Get to fly around as a manhack nad kill anti-citizens and perhaps minge runners, to fly in in D2 on recon and kill people I find there. DEFECTS: Can only be deployed when SocioStability is either Red or Yellow, Can only deply when there is a JW, raid, or search
What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?: Do special recon for the CCA, to help fight anti-Citizens and mingerunners, also to help the CPs on a daily basis
Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s)) Nope
Extra Notes (optional): If this is accepted, I'd like these auths for Outlands aswell

-No authorizations for Stalkers, Vortigaunt Slaves, Synths, NPCs (such as zombies), or Black Mesa employees.
Due to the fact manhacks either kill or get killed, (usually #2) you would be PK'd within a couple days. Scanners are different as they dont go into combat.
Denied ~Statua

Why can't I just respawn and go again?
« Last Edit: August 22, 2011, 07:15:39 PM by [={.N.A.L.}=] Renegade Awsome »


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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #32 on: August 22, 2011, 05:26:27 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Pvt. D. Tolstoy [25th ID]
Age: 16
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): about 2-3 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 2 years

Character Section

Authorization(s): Vortegaunt

Name: Ki'rem Hotar
Age: 176
Gender: male
Affiliation: Rebels/ Refugees

What has caused your character to require these authorizations?
Ki'rem had been hiding in the slums of cities, cargo train cars and woods from the combine for quite some time now. Recently though, in city 8, Ki'rem was discovered by a loyalist and reported to the CP. Immediately he had decided it was time to stop playing hide-and-go-seek, and ran away from the area in which he was Found. Ever since that, Ki'rem has been hiding in the slums, avoiding CP units in fear of being captured. 

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Perks: I will be able to speak in the Vort language known as flux shifting (Voteggeese) and use votressance.
Defects: I will have to stay hidden from the CP and will have to avoid loyalists. I will not be able to trust many people.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Help out roleplay. I have not seen many vorts at all, let alone runners, on this server so i think being a vort would make RP more interesting for both me and the other players.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Extra Notes (optional): If i am to be found by the CP i should have the ability to RP running away and roll being capped. (MAYBE)

[EDIT BY RESIST wed, aug24, 2011]

Denied. Application goes against the restrictions found in OP:
-No authorizations for Stalkers, Vortigaunt Slaves, Synths, NPCs (such as zombies), or Black Mesa employees.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2011, 10:45:59 AM by -Resist »

Offline LeoMarr

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #33 on: August 24, 2011, 12:02:59 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Leomarr
Age:24 (25 in three days)
How long have you been Role-playing? (can be any game): 12 Years.
How long have you been playing Serious G Mod RP?:3 Years
Character Section

Authorization(s): v Flags (One SCIP 9mm Pistol, With One bullet so it will display on my hip)
Name: Janie Melvin
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Resistance

What has caused your character to require these authorizations?
My Character would like to Open the Underworld Bar in D-2. Giving Citizens a place to be away from the droves of the City. This bar would be stocked with Whiskey and such things. This bar gives Citizens a reason to go into D-2. Other things would be sold here if anyone who could sell them arose. I.E, Fake Loyalty Armbands, Fake CID/Names, Medical Supplies and other such things. Janie Decided to open this bar because of the strains of the City. She noticed this area while in D-2.

This makes other RP opportunities open up The bar runs every night at 9:00 (Example) And closes at 12:00 (Example). You can't buy guns at the bar. But trade does go on, Tokens are not accepted at this bar, Only trade. Books, Radios, such and such. This Also makes the Level 01 Contraband Available I.E The Fake CIDs and Fake Loyalist arm bands. Johnny Rebel trades two Spray cans for a Fake Loyalist Armband and A loyalists Civil IDs So he can walk through the city Without fear. Or Jobby Blob buys some Consumables to feed himself. Such and Such.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
The ability to open and maintain the Underworld Bar in D-2.  It does not give a Perk/Defect otherwise.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Open a Bar in D-2 to give Citizens Multiple RP opportunities. This Bar would contain Whiskey and such things that a Citizen would like to have while in the bar.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Extra Notes (optional):

Pending while awaiting further information: Write a detailed backstory on how your character got her hands on all this supply and the pistol. I'm not allowing just to "ass-spawn" a lot of contraband for this bar. It has to be RP'd getting it.

Alcohols: My character would have past experience on the creation of simple alcohols. She grew up in the rural south with her uncle. During this time she observed how he created moonshine and such things from a distillery in his basement. After her uncle passed away she continued to use the practice until the events of the resonance cascade.

Med-kits/Health-kits: Janie uses her Alcohol as trade for more useful things, such as medicines. When she makes it through the crack and into the Out-lands, she finds the nearest trade area and begins to bargain for Med-kits/health-kits. Her alcohol may be terrible tasting, but it gets the edge off.

Ze unloaded pistol: Janie had been traveling back and forth between the outlands and the City, Usually taking alcohol from the city and bargaining it to the local traders. One of the traders had said he had a bigger item then what she originally had been buying. He waited for the crowd to thin before removing a small SCIP 9mm Pistol from under the table. It was unloaded, Looking at the pistol Janie knew she had to have some protection when she moved, Originally making runs without any type of weaponry. The trader looked to janie and knew she was brewing alcohol. He was willing to trade this pistol for her recipe. Thinking quickly Janie gave him a different recipe for Brewing Moonshine, as it would be a much better trade, Knowing that it would take much more to run this then her small distillery. The trader wrote down the recipe as she explained it. Taking in every bit of information. He slid the Pistol across the table as he studied what he had been writing. Janie began to walk away as the trader was occupied. He yelled thank you as she was walking. She holstered the pistol on her side. She felt more powerful from this moment on, Other refugees looked at her and did not take a second look.

Good story. The only problem is that you cannot travel between the city and the outlands. You may find a plan to escape the city to the outlands, but you will not be able to go back. Knowing this, the story of getting medicine and the gun are considered invalid.
About the alcohol: I accept the way your character has the knowledge of making it, but where does she get the recipes from? ~Nick

Alright Alcohol I did explain that say that she gained the recipe from her Uncle who she lived with. Also, If you are not able to travel back and forth through the city, How is it the rogue unit 501 was able to assassinate the DvL after he had already escaped, And has traveled to and fro the city three times? Otherwise, If it is impossible, I will stick with the alcohol. And I got the recipe from my Uncle as I said before.

I have honestly no clue about 501. Thats probably something RoflWaffle approved or something. But what I meant was not where you got the recipes of HOW to make it, as I understand you got that from your pre-war life. I mean where you get the ingredients from to make this alcohol? Taken them from your pre-war life would 1: Be almost impossible to get trough the security. And 2: Would run out on them shortly. So that is not an option.

Basement Farm. I grow the hops and yeast I need out of a room under the Bar. This being said I also keep my booze in the storage in the same area. I forage for the seeds in the same general area. As I know you can travel to and fro the outlands through a crack in the city wall. (RTLK Said this)

RTLK said that you can go to the outlands. Not back. I've spoken with him and came to the conclution that v flags can only be obtained by donating for Gold Member. This means that I am afraid I cannot accept this.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 06:17:46 PM by Nicknero1405 »

UNION-DvL.252 Molding Men out of recruits.
Thatch Goodwin Keeping Incognito.
Quote from: Blt
leomarr is cool.

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #34 on: August 24, 2011, 02:14:33 AM »
Nicknero now runs these applications.

Offline Kevin

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #35 on: August 24, 2011, 10:30:55 AM »
Not sure if this can at all be authorized, but I guess it's worth a try.

Player Section [/b]

Steam Name : Bowser93
Age : 14
How long have you been roleplaying? : At least 2-3 Years
On SeriousRP on Gmod? : More than 2 Years

Character Section

Authorization(s): A domesticated Headcrab, kind of like Lamaar

Name: 'Rip'
Age: 5 Months
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Whoever adopts me

What has caused your character to require these authorizations?: Rip was sitting in his cage, aching from the days experiments. He rolled around in the old urine coverred newspapers on the bottom of his cage, and while not paying attention to his actions, knocked open the cage door. The doctor forgot to lock the cage! He scurried out of the rusty cage, and ran straight in a door left half open, it flew back and hit a table, jars and test tubes fell down, glass strewn all over the floor, he continued to scamper away, while the Doctor ran out from his bedroom and slipped on spilled acid, right onto the glass, Nice knowin' ya Doc. As the Doctor's screams echoed into the dark night , Rip was still running, suddenly... SPLOOSH, he was engulfed in sewage and dirty water, he ran right under a fence into the canals. He walked through the canals, and eventually came to an industrial eastern European town...

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?

Well he is domesticated and possibly defanged, and won't attack anyone his master wants him too, unless in danger.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?

I plan on being someones loyal pet, and attack only those who are threatening my leader or me.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC names(s))

I don't think so.


Denied. Application goes against the restrictions. Even if the restrictions weren't there, it's impossible to have a player controlled headcrab.

-No authorizations for Stalkers, Vortigaunt Slaves, Synths, NPCs (such as zombies), or Black Mesa employees.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2011, 12:52:22 PM by Nicknero1405 »
Frolie [Tray is Krogan]: sup bra
Tray [Isn't Krogan]: not much panties

Offline Kevin

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #36 on: August 25, 2011, 07:40:35 PM »
K, but how do people on Outlands get Vorts if those are not allowed either?
Frolie [Tray is Krogan]: sup bra
Tray [Isn't Krogan]: not much panties

Offline Nicknero

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #37 on: August 25, 2011, 08:06:51 PM »
K, but how do people on Outlands get Vorts if those are not allowed either?

No Vortigaunt SLAVES.
Vortigaunt refugees on the outlands are allowed. Be sure you know how to roleplay them before you apply for one though.
Check out my Youtube channel with all kinds of cool videos including LP's which I'm currently working at. Don't forget to give feedback as well. ;)

Offline Kevin

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #38 on: August 25, 2011, 08:35:49 PM »
I just did apply for one... what teh fak.
Frolie [Tray is Krogan]: sup bra
Tray [Isn't Krogan]: not much panties

Offline Nicknero

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #39 on: August 25, 2011, 08:47:52 PM »
No... You applied for headcrab, not vortigaunt....
Check out my Youtube channel with all kinds of cool videos including LP's which I'm currently working at. Don't forget to give feedback as well. ;)

Offline Kevin

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #40 on: August 25, 2011, 09:00:05 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Bowser93
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 3 Years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 2 Years

Character Section

Authorization(s): Vortigaunt (Outlands)

Name: Ach'Ild'Eaz
Age: 146
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Refugee

What has caused your character to require these authorizations? After the Combine invasion of the Vortigaunts home planet, and part of the species fleeing to Xen, Ach'Ild'Eaz found himself on Xen for some time. One normal day, all the Vortigaunts found themselves continuing their regular day's tasks. This was all interupted when suddenly, a loud explosion-like noise was heard. All the Vortigaunts milled around, fleeing, as Combine ships filled the air. After running for a few minutes, the Combine restrained Ach'Ild and loaded him onboard one of the ships along with multiple others of his species. They eventually found themselves being taken off the ship. Just as the ship took off and went out of sight, 3 whiteskinned creatures appeared from the shadows, "Hey shit for brains, wanna see somethin' cool?" "Yeah, nut-less robot, come play!" All three of the creatures shouted and ran away, 2 of the 3 guards walking the Vortigaunts chased the group. When they disappeared, another 2 creatures came into view, one of them hiding something behind their back, "Surprise!" he pulled a pistol from behind his back, and fired repeatedly at the guard until he fell motionless on the ground. The 2 creatures removed the Vortigaunts collars using some sort of tool, one of the creatures was different from the rest. He was brown skinned, he stuck out like a sore thumb. The dark skinned creature gestured the Vortigaunts along, down narrow, empty alleyways, they eventually came to an open manhole, and they went down, the Vortigaunts followed. They went through sewers and canals until eventually, about a day later, they came to the City18 outskirts. This is where the 2 creatures turned back and let the Vortigaunts choose their own path, most of the Vortigaunts stuck together and headed for the mountains, but Ach'Ild stayed along the canals, and came to a small industrial town.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects? Obviously, it will add more roleplay and vortigaunt culture into the Outlands.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects? I plan to spread Vortigaunt culture ICly through the Outlands, and add RP. But as Ach'Ild'Eaz is one of the peace and nature loving Vorts, he will not be very good in combat.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s)) N/A

Extra Notes (optional): N/A

Accepted for trail.
If anyone witnesses unsatisfactory roleplay, contact Nicknero1405, RoflWaffle or RTLK. Be sure to provide console logs.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 09:19:59 AM by Nicknero1405 »
Frolie [Tray is Krogan]: sup bra
Tray [Isn't Krogan]: not much panties


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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #41 on: August 25, 2011, 11:28:27 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Pvt. D. Tolstoy [25th ID]
Age: 16
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): about 2-3 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 2 years

Character Section

Authorization(s): Vortegaunt

Name: Ki'rem Hotar
Age: 176
Gender: male
Affiliation: Rebels/ Refugees

What has caused your character to require these authorizations?
When Ki'rem first came to earth, he was but a drone, sent to kill everyone in Black Mesa. He had on him shackles and was forced to do work for The Nihilanth without question. This had gone on for a while, but unlike his unlucky, lets call them co-workers, h wasn't smite to the ground by a steel crowbar in the hands of a man who was rearing an orange suit. Some time passed, as Ki'rem had continued to do his job. Later, he was teleported back to Xen the same way he was teleported to earth. Only there he witnessed the destruction of his overlord- The Nihilanth. All the vorts were in somewhat of a confused state. Some got teleported to earth, only this time without the shackles. Ki'rem was one of those vorts and decided that he would live a life among the citizens.

Not knowingly, he once decided to inquire one of the CP in that city, city 18, about what he remembers was a job. The CP and the one patrolling next to him chucked and knocked out the vort with their stun batons. He awoke with shackles on him and was later told to do work for the combine. Unable to use his vortessance, he agreed. One day as he was sweeping the streets, he heard a voice call out "Hey Vort". It was faint but he heard it. As he drifted off towards the voice he saw a citizen, only he was dressed differently. The citizen said "Here, I'l get those shackles off, but once I do, you have to run or hide". The citizen, using his crowbar, broke the wires of the shackles of his wrists and crotch area. Than Ki'rem using, his now returned, power of vortessance to break the shackle around his neck area. He was going to thank the human, but as he turned to do so... the human was gone.
Ever since than, Ki'rem had been hiding in the slums of cities, cargo train cars and woods from the combine for quite some time now. Recently though, in city 18, Ki'rem was discovered by a loyalist and reported to the CP. Immediately he had decided it was time to stop playing hide-and-go-seek, and ran away from the area in which he was Found. Ki'rem decided it was time to escape into the out lands. And that was a good decision, seeing as how there he met people and other vorts who he did not fear would report him. Now Ki'rem lives among the survivors who inhabit the out lands, avoiding the OTA and conversing with other vorts.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Perks: I will be able to speak in the Vort language known as flux shifting (Voteggeese) and use votressance.
Defects: I will have to stay hidden from the CP and will have to avoid loyalists. I will not be able to trust many people.
I will have to hide from OTA in the out lands and possibly fight off zombies and other creatures.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Help out roleplay. I have not seen many vorts at all, let alone runners, on this server so i think being a vort would make RP more interesting for both me and the other players. ICly i plan to help the other refugees with their medical stations, healing humans using vortessance. I will also help out the human in other tasks that will require vortessance.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Extra Notes (optional): If i am to be found by the OTA i should have the ability to RP running away and roll being captured if it comes to that. (MAYBE)

This is a sort of a re-post. Not exactly seeing as how my first vort app was for a slave and this if for refugee/ rebel (free) vort for the out lands. :)

(I recently edited the reason- august 26th)

Accepted for trail.
If anyone witnesses unsatisfactory roleplay, contact Nicknero1405, RoflWaffle or RTLK. Be sure to provide console logs.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 09:30:26 AM by Nicknero1405 »

Offline SaoulZod

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #42 on: August 26, 2011, 04:46:13 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name: SaoulZod
Age: 19
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 8 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 2 years

Character Section

Flags: P, E, v [Light BM] (Possibly T as well)
Secondary: City Re-entry, on demand

Name: Gabriel Coleman
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Outlands OTA

What has caused your character to require these authorizations?
After Gabriel's first steps into Outlands, he quickly found himself in a parking lot. Searching around inside the cars for a little while yielded nothing, but he spotted a strange sight on the other end of the Lot.  There was a Combine Soldier harpooned to the hood of one of the cars, and his gun laid next to him.  Gabriel jumped on the opportunity and rushed over, scooping up there gun.  As soon as he got it ready, though, he was assaulted by a Zombine that was lurking in the shadow. (// I've got no idea how it got there.) Scurrying away and trying to hide, the Headcrab on top of the Zombine's head had suddenly popped off and be nailed to the pavement by a crossbow bolt.

Gabriel tried to run to the trees, fearing he would be the next target but was cut off by one of the Overwatch, DISCIPLE-0.  He was lead back to the OTA room and given a choice.  Join the Overwatch and act as a Spy for them to uproot the Resistance, or die.  He took the logical choice and agreed to be the Overwatch's spotter in the Resistance.

Fleeing the situation, he made his way back into the Canals, trying furiously to get back to the City. He remembered a rumor, that were was a Mining Tunnel beneath the city that had collapsed. (//There was actual RP involved with learning about this tunnel on the CP side of things, it was apparently talked about a lot.) Lucky for him the tunnel was not actually collapsed, he located the entrance and made his way in, finding himself in the middle of the Plaza of City 18. Ducking quickly to avoid Patrols, he went back into the tunnel, eager to test one of the other rumors about it: That it indeed led to other Cities. Unfortunately for him, it did not. In light of this set back, he figured that access to the City would have to be good enough to gain supplies from the Local Rebels, whom he had limited contact with.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
E (&T): All manner of possibility to create my own Store (Actually building a shack in Outlands, destructible props) and furnish it accordingly.
P: Also, the Phys gun is kinda nice to have when being an Operator... it's good for moving people to talk to them.
V: Things to sell in said shop.
City Entry (+): Ability to get tokens, supplements, and canned water (From rations)
City Entry (-): Regarded as Shoot-on-Sight by the local Protection for being a reverse-Refugee

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Not too much, really.  Make a shack, furnish said shack, and gain the respect and interest of the local Rebels to uproot them easier.
With the City Re-entry, I would like to use it to gain things like Alcohols from the City Rebels to barter with in Outlands.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
None I can think of... I think I'm the only OTA spy.

Extra Notes (optional):
The City Re-entry would just be icing on my cake, that's not as much of a necessity as the flags are. Even in terms of the flags, "T" flag is not really all that required either.

Denied. You can apply for pe and possible t flags in another session. pet flags also come with VIP. v flags only come with Gold Member.
About the OTA spy: OTAs are robots programmed to kill any movement on sight. They would never ever just catch a random citizen and make him a spy allowing him to do shit. He would get killed on sight as well.

Sadly, it wasn't much my choice to be an OTA Spy. It's even written on the wall in the Overwatch Spawn in Outlands for no one to shoot me.   And I got the flags through another means, thank you anyways. -SaoulZod
« Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 02:55:53 PM by SaoulZod »

you ban me for such bad reason u just cant understand the level of depth i roleplay on i am just far better roleplayer than u lol play half life 2 and then come back 2 this server plz
chunkeymonkey79: please get the entire CG community and uproot Saoul and RTLK
Thanks, Chunkey.

Offline Gia251

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #43 on: August 27, 2011, 08:23:46 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name:[GMG] gia the citizen
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game):5
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?:4

Character Section

Authorization(s): Vortigaunt

Name: Tek' Uouh
Affiliation: Slave

What has caused your character to require these authorizations?Tek' Uouh was enslaved by Nihilanth, forced to fight, and kill, by his master. Right before Nihilanth was destroyed by the freeman, Tek' Uouh was transported to Earth during the portal storms sent on a mission to kill anything that moves. But later Nihilanth's slave collar powered down and he was able to be free. Stuck on earth with no mission to do, he went to the first affiliation he could help. The Combine, He found the combine at the closest city, they then took him and put the Combine slave collar on to make him do their bidding. From now on Tek' Uouh will spend his life as a Vortiguant slave.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects? Perks: A job to do for the rest of his life.
Defects: He cannot leave and will have to live his life as a slave for now on.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects? Work in the city as a combine slave so i can become something different.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))None that i know of.

Extra Notes (optional): Being the slave in City 18 would be the best because i don't think a Vortiguant slave would be found on out- lands server.

Denied. Application goes against the restriction in OP. No vortigaunt slaves.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 09:47:53 AM by Nicknero1405 »

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #44 on: August 27, 2011, 09:50:24 AM »
All applications taken care of so far. (Hope I didn't miss anyone part from Rory who is a derp by posting unfinished stuff.)

By posting an application, make sure you've read the OP and the restrictions if what you cannot apply for! Thanks.
Check out my Youtube channel with all kinds of cool videos including LP's which I'm currently working at. Don't forget to give feedback as well. ;)


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