Author Topic: 270's authorization app.  (Read 14741 times)

Offline Zail

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270's authorization app.
« on: February 18, 2013, 06:14:41 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name:Kenais36
Age: 16.
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): More than 2 years at least.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: See above stated.

Character Section

Requesting 270 to move to outlands. Not a rogue unit.
The ability to use the S0 CCA model.
A dark colored pair of glasses.

Name: C45.CCA.UA-05.270.
Age: 27.
Gender: Female.
Affiliation: Combine Civil Authority.

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

Nexus part; 3'rd person view.

The sound of gunshots roamed throughout the plaza, as the battle went on between the rebellion citizens of City forty-five and the Combine Civil Authority attempting to keep the order. Screams in pain, anger and fear would be audible near the combatants, as shot hit their targets, penetrating flesh or Kevlar, leaving the host in a bleeding state. The civilians fought for their lives, for their freedom and for their loved. This battle were not to be lost.

Deeper inside the nexus, where few units remained hidden, scared, injured and without leadership, battles were fought between them and the attacking civilians. The hallways were flooded with blood and a couple of bodies from both sides. Chaos roamed out everywhere, as terror laughed in the shadows, devouring units and citizens in his madness. A flickering console would be found deep inside the nexus. Flicking on and off, damaged by the battles surrounding it, slowly proceeding to its primary function. A heavy sound of metal starting to move, would be audible, as a medium sized stasis pod would be dragged up from below the nexus, where the rest of the stasis pods would be. As the stasis pod slowly would be getting into position, a slight sound of air flooding out of the locked room inside of the stasis pod, would be heard getting out. Seconds after the stasis pod started opening, the console shuts off as a deep sound of an explosion shakes the entire nexus. The metallic arm, carrying the stasis pod breaks in two, dropping the stasis pod down onto the ground. As the pod strikes the ground, the rest of the stasis locks clicks off, opening up for the person inside of it.

Nexus part; 1’st person view.

She panted heavily, groaning slightly in pain as her blurry vision glared over the floor in front of her. She turned her head slightly, glaring towards the inside of the stasis pod. Slowly she started to crawl out of the container, ripping the few wires connected to her body off, which quickly send a strike of pain through her body. Falling to the ground, gasping in pain she was laying on the ground, panting heavily as she tried to calculate her position, time and her condition. Turning around onto her stomach, she placed her hands against the ground to attempt and push herself up and stand. She panted slightly in pain from aching body, caused by her chaotic awakening, as she a few minutes after finally managed to get back up on her feet’s. Stretching out in her body, she glared around the room, in an attempt to figure out what was going on. She turned around to face her damaged stasis pod, cursing for herself in pain. “Bloody stasis pod can’t even carry me anymore. I’m not THAT fat…” Slightly annoyed, her glare turned to her right, stopping at the lockers not far away from her current spot and slowly starts heading towards them, limping slightly on her left leg. She reached out, to grab onto the handle of the locker, pulling it downwards to open up for it. She reached inside to grab her uniform, sighing slightly. “I’ve got to get this suit traded for an oh-five suit. Can’t use this anymore, but can’t run around naked either.” She glared over her weapons, shaking her head as she pulled out the suit and turned around, closing the locker behind her. She wouldn’t need them anymore.

Under slight pain, she managed to get into her suit once more and click the facemask on. Stretching out her neck, chuckling slightly as a slight snap is heard. “Lovely. I’ll miss this suit.” She turns her head towards the door entrance as the mask HUD slowly starts to turn on, notifying her about her current health state. Her left leg were slightly injured, yet nothing serious. She smiled lightly at her luck, thinking about what could have happened during the time she got out of the pod. She glared down over her suit, pressing a slight button in. She takes a deep breath, as a slight hissing sound is audible coming from her left shoulder, as a health kit’s medical help would be implanted into her body. Nodding cautiously for herself, she starts heading towards the entrance doors and glares over her HUD. A smaller icon indicated a problem was going on with her radio. She shrugged for herself, probably static she decided, as she strolled out on the empty hallway. Her eyebrows raised at the view which met her. Blood were everywhere, units were laying on the grounds with no weapons. Scattered bullet casings were here and there, mixed up with… Civilians?! What was going on? She continued walking down the hallway, nearing the Hand to hand combat room and slowly started to be eavesdrop on a few conversations. The persons speaking didn’t have their voices covered with a vocoder. Holding her breath, she sneaked up to lean against the wall, to get a better ‘look’ into what the persons were talking about.
“This is going well. Can’t believe we actually made it!”
“Don’t get too happy. This place won’t stay for long and neither will we. Now bloody help me get this guy’s suit off. I want one of those.”

Shaking her head, she knew the persons inside were indeed not friendly. In her current position, she wouldn’t be much of a threat. Injured and without weapons she would possible only be able to give them a slap across their cheeks before her body would be full of bullets. Glaring over towards the other side of the door, she wondered about her chances to get to the other side, without getting seen. The chances could be both high and low, considering which way the person w- Movement! Steps were getting closer to the doors, as were the two person’s voices. She quickly glared down the hallway, to search for any place to cover.

The two males got out from the room, looking down to each sides looking for any targets. “Told ya boy, nothing is out here.” “I am sure I heard something walk around… Guess it was just my imagination.” He pointed towards one of the unit bodies, as his left eyebrow raised. “Hey, was that… Thing laying over there before? I can’t remember.” “Meh, I don’t know. Looks like a high ranked unit though, not that casual suits like everyone got. Maybe it got some bullets.” The two males headed towards the body, continuing their chattering.

She stared directly at them, happy they couldn’t see she were alive due to her masks. Her muscles started to prepare for the oncoming ambush as the two males neared her body. Just a little more…

Chuckling lightly by the joke, he kneeled down next to the body. “Hey boy, look! It’s apparently a woman we’ve got her.” She reached out, running his hand down along the body’s torso. “Yup, defiantly a woman.” He reached out towards the female’s pockets, searching through them to find any goods inside of them. He looked up towards his friend, Henrik at the same time. “Can’t really seem to find anything in this one.” “Hey Paul… Why’s there no bullet holes in her?” Paul turns his stare back towards the unit, looking over her Kevlar. “Now you’re sa-“.

Her hand reached for his throat, easily grabbing around it and quickly tightening her grab. Her heart rate quickly went faster, staring onto the SMG the other male, named Henrik. Holding the guy named Paul in her left hand, choking him slowly she thought about her chances, during the few seconds. In a slow-paced moment, she saw the guy raise his SMG and take aim. She laid all her strength into her left arm, halfway throwing, halfway pushing the guy she held in her hand, towards the standing male. Barely successfully, Paul’s body stroke into Henrik’s legs and made him loose his balance slightly, yet not pushing him over. Seeing her chance, she quickly got up on her legs, setting off from the ground, aiming towards Henrik’s chest. As she did, the thought hit her. “I was too late.” The exploding sound, repeating after each other’s, rung down the hallway as the SMG went off, sending several bullets around, in the tight spaced spot. A few bullets penetrated through her suit and into her flesh while others barely missed. Milliseconds after, she made contact with Henrik’s torso and effectively pushed him onto his back. Panting heavily and with tears streaming down her cheeks beneath her mask, she reached out to grab hold of his head. Placing a hand on his chin and forehead, she quickly turned his head to its right, barely hearing the loud snap being audible coming from his neck under her panting. With her vision blurry, she turned onto her back, reaching out for the SMG in Henrik’s hands. Coughing heavily, she turned her aim towards Paul, who would be laying on his stomach, barely conscious. In rage she pressed the trigger in, firing multiple bullets into his back and first stopped when clicking sounds remained back in the hallway.

Panting heavily, she quickly reached up to her facemask to click it off, with a slight hissing sound being audible as she let it fall to the ground. Looking over her body, she briefly took note of where she was hit. She weren’t a Support unit, but at least she knew it wasn’t dangerous spots she were hit in. Two had went into her right shoulder, one had passed through her flesh on her right side and out again, while the last one had penetrated into her right thigh. Sighing slightly, embraced over her luck she glared over her left shoulder to look at the implanted health kit. Still a bit back in it, possible would be able to hinder the pain. She would need some bandages though. Briefly pressing the button in, she glared over the hallway, while the last potion of the health kit was implanted into her body. The hallway remained in the ice cold and deadly silence matching perfectly with the dead bodies lying here and there. A suit, which one of the units were wearing, caught her attention. Wasn’t that a Support uniform? She pushed herself back up on her feet’s, limping slightly heavy towards the body before she fell down on her knees, next to the unit. Sighing slightly, she reached over the body, grabbing hold of the medium sized bag, hanging on the belt. Crossing her fingers in her mind, she ripped the bag open. Ammunition and a few bandages fell to the ground as the bag was ripped in a half. Not caring about anything else, than the bandages, she reached out to grab hold of them and dragged them out of the bundle, holding them in her left hand. She pushed herself back up, leaning against the wall and leaned onto her left leg. Happy of the health kit dose, she slowly opened back up for her suit and slide it off. The cold temperature quickly stroke her halfway naked body, easily making her freeze. Ignoring the cold, she slowly started to rip the bandage packet open, glaring down the hallway to be sure no one was coming. Slowly reaching up to her right shoulder, gasping briefly in pain as she started to wrap the bandage around the wound. After having it wrapped around a few times, she ripped the bandage bundle off what she had already covered up, quickly making a smaller knob with it. She turned her view downwards, looking over her body and stopped at the wound on her right side. Sighing slightly, she once more started wrapping the bandage around her torso, to cover up the wound, slight tears running down her cheeks in pain. Once more, ripping the bandage off and tying a knob on it, she finished off with wrapping the last wound on her thigh up. That would stop the bleeding for now. She reached back down, slipping back into her suit to cover herself up once more. The automatic suit temperature modification didn’t take long to make her feel warm again as she started moving down the hallway. She had to get out.

Few minutes passed, while she went down the hallways, expecting every moment to be in a battle, yet the hallways kept being silent. As she went down the hallways, she forced herself to stare out in front of her, in pain by seeing the dead units while she slowly approached the logistic APC garage. The door automatically opened up for her, as she approached it and the smell of blood and fuel filled the air around her. Fighting her stomach, she managed to hold off an embarrassing moment for herself as she went inside the larger room. Nothing were as she remembered it. APC’s were destroyed to pieces, either on their way out or on their parking spots. The ground was filled with bullet casings and bodies from both sides. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before she went down the stairs, heading towards the control room. A thought stroke into her mind, as she went past one of the bodies on the ground. She couldn’t walk out in a S0 uniform… Glaring over the bodies, she decided to take a woman, merely around her own height, with her inside the control room, stripping her off her clothes and her backpack. While she once more got out of her own suit, she glared around for something to cover up her eyes. Cursing over her own modifications while she sled into the female’s worn clothes, covering up her body and stuffed her uniform into the backpack. No way was she leaving without it. As she went back outside of the control room, a body of an old man caught her eyes. He had a pair of glasses on, covering his eyes. It wasn’t a standard uniform he was carrying, could she see. At least it wasn’t a citizen uniform. Slowly shrugging, she went over towards the body and knelt down to grab hold of the glasses, placing them on her own head to cover up her eyes. Possible this would do it. She got up once more, stepping over the bodies as she went towards the elevator. Hopefully it would work. She pressed the button in, while she stood up on the elevator, waiting for it to go up. Seconds after, a deep mechanical sound were audible, as the elevator starting moving upwards. Her heart rate started going faster as she got further and further up, expecting the worst. The garage entrance door was empty though. Heading forward, towards the doors to the garage, her expectations went further and further on, closing her eyes as her hand met the button to the door mechanism.

City part; 3'rd person view.

Shots were fired, small glimpse of the weapons barrels were visible as the bullets left them. The battle had sought down towards the beginning of P3. A small figure of a person, sliding out of a smaller gap in the Nexus garage doors would be seen, heading down the road, towards the embassy. It would seem to be in a haste as it disappeared into the shadows of the city tunnels. At the embassy, cheering citizens would be seen, flooding out of the building carrying weapons in their hands. The figure slowly makes its way out of the tunnel shadows and over the road, seeking towards the P3 entrance. A yell, coming from one of the citizens near the embassy is directed towards the figure, yet the person seems to waved off by the figure as it went inside of precinct three. A second yell is heard coming from the group, as what would appear to be a few males sprinting after the figure, closing in the distance to precinct three entrance quickly. Just as they turn around the corner to search for the figure, it would appear to be gone. Vanished into the air. Down below in the sewers, the figure would be seen sprinting through the water, gasping heavily for air as it makes its way through, towards the end of the sewers. Towards a new beginning or possible the end.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
-The ability to understand and collect information about Outlands anti-civil activity.
-Better survivability due to her suit.

-She might be considered a rogue unit.
-She’ll be in constant danger. Doubt anyone in Outlands will take kindly to a previous S0 unit.
-Weaponless. The only thing she have to protect herself is her damaged suit.
-Due to not having any kind of treatment, the bullets is still in her body and can therefore irritate or prevent some of her actions.
-She forgot her facemask in the nexus, leaving her without a HUD and nothing to cover up her head.
-Being used to UU food, she would find it hard to find anything to eat in Outlands.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Just spice up my own passive rp, to rp in a new way. Seeing it's an unsafe zone, in my own opinion, it'll be fun to RP 270 confused and slightly scared of her surroundings.
I’ve got no plans about going Rambo in outlands to kill everyone. More likely stay hidden and try to gain contact to the CCA again.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
Not really.

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
No, she isn’t a rogue unit. She’s still loyal, but due to her condition and the lack of technology she requires, she’s not able to regain connection to the CCA.
Of course you can say handheld radios could be used, but I’ve got my doubts that they have the range for such things. And as I know, due to my OTA experience, the OTA is using another frequency than the city one, so she won’t be able to contact them either, unless she gain the frequency in some impossible way.
On a sidenote; This is what glasses looks like.

Edit 1: Made a bit space between some of the 'blocks of text', to add some more 'eye candy' for people like "Made man". Added a single defect, pointed out in a navy color.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 12:16:56 PM by Challenge of death sex<3 »

Offline raged

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2013, 12:00:59 AM »
i honestly think the character won't last a week in outlands but i do have one question that's relevant to the CCA

if your aim is to "More likely stay hidden and try to gain contact to the CCA again." and in the event that you did succeed in contacting the CCA what's going to happen to the character? you quit leading section 4 and you were replaced, so it's not like you can get your position back unless something was to be negotiated by yourself and airbourne

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2013, 01:55:39 AM »
I don't see why regaining contact with the cca has to mean getting her position back. Regardless of being an S0 unit or not, she'd still be a member of the overall cca. So, I'm thinking getting back with them is probably better than wandering around with the possibility of getting shot. The one main thing I'd say comes into question is argumentation. I'm fairly certain 270 was augmented, and the lack of proper maintenance would have to come into play, no?

That aside, I do think that some good RP can come out of this, and I think that Challenge is capable of doing this correctly.

Current Characters:
Abdul Sadek - Unregistered citizen, currently near City 18.
Monica Halleway - A seemingly crazy woman roaming the plaza.

Former HL2RP-Characters:
Jennifer Hanson - Former trader now involved with the Lambda Movement in City 17.
'091' - A former rogue medical unit now on the Combine Homeworld. Or is she?
Michael 'Y' Eloriga - A wanted criminal located in City 17, frequently spotted on rooftops.

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2013, 02:23:28 AM »
i honestly think the character won't last a week in outlands but i do have one question that's relevant to the CCA

if your aim is to "More likely stay hidden and try to gain contact to the CCA again." and in the event that you did succeed in contacting the CCA what's going to happen to the character? you quit leading section 4 and you were replaced, so it's not like you can get your position back unless something was to be negotiated by yourself and airborne

I've got no intentions about regaining my ranks or positions I had, before I left for a couple of days. In my opinion, that wouldn't be fair, nor make sense for Airborne. I do not feel I'm trusted enough by people, which I would have to regain and earn my position back.
I won't just snap it out of Airborne's hands like a kid wanting the candy from his little brother.

I don't see why regaining contact with the cca has to mean getting her position back. Regardless of being an S0 unit or not, she'd still be a member of the overall cca. So, I'm thinking getting back with them is probably better than wandering around with the possibility of getting shot. The one main thing I'd say comes into question is argumentation. I'm fairly certain 270 was augmented, and the lack of proper maintenance would have to come into play, no?

That aside, I do think that some good RP can come out of this, and I think that Challenge is capable of doing this correctly.

Thank you of reminding me about that. Of course the augmentations will be hindered quite a lot, but as it was more like 25% of her arms / legs, which were metal, her eyes being slightly modified and some of her organs being replaced in her torso, there isn't much else. I would only see the metallic augmentations would require the maintain. I might be wrong though and offend tons of Support units, but Idk.

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2013, 10:32:36 AM »
I can't think of very many ways you could manage to contact the CCA again, other than running up to an OTA patrol in uniform and hoping they don't kill you and believe your story and transport you to C17.

If you want to run around the outlands and try to hide from everyone while wearing a CCA uniform and being weaponless, I don't really see any harm in that. In fact there's probably more of a risk of someone fucking up an actual rogue unit than Challenge fucking up a loyal one in the outlands with no weapons.

Sounds fine to me.

Edit: I fucked up so much grammar and shit, fixed lol. Regarding the stasis/augments comment by Dallas, its my general understanding that augments have to be recharged via stasis ever so often. They could probably be put to the test in extreme conditions where she could last maybe two weeks or a little more, as long as she didn't heavily exert herself very often. However, yes eventually those augments would probably run out of power and she'd basically be unable to move at all until she "died."
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 01:05:26 PM by Airborne1st »

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2013, 10:58:35 AM »
Maybe it's because I'm not seeing it but... augments kill you without stasis so you wouldn't last more than a few days.

**Insert poorly made signature with fire, lens flares and obnoxious text**

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2013, 04:43:34 PM »
Maybe it's because I'm not seeing it but... augments kill you without stasis so you wouldn't last more than a few days.

Please tell me where you devoloped my character and made her physical description.

She isn't a bloody machine, for god sake. She isn't needed to be powered.
Yes, she have a few mechanical objects in her. That doesn't mean she's a mechanical robot going; "Me robot, you human. I kill human. Primary objective; Seek, Destroy, Terminate."
This means, blood and flesh, mixed up with metal to harden it. A sort of way like "Wolverine."
Now, please don't go; "Omg, you can't reflex her in a movie." Bloody serious, look at Wolverine. His bones is titanium, he can grows claws from his hands by just looking like he's about to take a crap. Does he need a stasis pod to power him? Does he need batteries placed in his back? Is he a robot? No. He's a simple human being, being classified as a mutant due to the way he is / were MADE by scientists.

Where in the hell did this "Augmentated units can't survive without stasis pods" bullshit even come from? I've never seen it in any Support units reports, neither in any of the primary topics regarding augmentation.
Now, what is a Stasis pod even?
Oh well, Idk... Properly what its always been.

"A stasis chamber (also called a stasis unit, stasis pod, stasis tube, or bio-pod) is a coffin-shaped device used to preserve life in critically-injured or terminally-ill patients until their conditions can be stabilized in a fully-equipped medical facility."
"Stasis pods which do not cause complete stasis, but rather slow down the metabolic rate of the individual in the pod. They will still age, but at a significantly slower rate (around 1 year for every 200 years in stasis.)"

That is what I know what a Stasis pod is.

Back to 270. As I stated earlier, she isn't a robot. Some of her flesh and bones is just replaced with metal to make her more effective. I've never been a fan of the terminator style some old CmD / S0 units went after. Yes, she's mechanical. Oh well, if I'm a GRID unit why haven't  I installed a solar panel in her suit, to make her more effective so she would NEVER have to use a stasis pod?
I could just go do that, couldn't I? Or go ultra fucked up and use batteries from flashlights, even though there's not that much power in them. There's a lot of energy sources in outlands at the moment. It wouldn't be THAT hard to recharge them if that's the problem you guys have.

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2013, 05:17:09 PM »
You can't really compare X-Men to the CCA, it's two different universes, and the same with a stasis pod - that quote is from a Star Gate wiki.

I don't know if augmented units would need power because no one really ever wrote a 100% accurate guide that everyone used so no one can really argue any point of that. You say "Some of her flesh and bones is just replaced with metal" which would make it sound completely power-less but then at the same time you also say "it was more like 25% of her arms / legs, which were metal, her eyes being slightly modified and some of her organs being replaced in her torso, there isn't much else" which would make it sound like they would need to be powered some how, things don't just "work"

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2013, 05:25:23 PM »
 The thing I do not understand about your application is the paragraphs, they aren't organized properly and it's messy. When I read your backstory section, I lost my place on reading it a couple times. Also, it doesn't make sense that you had your organs placed in your torso? Also, stasis pods cannot be opened by themselves, it's mechanical and needs someone to open it for you, you wouldn't survive outside of it while undergoing medical attention.

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2013, 05:29:21 PM »
No, i can't compare X-men with the CCA. Please tell me where you have all our CCA knowledge from, not being made from the CG's own canon. We know utterly shit about the CCA, so we make it up to make it enjoyable.
Yes, one of the quotes is from the star gate wiki and? That is still what I know a stasis pod is. We're any stasis pods mentioned or seen in HL2? Except the stalker pods, I saw none. You cant really compare knowledge we've made up ourself to the real knowledge of the Metropolice force. Heck, we've even made up the entire CCA for ourself. 100 things in CG canon does not follow the real and so what? We dont care, yet we follow that basic background, because we've got nothing else to cuddle.

Yeah. I sort of have said some of it the wrong way and I apologies for that.
I mean what I said in the previous post regarding the augmentation. Regarding my organ replacement I was purely dumb. Nothing have been replaced, just moved.
I easily remember that RP, when I once were shot by a vortigaunt in the chest. For safety NOVA moved my heart to be centrally placed in my torso. Hence "replaced".

And I'm truly sorry that my backstory isn't eye candy. If you cared to read it though, it never just opened itself. The mechanics in the nexus system opened it up and stopped merely halfway. Due to an explosion,  the pod fell down, hit the ground and that sort of made it vibrate enough to shake it open, barely enough to crawl out from. Please look at it again and notice how I crawl out and not just lolwalks out of it.

Writing on IPad so there might be a few autocorrected words or some typos.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 05:34:26 PM by Challenge of death sex<3 »

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2013, 05:34:03 PM »
Just because we don't have a 100% valid source of canon doesn't mean peole can make their own canon up either

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2013, 05:37:11 PM »
Just because we don't have a 100% valid source of canon doesn't mean peole can make their own canon up either

Alright. People made up our canon, which you mean they can't? Let's all jump back to no ranks, no divisions, etc.

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2013, 06:16:07 PM »
Not all augmentations kill you without stasis. Take 01 augmentations for example. You don't need to go into stasis for those. There is nothing that requires any form of recharging or sustaining from that point onwards. If you don't go into stasis and get forced sleep, however, good luck getting your rest. As those augments higher all your senses, and unless you're extremely tired, I doubt you'd be able to get to sleep without proper neutralizing agents. That being said, if someone without those elevated senses and such goes into stasis, that's why they die. Because the neutralizing agent would just shut them down entirely, killing them.

As for the rest of her 'augments', I could see them requiring power or some kind of maintenence to fucntion properly. But it makes no sense to have augments that merely boost a unit like 270's strength be fatal. The more realistic outcome I'd see is them merely becoming ineffective, possibly hindering 270's abilities. But simply killing her? How would an augmented, maybe bionic, arm just kill you if you didn't get power? Again, if anything, it jsut wouldn't work right.

If you want to run around the outlands and try to hide from everyone while wearing a CCA uniform and being weaponless, I don't really see any harm in that. In fact there's probably more of a risk of someone fucking up an actual rogue unit than Challenge fucking up a loyal one in the outlands with no weapons.
Spoiler for Hiden:

Current Characters:
Abdul Sadek - Unregistered citizen, currently near City 18.
Monica Halleway - A seemingly crazy woman roaming the plaza.

Former HL2RP-Characters:
Jennifer Hanson - Former trader now involved with the Lambda Movement in City 17.
'091' - A former rogue medical unit now on the Combine Homeworld. Or is she?
Michael 'Y' Eloriga - A wanted criminal located in City 17, frequently spotted on rooftops.

Offline Mr. Pettit

Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2013, 09:50:31 PM »
I thought that augments worked like this: Nanites are injected into you. To keep up with your enhanced physical abilities, your organs are replaced with mechanical ones that one, weigh you down and two, need to be powered. If they're not powered you go into cardiac arrest and die. Correct me if I'm wrong but I've been told that countless times. People are always saying "I was slightly augmented hurr durr" It's either you are or you're not. And making it so 270 can be recharged I don't agree with. Because if It's so easy, then stasis would be scrapped and we would have done that years ago.

Along with that, those machines in your body are like the ones who keep a person's heart beating or like a person on a ventilator that needs it to breathe except they shove it in your chest. Those take more energy than what a battery or solar panel are going to produce.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 10:13:38 PM by Mr. Pettit »

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2013, 10:28:20 AM »
 So a stasis pod, that cannot be opened, but locks you in, no matter what. The stasis pod somehow fell from where it was, then you crawled out. Anyways, you're loyal to the Civil Protection, you get brainwashed then the augumentations.


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