Have you tried minimizing use of internet while you're playing? Have you tried minimizing downloads, etc.
Is it FPS lag or internet lagg?
Open your processes and exit anything you aren't using, and by anything, I mean everything- even explorer.exe. Just the "New Task" button to navigate. Make sure nobody in your house is installing anything big, and make sure you yourself aren't installing anything big.
New task -> explorer.exeWhy are everyone so dumb..You can only close it with task manager so you make a new task from it you derp.(inb4 you can use VBS+BAT+CMDLINE in general + a fuckton of shit. The only logical way to do it is task manager)
Quote from: {RoFL}Ducky on November 18, 2011, 10:36:44 PMOpen your processes and exit anything you aren't using, and by anything, I mean everything- even explorer.exe. Just the "New Task" button to navigate. Make sure nobody in your house is installing anything big, and make sure you yourself aren't installing anything big.holy fuck, closing explorer.exe will force you to reboot your computer cause you dont have any choice... worst trolling attempt ever ..Try to mess around with the RAM. Plug it out, wait 1 minute, then plug it in again.. not sure if working (inb4 youre retarted..)
Hello, as a random act of kindness of whom ever googles vista wireless lag spike I will tell you how to fix it here as it took me awhile to find out.Thanks to the genius of Microsoft, Windows Vista has a feature built into it that looks for another network to connect to that is more preferred than the one you are currently on. This feature runs every 60 seconds causing massive lag spikes as your computer runs a scan for other networks. Thankfully this is only a feature in vista and not XP or Windows 7. Currently the only work around I found in order to get this scan to stop was by going to: Start(windows button) > Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center > Manage Wireless networks (on the left side) > then right click on your Networks Name (SSID) and go to properties. Once in properties you would then turn off "Connect to a more preferred network if available". Then you would open up the command prompt and type in "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k netsh wlan set autoconfig enabled=no interface="Wireless Network Connection 1" to turn off the scan and : C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k netsh wlan set autoconfig enabled=yes interface="Wireless Network Connection 1" to turn on the scan. I would like to note here that where I have "Wireless Network Connection 1" this would be the name of your OWN wireless connection. Turning it off allows you to go lag spike free for gaming or pinging or whatever else you need your connection to do.
There is no such wireless interface on the system.