Author Topic: <::||EpU.234's Private Logs||::>  (Read 13348 times)

Offline .:KFrohman:.

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Re: <::||02.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #15 on: November 21, 2011, 06:33:16 PM »
UNIT: 234

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New File Opened: msg.0000008
Send To: Self, CCA.C45-UNION-EpU.713X
Subject: I'm concerned.

<::|| Things are about to change... badly. I and 713 had a classified meeting in HCMR earlier today... I don't think I've ever felt so confused in my life. As it stands, My mentor, My friend, 713, is facing a possible OWR because of a confrontation with Acting Officer 570. I do not know the specifics, but I am aware that the offence is worth 3 black marks, which, if I am not mistaken, is grounds for immediate OWR. The SeC wants to talk to him, so I KNOW that this is the end for 713. I am left feeling sad, angry, confused. I don't know what to feel. 713 reassured me, handing me a letter, which I read after our meeting. I shall not disclose its' contents, however, I have reason to believe that even after 713 is deserviced, he would have put many things in place, particularly for the future.

Speaking of 713, I can see he expects much of me - His atitudes as of late have allowed me to be more commanding; taking leads during sweeps, even issuing orders to higher ranked units than myself. Maybe he's trying to re-assure himself that he's placed enough information, and had enough of an impact on me, to know that when he goes, all is not lost. I share that same vision. On the off chance he isn't OWR'd, that doesn't change my outlook. I want to do my mentor proud.

So far, he has passed onto me his trusty titanium blade, custom black and red armbands with gold embroidery, his SISP and another object, of which I shall not disclose.

This message is to myself, and to 713.
713, I want to personally thank you for being there.. For giving me these perks.. For tutoring me, teaching, training me into the good unit I am. For covering my back... It pains me to realise this can be undone just like that. On your passing, I shall arrange a favour with GRID, to perform something to my weapons. You will always be remembered, 713. ||::>

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Re: <::||02.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #16 on: November 21, 2011, 10:45:33 PM »
UNIT: 234

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New File Opened: msg.0000009
Send To: Self, CCA.C45-UNION-EpU.713X
Subject: Exogens, Necrotics

<::|| I've decided that all future logs I make, until 713 gets deserviced, I shall share with him, even if he may be in stasis.
I think today was a good day, to be honest. I felt that I and 713 spent a lot of time bonding. Nothing untoward, we see each other as equals.. Well, I hope so at least. It felt.. weird... knowing that someone who's been taking care of you during rough times is about to go. I'm just going to have to learn how to cope..

Later this day, I was communicating with OfC 570 about my training - I had yet to complete phase C, which is Intermediate Command. I sought some clarifications. Got them, then the entire nexus' power went out. This left me and 570 stranded, in the HCMR, with our only light source being our flashlights. The doors couldn't open, and the floor control panel was too high for either of us. What made it worse was an apparent screeching sound. It took a while to register, but then I realsed, the screeches were the sound of Exogen. Being the units stuck in the lowest levels of the nexus, we were at high risk. Both I and 570 got the sitrep of all other units, the only available GRID unit who could reach the power controls was an 02.. 318X I think. While I had absolutely NO authority to boss them around, boss them around I did. I directed them to get to the power center, but nope. They decided it would be smart to go to the GRID MoC, one floor above. Despite repeated attempts to get them to the right area, it seemed they refused to budge. Selfish... I would put an expletive here, but I shall refrain.

I heard another set of screeches, this time, they sounded like they were coming from S2, which happened to be the wall that 570 was near. I told him to stay away from it, which he did. Finally, GRID got to the power control, enabling Level 2 power, which, as far as I can tell, engages City control, Doors, elevators and main lighting. From there, I and 570 made our way up to the lobby, where we decided, along with 04.717, to perform a sweep of Sector 1 & 2 at my discretion.  - I found this a brilliant method of testing my intermediate command abilities - Directing other units, including those ranked higher than me when nessessary.

We had a hurdle to overcome first, though. Outside the main nexus door, were no fewer than 5 standard exogen subjects. I and 570 rapidly killed them, bar one, which made a break for the nexus. Not on my watch. I, 570 and 717 briefly swept Sector 1, checking dark areas and corners. I made my way counter clockwise around the main monument, regrouping with the others at S2HAP... well, the theory at least. 717, who seems to have a bad case of the brave, (and dumb), rushed off into S2 ahead of both me and 570, almost getting hit by an exogen in the process. After retrieving the unit, we briefed about RoE, before setting off into S2. Surprisingly, compared to last time, there was a low amount of exogen. This changed when we got to the sewers.

I must say, 717 had a strange knack of opening the doors to the sewers.. 570, Who has been on sewer sweeps before, didn't know how to open it, yet this 04 unit, 717, somehow managed it. Baffling. Might add, they did it while both 570 and I were unprepared, which meant I got attacked by an exogen. I promptly yelled at him.

The entire sewer system was full of necrotics - not a single exogen located down there. There were some... odd ones.. down there too.. Ones which had hardly any muscle, let flew at you as if they were stupidly built... then there were the overwatch ones... yeah, that's right. Overwatch Necrotics. None of us had ever seen such a thing before. I was unsure as to what to do with it. It looked like it was overcome with Necrotic Infection, but this is, or was, an Overwatch unit we're dealing with... It felt wrong. Under 570's guidance, I reluctantly killed it.

After we killed it, we mutually agreed to make the High Command/CmD/SeC aware of this, and pressed on. Necrotics came at irregular intervals, some even from our 6. We had to keep on guard. Eventually, we got to the Diordna Sub Tunnel and storage room. In the storage room, there were these.. things... hanging from the ceiling.. They were brown, and had what looked like a long green.. tongue? We would have proceeded otherwise, except there was one right outside the pipe.. Not good.

We held, observing necrotics being caught in the tongues of these things, being pulled up and then being spat downwards, before the thing  decided to.. barf.
Well, that's what it looked like, at least. After they barf, they appear to die, the tongue shrivelling and no longer latching to anything. This happened to all except the one directly in front, so we had to fall back to throwing objects, including a spare flash grenade. Eventually, it latched, giving us a window to run out and kill it.

We turned the corner, noting more dead necrotics. There was another Overwatch necrotic, and another one I had never seen before. It had its' entire upper half laid bare and explodes, bloody and purple-ish, while attached to it were what I call sub-necrotics - The things that attach to subjects' heads. These weren't normal ones though. There were about 3-4 of them on the necrotics' back, one on their head, all black with slight hairs. They were all dead.

We swept through Diordna, clearing it and the plaza again, before returning to the nexus for a Debrief. It was only when I entered the HCMR that I realised I sustained an injury to my right hand - My palm to be exact. I got a laceration to my palm, about 3" across, no more than 4mm deep. I clenched my fist, stemming the bloodflow during the debrief until I got to the Medical wing, where I was swiftly seen to and healed.

During the debrief, Officer 570, who was my team lead during the entire situation, applauded my use of commands, ensuring the safety of my fellow units. More on him later.

Thus, that sums up my second Exogen and Necrotic Breach. ||::>

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« Last Edit: November 22, 2011, 08:16:54 PM by .:KFrohman:. »

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Re: <::||02.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2011, 08:33:20 PM »
UNIT: 234

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New File Opened: msg.0000010
Send To: Self, CCA.C45-UNION-EpU.713X
Subject: A meeting with Officer 570

<::|| Officer 570 called me into the HCMR today, shortly after training 04.700 how to use the treatment facility, including a citizen to use it on. Fun.
Anyway, once down there, we had a lengthy discussion about our division, UNION, and the future. It was at this point, that 570 laid two important pieces of information at me. The first one was that, prior to his promotion to Acting Officer, he had planned to speak to 522, our DvL, about transferring to NOVA. It just so happened, at that time, 522 had him as Acting Officer of UNION, replacing 713 for what was initially going to be a week, but we all know what happened there.

The second bit of information, was that, when his time period is up, a replacement Officer is required. I pondered why he was stating the obvious, but he then told me that, with everything accounted for, I was supposedly next in line. This came as quite a shock, and I tried to reason with 570. I mean, It's good to know you're being considered, it means you're doing well, but I've only been an 02 for.. 4-5 days.. I've not even had any 01 training for that matter. I checked the UNION roster, and sure enough, there's two 01 units and an EpU, all, if you discount activity and contributions to the Universal Union, are otherwise ahead of me in the line.

570 understood where I was coming from, and was quick to point out their flaws. The EpU very rarely comes onto active duty, and the two 01's have not made any recent contributions to the UU. In terms of skill and abilities, 570 reckons, and I'm sure that 713 will agree with him in this, that aside from High command, I am the Division of UNION's best unit. I don't believe in blowing my own trumpet, so I keep a modest approach, thanking him for the kind words.

We shifted our discussion to our DvL, 522. I stated that I fear him, and that I wondered if this was... normal. 570 says he isn't scared, because according to him, the only difference between me and 522 is the rank. Everything else, I am supposedly better than 522 at. I know that High Command can, at their own choice, read these messages, so here's a message to 522: I do NOT want to take your place.

After some thought, I figured that I may be fearful of 522 because he can, at his own whim, Capitally Relocate me for any reason he may see fit. I am unsure as to what lengths 522 is aware of the communications I may have with 713, but, if he feels I may be an unfit unit, then I can kiss my hard-fought and hard-earned rank and time in the union goodbye.

I want to leave this to 713. If I do get made into an OfC, I will follow in your trail. I know that is what you want from me, even if you never said it to me directly.

This is 02.234, Signing off.||::>

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Re: <::||02.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #18 on: November 23, 2011, 01:35:42 AM »
UNIT: 234

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Send To: Self, CCA.C45-UNION-EpU.713X
Subject: 203's Emotions, 713's paper.

<::|| As I was leaving the Nexus earlier, I saw that a citizen had tripped outside, hurting their jaw. I ignored it, moving to deal with another citizen a short distance away. Shortly after, however, I heard 203 show some concern towards the citizen. I stopped what I was doing and faced him, questioning him about it. He claims he was having an "off night", even though it was only 2 minutes part 3 in the afternoon. I swiftly gave him a demonstration of my thoughts on the citizens' injury, being observed by at least 2 other units and a couple of citizens, one trying to convince me not to.

I grabbed the female by the arm, holding her tightly. As I raised my baton high, the female raised her left hand, whimpering out a "No". I then proceeded to joke with her about it, giving a sense of fear and hopelessness. I smashed her in the jaw 3 times, each blow harder than the last. After that, I holstered by baton, released the citizen and turned to 203, stating that I hoped that may have taught a lesson or two. I then resumed patrol.

20 minutes later, I came across what appeared to be a drawing, pinned to a tree. If it was any other drawing, I would have dismissed it, however, this was a monochromatic drawing of 713, in his Officer attire. Underneath, in handwritten text, bear the words "Ad Memorium... 713". This struck me as concerning. What initially came to mind was how did a citizen gain access to the conversations between units, how did they access our logs and how did they know of the situation? I asked the other two units with me who did this, to which one of them pointed to a female near the RDT - The same one I dealt with earlier. I ordered her to be detained immediately, and the two units left me at the tree.

Knowing I was alone, I sighed, wondering what 713 could have done. I took the paper into my satchel, and followed up on the citizens' detainment.
It was at this time that OfC 570 came out of stasis, moving to 10-8. I requested his presence in detainment, while I got the other units to vacate and return to patrol. Knowing that 570 feels the same way as I do about 713, I knew he was the one I could call on to help. I briefed him the situation, handing him the paper. After a brief bit of interrogation, we determined that the citizen had not drawn anything on the paper, and that she merely found it lying around near the tree. After that, 570 took me to HCMR.

There, he briefed me, saying he has no reason to suspect the citizen isn't being 100% truthful. He also believes that 713 may be responsible. I can see why, but I don't understand why 713 would leave this in the street. Maybe leaving it with me and 570, sure, but where citizens can look at it? Looking back, I feel.. hurt. Hurt that 713 could have done this; leaving hints out in plain daylight about private and confidential matters.. Please don't let this be the case, 713.. I thought I could trust you.

Moving on, 570 wanted me to interrogate the citizen further, but without force. I complied, and set to work. From the second interrogation, I learnt that the citizen doesn't recognise the figure on the paper at all, aside from looking like a Civil Authority unit, and that she thought that the text made the paper some form of Pro-UU Propaganda. To add, The numbers 7, 1 and 3, in that order, do not cause any recollections to that citizen. Once I gathered this information, I requested an 11-98 with 570, not giving the information directly over radio as I believed it pertains to something that both I and 570 wish to keep to ourselves. Once I briefed 570, he reminded me that the citizen is to stay in holding until 713 returns from stasis. I relayed that to the citizen, who seemed okay with it, then I moved to 10-7. ||::>

<::|| P.S. I have attached a scan of the image to this log entry. It gives me some respite. ||::>

Click to see the original size.

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Re: <::||02.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #19 on: November 23, 2011, 02:03:27 AM »
UNIT: 713

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New File Opened: msg.02995
Send To: C45.CCA.UNION-02.234
Subject: Logs.
Attachment: AudioFile003.ucaf

Playing audio attachment:
<::|| Congratulations on your talk with 570, can't personally think of anyone more deserving for the job.
I don't go outside anymore unit, I only leave my stasis chamber when I get a stasis message, which is increasing in frequency. Regardless, I don't even have the ability to draw. Haha. ||::>

Transmission ending.

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« Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 02:47:22 AM by Lrn2Kiwiee.mkv »
"If you're having girl problems, I feel bad for you son.
I've got 99 problems, but a bitch ain't one."

"Have a great evening, sorry, maple syrup, eh, moose, and ice hockey to you!"

"Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna' be my year."

Offline .:KFrohman:.

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Re: <::||02.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #20 on: December 02, 2011, 10:27:40 PM »
UNIT: 234

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New File Opened: msg.0000012
Send To: Self
Subject: 713 has gone.

<::|| I write this from the comfort of a medical wing bed. More on why I'm here later.
Earlier today, My mentor and friend, 713, was dishonourably deserviced. I am angry. I am sad. Hurt. I feel betrayed.
I was made aware that 713 was in the dreaded meeting, Him, Sector command, 522 and 813. I was expecting the worst, however, I see him patrolling not long after. I knew something was up. They didn't patrol with me, they didn't make friendly gestures. The only time we talked, was when we stopped in the street. I talked like I normally do, but his tone..
He talked to me like he does any other unit.. They wiped his memory of me. I tried to continue on, and managed for about 5 minutes until he and two GRID units were called to HCMR by 522. I didn't know why at the time, and just assumed all was good. That was until 713 called out for injury.

Upon asking their 10-20, I heard their response, a gunshot, then static. I ran down to the HCMR. Prior to my arrival, 570 instructed me to stay away. He is an 04. I do not take orders from 04's. As I entered, the horrifying sight lay before me. 713 was dead, on the ground. 522 had his AR2 pointed at me, telling me to get out. I was in a mix of emotion right now. Do I stay and risk being amputated, or do I leave?

I left. Thinking back, I wish I had gone in there with my SMG. I wanted answers, and I still do. I demand a private meeting with 522. I am sure I am not alone in this. 713 was held with high regard to multiple units across a range of ranks.

I moved up to the upper lobby, and sat, briefly, holding my head in my hands. I heard activity from, below. Dragging. It was 570, under orders of 522 to incinerate the body. I could not let that happen. After a brief word, I took 713's body and rushed him up to the NOVA Medical wing. The chances were slim of survival, and even if he was not his usual self, I still hold him in high regard. The course of history against present events will not deter me.

I left him in the medical wing with two high ranked NOVA units, whose digits I cannot remember. I entrusted them to look after my mentor. Before I left, I took the blade that 713 had from his clip, and attached it directly to mine. It serves as a reminder. While I am unsure of his fate at current, I know full well that I did what I had to.

713 will always be within my mind and my heart. I don't care if we are not supposed to have emotions. My emotions are only slightly suppressed, preventing extremes.

Now, to the reason why I post this from the medical bay. While chasing a citizen earlier who was being MAJORLY malcompliant, Another unit fired off a few rounds. Unfortunately, I got caught in them. Hit in the back, twice. I was stretchered in, then seen to by NOVA 147 and 211. I must thank them at some point. I don't know who shot me, but, I'm near completion. I just need to sort out replacement armour.||::>

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« Last Edit: December 05, 2011, 12:15:26 AM by .:KFrohman:. »

Offline Lord Bravery

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Re: <::||02.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #21 on: December 02, 2011, 10:45:22 PM »
// oh god...

Offline Adam S

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Re: <::||02.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #22 on: December 02, 2011, 10:55:40 PM »
//Dont we all love Abbotts way of RPing? /sarcasm

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Re: <::||02.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #23 on: December 03, 2011, 02:42:31 AM »
UNIT: 182

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Send To: [234]
Subject: []

<::|| 234, you are to see me asap, I will provide you with replacement armour, and along with that, some training. I also need to speak to you about something. ||::>

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Re: <::||02.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #24 on: December 03, 2011, 04:05:29 AM »
UNIT: 234

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New File Opened: msg.0000013
Send To: C45.CCA.APEX-OfC.182
Subject: RE: 713 has gone.

<::|| Message received. I will be around at various points today. I shall assume likewise of you. ||::>

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Re: <::||01.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #25 on: December 05, 2011, 12:15:46 AM »
// Updated previous log entry to fit with new story arc.

Offline .:KFrohman:.

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Re: <::||01.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #26 on: December 05, 2011, 06:13:16 PM »
UNIT: 234

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New File Opened: msg.0000014
Send To: Self
Subject: I think I saved 713...

<::|| Or at least contributed to it. I didn't expect it at first, but 713 was out and doing standard directives yesterday. This was surprising, but since he wasn't the same unit as before, my feelings were very muted, especially after that confrontation. I don't know if 713 is even aware of my part in saving his life, but, to be quite honest, I don't think much of it.

A short while ago, 713 asked me to go to the armoury. Unsure why, I went anyway, when he greeted me at the bottom of the elevator shaft. He quizzed me on why I had his blade, which was unexpected. Knowing of the complexities of everything, I simply said that it would be best explained in a more private manner. Understanding, they asked to give a stasis message, which I shall write soon.

I was tasked to outfit a fresh recruit, along with the possibility of training, however I only got as far as outfitting due to an unplanned emergency stasis //i.e. The server shat a massive dick and crashed.||::>

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UNIT: 234

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New File Opened: msg.0000015
Send To: Self, C45.CCA.UNIFORM-OfC.713
Subject: Previous Logs.

<::|| Per your request, sir. Attached are links to previous logs that I have sent to you. You may choose to read them before or after this.
The reason I had your knife..? It goes back a bit and is rather complicated. Let me compress it.

Prior to a thing that happened with you, you regarded me as your best unit. You were proud of me. You saw a lot of you inside me. Eventually, due to events and various happenings, you, at a guess, had a brain remapping, seemingly wiping all memories of me from you. I just became another 02 or an 01. Another set of digits. It didn't mean anything. This didn't change my regard for you, only the way I acted.

You were in HCMR with your DvL, 522. You called friendly fire. I rushed down. I found you lying on the ground, apparently dead. Confused and angry, I moved to the lobby. Shortly after, I found 570 dragging your body to the furnace. I stopped him and proceeded to drag you to the NOVA Medical ward. A unit with such history should not be laid to waste just as. I will not let that happen. It was at this point that I took not only your blade, but your award emblems. I kept them as a token of reminder. A reminder of you, just in case you didn't make it.

I can only hope I have explained this well enough. More information can be found in the attached log links. ||::>


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« Last Edit: December 05, 2011, 06:32:21 PM by .:KFrohman:. »

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Re: <::||01.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #27 on: December 05, 2011, 06:28:55 PM »
//i.e. The server shat a massive dick and crashed.||::>
Why must my jokes not be this funny?

Offline .:KFrohman:.

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Re: <::||01.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #28 on: December 12, 2011, 06:58:48 PM »
UNIT: 234

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New File Opened: msg.0000016
Send To: Self
Subject: Injustice.

<::|| I am mad. Furious, even. I have been taking it out on citizens as of late, but now, the rage has spread to units. 713 is dead, I saw the commander kill him. All while 522 is left not dealt with. He attempted an illegitimate amputation on 713 last week, NOTHING has been done. I want answers, and I want them NOW!

Spreading the news has been tough. 182 was the first unit I told it to. He remained relatively quiet after I mentioned the news, seeming quite deep in thought. I knew that inside that head of his, he was hurt. Broken. Confused. I haven't seen or spoken to him since. 570 was a bit less affected, but shared the sadness.

I'm yet to tell 158, however.. He's not in the best of frames right now. EpU 935 deserviced them-self. 158 was left broken. I need to tell 158, but I don't know how he'll feel and react. 882, A friend and a unit that 713 cared a lot for. Confused, angry, wanting answers. Like me, but not to the extremes. Within the last week, we have lost DvL 813 and OfC 713, while 882, 182 and probably 158 will be impaired from the news, all because of 522's injustice. This needs to be fixed.||::>

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Offline Lord Bravery

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Re: <::||01.234's Private Logs||::>
« Reply #29 on: December 12, 2011, 08:09:37 PM »
// 882 is a massive sad


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