Author Topic: HL2RP Authorizations Applications [TEMPORARY]  (Read 66939 times)

Offline Nicknero

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #60 on: September 07, 2011, 11:46:24 AM »
As I am to busy with other things, Any other HL2RP SA are now able to answer these applications.
Check out my Youtube channel with all kinds of cool videos including LP's which I'm currently working at. Don't forget to give feedback as well. ;)

Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #61 on: September 09, 2011, 07:49:45 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: The Mighty cookiemonstur
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): About four years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Almost two months ago, started on CG HL2RP.

Character Section

Authorization(s): Vortigaunt Refugee.

Name:  Val’Nok Rotuk
Age: 114
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Vortigaunt Refugee

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Back in the year 2004 (I’m using this year as just a general year for the black mesa incident), well, 2004 in human years, the infamous, “Black Mesa Incident” occurred. Many slaves of the Nihilanth were sent through the portal that was created that day. One of these slaves was Val’Nok Rotuk. Identified as X-1256 during the invasion, he was sent as fodder for the other slaves. The reason being his vortessence powers were much weaker than those of the other slaves. He could just barely make a spark, and his communication through it was weak. However, he was of a larger size than most vortigaunts, measuring in at 6’9” in human measurements, and had larger arms and legs. He was able to perform much better than most vortigaunts physically, having strength rivaling an earth creature called a, “bear”. His endurance was also incredible for a vortigaunt. It seems as something had given him this to make up for his extremely weak connection with the vortessence. However, not having the powers of the other slaves, he was seen as near useless, and thrown in the way of bullets that were meant for other slaves. At the end of the night, he was beaten and bloody, yet still alive, unlike many of the slaves around him. With Nihilanth dead, there was nothing controlling him. Yet, he had no where he belonged.
   Fast forward to the human year 2015. Val’Nok is living in the wastelands that were ravaged by the portal storms. Living the life of a nomad for eleven years, Val’Nok wished to see the face of any sentient creature. What he saw instead was the fleet of “Combine” attacking the Earth. Val’Nok was eventually captured by the Combine, and forced into slavery, just as he had been eleven years ago. He was still disturbed by that night at Black Mesa, and slavery just forced this more. The unit watching over him wasn’t aware of this vortigaunt’s strength, and was unaware that he was still alive for hours after that. Val’Nok easily sweeped the unit off of his feet, and knocked him out, rushing away from the plaza and into “District Two”. In this place, he was at a dilemma. He heard the units being called in from every post, and he knew that he couldn’t stay alive there forever. Searching for a  way out, he saw a sewer system, the lid on the ground, the hole open. Knowing it was the only way, he climbed down, and placed the lid back on. He walked for a long time, in the only direction he could. Eventually, the sewer let out into a larger room, which let out into fresh air. “At last, I have found peace. I may not have that which my brethren do, however I still have one that they do not, and that is freedom.” At last, he ripped the shackles off of his body, and set out, trying to find his place int he world.
What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
+ The ability to speak in the Vort language.
+ Extreme strength, not as strong as an Elite Overwatch unit (KING), but as strong as an Overwatch Soldier.
-Does not have the ability to use the vortessence, including communication and offensive uses.
-Always being searched for by the OTA.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to rp as an unusual vort, being able to surprise refugees with my raw strength. I plan on helping those that I can, as any vortigant refugee would do, yet in a different way. All in all, I would be there to not only enjoy rp myself, but enhance the RP of others.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Extra Notes (optional):

Accepted for trail. If anyone witnesses unsatisfactory roleplay, contact Nicknero1405, RoflWaffle or RTLK. Be sure to provide console logs.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 05:12:12 PM by SaoulZod »
Kathryn Williams
Now in the trading business with Angus Buchanan.
Val'Nok Rotuk
Lost in the canals.
Ember Olliver (Tier-3)
Enjoying her new CWU Winter Coat.
Look at my dress, my dress is amazing.
Does anyone else taste metal and see red?

Offline Wasp

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #62 on: September 12, 2011, 01:38:55 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Wasp
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game):Five years, ever been on DarkRP
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?:Five years

Character Section

Authorization(s):To turn an abandoned warehouse in the outlands into a fully functional medical clinic.

Name:Kira Salander
Age:Twenty three
Affiliation:Anti-citizen/refugee. Doctor

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.When she was in the resistance in the city, she was acquired position of doctor. Durning her time in city forty five, she greatly enjoyed her position, she had neaver a shortage of people to look after. This position lasted untill the whole resistance was murdered by a trap set up by the Union. She was the only suvivor she managed to escape. This led her drive to help more people. She fled to city eighteen, not long after that she joined thier resistance and became the doctor yet again. This however was more shot lived as she had a plan to go to the outlands to set up a clinic. She managed to escape to the city outskirts and escaped through the old canals. Arriving in the outlands she found a warehouse, frome here she decided she woulld set up her clinic.In the outlands she decided that her main goal was not to stay alive; but to help others stay alive. Because of this, she decided to set up a basic clinic in an abandoned warehouse.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?Nothing because of this. But she is a doctor so she has very good medical knowledge and practice.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?Use this auth to be able to help more people than I already am.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))No, there will be members of this group, that I will be able to add ICly. But to start off Scott McKenna ( Ghost)

Extra Notes (optional):Yes, this clinic ( Citizens United as  it’s official name) is already in existence, however, I would like it to be an official group. This clinic gets a large player base. Most of the server or a good number. Being an official group would mean more RP experiences for everyone and a good place for people to gather. It will also allow me to RP what I love; Medical RP ?

Denied - While we encourage everybody to form a resistance group you can not apply for a already existing group to become offical.


-Applications to make an already created group official will be declined.

« Last Edit: September 16, 2011, 10:53:34 AM by Monkey with a gun »

Offline wag1

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #63 on: September 16, 2011, 06:33:21 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Thunderbluff
Age: 14 years old going on 15.
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): I role-played on WoW for about 4 years before this. Then about 5 or so years of GMOD SeriousRP
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: About a few years now.

Character Section

College Degree in Physics and a slight knoweledge of an electrician.
Daniel Tearsman
Age: 24

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Daniel, the son of Dante Tearsman. He was born and raised in Russia, where he learned his ways of life. Daniel had no sad story, or eventfull life, only one that was washed up on shore. He was born onto a farm life where he spent most of his time as a kid helping his parents with anything they needed. Growing up he was taught the strict ways to live, going by what ever his parents said or showed him. He followed one rule his father told him, "Do not go about life making hoping riches and wealth, go about finding your strengths". The boy learned how to defend himself as a child, his father teaching him how to shoot a gun, and how to stand up for himself with his fist. This gave Daniel strenghts he needed, the strengths he used. The boy trained with his father everyday he woke up, his father would get him for the next day and proceed with  new training techniques on him everyday. Daniel's father was his major role model, he mimiced his father in almost everything he did, he made sure that his standards would suit his father, and make sure that nothing whent wrong, and everything he did would please his father, Dante. Growing up on the farm, his family could not tend for the whole thing on a farmers pay check, so Dante knowing how to shoot a gun and basic medical, went to war while Daniel and his mother we're staying at the farm. This made life somewhat harder for Daniel, he had to deal with going to school everyday, and watching other children play with there fathers. It was a pain he had to endure almost everyday. When the teachers asked about his father or where he was, he told them that he was taken away, not knowing where he really was. For years he was wondering where his father was, why he never came home. But it all came to his very on doorstep one day. The green jeep pulled up infront of the farmhouse. Two men suited in military fashioned uniforms came up and approached the door and knocked. The mother responded. The men informed the mother that Dante was lost in war, after his plane was knocked out of the sky and into the atlantic ocean. For weeks she had yet to tell Daniel what happened to Dante. She was saddened and went into depression. Nothing could cheer her up, only to see Dante. Daniel knew something was going on, and he observed her day after day. As a son, he could tell she was in pain, and again, as a son, he wanted to fix it. His mother was in the most dire states of all. Daniel could also feel this pain. Almost a month passed since she was informed of the loss, when suddenly a car pulled up. Daniel heard the car pull up as did his mother from the basement. Laughter came abrupt from the veichle as this time, three military suited men came up to the door. And this time, instead of knocking, one pulled out a key from his pocket and opened the door. His mom was blank for a moment, but then realized who the man was. When Dante was shot out of the sky, he was stranded for several days. Pushed into the jungle by the japanese millitary, he was forced to survive off anything he could. Anything he could find would aid his survival, when finaly millitary found them and brought them to safety months later. This was a time where everyone in the family could rejoice, Daniel as happy as can be, showing off his father, telling everyone of his fathers return. No day was misserable for Daniel again. During the events of his father coming home, his father took up drinking in a harsh way. Soon Dante began drinking more and more. He became abusive to his wife and son. His mother felt even more pain this time, since she was losing him infront of her eyes. She knew that the relationship could not last any longer, and something had to be done. Daniel no longer saw who his father used to be, but what he is now. He knew that his father and his mother we're bound to split soon enough, he no longer knew the same father he used to have. These we're once again dark times for Daniel, and his mother. Nothing was the way it used to be, and would never be the same again. Some things felt like they just went down the gutter. It was a horrid feeling, so much gone to waste. It was almost like a huge pause in Daniel life. This would be something he would never forget, ever. His mother took the hit hard, especially when it actually took full impact. One day, Daniel's  father wen't out drinking for quite some time. His mother was left at home with Daniel. Both siting at home infront of the television awaiting the arrival of Dante. Later on that night Dante arrived drunk, with to prostitutes. His mother, screamed in shock and dissapointment took Daniel to her car as they drove off. Dante was too intoxicated to understand what has just happened, even if we wasn't he still wouldn't care. He had lost his family now, and he would never get it back.Daniel, now living somewhere in Europe, went to highschool. As being grandson of an inventor, he was an inteligent boy, but, as son of a drunk, he had lots of temptation. Daniel kept himself clean, finding himself getting great grades, pleasing his mother, living the life they never had. His mom came to be quite wealthy, as she could find a decent job, and had the money of a second person via child support from her ex-husband. Even as a drunk they could still drain his money from his bank, and even when he had none left, he would just get further drowned in debt. Passing flawlessly through life Daniel found himself a job at a mechanical store, and seeked a greater career in mechanics. Rewiring old TVs or fixing someones kitchen appliances, it made him happy. Soon enough he was already working on custom electrionics. Mechanics was definitley his passion, growing more and more interested by the second. But, soon enough the temptation took the first strike. After finishing highschool he took the role to get a college degree in physics. Daniel had lived a very nice life until what happened to his father. He wasn't going to let that happen to him again. So, he worked for hours each day, swearing on his own life that he would make his mother proud. Forcing himself to keep working EVERY day and EVERY hour. His brain would become numb from all this knoweledge that would soon become of use. Moving along everyday, he became happy in his life. He knew that after this he wanted to become a professor. He was handsome and once again had a very great life going for him. He knew where his life was going and could see through it like a crystal. All the fun they had in college was unforgettable... Besides the brain numbing work. But once college finished he faced a challenge he didn't know was there. He was at the end of his road, same road of his father. He finaly got a job as a professor, working as the lab technician and temporary understudy to see how he worked. And so his mother held some celebration for him. This was the first time he took a sip of alcahol, and this wasn't the last. He later grew more and more desiring of this type of beverage.  Daniel soon became an alchaholic. Losing his life while everything he knew sifted through his hands. Everything he once had was gone. And it was the end of his life. Although, later that year his mom had died of breast cancer. The news had hit him hard. This causing him to despare for his mother. Before he could become completely sober the, something else happened. Something bigger then him and the entire world. A supernatural force that made the armies all over the world look like kids with water guns. All the sudden, these storms had started to occur all over the globe. No one knew what they we're. It went on for days, until something hit them hard. Unknown creatures began to invade our planet using these... "Storms". One after another these animals shot out of those storms like a bull and a red carpet. Thousands of casualties wasn't all though. After that the humans of planet earth we're hit with something worse. Some millitary like men also shot out... But this time with elegance. Men in what looked to be alien armor picked off our forces within seven hours. After that, no one wanted to mess with them. It seems that these we're aliens. But no one knew why. The world had been in shock. Sent into a shelter, Daniel spent a few weeks hiding. They waited for these men to eventually find them. Using some sort of gas, he was knocked out, and sent aboard a train. Waking up he was already undressed then redressed. Wearing some sort of apparel it was not long before the train had come to an abrupt halt. Looking outside, Daniel could see some sort of large, alien bug. To the combine it was known only as a drop ship. Daniel could not tell what this figure was doing until... Well... It started getting uncomfortably close to him. Then it started spiraling out of control into the train. Daniel was placed at the back of the train before what seemed to be a cargo hull. The train cart in front of him was knocked of the track, leaving his to fall off the track, falling deep beneath a water bed. While  in the train slowly drowning, Daniel managed to swim out to where the train had been ripped open. Running out of breath he saw that some sort of helicopter above him was looking at the train. He went back under water thinking, then he saw a sewage tunnel. Swiming to it, the helicopter was still hovering above him. The sewage rout was half in and half out of land, so he could breathe while entering. Rapidly stroking his arms he managed to find a bigger part to the sewage route. Following the route for days, eating what ever he could, or drinking murky water he survived. Finally, the route ended to what seems to be a canal system. Exiting out of the dark tunnels, he saw a chopper fly by, he leaned back in and continued walking. Nothing for a while. Until he fell cold to the ground. Unable to get up, he heard chatter among his body. Then he felt his cheek press against a cold hard table. Then... He felt nothing. Is this what it felt like to die? he thought. Then he was answered. By a gunshot. Another body falling over him as he woke up. It seemed that two men we're going to help Daniel until they realized they would only be easier to spot and waste food. So, they got into a heated argument until one of them cracked... the other ones skull with a bullet. The man waved goodbye. Stating that it would be better to wander alone. As he left a  unknown substance that resembled food. He ate it, sitting against the cold concrete wall. As he got up, and started wandering the outlands.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Perks: Knoweledge of Physics, a adaptive nature to new items.
Defects: Because of his alcaholism, he tends to get addictive to things fast. Because of his brain numbing studies, he over thinks and is usually very slow to answer certain things. Also, he cannot do work without perfect silence, this is caused by the fact that during college, studying was always quiet, and has now adapted to that. One other thing: Because his father died as child, he often takes father figures to seriously.
What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
With the perks, I plan to use this in things like, able to fiddle with certain items either breaking them, or making them better. For the college degree in physics, I will be able to study physics in exile.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
No(pe just me, Gabe Newell).

Extra Notes (optional):

Accepted for a degree in physics. - Monkey with a gun
« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 10:07:21 PM by Monkey with a gun »

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #64 on: September 16, 2011, 07:52:40 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name:Ghost
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game):3 Years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?:Around half a year.

Character Section

Authorization(s):To create a new Resistance Group.
Name:Scott McKenna

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

Scott McKenna arrived in C18 via train not remembering much about his past life. He nervously wonderd around C18 looking where to start, he managed to find a CWU Worker. The CWU Worker told Scott McKenna to start by getting his apartment and to follow the rules. Scott McKenna listened to the CWU worker and did these taks with ease. Scott McKenna did not like C18 much like most people he did not the Civil Protection Team either. At least a few times a day he seen people being beaten, shot and killed he always felt like punching the CP's but he simply couldn't because he was weak, malnourished and scared. He regulary collected his rations which was not enough for him as it isn't enough for anyone in C18.

About a week after his arrival something happened in the apartment block. There was a fire and the buildings inside collapsed, forcing everyone to go outside. Everyone was waiting anxiously but Scott McKenna managed to sneak away for a while returning later. The building was collapsing so the Civil Protection rounded everyone up and brought them to the Hospital were any wounds or injuries would be treated. Everyone waited hearing screams of pain and crys, everyone was CID checked and then they were grouped together again and led to the Plaza.

About a month after these events Scott McKenna was getting sick of getting little food so he tried to be a Loyalist noticing that they sometimes got extra rations. It was going well for Scott untill he was framed for an Anti-Citizen he was let off since he was a Loyalist after that he was furiouse that he was loyal to them and he was framed. Scott McKenna decided to give up his Loyalist position. He began to try and find somebody in the same position as him hoping they could help him. He searched around for a long time and had no success in finding somebody.

About a month later he gave up hope he was depressed untill he managed to find a girl name Kira, she was Scott's basic friend kind of in the same position. A while after meeting Kira she led him to two Males called Coulter Hazen and Archer Brown they were your average Citizens but they were also in Scott's situation. Scott got to know these 3 Citizens a lot more then he trusted them enough to ask about a Resistance in the city. They were worried incase Scott was a loyalist but He told them that it was in the past they replied no.

Later on about an hour Coulter and Archer found Scott and brought him to a secret place in District 2 and there was around 17 people there Scott was so happy at that moment but most of them were corrupt thinking they were too powerfull in a group. Scott knew not to go boasting around District 2 because it was a off limit zone it would result in amputation if found. In the end the other Resistance Members went in the Plaza and starting ganging On the Civil Protection Team which ended up in them all being amputated Scott,Archer,Coulter and Kira were left alone then.

About a week after the incident Scott, Archer, Coulter and Kira decided to try and escape C18 trying to take some essential but not many since they were malnourished. Archer Brown managed to detach one of the District 2 train carts and re-wire it to work but it was very slow. Scott,Archer,Coulter and Kira got in it and managed to go a certain distance without being spotted, the track ended up being destroyed further on so they carried on, on foot. It was about a week into the travel untill Scott found a pistol and 2 clips on a dead Civil Protection but he decided to give it to Archer Brown since he had more knowledge than Scott. The gun came in handy when they ran into Antlions or zombies, eventually they met a vortigaunt along the way. He was willing to help them make there journey and he never mentioned his name.
There was a nearby Antlion Nest which was creating a lot of trouble for Scott and the others the Vortigaunt was helping a lot and was willing to die for Scott later on they ran into a Antlion Gaurd which was a horrifying sight they ran as fast as they could and the Vort turned around shouting "Run!" trying to create a distraction for Scott to escape. Luckily Scott did escape the Antlion Gaurd and they never heard about the Vortigaunt again it was a sad loss for Scott since he became attached to him along the way.

Another week or two of traveling and fighting finally got them to the Outlands they were wounded and stuck together in there new surroundings in the sewers. Around a week after Scott woke up alone and went his seperate ways. Around another 3 weeks later he met a resistance group helping people and he knew he wanted to create one to help people after that he decided to make a resitance called "The Lone Rebels".

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
+ He will have friends.
+ He will have a place to stay and help Refugees.
- He will be a bigger target for the OTA.
- Will have to take big risks to accomplish.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to create a Resistance and help the Refugees. I also would like to lead a Resistance Group and have more RP.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Extra Notes (optional):
Nobody would be in this group at the start it's not an already created group. Also would I get like 2 vests to let people join I would try to RP getting the materials though.

I'm not sure of your goal in this authorization application, anybody is always and will be free to form any resistance group but you cannot become the "offical" group neither will you get the vests. Please respond back. - Monkey with a gun

Well I just wanted to make a group similar to the Alliance so there would be around two active groups.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 11:38:09 AM by Ghost »

Offline Darkshifter98

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #65 on: September 16, 2011, 11:50:29 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Darkshifter98
Age: 13
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): About a year and a half
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: One year

Character Section

Authorization(s): Possession and basic operation of a M4A1 carbine, four magazines of 5.56 rounds. Along with making fifteen 5.56 rounds per OOC day.

Name: Mike Boone
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Refugee
Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Chapter one: The rifle
When Mike was young, his father was in the military. Being in the military,
 he had a standard issue M4A1 carbine. Mike always enjoyed watching his father shoot the rifle. He liked the look, sound, and feel of it. A few hours before the combine invasion, his father was called to the line of duty. He promised he would be back but of course, he did not. Mike and his mother waited in the house, waiting for father to return. But instead of a man in a military uniform bursting through the door, arms spread out for a hug, two men in blue jump suits plopped two folded jump suits on the floor, just like theirs. They then walked out without saying a word. The mother and son looked at each other before picking up the jump suits and finding secure spots to get changed.

Chapter two: Separation
After putting on their new jump suits, the mother and son walked out of the house and looked around at the destroyed rubble. They were then escorted into a giant line, which lead to a train station. After getting to the gate, two civil protection units searched them. One of the units said something into his radio and grabbed his mother, pushing her towards one train and pushing Mike towards another. Mike tried to run to his mother but the unit was herding him into the gate of his train. He looked out the window of his train at his mother, tears in his eyes. The whistle of the train sounded across the station and the train started moving. Mike banged on the window until they were out of the station, trying to look at his mother until she was out of sight. After she was out of sight, he sat down and put his head in his arms, crying. A older man sat next to him, noticing him crying, he asked what was wrong. Mike explained it to him and the man nodded “Yeah, everyone I love is gone, to.” Mike then asked for his name. The mans name was Mike as well. But Mike could call him Daring. After arriving at the train station, Mike Daring stood up with his suitcase saying “Here we are, City 7.” Mike stood up but with no suitcase, following Mike Daring out of the station. After leaving the station, Mike saw a giant sign stating the names of people who died in the seven hour war. Mike looked over the list and saw his fathers name. He then quickly ran into the lobby of the apartments and started crying again.

Chapter three: Fathers gift
About a month of living in City 7 had drove Mike crazy. He decided that he was going to leave City 7 and go to this place people were calling 'The outlands’, after informing his friend Mike Daring and saying his good byes. He snuck into the sewers and, after much walking, found the exit into a forest. After a day of walking through the forest, Mike found a hill. At the top of the hill was a stick in the ground with a helmet resting on top of it (Like this but with a modern military helmet: a skeleton lay at the bottom of the hill, most likely the owner of the helmet. He then started climbing the hill to pay his respects when something caught his eye inside the helmet, he then quickened his pace to the top of the hill. After getting to the top, he pulled a yellow piece of paper out of the inside of the helmet. It read:

Dig a few inches in the ground and you will find something I have always wanted to give you.
Your dad,

After reading the note a few more times, Mike dug into the ground furiously. After digging 1-2 inches, he found a black case. He pulled the case out of the ground and opened it, revealing his dads M4A1, along with four magazines of ammo and another note. It read:

If you got this, then you’re going to need ammo. I have a friend who can make fifteen 5.56 rounds every day. If he is dead, then turn the note over and read the instructions on how to make your own ammo. It also includes how to use my M4A1.
Good luck!

Mike then turned the note over and read the directions carefully. He then tucked the note into his pocket and put three magazines into his other three pockets. Then, loaded the fourth magazine into the M4A1, then slinging the M4 over his shoulder, setting out towards the unknown.
What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
+ The usage of an M4A1. Being an accurate and effective weapon.
+ Switching between semi-auto fire, three round burst, and fully automatic.
+ fifteen 5.56 rounds a day.
- Being one of the only M4A1‘s in existence, it will require maintenance daily.
- Only fifteen 5.56 rounds per day. So if he got in a firefight, he would have to wait a while to get more ammo.
- People will be very curious about the M4, some might even try to kill Mike for it

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects? Hopefully some S2m fights and being able to keep myself alive. I also plan to do passive rp by cleaning and fixing it.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s)) Nope

Extra Notes (optional): Not at the moment.

Denied - Your backstory makes little sense i don't even know where to start. In chapter 1 you talk about how your mother and you seemed to not even hear or heard of the portal storms or the seven hour war, then you go on about a list of everybody who died in the seven hour war in the trainstation, then you just happen to find your dads long lost gun helmet in sewers? The chances of this happening are extremely low and that is why i am denying this application. - Monkey with a gun
« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 10:24:57 PM by Monkey with a gun »
\\\"Hold right bumper to flip... wait, what? How did you do that?\\\"

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #66 on: September 17, 2011, 12:27:56 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Storm_Shield
Age: 15
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game):I have been roleplaying for 4 years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: I role-played on serious RP servers for 3 years.

Character Section

Authorization(s): Wears a Lab coat (Magnusson model),Is very smart, Basic gun handling, Basic marksman, has a pistol with 2 boxes of ammo, and a college degree in science.

Name: Archer Brown
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Refugee/Scientist

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

Archer Brown grew up with a father as a inventor and a caring mother as a scientist. He had a great childhood, when he was in college he studied science the most. At the age of 27 his mother died from a heart attack. Archer was sad for many days and it kept him from doing his work well. His younger brother Kevin was a doctor, Jack his youngest brother was a Lawyer they took off when Archer still tried to do his work. They were all educated and had good jobs. When Archer was 38 his father died, he was the oldest now and had to watch over his younger brothers. A year later the combine came to earth and it was hell the first week. They were mugged by groups of people and they even killed Jack. Archer try to fight back with his brother Kevin but they were both cut up by a knife and all they left them with was some bad scars. Kevin and Archer were separated and sent to different cities. Archer Brown arrived in C18 via train remembering about what happened to his younger brother and still in pain from the attack.

He walked off the train and found a citizen siting on the bench. This citizen was not your regular citizen, he was an anti-citizen. He said to me "Don't drink the water". Archer thought to himself "Don't drink the water", Archer then walked over to a water machine and bought one. He walked into the apartments and looked for a room, he opened the door that said "D-2" on the front of it. He threw his suitcase on the couch and opened the water and looked around for a glass cup, he poured the water into the glass and studied the water carefully.

He noticed there were particles floating around in the water, "Chemicals hmm.." he thought in his head. He put the water on the counter and walk over to his suitcase and opened it, he found another set of his jumpsuit and a white shirt. He closed his suitcase and opened his door and walked down to the lobby, he opened the lobby doors and saw a citizen being beat by a CP. He said to himself "What the fuck happened to earth!?" as he watched the poor women be beat. He knew something had to be done, he walked into District 2 and found a group of people with guns, they were not a bunch of citizens, they had MP7s 9mm pistols and a vest. He walked up to them and said "Hey can you teach me how to use a firearm?" They laughed and said "Why?". Archer replied saying "Because I'm going to get out of here", they agreed and showed him how to shoot a pistol properly. Archer practiced shooting glass bottles, Archer said "Thank you" and gave the gun back.

Archer found a house and set up a safe house. Archer then went out to look for more anti-citizens, he saw a citizen with a armband and thought "He must very important, maybe we could use him." Archer made his way over to the man and said "Hey want to join are resistance group?" the man looked at Archer then ran as fast as he could over to an officer. Archer thought "This is not going to end well!" as he ran back into the District 2 breathing heavily. After he caught his breath he went to the safe house and opened the door. Archer then said to himself I'll wait for tomorrow, he woke up and went back to the center of the city.

He saw a man and he thought he was a loyalist, the man had a band so he got scared but he slowly went up to him and said "Hi I'm Archer and I'm new here." The man said back "I am too, I'm Scott nice to meet you.", Archer talked to Scott for a long time and they gained each other’s trust. Archer thought it would be good to tell Scott about the resistance, he told Scott in D2 and Scott said he was looking for are group this whole time. Scott said to Archer he was undercover the whole time, Scott also told Archer about Kira, Scott's friend.

She was also against the CPs, they all went back to the safe house and prepared to find a way out of the city. They made a plan and got geared up, they opened the safe house door and started running to the train station. They could hear something from behind them but they kept running as fast as they could. When they arrived they took a breath, Archer back up into a wall but felt something, he looked behind him and saw a dead citizen. He saw that the citizen had a bullet hole in his head, Archer looked on the corpse to see if there was something to take, Archer found nothing. Archer then looked at the train and saw It was broken, he told the others to keep watch as he fixed the train.

Archer opened a circuit board and noticed it was all ripped up, there were about 10 wires. Archer took a long time but it was worth it, they all got on the train and Archer hit the button to start the train. He then hit the button that made it go forward they were all cheering and saying "Nice job Archer!". After  2 hours the train broke down and they all hopped off, they started walking along the train tracks and found a dead CP this time, he walked over and searched for a weapon and ammo. He found a 9mm Pistol and 2 boxes of ammo, he took them and put them in his backpack and continued walking along the tracks. He saw a bright light from the end of the tunnel, they all started to run to the light. They looked outside the tunnel and saw a new place with no CP in sight they all started cheering. Scott walked up to Archer and said "Thank you". Archer nodded his head and walked onward into this new land.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?


1. He is very smart.
2. He knows when to flee.
3. He can invent things to help people in the world.
4. He is kind and can make friends fast.


1. His gun can corrupt him.
2. He thinks slower then others when thinking of ideas for the world.
3. When he talks about science he gets carried away.
4. He makes no sense sometimes.
5. He talks fast.
6. He goes off topic.
7. He has anger problems.
8. He's impatient.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to work at the Alliance Labs and help invent things to help the Outlands.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Extra Notes (optional): Hope I get accepted, looking forward to RPing as a scientist. xD

Denied - You fail to explain your degrees in science, not to mention that there is no such thing as a degree in science but rather a degree in different types of science. Another mistake i noticed that you seemed to freely walk up to random people holding lethal weapons in D2 even though your younger brother was killed by thugs? Next is the dead Civil Protection officer by the road tracks, you don't mention how he got there or why he was left there it just seemed like a excuse for a way to sneak guns and ammo into your application. For those reasons i am denying this application. - Monkey with a gun
« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 10:40:27 PM by Monkey with a gun »

Offline vorox97

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #67 on: September 18, 2011, 02:42:21 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: vorox97
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game):since i got gmod
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 2 years

Character Section

Authorization(s): Power to heal people.

Name: Gorgon
Age: 20
Gender: male
Affiliation: Vortignaut

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations. After the Black mesa incident and after ninlath was destroyed my brothers and i were freed from our slave bonds, but after the combine attacked I was one of the first to say we should allie ourselves with the humans, but my idea was rejected, so in sorrow I wander around the Earth looking for a new calling.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?: They will allow me to heal anyone that needs it most, but I will become slower.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects? I plan to wander the Eath helping those in need along the way as i find a new calling.

Denied; Application lacks content. STOP RE-POSTING YOUR APPLICATION IF IT'S BEEN DENIED. Put actual time into your application then resubmit it.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2011, 03:35:42 PM by SaoulZod »

Offline vorox97

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Re: New HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #68 on: September 18, 2011, 03:14:43 PM »
Newer application above this one.

Doublepost +5% warning
« Last Edit: September 18, 2011, 03:34:30 PM by SaoulZod »

Offline vorox97

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #69 on: September 18, 2011, 03:32:07 PM »
New application above the one before this post. ;D

Triple-post;  +5% warning
« Last Edit: September 18, 2011, 03:34:55 PM by SaoulZod »

Offline Dal Karus

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #70 on: September 18, 2011, 08:50:02 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Secondus
Age: 23, turning 24 in October
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 3 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 2 1/2 years

Character Section

Authorization(s): To have LMB flags, (If not, how about only the abilitys to spawn medical supplies, food and backpacks? I know thats a large bulk but my character needs it for her purpose)
Name: Octavia Aquila
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Resistance
Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.: One day my character was taking a leasurely stroll, she overheard a Loyalist telling a CP how there was a gun in the UCH laundry room, she turned on a heel and ran into the UCH laundry room. She looked a round and stumbled on somthing, she saw it was a grey 9mm handgun. She took it and put it in her coat pocket. While she was walking up the stairs an 01 stopped her and told her to get on the wall; she knew that to do so would result in death. She made a daring escape into D2 un scathed. After spending some time there, hungry she went in the UCH and exited the lobby; two loyalists, an 04 and 01 were talking. She began to back away when a Loyalist shouted "It's her!" She escaped back to D2 but at a cost, she was shot in the leg and lower back during her flight. She limped, injured, into D2 where she took an abandoned apartment. She treated her wounds. As she sat in the corner she noticed somthing under the fridge. She grabbed it, it was a feild medicine guide. She studied it and founded a group named the Crimson Cross. After she meet a mysterious stranger he got her a supply line deal from the Outlands. She uses this deal to get medicine and help people.
What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?: + LBM flags, atleast a majority - can only spawn X amount of shipments a day (You decide)
What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?: I plan to aid citizens who are hungry or hurt and try to free people from the City, hopefully getting to the outlands myself.
Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s)) No
Extra Notes (optional): I will do legit Resistance RP, not just "Hurr you cant come in!" I will do some Hard Core medic RP.

Denied - Not much is explained in this application, why was there a GUN in the lobby, why would you go back to the scene of the crime after barely escaping with a lethal weapon and why there was a medical guide in your apartment.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 10:50:15 PM by Monkey with a gun »

Offline Wayward Walker

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #71 on: September 19, 2011, 06:14:06 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name:A Watermelon
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game):Over a Year
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?:Nearly a whole year.

Character Section

Average mechanical and medical abilites

Name:Jack Shepard
Affiliation:Refugee, Ex-SAS Soldier

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Part One
 On the day of the Black Mesa Incedent, Jack was simply sitting at home with his wife, watching the news and how it was covering whatever it saw at the installation. He only sat and watched, thinking what would have happened to him if he was there, if his WIFE was there, he quickly got rid of those thoughts and expected for everything to be resolved. Though it wasn't, soon the Combine took notice of Earth's portal storms and invaded, Everything he had was soon to be lost.
Part Two
 The next day he was called with the option to help assult supposive terrorist who had attacked a factory. Driving in on armored vehicle as usual he expected the normal terrorist attack, that is, until a beam of light hit the vehicle's hood, killing the driver and three passengers, and buring his left hand. He new these were no terrorist, no man could have such technology. John then slowly fell unconsious, still under some debri from the vehicle.
Part 3
 No more than one hour later Jack awakened suprisingly unharmed aside from his burned left hand. Scrambling from the wreckage he realised him and his partner, Rohn, were alive. Combine soldiers began readying the suppresion device for a second strike once it saw them. Both Jack and Rohn began running to an alley, Rohn firing his MP5 behind him in hopes of hitting the soldier. But it was too late, the cannon fired and directly hit Rohn, disintegrating him before Jack's eyes. Jack was luckier though, the blast mearly launched him into an ally, where he managed to escape.
Part 4
 Without his squad and only a shotgun, a pistol and two grenades, nightfall was already upon him. Though he had only one thing in mind, getting back to his wife. He ran through the streets shooting any combine that got in his way, but he was already too late. By the time he returned to his house it was had already been destroyed, everyone inside of it killed. Jack was left with nowhere to go, he just wandered into the forest, endlessly, not sure what to look for or hope to find.
Part 5
After a month or so of wandering Jack found a boathouse with a few refugees who said they were escapees from a recently established city. He trusted them and asked them for a ride, they allowed him to tag along if they would protect him with his weapons. After a day or two of boating they eventually hit land, literally on the coast of Europe. This crash didn't go un noticed, the combine quickly reacted and ambushed Jack and the refugees. Jack threw his grenades to the best of his abilites, and gave his Pistol to one of the refugees so they could help. The fight cost Jack his vest and grenades, and the refugees lost a woman named Amata.
Part 6
 The refugees and Jack then split paths, denieing any medical assistance from Jack saying they needed to move quickly. The refugees headed torwards an area known as White Forest, while Jack unknowingly ventured torwards the outer canals.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Expertise with Shotguns and Grenades.
Doesn't get tired easily.
Average medical abilities.
Average mechanical abilites.
Doesn't fear fire.

Amatuer with most other weapons.
Terrible with Long-ranged weapons.
Has hallucinations of wife while in the dark without a source of light.
Extreme fear of suppresion devices (AKA:Combine mortars).

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Give medical assistance to those who need it.
Repair pre-war items if possible.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
None other than me.

Extra Notes (optional):
None truly need to be stated.

Denied - Being a ex-SaS is a major thing and i don't feel your application truely covers it all. How did he join SaS? Why does he have Mechanical and Medical skills? Why does he see hallucinations of his wife, is he somewhat insane now? How was he surviving the xenian wildlife while he was walking the outlands? What happened to him during the month of living in the forests? This application seems vastly in-complete for such a important character as a former SaS member. - Monkey with a gun
« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 11:02:45 PM by Monkey with a gun »
Guile's Theme would fit this.
You know it.

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #72 on: September 19, 2011, 07:04:48 PM »
Steam Name : Bowser93
Age : 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? : A few years
Gmod srsRp? : a few years.

Character Section [/b]

Authorization(s): A 357 Magnum/Pistol, whichever is fine.

Name: George 'Beans' Wilson
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Citizen/Refugee

Write a detailed backstory on how your character recieved these authorizations: One day, while rummaging through the trash piles in the D2, George noticed something strange, something slightly shiny. It was a slightly rusty old 357 Magnum pistol/9mm pistol. He picked it up. Using oil he found in the engine of an abandoned car, he cleaned the inside parts. A few days later, while walking through the slums, he came across a man in a torn blue jumpsuit, by coincidence or by fate, he dropped a tatterred old box of 357/9mm rounds into a trashcan, and continued to run. George went to the trashcan, picking the rounds out. He counted them up. 36 rounds.

What will these authorizations give to your character in regards to perks or defects?

+He is armed
-If he is caught, he is probably going to be put to death
-Can be seen in his waistband

What do you plan to do with these perks or defects? What does any hl2 character do with a gun? He will use it only when necessary, and when his life is at risk.

Will anyone else need these auths? Not that I know of.

Denied - This all seems to perfect, finding a magnum in District 2? The chances of that happening would be extremely rare, then a mysterious man runs by and drops the exact box of ammunition you need for no reason at all?
« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 11:05:58 PM by Monkey with a gun »
Frolie [Tray is Krogan]: sup bra
Tray [Isn't Krogan]: not much panties

Offline The Joke

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Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #73 on: September 20, 2011, 12:29:14 PM »
Player section

Steam Name : The Joke
Age : 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? : About 3 years
Gmod srsRp?: About a year

Character section

Authorization(s): A 357 Magnum With two boxes of ammo, One vest, Two boxes of MP-7 ammo

Name: Zak Grant
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Refugee

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

Chapter 1
I never knew my Dad terribly well, But when he was around i was a lot happier, It seemed that through the war he was the one thing that kept me going, Kept me believeing. But hen he said he had to go for a while, He said there were people out there who needed help, The Rebels and that he would be joining them to make this world a better place. I hope he did make a difference. It was a sad time in my life, But i had to keep hope and pull through the difficult times that were ahead.

Chapter 2
It was Christmas and i was looking forward to my Dad coming home to celebrate it with us, Only for a day but that was enough for me, I was 17 turning 18 then and he had been out there 3 years, Soon he would return a hero to our little outland. A man walked up the dirt path to our door, I hoped for the best, But realised that it was someone else, He wore a black hat and a suit that made him look like a cowboy, He knocked on the door and i went to it, I opened it and said "Hey there, Something i can do for you?" He looked at me without saying a word then he passed me a letter, He walked off not saying a word, I peered inside shaking, Fearing, and the words apeared like a beacon flashing infront of my eyes, " Cpl James Grant, Deceased" I stood there for a moment, Then a single tear fell on the paper, My mum ran down the stairs saying "Who was that?", I turned slowly and passed her the paper, She stopped for a moment, Then fell to the floor Crying, Screaming, I sat down next to her, Hugging her, I knew back when i was 14 that worst was to come.

Chapter 3
There was a funeral being held, We arrived and the men from his Corp and squad told me how he died a hero, Sacrificing himself so that they could escape from the OTA, How he was shot in the chest and carried aboard the truck, How he died in the Sergents arms, I just listened with tears brewing and tried to hold them back as best i could. We were on a hill and my father was ontop of a wooden bench with sticks piled round, Then one of the men threw a stick that was on fire onto the bench, It was a hero's death. After the funeral the Sergent called me to a table with some equipment on it, I looked sharply, What lay there was a 357 Magnum pistol with three boxes of ammo, A MP-7 submachine gun with two boxes lay beside it, And my fathers Rebel uniform, " I know its hard son" Said the Sergent " But this stuff is all your's now, Use it well" With that he suluted and walked off to a truck full of rebels, I took the equipment and walked home.

What will these authorizations give to your character in regards to perks or defects?
Extra body armour
Guns and ammuntion
Can tell more of a story about how he aquired the items
Only limited ammo and armour

What do you plan to do with these perks or defects?
I plan to help people from the OTA when i am needed, And to tell people when they ask how i aquired the weapons

Will anyone else need these auths? Not that I know of.

-Vests can only be obtained from an official resistance leader. It is his/her choice.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2011, 06:55:26 PM by SaoulZod »
Status: Alive
Activity: Following orders

Zak Grant
Status: Alive
Activity: Trying to adjust to the Outlands again

Mike Harolds
Activity:Trying to stay alive in the Outlands

Zak Renolds
Status: Alive
Activity: Trying to stay alive in the city

Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« Reply #74 on: September 20, 2011, 05:02:59 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: The Mighty cookiemonstur
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Mebbe four years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: About two months, closer to two and a half.

Character Section

Authorization(s): A Bachelor of Science (BSN) degree in Nursing

Name: Kathryn Williams
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Refugee

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
It all started in the year 1988. Kathryn was born into a family of people who tended to study for and become doctors and other health care professionals. The effects of being raised in a family of doctors was shown while she was growing up. She always took interest in what her parents were doing concerning their jobs. She loved it, and it continued to show while she was growing up. Kathryn was always faking sick in order to go to the doctor's office to see her parents at their job. She wasn't always able to see her father, as he was a surgical doctor who worked in a hospital, but her mother was a nurse at the clinic nearby to her house. When she was twelve, she took the ISEE test in the Boston Public School system, and was accepted into Boston Latin School. Boston Latin School prepared Kathryn for life ahead, just as the school mission says it would. She loved her science classes, and did extremely well in all her classes. She did not like Latin, but she knew that it was for the best that she learned it. In what seemed no time at all, but was, in reality, six years, Kathryn graduated from the prestigious school. She didn't know where to go next. However, she did know that she wanted to be exactly like her mother. So, she went to the same school her mother did, the Boston College William F. Connell School of Nursing.

School began great. Kathryn enjoyed everything about it, especially that it was not far from her home. She enjoyed going to the classes, and made a few friends along the way. They were always helping each other in their studies, and went to parties and the things that you would expect of any college student. She loved all of it, although her classes were hard. Kathryn spent most of her free time studying, as she knew that it would be worth it in the long run. Everything was all great, her classes going well, she knew that this is exactly what she wanted to do. She spent a lot of time at her mother's work, watching how everything worked in a clinic. She also went to her fathers work, and began to observe how a hospital works. One day, however, Kathryn's happy little world was destroyed.

It was a Sunday, not a cloud in the sky. The day was a beautiful one, and everyone was happy. Kathryn's mother had gone to the store in order to get some food for dinner. Kathryn's father was at the hospital, working, and Kathryn herself was in the living room, studying while watching television. She decided to watch the news, to see what the weather for the next day would be. After checking the weather, she was about to change the channel, when the scene of a car crash was shown on TV. She decided to watch a bit more of it, seeing that the car was ablaze, and was intrigued by it. When the fire department had put the fire out, she saw the what kind of car it was. "That kind of looks like..." she started saying to herself, and she saw the body being dragged out of it. Kathryn watched in horror as the body being dragged out was her mother's. Her father was in a state of depression. His whole world was Kathryn and his wife, and half of that has just fallen apart.

Instead of letting her studies suffer from this accident, she only studied harder. She had to make her father happy, as he wasn't holding up well. She stopped going out to parties, and only left the house to go to the campus. She studied and made sure that she knew everything that she had to. When she graduated, and received her Bachelor of Science for nursing, that was the first time in a long time she saw her father smile. She knew that she had made her mother proud. She began work at the hospital where her father worked. She loved her work, and she enjoyed the patients that were there. She knew that all her studying had payed off, and she knew that she was doing exactly what she wanted.

Then, the fateful day occurred. The hospital had already been full for days, people with injuries from these mysterious events kept pouring in. They had to deny many patients, as there was just not enough room. Then, the fateful hour came to pass. The "Combine" as they are called, invaded Earth. It was only seven hours until earth surrendered to this disease. They could not be beaten. A man named Wallace Breen had negotiated with this disease, and allowed some of humanity to live. They separated everyone into cities. Everyone in the hospitals were killed. Kathryn could not stand this. Everything around her was being destroyed, again. She was separated from her father, and she was moved to City Eighteen, as the capacity for the city her father was in had been filled. She was miserable.

One day, in her apartment, she saw a few people exit through a door that she was told never to go through. She had never seen those people before, and never saw them again. However, she saw that no unit entered that area to chase after them. She saw her chance at escaping this foul disease, which she knew was slowly killing her and everyone else in that god forsaken city. One day, with nothing except for the clothes on her back, she went to the door, and opened it. All she saw was a bridge, leading out behind the headquarters of the Civil Workers Union. Not knowing what else to do, she went across the bridge, and into "District Two". This place was filled with many people of the same mindset as her. They all hated the combine. However, she was not content here. She wanted to be out of this place. One day, she saw a shady figure in the corner. He offered a way out of the city. Not knowing any other way, she went with him, and he led Kathryn to a sewer. They both climbed in, and Kathryn just kept moving. She wanted to be out of there as soon as possible.

When Kathryn exited the sewers, she noticed that the man had not come with her. He must have been one of those people, who caravan refugees to outside of the city, she thought. When she stepped outside, she felt something she hadn't felt in a while. That feeling was freedom. She believed that she was rid of that troublesome disease. With a spring in her step, her spirit refreshed, she stepped out into this new world, and hoped to be able to offer her abilities to those who needed it.
What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
+ Having knowledge of medicine and treatments for a large number of illnesses and injuries
+ Being able to use her knowledge to help people

- Being hunted by the Overwatch, as all in the outlands are.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan on being able to help those who are injured or sick by treating them. I would be able to give aid in a variety of situations, and for a variety of problems. I would also be able to diagnose illnesses.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Extra Notes (optional):

« Last Edit: September 24, 2011, 06:56:34 PM by SaoulZod »
Kathryn Williams
Now in the trading business with Angus Buchanan.
Val'Nok Rotuk
Lost in the canals.
Ember Olliver (Tier-3)
Enjoying her new CWU Winter Coat.
Look at my dress, my dress is amazing.
Does anyone else taste metal and see red?


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