Author Topic: Item Spawns in Outlands  (Read 6855 times)

Offline feedonswords

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Item Spawns in Outlands
« on: April 05, 2013, 01:00:51 AM »
So, me and my friend were just scavenging around, we spent 1 hour at least in Real Life time, not IC time, and we found NOTHING... Apparently guns and items are meant to spawn around the map, where are they?
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Offline Lone Wanderer <??"?

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Re: Item Spawns in Outlands
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2013, 01:04:59 AM »
I do believe a system of random item drops was in the process of being implemented, but let me just tell you this. That is not how you should be spending your time on the server. You do not need weapons or items to roleplay, and searching for an RL hour for them is very bad roleplay. You'd have had a much better time roleplaying then wandering around the forests looking for stuff, and doing that from an IC perspective doesn't make any sense unless you're roleplaying while doing so.

Current Characters:
Abdul Sadek - Unregistered citizen, currently near City 18.
Monica Halleway - A seemingly crazy woman roaming the plaza.

Former HL2RP-Characters:
Jennifer Hanson - Former trader now involved with the Lambda Movement in City 17.
'091' - A former rogue medical unit now on the Combine Homeworld. Or is she?
Michael 'Y' Eloriga - A wanted criminal located in City 17, frequently spotted on rooftops.

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Re: Item Spawns in Outlands
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2013, 01:34:28 AM »
I do believe a system of random item drops was in the process of being implemented, but let me just tell you this. That is not how you should be spending your time on the server. You do not need weapons or items to roleplay, and searching for an RL hour for them is very bad roleplay. You'd have had a much better time roleplaying then wandering around the forests looking for stuff, and doing that from an IC perspective doesn't make any sense unless you're roleplaying while doing so.

sry i didn't realize that you have jurisdiction over what we do and don't do on the server
« Last Edit: April 06, 2013, 04:19:29 AM by Khub »

Offline feedonswords

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Re: Item Spawns in Outlands
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2013, 03:46:22 AM »
I do believe a system of random item drops was in the process of being implemented, but let me just tell you this. That is not how you should be spending your time on the server. You do not need weapons or items to roleplay, and searching for an RL hour for them is very bad roleplay. You'd have had a much better time roleplaying then wandering around the forests looking for stuff, and doing that from an IC perspective doesn't make any sense unless you're roleplaying while doing so.
Okay, I understand that we do not need items or weapons to roleplay, but it's Outlands, you need a weapon for self defense, and items such as food are needed rather than lolspawning them in, besides, I had nothing else to do other then some minor PainRP and PassiveRP.
Goats can fly if you eat a blue sandwich with swiss cheese.

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Re: Item Spawns in Outlands
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2013, 05:06:48 AM »
I do believe a system of random item drops was in the process of being implemented, but let me just tell you this. That is not how you should be spending your time on the server. You do not need weapons or items to roleplay, and searching for an RL hour for them is very bad roleplay. You'd have had a much better time roleplaying then wandering around the forests looking for stuff, and doing that from an IC perspective doesn't make any sense unless you're roleplaying while doing so.
Okay, I understand that we do not need items or weapons to roleplay, but it's Outlands, you need a weapon for self defense, and items such as food are needed rather than lolspawning them in, besides, I had nothing else to do other then some minor PainRP and PassiveRP.

I agree that lolspawning it wouldn't be fun at all, but the fun about outlands is how dangerous it really is. You're low on food and doesn't armed in any way. The only option is to look for supplies without getting into trouble by robbers or animals. You have to search for it in the daylight when you can see the forest, because you will be fucked when the sun goes down and strange things such zombies slowly will be awake and ready to eat what they find. If you don't search for food you will get exhausted and you have the risk of dying.
Even I have also to be careful although I'm heavy armed with an AR2 and a pistol. I got busted by two OTA soldiers in camo who took my radios and therefore were able to track the signal. Lucky they only threw my weapons away which I was able to find again, but they were malfunctioning due to they had separated the parts.

Credit goes to jackal

Offline Khub

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Re: Item Spawns in Outlands
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2013, 03:58:05 AM »
Item spawning system is not implemented yet.

Re: Item Spawns in Outlands
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2013, 02:14:37 AM »
I do believe a system of random item drops was in the process of being implemented, but let me just tell you this. That is not how you should be spending your time on the server. You do not need weapons or items to roleplay, and searching for an RL hour for them is very bad roleplay. You'd have had a much better time roleplaying then wandering around the forests looking for stuff, and doing that from an IC perspective doesn't make any sense unless you're roleplaying while doing so.

This is an absolutely absurd viewpoint with respects to Outlands RP.  It makes no sense for anyone in HL2 Outlands RP to have no items, especially not a firearm.  Even if you want every single player to roleplay as a newly-escaped citizen, this concept still does not fly.  There are simply too many dangers for any human being to survive without a basic firearm, or someone in their group possessing a firearm.  The average person does not know how to forage for food in the wilderness.  It is impossible to do any sort of large-scale agriculture on post-Combine Earth due to the existence of overbearing Combine.  With the presence of many nasty creatures from Xen and other worlds that came to Earth via the Cascade Resonance (Antlions, Headcrabs, and et cetera nasties from HL1 that were lazily exempted from HL2), it likewise makes no sense how someone could survive with absolutely nothing after escaping the city.  And ask yourself this: would you really be able to escape a Combine city, or even conceive of doing so, without any sort of supplies?

While I understand that character development is of the utmost importance, there are incontrovertible material needs for this sort of roleplay.  To deny this imposes conditions upon characters so heavily against the odds that they are as unreasonable.

Offline Dallas

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Re: Item Spawns in Outlands
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2013, 03:24:00 AM »
I do believe a system of random item drops was in the process of being implemented, but let me just tell you this. That is not how you should be spending your time on the server. You do not need weapons or items to roleplay, and searching for an RL hour for them is very bad roleplay. You'd have had a much better time roleplaying then wandering around the forests looking for stuff, and doing that from an IC perspective doesn't make any sense unless you're roleplaying while doing so.

This is an absolutely absurd viewpoint with respects to Outlands RP.  It makes no sense for anyone in HL2 Outlands RP to have no items, especially not a firearm.  Even if you want every single player to roleplay as a newly-escaped citizen, this concept still does not fly.  There are simply too many dangers for any human being to survive without a basic firearm, or someone in their group possessing a firearm.  The average person does not know how to forage for food in the wilderness.  It is impossible to do any sort of large-scale agriculture on post-Combine Earth due to the existence of overbearing Combine.  With the presence of many nasty creatures from Xen and other worlds that came to Earth via the Cascade Resonance (Antlions, Headcrabs, and et cetera nasties from HL1 that were lazily exempted from HL2), it likewise makes no sense how someone could survive with absolutely nothing after escaping the city.  And ask yourself this: would you really be able to escape a Combine city, or even conceive of doing so, without any sort of supplies?

While I understand that character development is of the utmost importance, there are incontrovertible material needs for this sort of roleplay.  To deny this imposes conditions upon characters so heavily against the odds that they are as unreasonable.

You don't /need/ items to roleplay- but I can see you're arguing from an IC perspective so I'll put it this way. It's meant to be hard to obtain these items, hell I had to go out of my way to get my first weapon in Outlands. There are supplies like food and medical supplies around in the town and various outposts around the map. All you have to do is walk up to people and offer to buy/trade in most cases. As for weapons, you're faaaar better off getting a melee weapon and working up some familiarity with it.

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Offline Doctor Nice roButt

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Re: Item Spawns in Outlands
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2013, 06:10:32 AM »
I do believe a system of random item drops was in the process of being implemented, but let me just tell you this. That is not how you should be spending your time on the server. You do not need weapons or items to roleplay, and searching for an RL hour for them is very bad roleplay. You'd have had a much better time roleplaying then wandering around the forests looking for stuff, and doing that from an IC perspective doesn't make any sense unless you're roleplaying while doing so.

This is an absolutely absurd viewpoint with respects to Outlands RP.  It makes no sense for anyone in HL2 Outlands RP to have no items, especially not a firearm.  Even if you want every single player to roleplay as a newly-escaped citizen, this concept still does not fly.  There are simply too many dangers for any human being to survive without a basic firearm, or someone in their group possessing a firearm.  The average person does not know how to forage for food in the wilderness.  It is impossible to do any sort of large-scale agriculture on post-Combine Earth due to the existence of overbearing Combine.  With the presence of many nasty creatures from Xen and other worlds that came to Earth via the Cascade Resonance (Antlions, Headcrabs, and et cetera nasties from HL1 that were lazily exempted from HL2), it likewise makes no sense how someone could survive with absolutely nothing after escaping the city.  And ask yourself this: would you really be able to escape a Combine city, or even conceive of doing so, without any sort of supplies?

While I understand that character development is of the utmost importance, there are incontrovertible material needs for this sort of roleplay.  To deny this imposes conditions upon characters so heavily against the odds that they are as unreasonable.

You can auth to get a gun. We don't need a bunch of players going on a manhunt to horde a bunch of guns.
I do believe one of the questions asked when you join the server asks if you need items to roleplay, in which the answer was no, you do not.

"Bert John: Grammer, English, your sentence isn't making sense. "

Offline Lone Wanderer <??"?

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Re: Item Spawns in Outlands
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2013, 09:51:44 AM »
The agreement this far doesn't make sense. You don't have supplies or a way of defending yourself, yet you want to go rummaging throughout the outlands in search of a weapon. Fish, given your argument, it makes me feel like you've never played on the server before. There are plenty of people who survive without having a gun, or going out scanning the map for hours looking for items that may have spawned.

And as for needing supplies, a big part of that is getting supplies when you actually leave the city. The Outlands isn't just a big free stockpile of free stuff. Things can be difficult to come by, and guns are even harder to come across. I am highly against people who I rarely see on the server coming on and just finding a gun. You just need to deal with the fact you can't defend yourself and band together with people who can. Outlands =\= you getting a gun + free stream of supplies tossed around the map randomly.

Current Characters:
Abdul Sadek - Unregistered citizen, currently near City 18.
Monica Halleway - A seemingly crazy woman roaming the plaza.

Former HL2RP-Characters:
Jennifer Hanson - Former trader now involved with the Lambda Movement in City 17.
'091' - A former rogue medical unit now on the Combine Homeworld. Or is she?
Michael 'Y' Eloriga - A wanted criminal located in City 17, frequently spotted on rooftops.

Re: Item Spawns in Outlands
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2013, 10:49:21 AM »
Dallas, I am glad you understand my point of view and you make a good point yourself.  Toxic, I fully understand the OOC conditions of the situation.  While I have had success in my own administrative experiences with more liberal measures, it was not a public server where you always have to worry about randoms jumping in and minging the server.  I'm sorry that you and Lone Wanderer don't agree with my IC perspective, but do not think I'm advocating for a free stream of supplies and guns for everyone.  Of course you can survive on the server without any items because it's a video game.  You do not have to eat, urinate, defecate, bathe, or truly fight for your life.  However, from a realistic perspective, it becomes difficult to believe that anyone in the HL2 universe could survive on the run from Combine and Xen wildlife.  A big part of this setting is scavenging.  While people should not just aimlessly run around for items, scavenging and material improvisation is integral to the roleplay experience.

Offline Doctor Nice roButt

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Re: Item Spawns in Outlands
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2013, 01:54:36 PM »
Dallas, I am glad you understand my point of view and you make a good point yourself.  Toxic, I fully understand the OOC conditions of the situation.  While I have had success in my own administrative experiences with more liberal measures, it was not a public server where you always have to worry about randoms jumping in and minging the server.  I'm sorry that you and Lone Wanderer don't agree with my IC perspective, but do not think I'm advocating for a free stream of supplies and guns for everyone.  Of course you can survive on the server without any items because it's a video game.  You do not have to eat, urinate, defecate, bathe, or truly fight for your life.  However, from a realistic perspective, it becomes difficult to believe that anyone in the HL2 universe could survive on the run from Combine and Xen wildlife.  A big part of this setting is scavenging.  While people should not just aimlessly run around for items, scavenging and material improvisation is integral to the roleplay experience.

Not everyone in the game itself had a gun on them when they were out of the city. There were a lot of helpless people running around trying to survive. The only people who really had guns were e resistance.
Also, this server has proved we don't need guns. We let a bunch of characters get guns, they hoard it and start killing eachother more often than without guns. Outlands isn't about defending yourself, it's about surviving. Some people say it goes hand in hand, but you don't always have to stand up and fight. The smart decision would be to run. Not only that, but the majority of the population of Outlands are suppose to be normal joes. They don't know how to fire a gun, let alone maintain it. If you want to defend yourself, find a knife or make a spear from a stick and rock. I don't think people realize that a gun is probably the least reliable item for survival. Bullets would be impossible to find. There are no parts to fix and maintain them. You can't waste bullets practicing how to shoot. They are loud and unstable. We don't need to rely on guns.

"Bert John: Grammer, English, your sentence isn't making sense. "

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Re: Item Spawns in Outlands
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2013, 10:09:09 PM »
Whether you need it or not, it expands rp and makes it different or better in the matter of a situation. You don't need items but they come in handy with my rp, idk about yours.

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Re: Item Spawns in Outlands
« Reply #13 on: April 23, 2013, 05:42:18 PM »
I do believe a system of random item drops was in the process of being implemented, but let me just tell you this. That is not how you should be spending your time on the server. You do not need weapons or items to roleplay, and searching for an RL hour for them is very bad roleplay. You'd have had a much better time roleplaying then wandering around the forests looking for stuff, and doing that from an IC perspective doesn't make any sense unless you're roleplaying while doing so.
Okay, I understand that we do not need items or weapons to roleplay, but it's Outlands, you need a weapon for self defense, and items such as food are needed rather than lolspawning them in, besides, I had nothing else to do other then some minor PainRP and PassiveRP.

I agree that lolspawning it wouldn't be fun at all, but the fun about outlands is how dangerous it really is. You're low on food and doesn't armed in any way. The only option is to look for supplies without getting into trouble by robbers or animals. You have to search for it in the daylight when you can see the forest, because you will be fucked when the sun goes down and strange things such zombies slowly will be awake and ready to eat what they find. If you don't search for food you will get exhausted and you have the risk of dying.
Even I have also to be careful although I'm heavy armed with an AR2 and a pistol. I got busted by two OTA soldiers in camo who took my radios and therefore were able to track the signal. Lucky they only threw my weapons away which I was able to find again, but they were malfunctioning due to they had separated the parts.

Why would OTA let you live?

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Re: Item Spawns in Outlands
« Reply #14 on: April 23, 2013, 05:58:44 PM »
I do believe a system of random item drops was in the process of being implemented, but let me just tell you this. That is not how you should be spending your time on the server. You do not need weapons or items to roleplay, and searching for an RL hour for them is very bad roleplay. You'd have had a much better time roleplaying then wandering around the forests looking for stuff, and doing that from an IC perspective doesn't make any sense unless you're roleplaying while doing so.
Okay, I understand that we do not need items or weapons to roleplay, but it's Outlands, you need a weapon for self defense, and items such as food are needed rather than lolspawning them in, besides, I had nothing else to do other then some minor PainRP and PassiveRP.

I agree that lolspawning it wouldn't be fun at all, but the fun about outlands is how dangerous it really is. You're low on food and doesn't armed in any way. The only option is to look for supplies without getting into trouble by robbers or animals. You have to search for it in the daylight when you can see the forest, because you will be fucked when the sun goes down and strange things such zombies slowly will be awake and ready to eat what they find. If you don't search for food you will get exhausted and you have the risk of dying.
Even I have also to be careful although I'm heavy armed with an AR2 and a pistol. I got busted by two OTA soldiers in camo who took my radios and therefore were able to track the signal. Lucky they only threw my weapons away which I was able to find again, but they were malfunctioning due to they had separated the parts.

Why would OTA let you live?

Mostly due to OOC mad about OTA being OP and the fact that we're kinda destroying RP totally by killing and thus confirming the "ota op" accusations. Besides, from an IC POV we could pass it off as a 'lived to tell the tale' sort of thing.

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