Author Topic: Dr. Edwin Sinclair's Authorization Application  (Read 5893 times)

Offline Yak

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Dr. Edwin Sinclair's Authorization Application
« on: March 14, 2013, 06:23:30 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Yak
Age: 15
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 3
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 3

Character Section

An old functioning computer with appropriate hardware.
Extensive knowledge in computers and programming.
Moderate knowledge in machinery and electronics.
Remarkable knowledge in arithmetic and scientific subjects.
A doctorate (PhD.) in computer science.

Name: Dr. Edwin Sinclair
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Edwin was born and raised in Colorado, living in an established Western society. He lived in a regular house on a street, though it is irrelevant as he spent most of his time on his computer at home, searching for information to quench his everlasting thirst for knowledge. Due to this, Edwin spent a quite boring life, being the kid you would pick on at school, though he did not care as he would go home and go on his computer his parents had purchased for him.

His parents were both educated, his father being regularly working away as a supervisor in multiple engineering projects and his mother working part time as a shopkeeper. Though not having to work due to how much his father’s extensive working racks in. His mother chose to work to show she could hold her own in this society without her husband, Edwin always finding this quite odd when he figured it out. Edwin, due to having no social life, dedicated his life to his school work and any that piqued his interest that he had found on the internet, his schooling career being quite impressive as a child. Throughout high school, his best subjects were mathematics and science, the ones that interested him most. Eventually, he was offered a scholarship to University as he had been noticed throughout his schooling as an exceptional student, a large grin on his face that seemed to last for years, especially when he told his parents.

Edwin had decided to keep his aim set to computing, spending most of his years in school with people somewhat like him, he found it very easy to fit in with his peers who were also taking his courses. Studying hard, extremely happy with the fact he could spend the next few years doing what he loved, spending his free time discovering how other electronics work as a hobby, though nothing major. Eventually Edwin had finished his course and even managed to disprove a theory and earned himself his PhD through being nurtured by his professors. Though it was time to say goodbye, he would never forget the time he spent with his professors and peers. He decided to take a break from his hard work and have a relaxing gap year, though to his dismay the Combine invasion had begun.

Edwin spent most of his time reminiscing his time in his university, thinking of when he put his blue hat on and was greeted by a scroll, proof of his achievement in his favourite area, the times he had spent banging his head onto a wall, trying to figure out what went wrong or just funny events that had happened in or outside the classroom in his time on campus, he wandered where he would of went if the Combine had not invaded, would he be a professor or a freelance parts builder? Would that sustain his income? Would he be doing what he loved or would he be stuck in a lame job? Edwin dreams and aspirations had gone to dust, knowing that the Combine had no intention of allowing humans to get a hold of what he loved, this made him dislike them on first impression, the oppression making him dislike them even more. Them being around, made it so he was untouchable at the plaza if he stayed out of the Metro Police and the other citizens ways, though escaping to the slums to escape oppression was always nice, if he watched himself.

Edwin’s train had dropped off into the city, being assigned an apartment with a man he had no interest in, most of his days were dull, full of small talk and his most exciting endeavour was exploring the slums when he felt none of the 'thugs' were around to give him a hard time, like a high school kid hiding from bullies in the playground. Often spending most of him time lying on his apartment couch, dazed and hungry, staring at a box of empty noodles with a bit of left overs on the bottom with some yellow liquid in the corner, small
Like everyone else, Edwin was relocated into a City, not being able to make it out of the Combines grasp. He was relocated to the City and was adapted to a normal life, until he had met an old friend, well not really a friend, but they don't really have any choice with the new regime. It seems he had adapted better than Edwin, he also seemed happy to see him, the man who had once picked on him, noticed Edwin’s sadness and how utter bored he was  with having nothing to do and offered him a proposition, a computer for the right price. Edwin's eyes lit up, he ran to his apartment and conjured up everything he owned.

Edwin had forgotten about the deal at this time as he had not spoken with his old 'friend' in some time, he just lived his life wandering in and out of the slums, looking for places of solitude, eventually bringing himself to crawling through vents, falling into a small room with a pool of water.
The two inhabitants weren't too happy with Edwins arrival, he began to shake and shiver as the vortigaunt wrapped his claws around his neck, forcing him to sit on a seat near a table full of bolts and other mechanical resources. This vortigaunt seemed to want Edwin dead, whereas the the female companion managed to talk him out of it, while he was burning a hole in the middle of Edwin's citizen uniform. During the scare tactics, Edwin had let out the fact he was getting a computer sooner or later and his qualifications. The vortigaunt was obviously interested after pleading from the female, requesting its arrival with him or death. Edwin now had a mission, obviously fearing an alien would kill him over the fact he found his home, though he felt for once he had belonged, the lab coat wearing vort and a mechanic, not a bad find.

He then pleaded the old bully, feeling sorry for Edwin, he finally cracked, he gave Edwin a time and date to meet up which was months away from now, Edwin then spent most nights dreaming of a sleek desktop tower with a black thin monitor. Being unable to sleep at night became a major problem, though he was used to this, the lack of food often waking him up with his stomach growling, it was hard to find takeout or fruit to satisfy his hunger. During the interval, Edwin ran errands for the pair, the vort grew tired of waiting for the computer but did not mind Edwin as an asset, seeing as he was the reason she had located a new base after telling her about two  vending machines in great condition.

To his dismay, once they met, he was greeted with a old white box of a screen and parts that would pass off as working, but weren't up to his standards, an old white tower, a ball mouse and a white chunky keyboard. Edwin sighed, though still ecstatic, he was promised a computer and a computer is what he got. Edwin, slowly began to move the parts one by one into his new home in a brown duffle bag over his shoulder, avoiding water damage for his most precious possession, first the hard drive, the monitor, then the keyboard and mouse. Keeping to edges whenever possible and taking the routes with the least water after circling the area multiple times to ensure minimal harm. Once Edwin had set the computer up, the vort seemed somewhat impressed, Edwin actually pulled  it off after all.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
A computer which can be used as a database of information and his feats as he has time on his hands in the slums.
His knowledge can be used to aid inventors, if befriended.
The knowledge can make him a large asset if computers are involved in maintainence and use.

If people find out he has a computer, they may want it.
Living in the slums as a physically weak and wimpy man is not exactly easy.
Edwin is quite wimpy due to his extensive studying and lifestyle. Being quite submissive.
He would need to find a power supply for his computer.
His knowledge is not very useful without the needed machinery.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I'm honestly just going to passive RP and collaborate with other people that may need my characters aid in the city.
The reason I chose city was there is not many 'eggheads' on city and it's where I mainly play.
Most of my characters have had action roles and were mostly action RP based, I want to change this vicious cycle with this character, a breath of fresh air to my HL2RP experience on CG.
I have also met up with some other inventors and I am looking forward to some great passiveRP if this works out.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
Fixed paragraph spacing error and some grammar
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 03:58:28 AM by Yak »

Offline Sexy Frog

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Re: Dr. Edwin Sinclair's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2013, 09:52:36 AM »
I noticed a few spelling errors and awkward sentence structure but over all nothing major. I am fairly certain yak can handle this and besides the computer he's asking for is one of those ugly dinosaurs that like run on XP or something. I would expect the computer to need repair from time to time but that's hardly an issue.


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Offline Statua

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Re: Dr. Edwin Sinclair's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2013, 06:44:36 PM »
Do Ph.D's for CS even exist? Regardless, this seems legit and you know what you're doing in RP. One question though. How much do you know about computers and all other sciences IRL?

Offline Dallas

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Re: Dr. Edwin Sinclair's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2013, 06:58:35 PM »
You misspelled "doctorate" in the auth list.

Besides that rather awkward mistake, I know that your roleplay is pretty damn good. I support this application. So long as you don't do something like lolhack the Union databanks or something. Then we'd have a problem.


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Offline Yak

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Re: Dr. Edwin Sinclair's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2013, 07:35:50 PM »
Do Ph.D's for CS even exist? Regardless, this seems legit and you know what you're doing in RP. One question though. How much do you know about computers and all other sciences IRL?
i know enough to get by and yes there is phds

@dallas fixed thanks
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 04:00:19 AM by Yak »

Offline Statua

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Re: Dr. Edwin Sinclair's Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2013, 11:33:04 AM »
Do Ph.D's for CS even exist? Regardless, this seems legit and you know what you're doing in RP. One question though. How much do you know about computers and all other sciences IRL?
i know enough to get by and yes there is phds

@dallas fixed thanks

Ok so if I ask you if you know the following, you should know them without looking them up:

-CAT5 Cable
-Difference between quick and full formatting
-Kinetic Energy
-Difference between Meiosis and Mitosis
-The function of a mitochondria

These are high school level quesions, some are fairly basic. I know the auths are for remarkable knowledge but we dint expect 1:1 ratio of knowledge.


These arent to make it hard on you. These are required because ive seen way too many people given PhD auths in subjects they dont even know. Example a player once got auths for Chemistry PhD, but didnt know what an electron ring was. Nedless to say, he tried to make a bomb with Sodium and water by holding the sodium in his hand, dropping it in a jar of water, and throwing the jar. Anyone with basic chemistry knowledge would know that simply would not work. Most youll get it possibly a little firecracker effect. Not even going to ask where he got the sodium from.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 11:49:52 AM by Statua »

Offline Sexy Frog

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Re: Dr. Edwin Sinclair's Authorization Application
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2013, 11:49:42 AM »
What do cell replication types and organelles have to do with a computer and computer science auth?
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 11:52:32 AM by Sexy Frog »

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Offline Dallas

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Re: Dr. Edwin Sinclair's Authorization Application
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2013, 11:54:11 AM »
More to the point, why does a thing that increases chemical reaction speed needed for this auth?
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 11:56:35 AM by The 11th Doctor »

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Re: Dr. Edwin Sinclair's Authorization Application
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2013, 11:55:47 AM »
What do cell replication types and structures have to do with a computer and computer science auth?
His auths state he will have remarkable knowledge in arithmatic and scientific subjects which means he needs to know physics, chemistry, and biology to a certain degree.

Im not all that great with arithmatic so I couldnt think of any questions for him ^.^ but i guess if he knows how to FOIL and get y from x as well as knowing basic tangents, it would be fine.

Offline Sexy Frog

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Re: Dr. Edwin Sinclair's Authorization Application
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2013, 11:59:25 AM »
What do cell replication types and structures have to do with a computer and computer science auth?
His auths state he will have remarkable knowledge in arithmatic and scientific subjects which means he needs to know physics, chemistry, and biology to a certain degree.

Im not all that great with arithmatic so I couldnt think of any questions for him ^.^ but i guess if he knows how to FOIL and get y from x as well as knowing basic tangents, it would be fine.

Oh, didn't see that bit. Sorry.

>No matter what happens, no matter how old I get.
>I'll never forget...
>Fats Mcgee. And his Retard Three.

Offline Yak

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Re: Dr. Edwin Sinclair's Authorization Application
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2013, 09:00:25 PM »
Do Ph.D's for CS even exist? Regardless, this seems legit and you know what you're doing in RP. One question though. How much do you know about computers and all other sciences IRL?
i know enough to get by and yes there is phds

@dallas fixed thanks

Ok so if I ask you if you know the following, you should know them without looking them up:

-CAT5 Cable
-Difference between quick and full formatting
-Kinetic Energy
-Difference between Meiosis and Mitosis
-The function of a mitochondria

These are high school level quesions, some are fairly basic. I know the auths are for remarkable knowledge but we dint expect 1:1 ratio of knowledge.


These arent to make it hard on you. These are required because ive seen way too many people given PhD auths in subjects they dont even know. Example a player once got auths for Chemistry PhD, but didnt know what an electron ring was. Nedless to say, he tried to make a bomb with Sodium and water by holding the sodium in his hand, dropping it in a jar of water, and throwing the jar. Anyone with basic chemistry knowledge would know that simply would not work. Most youll get it possibly a little firecracker effect. Not even going to ask where he got the sodium from.
kinetic energy is like from falling n shit
cat5 is an Ethernet
momentum is like a sack of bricks would have a large momentum where as a ping pong ball would not
Equilibrium is balance idk much bout that
Catalyst increases chemical reaction speed
Meiosis and Mitosis is cell reproduction and mitosis involves asexual reproduction that are genetically identical where as meiosis requires two partners to have sexual reproduction

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Re: Dr. Edwin Sinclair's Authorization Application
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2013, 09:30:12 PM »
Pretty close.

Equilibrium is when a chemical reaction that also reacts in reverse reaches the point where either side isn't gaining nor losing concentration. So you mostly got it.

You also forgot Mitochondria >.<

Nevertheless, you knew what a catalyst was, difference between meiosis and mitosis, what a CAT5 is, and basics on physics, I'll support this. Just use google if you arent certain on something. No bat poo grenades please.

Offline Yak

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Re: Dr. Edwin Sinclair's Authorization Application
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2013, 09:44:46 PM »
Pretty close.

Equilibrium is when a chemical reaction that also reacts in reverse reaches the point where either side isn't gaining nor losing concentration. So you mostly got it.

You also forgot Mitochondria >.<

Nevertheless, you knew what a catalyst was, difference between meiosis and mitosis, what a CAT5 is, and basics on physics, I'll support this. Just use google if you arent certain on something. No bat poo grenades please.

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Re: Dr. Edwin Sinclair's Authorization Application
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2013, 09:54:16 PM »
I've known Yak for several years and over those years I've seen him prove his serious roleplaying abilities again and again. I believe he will make good use of these auths, and that he is intelligent enough to know how to use them properly. So for those reasons, I will give him a +Support

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Re: Dr. Edwin Sinclair's Authorization Application
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2013, 10:29:45 PM »
I've roleplayed plenty with Yak and can vouch for him. He'll bring good RP with these auths. +support


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