Author Topic: The "To this day" project.  (Read 12863 times)

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Re: The "To this day" project.
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2013, 07:23:05 PM »
Easier said then done for some people Waffle. No matter how hard they try. Personalities are a factor in the "inability to grow a pair" line.

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Re: The "To this day" project.
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2013, 07:23:49 PM »
bullying is the result of not standing up for yourself and nothing else. of course, when you've got an actual excuse not to like being mentally retarded it's fucked up but if you're an ordinary kid getting bullied and you don't stand up for yourself, you deserve it.
Thank you, Ayn Rand. Where is your degree in psychology? If you'd care to open a book (though I recognize that as a high school dropout with failing grades at that, your reading level may be a little low) you may realize that bullying is generally the result of innate, fixed unique character traits. Those are things we cannot effect. And while standing up for yourself will prevent bullying initially, slowly mental disorders can potentially grow, making you even weaker and weaker, and preventing your ability to stand up for yourself. Bullying is the result of others not standing up for their fellow brothers, and people being assholes. Saying that a kid deserves to get bullied because he can't stand up for himself is like saying that a woman deserves to get raped because she can't fight off her assailant.
there's absolutely no reason to bring anyones intelligence in to this argument, stop feeding your fuckin ego. school means fuck all but that's a whole different debate so I'm not even going to start. anyone who has been bullied in their life and grew a pair and stood up for themselves solved their problem, and if you don't want to actually change yourself for the better then oh well, that sucks for you. bullying isn't something that will ever stop because it's part of human nature.
I reiterate: You're not a psychologist. Humans are far too complex of creatures for there to be a general fix-it-all to bullying like "Grow a pair!" That generalization works for some of us, of course. I'm not bullied because 1) I'm a pretty likable guy, IRL, and 2) I'm confident and know how to stand up for myself. But some people don't have the emotional strength to grow from bullying like you suggest. All people are different. That's why there will never be some grand solution to bullying. And on a final note, if you'd care to stop throwing stones from your glass house, you would realize that my sneer at your intelligence was because of your own egotism; that is, the arrogant attitude that led/leads you to believe that you could possibly conjure up the solution to a complex problem for the entirety of human beings, all unique and complex in their own rights.
as I already said earlier, there are people who have reasons as to why they can't stand up for themselves, and obviously giving them shit isn't okay. people with no mental issues who still find that they can't in reality can and just don't want to make a change in their life, which is their problem.
So, what you're saying is that if you're an ass to me, I'm the one who should change?
i'm saying it's human nature for people to be assholes and you can't change human nature, and therefore should adapt.
It's human nature for people to be emotionally sensitive and you can't change human nature, and therefore you should adapt and not be an ass to people, save they be asses to you.
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Re: The "To this day" project.
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2013, 07:40:34 PM »
I thought the project was just another stereotypical bullying video and all the girls on facebook were like 'omg cring hate bullies!!!!'

Re: The "To this day" project.
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2013, 10:28:46 PM »
bullying is the result of not standing up for yourself and nothing else. of course, when you've got an actual excuse not to like being mentally retarded it's fucked up but if you're an ordinary kid getting bullied and you don't stand up for yourself, you deserve it.
Thank you, Ayn Rand. Where is your degree in psychology? If you'd care to open a book (though I recognize that as a high school dropout with failing grades at that, your reading level may be a little low) you may realize that bullying is generally the result of innate, fixed unique character traits. Those are things we cannot effect. And while standing up for yourself will prevent bullying initially, slowly mental disorders can potentially grow, making you even weaker and weaker, and preventing your ability to stand up for yourself. Bullying is the result of others not standing up for their fellow brothers, and people being assholes. Saying that a kid deserves to get bullied because he can't stand up for himself is like saying that a woman deserves to get raped because she can't fight off her assailant.
there's absolutely no reason to bring anyones intelligence in to this argument, stop feeding your fuckin ego. school means fuck all but that's a whole different debate so I'm not even going to start. anyone who has been bullied in their life and grew a pair and stood up for themselves solved their problem, and if you don't want to actually change yourself for the better then oh well, that sucks for you. bullying isn't something that will ever stop because it's part of human nature.
I reiterate: You're not a psychologist. Humans are far too complex of creatures for there to be a general fix-it-all to bullying like "Grow a pair!" That generalization works for some of us, of course. I'm not bullied because 1) I'm a pretty likable guy, IRL, and 2) I'm confident and know how to stand up for myself. But some people don't have the emotional strength to grow from bullying like you suggest. All people are different. That's why there will never be some grand solution to bullying. And on a final note, if you'd care to stop throwing stones from your glass house, you would realize that my sneer at your intelligence was because of your own egotism; that is, the arrogant attitude that led/leads you to believe that you could possibly conjure up the solution to a complex problem for the entirety of human beings, all unique and complex in their own rights.
as I already said earlier, there are people who have reasons as to why they can't stand up for themselves, and obviously giving them shit isn't okay. people with no mental issues who still find that they can't in reality can and just don't want to make a change in their life, which is their problem.
So, what you're saying is that if you're an ass to me, I'm the one who should change?
i'm saying it's human nature for people to be assholes and you can't change human nature, and therefore should adapt.
It's human nature for people to be emotionally sensitive and you can't change human nature, and therefore you should adapt and not be an ass to people, save they be asses to you.
Pack mentality, pick on the weak, they either move off or become strong. I /used/ to be bullied, but I stood up for myself. A lot of times people take things WAY to far(On both sides) and kids are kids, a lot of times it isn't serious and it gets taken too far by the bullied. Some times the bully takes it too far. One source of the problem is that if a kid gets hit/attacked/bullied in school, they /can't/ fight back with out getting suspended. In fact in places even if the kid is just getting whaled on he'll still get in trouble. Kids should be encouraged to stand up for themselves, not punished.
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Re: The "To this day" project.
« Reply #19 on: March 12, 2013, 11:50:56 PM »
I got past bullying because I could, but i didn't sit and take it. If people who killed themselves didn't kill themselves, then the outcome of people would just be fucked up. Plus, these people wouldn't be able to do anything and probably end up in a mental hospital anyways for years and years. They got themselves out of there pain and thats what they wanted.

Sure Darwinism isn't the answer to all but if you can fight back then sure enough you can become a better person. Also, you can reduce bullying but at the same time, it will never stop happening. All this little small soft talk could make a kid want to go fuck up another kid... Yeah it sucks for the parents out there who lost there children because of bullying, and there friends and shit it sucks, but imagine what that kids life would be if he DIDN'T commit suicide.

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Re: The "To this day" project.
« Reply #20 on: March 13, 2013, 03:46:23 AM »
School wasn't that hard for me, it was the day care/day camps that were shit.  My earliest recollection of being bullied was at a 4H day camp.  I was in kindergarten (~5-6 years old) and the majority of the people there were thrice my age and complete assholes.  They took advantage of my innocence and turned me into a fool, and the counselors did nothing about it.  I didn't tell my parents either because I had no sense of what they were doing wrong.

People handle bullying and other forms of harassment in different ways.  Some become depressed and commit suicide, some adapt and either become a bully themselves or face their problems.  I personally feel that I've built an emotional wall around myself, a lot like Roger Waters.  To this day, I have trouble getting close to people because I'm afraid they'll push me away if I burst their bubble.

Also, before I continue to garner your sympathies, I'll admit I live in a glass house and say that I also have bullied people.  Not directly, but in my middle school years, during after-school YMCA day care, I would travel with a group of kids and we would harass this one boy.  As Jugger mentioned, it was the pack mentality that seduced me and I took a ride on a power trip, feeling glad that it wasn't me for once who was being isolated.  Of course, years passed, and I would see the same kid around high school.  To this day, it is one of my biggest regrets that I never apologized to him for what I did.

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Re: The "To this day" project.
« Reply #21 on: March 13, 2013, 07:42:57 PM »
I got past bullying because I could, but i didn't sit and take it. If people who killed themselves didn't kill themselves, then the outcome of people would just be fucked up. Plus, these people wouldn't be able to do anything and probably end up in a mental hospital anyways for years and years. They got themselves out of there pain and thats what they wanted.

Sure Darwinism isn't the answer to all but if you can fight back then sure enough you can become a better person. Also, you can reduce bullying but at the same time, it will never stop happening. All this little small soft talk could make a kid want to go fuck up another kid... Yeah it sucks for the parents out there who lost there children because of bullying, and there friends and shit it sucks, but imagine what that kids life would be if he DIDN'T commit suicide.

Committing suicide is the most horrible thing a person could do. No amount of pain should ever be worth taking your own life. Life's only something that you get one chance at. Going through life can be living hell when you've got no friends, abusive parents, and a ton of other problems. But that's only one part of your life. There's a whole lot more than just your teenage years out there. And as for the comment that it sucks for their parents. It does a whole lot more than just suck. They gave birth to that kid, they raised that kid, and they loved that kid. Any normal parent would want their kid to grow up and be successful. I'm failry certain no human being gives birth to a child, saying "Man, I sure hope this kid commits suicide at some point, even after all the time, love, and care I've shown them". And it's not just parents either; it's siblings, extended family, teachers, friends. The list goes on and on. There was a kid in my grade that committed suicide. I didn't know him personally, but one of my good friends knew him well. To this day, that friend of mine still doesn't have that old vibe of happiness I used to always see him with. Suicide only causes more pain in the world, and seeking it as "a relief" to pain is false. You're removing everything, literally.

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Re: The "To this day" project.
« Reply #22 on: March 13, 2013, 09:08:04 PM »
bullying is the result of not standing up for yourself and nothing else. of course, when you've got an actual excuse not to like being mentally retarded it's fucked up but if you're an ordinary kid getting bullied and you don't stand up for yourself, you deserve it.
Thank you, Ayn Rand. Where is your degree in psychology? If you'd care to open a book (though I recognize that as a high school dropout with failing grades at that, your reading level may be a little low) you may realize that bullying is generally the result of innate, fixed unique character traits. Those are things we cannot effect. And while standing up for yourself will prevent bullying initially, slowly mental disorders can potentially grow, making you even weaker and weaker, and preventing your ability to stand up for yourself. Bullying is the result of others not standing up for their fellow brothers, and people being assholes. Saying that a kid deserves to get bullied because he can't stand up for himself is like saying that a woman deserves to get raped because she can't fight off her assailant.
there's absolutely no reason to bring anyones intelligence in to this argument, stop feeding your fuckin ego. school means fuck all but that's a whole different debate so I'm not even going to start. anyone who has been bullied in their life and grew a pair and stood up for themselves solved their problem, and if you don't want to actually change yourself for the better then oh well, that sucks for you. bullying isn't something that will ever stop because it's part of human nature. when I say you deserve it I mean it's because you'll learn from it as you should from any difficult situation in your life and stop being such a pussy, because believe me no one is going to go through life happily being a little bitch

No one deserves to be tormented for no reason,people can stand up for themselves but even if you mount a defense, you can be overwhelmed. Just because you can say "Fuck you" Or get violent doesn't mean you don't feel like shit.

@Ricky stop being an egotistical sod that can never put anything in a nice way, the few decent points you made were kneecapped by arrogance and assholishness. Don't insult somebody's education and don't act like you're a psychologist, either. No one in this thread is versed enough in this topic to lecture in a class room or present in a seminar. Because we are teens and children on the internet.

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Re: The "To this day" project.
« Reply #23 on: March 13, 2013, 10:15:45 PM »
I got past bullying because I could, but i didn't sit and take it. If people who killed themselves didn't kill themselves, then the outcome of people would just be fucked up. Plus, these people wouldn't be able to do anything and probably end up in a mental hospital anyways for years and years. They got themselves out of there pain and thats what they wanted.

Sure Darwinism isn't the answer to all but if you can fight back then sure enough you can become a better person. Also, you can reduce bullying but at the same time, it will never stop happening. All this little small soft talk could make a kid want to go fuck up another kid... Yeah it sucks for the parents out there who lost there children because of bullying, and there friends and shit it sucks, but imagine what that kids life would be if he DIDN'T commit suicide.
Committing suicide is the most horrible thing a person could do. No amount of pain should ever be worth taking your own life. Life's only something that you get one chance at. Going through life can be living hell when you've got no friends, abusive parents, and a ton of other problems. But that's only one part of your life. There's a whole lot more than just your teenage years out there. And as for the comment that it sucks for their parents. It does a whole lot more than just suck. They gave birth to that kid, they raised that kid, and they loved that kid. Any normal parent would want their kid to grow up and be successful. I'm failry certain no human being gives birth to a child, saying "Man, I sure hope this kid commits suicide at some point, even after all the time, love, and care I've shown them". And it's not just parents either; it's siblings, extended family, teachers, friends. The list goes on and on. There was a kid in my grade that committed suicide. I didn't know him personally, but one of my good friends knew him well. To this day, that friend of mine still doesn't have that old vibe of happiness I used to always see him with. Suicide only causes more pain in the world, and seeking it as "a relief" to pain is false. You're removing everything, literally.
That kid in your school chose to commit suicide and there was nothing you could do about it since he hid it inside of him. Sure there's a shit load you could be doing after your a teenager but you already ended your life because you couldn't handle a simple teenage phase of assholes around you.

EDIT: holy fuck how did my comment end up in the other quote
« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 10:41:50 PM by Ramone »

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Re: The "To this day" project.
« Reply #24 on: March 13, 2013, 10:37:16 PM »
bullying is the result of not standing up for yourself and nothing else. of course, when you've got an actual excuse not to like being mentally retarded it's fucked up but if you're an ordinary kid getting bullied and you don't stand up for yourself, you deserve it.
Thank you, Ayn Rand. Where is your degree in psychology? If you'd care to open a book (though I recognize that as a high school dropout with failing grades at that, your reading level may be a little low) you may realize that bullying is generally the result of innate, fixed unique character traits. Those are things we cannot effect. And while standing up for yourself will prevent bullying initially, slowly mental disorders can potentially grow, making you even weaker and weaker, and preventing your ability to stand up for yourself. Bullying is the result of others not standing up for their fellow brothers, and people being assholes. Saying that a kid deserves to get bullied because he can't stand up for himself is like saying that a woman deserves to get raped because she can't fight off her assailant.
there's absolutely no reason to bring anyones intelligence in to this argument, stop feeding your fuckin ego. school means fuck all but that's a whole different debate so I'm not even going to start. anyone who has been bullied in their life and grew a pair and stood up for themselves solved their problem, and if you don't want to actually change yourself for the better then oh well, that sucks for you. bullying isn't something that will ever stop because it's part of human nature. when I say you deserve it I mean it's because you'll learn from it as you should from any difficult situation in your life and stop being such a pussy, because believe me no one is going to go through life happily being a little bitch

No one deserves to be tormented for no reason,people can stand up for themselves but even if you mount a defense, you can be overwhelmed. Just because you can say "Fuck you" Or get violent doesn't mean you don't feel like shit.

@Ricky stop being an egotistical sod that can never put anything in a nice way, the few decent points you made were kneecapped by arrogance and assholishness. Don't insult somebody's education and don't act like you're a psychologist, either. No one in this thread is versed enough in this topic to lecture in a class room or present in a seminar. Because we are teens and children on the internet.
I never claimed anyone deserved it, I was just saying that that is how people work and regardless of how hard people try this is something that will never come to a end and therefore people need to defend themselves.
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Re: The "To this day" project.
« Reply #25 on: March 13, 2013, 11:44:54 PM »
While to some, the opinion I'm about to give may seem harsh, it is my own and I stick to it.

Suicide is never an option. Ever. If you have thoughts of suicide or have attempted, I leave it to one rationalization and one alone. You're weak. Suicide is a tool for the weak in my book, taking "the easy way out". Sure, everyone is different but I firmly believe that if one person has done it, then there is no excuse for you not being capable of the same. Everyone has their own methods of dealing with issues. Some people cut themselves, some people listen to music, some people play video games, some people play sports, some people write stories/poetry/songs and some people stand up for themselves.

I was a target of bullying for all of two days in my younger years when I was like 9, being a momma's boy (which I still am, and fucking proud) and not having much grip on casual interaction, cursing and horsing around at that age. The first day, it began and the second day I put that mother fucker in check. No, I didn't resort to violence. Why? Because violence is a petty tool. Sure, actions speak louder than words, however that cliche only goes so far. I was never fucked with again after that, ever. And if anything, I became the kid that everyone was cool with and I was willing to be /anyone's/ friend.

Despite this, I am no psychologist, but there are points where bullying goes too far and you either need to nut up or shut up. That's the bluntest way I can put it. I remember watching the film Cyber Bully in P.E. a while back and due to a misunderstanding and a bitch of a friend, this girl was tormented through the web. She was dumb for several reasons. 1, being unable to open a bottle of pills at the age of 17, like wtf. 2, being a stubborn cunt of a girl and not listening to her mother in the first place when she SHOULD have deleted her god damned social networking account and it could have all been avoided to begin with. 3, for her attempt at suicide.

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Re: The "To this day" project.
« Reply #26 on: March 14, 2013, 12:04:56 AM »
Look, suicide is not this "pussy easy way out". It's quiet horrible, if some one believes that they themselves are terrible, if they think they are hated and depressed to the point where death, which is naturally the most feared thing, is preferable to living; then don't insult them. That's terrible if they feel that way and they should get help. Bullying is never the one factor to suicide, there's more then one.

@RoflWaffle people do try to defend themselves, even when they do, they can still feel bad. And enough of that built up + Other shit can make them feel bad to the point of putting a gun under their chin.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 12:08:22 AM by [38e-Swiss][Master Gunner][R] »

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Re: The "To this day" project.
« Reply #27 on: March 14, 2013, 12:13:02 AM »
It's horrible for the moment that it's happening, and then nothing. You're dead. Whatever you believe in comes into play at that point. But that brief moment of pain until your body shuts down is nothing compared to everything life could have had in store for you had you not been weak. You could have loved, lost, hated, went through countless other emotions and physical pains that collectively would be 100 times worse than that one instance of suicide. So yes, in the long run, it's the easy way out.

If you can't handle life, then by all means, kill yourself. Sure, bullying isn't the only factor to suicide, but if that's the route your going to take because your life is so terrible, boo fucking hoo. While your crying over name calling, there are other people who are sitting around on their death beds with terminal illnesses and deformities as well as people in other countries who have nothing to eat for days on end or are threatened daily by terrorism and religious squabbles that can very well cost them their lives and some are daily wishing to die yet you are crying because your feelings are hurt. I will stick to my beliefs and those people are still weak to me.

The only way I could possibly find suicide at least slightly acceptable is if you are suffering physically with horrible illnesses that leave you liked bed ridden, constantly sick and in pain and you're going to die anyways. Basically like the works of Dr. Kevorkian.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 12:17:11 AM by Sexy Frog »

>No matter what happens, no matter how old I get.
>I'll never forget...
>Fats Mcgee. And his Retard Three.

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Re: The "To this day" project.
« Reply #28 on: March 14, 2013, 01:39:45 AM »
I got a lot more meaning out of this thread's conversation than out of the video itself.

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Re: The "To this day" project.
« Reply #29 on: March 14, 2013, 01:49:53 AM »
If you can't handle life, then by all means, kill yourself. Sure, bullying isn't the only factor to suicide, but if that's the route your going to take because your life is so terrible, boo fucking hoo. While your crying over name calling, there are other people who are sitting around on their death beds with terminal illnesses and deformities as well as people in other countries who have nothing to eat for days on end or are threatened daily by terrorism and religious squabbles that can very well cost them their lives and some are daily wishing to die yet you are crying because your feelings are hurt. I will stick to my beliefs and those people are still weak to me.

what if you got captured and you were going to be tortured


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