Author Topic: Titan of the Dinosaurs, Elions's PK Appeal for Matthew 'Oldman' Henderson, Eli 'Stalker'  (Read 21593 times)

Offline [LP]GMK-MRL

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It kind of is. It prooves he was fooled to go in there, it prooves there was intended malice in fooling him like that, and it's more than obvious that it shows the RP in general was just invalid by the point the whole thing turned around.

So what? That's the point I'm trying to get across, he was fooled and then got a PK from it, so what? It was IC, there's no reason to unPK anyone
The fooling wasn't IC however, It was OOC.

So you metagamed and then got PKd from it?
Metagaming would be taking what was said in the steam chat and using it in a way that would give me an advantage(Like I don't know... Planning an ambush?). Instead I was trying to help outlands out as a whole but I got killed for it(Which it was NLR then, IDK why it got bumped to PK.).

You said "We'll meet", which I was under the impression we were going to work together a bit before we do this so its not a sudden leap.
I have no idea why it was jumped from an NLR to a PK.

I remember saying "I'll see" but i'll just leave it alone as to prevent another arguement within an argument.

And for the metagaming part. You're saying that I used steam chat to set up this entire meeting and to have you killed? I had planned this ambush in IC with the rest of my group for weeks-months. So just assuming I metgamed with no evidence on this trap would be inaccurate. ICly, my character wouldn't have cared what you are doing for the outlands. OOCly, I still wouldn't care as I follow the IC is IC kind of routine.

And it wasn't an NLR it was a TK. I wanted that there to prevent drama like this and that was the only reason it was implemented. Honestly, you should've gotten a pk. You were shot in the head with a .357. You of all people should know what kind of damage that would do.

And if I had said "We'll meet" then you were under the wrong impression. Impressions are used as a more lesser term for assumptions. It jumped to a PK beacuse it would make no sense to just ignore the fact that you recieved a large hole in your head on your most developed character.

Sorry for the misinterptiation Elions, I apologize for that and it was my mistake to use it.

And I can only provide you with what I see in gray text with the logs of me and jugger. I have tried to even go on my phone yet that didn't even work.

We would.. If this was in proper RP, not in mean spirits, and certainely didn't have the undertones of malice that it has shown thus far. We have reasons to appeal and we've put them right here for you all to see. If you did not want your plan to be questioned, you should not have used these tactics. Plain and simple.

Proper RP is not doing booty rolls on my stomach while being shot at. My tactics were those of an offensive stratgey that used IC deception. You're only questioning it due to your loose understanding of it. If you had known about the hours of planning I put into it, you probably wouldn't have questioned it in the first place.

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Provide us of logs to show how on earth I fooled you by me saying "Ill see."
6:11 PM - Titan of the Dinosaurs: Why?
6:12 PM - Titan of the Dinosaurs: You and I had agreed on an Alliance in steam chat yes?
Sunday, March 10, 2013
10:51 PM - Titan of the Dinosaurs: Thanks

Unfortunatley I cannot access the conversation as it is too old and has been moved up by steam. If you have any suggestions on how I can, it would be helpful.

This has a huge gap between the lines, this is... worrying to say the least. While i can see the timestamp there it's simply not enough. Not to mention it seems much too convenient that you cannot access it anymore.

Does Titan have the logs from that chat?

Offline [LP]GMK-MRL

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Provide us of logs to show how on earth I fooled you by me saying "Ill see."
6:11 PM - Titan of the Dinosaurs: Why?
6:12 PM - Titan of the Dinosaurs: You and I had agreed on an Alliance in steam chat yes?
Sunday, March 10, 2013
10:51 PM - Titan of the Dinosaurs: Thanks

Unfortunatley I cannot access the conversation as it is too old and has been moved up by steam. If you have any suggestions on how I can, it would be helpful.

This has a huge gap between the lines, this is... worrying to say the least. While i can see the timestamp there it's simply not enough. Not to mention it seems much too convenient that you cannot access it anymore.

Does Titan have the logs from that chat?

That is my question too. It would provide hopefully a final verdict so this endless hole of drama will cease.

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It kind of is. It prooves he was fooled to go in there, it prooves there was intended malice in fooling him like that, and it's more than obvious that it shows the RP in general was just invalid by the point the whole thing turned around.

So what? That's the point I'm trying to get across, he was fooled and then got a PK from it, so what? It was IC, there's no reason to unPK anyone
The fooling wasn't IC however, It was OOC.

So you metagamed and then got PKd from it?
Metagaming would be taking what was said in the steam chat and using it in a way that would give me an advantage(Like I don't know... Planning an ambush?). Instead I was trying to help outlands out as a whole but I got killed for it(Which it was NLR then, IDK why it got bumped to PK.).

You said "We'll meet", which I was under the impression we were going to work together a bit before we do this so its not a sudden leap.
I have no idea why it was jumped from an NLR to a PK.

Metagame is using ANY ooc info in ic in ANY way, doesn't matter if it gives you a benefit or not, just thought I'd clear that up while everyone's moved on

Your tactics also had you getting shot at by weapons known for their penetration/over penetration with out RPing that aspect of it.

So let me get this straight.

Kronos and Jugger talked in steam chat and agreed in steam chat to form an alliance. Jugger and Elions went ICly to the location (metagame unless scripted RP was planned) and Kronos basically said "no I lied" and killed both Elions and Juggernaut?

I feel like I'm missing something from Kronos' side. Someone get him to post here.

No, they never spoke in Steam Chat about making a group prior to this.

You talked to me about an Alliance between all the groups in the OL over steam yes.

Gonna just point that out and the fact that Pi was also arguing it over TS rather convincingly, going as far as putting words in my mouth.

The amount of damage taken doesn't factor in between a PK and a TK. A TK isn't like getting a injury and having to rest for a while(Like when Matt lost his leg.) its more of an extended NLR so there's no way for you to get involved with any direct fallout role play.

The gap in between the chat was empty due to no reply or anything. Nothing was said, When I said thanks that was when I believe I found out about the PK.
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass

Offline [LP]GMK-MRL

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Your tactics also had you getting shot at by weapons known for their penetration/over penetration with out RPing that aspect of it.

And I was shot in the shoulder due to my position as I told Sexy Frog over steam chat.

I can't provide those logs as they were over my mobile, BUT I think Frog still has them and can give them to you.

You talked to me about an Alliance between all the groups in the OL over steam yes.

And the fact that I said that I talked to you over steam about an Alliance, doesn't mean I agreed to it.

The point of that was that Pi had attacked me like a dog over that in TS, when you just confirmed it yourself.

1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass

Offline [LP]GMK-MRL

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Your tactics also had you getting shot at by weapons known for their penetration/over penetration with out RPing that aspect of it.

So let me get this straight.

Kronos and Jugger talked in steam chat and agreed in steam chat to form an alliance. Jugger and Elions went ICly to the location (metagame unless scripted RP was planned) and Kronos basically said "no I lied" and killed both Elions and Juggernaut?

I feel like I'm missing something from Kronos' side. Someone get him to post here.

No, they never spoke in Steam Chat about making a group prior to this.

You talked to me about an Alliance between all the groups in the OL over steam yes.

Gonna just point that out and the fact that Pi was also arguing it over TS rather convincingly, going as far as putting words in my mouth.

The amount of damage taken doesn't factor in between a PK and a TK. A TK isn't like getting a injury and having to rest for a while(Like when Matt lost his leg.) its more of an extended NLR so there's no way for you to get involved with any direct fallout role play.

The gap in between the chat was empty due to no reply or anything. Nothing was said, When I said thanks that was when I believe I found out about the PK.

Also, you just said what a TK is and put isn't in front of it. I talked to the administration team, and some even contacted me. They basically said your death was so important, that we wouldn't just see you walk away and come back three days later. I was honestly willing to let you stay with the TK and even argued with some admins to let you keep it. But now that I see the true facts and that drama is just another unfortante aspect of OOC, i'll just go ahead and shoot for a PK as well now. The amount of damage does count towards a PK. If you explode, you're not coming back. If you're shot in the head, you're not coming back. This is not a movie where you can survive a lethal shot to a vital organ such as the brain, heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, or diaphram.

The point of that was that Pi had attacked me like a dog over that in TS, when you just confirmed it yourself.

And what does that have to do with this appeal? Also, where did I confirm it?
« Last Edit: March 11, 2013, 08:04:35 PM by Kronos- ???° »

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And what does that have to do with this appeal?

He was directly involved in the events. I'd say that has a lot to do with the appeal.

I can't provide those logs as they were over my mobile, BUT I think Frog still has them and can give them to you.

Unless you cleared the chat yourself, Steam Mobile should have the full log (With timestamps if i remember correctly) Meaning that if you take the time you can post the logs in their entirety. Either way even if you did not directly state that you were going to form an alliance you hinted Heavily at it, which just continues on with the point

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Apparently arguing with someone over TS is attacking someone over TS. Alrighty then.

That maybe ya'll should get your facts straight before you accuse someone of being a lier.

I can't see how the amount of damage would count for a PK. As for the TK Keiji said that your group doesn't go for PK's, The OOC drama was mainly started /due to the PK/ I would have left this alone and just moved on, but the fact that it became a PK almost out of no where makes me want both answers and it undone. I really /really/ enjoying playing the Old man.

You confirmed that the chat happened. And Pi it's not arguing when you're putting words in my mouth and accusing me of being something I'm not.
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass

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That maybe ya'll should get your facts straight before you accuse someone of being a lier.

I can't see how the amount of damage would count for a PK. As for the TK Keiji said that your group doesn't go for PK's, The OOC drama was mainly started /due to the PK/ I would have left this alone and just moved on, but the fact that it became a PK almost out of no where makes me want both answers and it undone. I really /really/ enjoying playing the Old man.

You confirmed that the chat happened. And Pi it's not arguing when you're putting words in my mouth and accusing me of being something I'm not.

Might I bring up the conversation you had with Kronos about him apparently saying "car or pk" when we already had the vehicle anyways?

Offline [LP]GMK-MRL

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Unless you cleared the chat yourself, Steam Mobile should have the full log (With timestamps if i remember correctly) Meaning that if you take the time you can post the logs in their entirety. Either way even if you did not directly state that you were going to form an alliance you hinted Heavily at it, which just continues on with the point

I cannot post them into the website as the app for the android costs money that I really do not feel like spending. And I said sexy frog can provide you with one. Hinting at it doesn't mean I said yes and we should meet. Does it? I met him yes, but the meeting topic nor the location was planned over Steam Chat. He just literally brought it up to me and in actualitly, I just shoved it off.

And to provide some evidence, (having to use your own Jugger, no personal intent)

You were killed brutally for supplies. I don't see how that would be unfair. How do I know you have supplies? Laurence ICly speculated that you did. Laurence also hates controlling people. From his obersvations of you, he could tell that you were a powerful person. Also you threatened his prized vortigaunt. You indirectly piled on reasons for your death.

That maybe ya'll should get your facts straight before you accuse someone of being a lier.

If anything you should follow your own advice.

I can't see how the amount of damage would count for a PK. As for the TK Keiji said that your group doesn't go for PK's

And we didn't. The administration team did. Sorry to break the sudden news.

. I really /really/ enjoying playing the Old man.

I really /really/ enjoyed playing my unit, Turious, Giovanni, and William Dicardi.

The OOC drama was mainly started /due to the PK/ I would have left this alone and just moved on, but the fact that it became a PK almost out of no where makes me want both answers and it undone.

It was what I was trying to avoid completely. But you still have to move on, as in the beginning of your RP expierence, people should've told you not to become overly attached and expect to lose your characters.

You confirmed that the chat happened. And Pi it's not arguing when you're putting words in my mouth and accusing me of being something I'm not.

Ah the chat did happen, yet I did not give a direct answer on whether or not I would meet you and speak on the topic of an alliance. And as said before, you should follow your own advice.

The whole being a white knight part annoyed me.
I also never made a threat to Garum other than steam chat.
Was the meeting planned? No, it wasn't. But I was still under the OOC misconception that there was indeed going to be an alliance.
When have I lied?
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass

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I didn't read every single post in this down to the letter, but one thing I can see that is a problem here is the OOC aspect. There shouldn't have been any steam chats regarding the issue at all. Neither Jugger nor Kronos should have ever talked about meeting IC to discuss a specific subject. Talking over steam to ask someone to get on to speak with with regarding an issue is one thing, but to plan something in steam and then use that information ICly is metagaming and just leads to situations like this.

It was decided amongst the SA's (currently just Khub and I) that the two admins involved in the RP, Jonco and Sexy Frog would decide what was appropriate for Old Man. Its up to them to decide if any discrepancies in this RP are present and if there are truly any issues. They both decided for a PK on Old Man.

Now why didn't I mention Eli above? Because the main issue is really with Old Man, but since Eli was allegedly in the wrong place at the wrong time, he died as well and it was part of the conditions that if Old Man got PK'd, Eli would have to be as well because its only fair. Alternatively, if this appeal is accepted, both character's will be unpk'd.


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