Author Topic: Keiji 'Fixer' Maeda's Authorization Application  (Read 3452 times)

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Keiji 'Fixer' Maeda's Authorization Application
« on: March 05, 2013, 01:52:22 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Would you like some 3.14159265?
Age: 16
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 4-5 years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 2-3 years.

Character Section

A HL2 Jalopy.
Cc Flags.

Name: Keiji 'Fixer' Maeda
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Rebellion

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

Back at Ineu Pass, Keiji had an idea. A brash idea, one he thought he probably wouldn’t succeed with. His hope was to create himself a car; a car that would assist him in whatever way he could come up with. At first, he shrugged the idea off. After all, he had only just taught himself how to work with cars and other machinery. But still, the fire that drove Keiji on for this long still burned, so he went for it.
He began to scavenge around the Pass with the assistance of Jules and Griever searching and scrounging about wherever they could, keeping as discreet as possible about the situation. Weeks would go by with searches turning up nothing, until one fateful day when Keiji and Griever were heading through the car tunnel. A room had recently been set up, with its occupants out doing god knows what. Inside were a few boxes, some food, etce. But the big thing that caught the two men’s eyes was the battery and the two cans of fuel. At first Keiji was in disbelief. He thought that there was no possibility anyone could’ve found such things, but there they were in front of him. As Keiji stood eyeing the engine, Griever was none the wiser to act, picking up the two cans and already began heading for the door.

“Fixer!” Griever shouted as he head towards the door. “Get the battery and let’s get the fuck out!”

Keiji snapped out of his trance, peering about for a moment. He grabbed the battery, heading for the door as his toolbox rattled on his back. The two took off down the road towards Belles, laughing the whole way.
Skip forward a few more days of unsuccessful scavving. Ineu Pass was attacked. Out of all the things Keiji was forced to leave behind, he made sure he was able to get the fuel and the battery out with the assistance of Griever and Jules. Upon arrival of the Valley, Keiji set up shop in a garage outside of the Factory. (Town B) Griever had parted ways with them soon after, but Jules stuck around. Keiji was none the wiser to take advantage of the newfound land, having found a junkyard. He set off with Jules, seeing what supplies were in this treasure trove of machinery. A quick investigation found them finding necessary parts such as Axels and Mufflers. Soon as they were going to pick up the parts and leave, they were ambushed. Gunshots had rung out from what sounded like near the entrance as the two men were split up. Jules took cover inside as Keiji was forced to hide behind a rock. More shots rang out, and Keiji took off behind the building under his own cover fire, successfully making it inside. A firefight ensued as the two men were cornered inside. Jules and Keiji planned to split and run out, causing a diversion. In doing so, Keiji was able to slip around the corner behind the building, but Jules was gunned in the leg not soon after. As Keiji turned back the corner to see what was going on, he was stopped at the building’s doorway by a female up on the ledge. Keiji pinned himself to the doorway, most of his body inside the building as the woman stood atop the ledge looking down at him. She spoke with a thick Russian accent, saying:

“Get your buddy and get the fuck out of here. Your kind are not welcome here.”

Keiji stood fast same as the woman for awhile, until she began barking threats. He knew his only option would be to come out peacefully. He twirled the gun in his hand, holding it backwards and by the handle as he raised both his hands. She then lowered her gun, telling him once more to leave as she walked off. Keiji then rushed to Jules, finding he had been shot in the back of the calf. He called for help, taking out his radio and seeing whoever would show up.
No one answered.
He tore the sleeves off of Jules’ shirt, wrapping those around his leg to stop the bleeding, not knowing much else to do. Just as he was about to yell over the radio again, two men had shown up. Gabriel and Laurence. They offered assistance and Keiji was reluctant to let them. Gabriel picked up Jules, hobbling him along down the hill towards the Inn where Paul Haynes was awaiting his arrival. Keiji and Laurence, however, quickly scanned the area then decided it was best to grab whatever they could and get out. The two Axels and Muffler came home with Keiji. The two spoke upon arrival at Keiji’s garage. Their initial meeting was a bit antsy, but they shared common interests. They both told each other of their plans and agreed to assist one another, Laurence’s end of the deal coming first. But to prove his worth, Laurence assisted Keiji with one thing: He helped bring one of the yellow chassis outside of his garage inside with Keiji’s materials. A brief look over of the chassis saw it having a near full interior. The seats, wheels, sticks, all that stuff.
Skip forward a day or two. Laurence had nabbed up the Factory near Keiji’s garage and set it up, solidifying a group in the area. Jules’ leg had begun healing and it was determined he would be fine. Nevertheless, Laurence’s end of the deal was finished, and Keiji’s end was soon to be completed as well. Keiji and Laurence set out alongside Grigor (another group member) to return back to the Junkyard in hopes that the crazy Russian lady was gone. To their disbelief, she was. Again, they were able to take advantage of the situation, this time finding a stack of four ties clipped together on top of one another. Grigor watched the entrance as Keiji and Laurence began to work away, unclipping the tires. They each took one tire, proceeding to head down the hill towards the garage. Grigor watched their backs as they traversed the tires slowly down the cliff, making sure not to keep a good grip. The first two tires were able to successfully make it to the bottom of the cliff and into the garage, but it wasn’t until the second trip back up that they had troubles. The trip was exhausting. Exhausting enough that Keiji opted to leaving his backpack and toolbox behind in the garage to lighten the load on his back. When they reached the top of the hill, the two men retrieved the last two tires as Grigor watched their backs one more. They continued to roll them down the hill until suddenly, Laurence hit a rut. He tripped up, almost losing the tire. Grigor had got in front of it and the two were able to stop it from falling...but that was not the case for Keiji. He misjudged grabbing the tire upon hearing Laurence trip up with the tire, as it slipped out of his grasp. He lunged forward to grab at it, but found nothing more than gravel in his hands. The three paused where they were watching the tire roll downwards, hit a gap, bounce a few times for a good 50 feet, then smash into a tree; obliterating both tree and tire. The third tire came down the rest of the hill slowly and successfully and Keiji went over to check on the tire that lost his grasp. It was done for, huge pieces of rubber had exploded off the tire and it was simply toast.
Skip forward a good week. The group decided on one more trip, having needed only now an engine and the last tire. Grigor was unable to come with them this time; leaving limpy Jules to come with them to act  They head back to the Junkyard once more. Surprisingly, it was clear again. They began to think that maybe the Russian woman just scared them for show. Jules took watch at the entrance, sitting near one of the posts whilst Keiji and Laurence looked once more. They searched more thoroughly this time, in hopes that they’d actually have time this go around. Every car looked almost scrapped by now. They were able to find that fourth tire, but it was a little flat on air. The engine...that took longer. They searched every single car for a good half hour until Laurence finally found one. He called Keiji over and they both peered inside. The engine looked dirty, dusty and a bit rusted, but they figured it was better than nothing. Keiji began unhooking the engine, keeping key components and such to put it back together if need be. Upon unhooking everything, they hoisted it out and Keiji began peering it over. The innards looked almost fine, they were the most protected from anything. It was the stuff closer to the outside that was a bit busted. They needed two spark plugs and a new timing belt, something that wouldn’t be easily found within the Valley, after having looted the Junkyard enough as is. Nevertheless, they took the engine down the cliff, being extremely careful so as not to drop it. They arrived safely at the garage, realizing how close they were to finishing this project. Laurence then took Jules outside with him to get the last tire, leaving Keiji to himself for awhile.
He walked around, peering over his accomplishment. He felt as though he was already finished, that this was it. He stopped himself short, however, thinking up until Laurence and Jules return. As they were about to congratulate him and each other, Keiji cut them short, speaking:

“I have to leave the valley. See if I can’t find some stuff to help put this all together with...a blowtorch, maybe? Somethin’ like that.  Along with the spark plugs and whatnot. You guys gonna be good without me?”

Jules shrugged, nodding afterwards. “I guess so. You aren’t much of a help to us anyways.” Jules laughed, having said that sarcastically.

“Ye, we shoul’ be good cuz. We gots dis.” Laurence replied.

Keiji nodded back at the two, as he gave them quick goodbyes. He prepared himself for a journey upon the two exiting, upon his return, he would hope to be able to put his car together and finish off months of progress.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
-A car to drive around with, will assist in getting to places quicker. It will also assist in moving people and supplies around faster, or to use for a getaway or even an assault.


-The car will obviously need maintenance.
-Fuel will be a big necessity as well.
-The car will need [duration dependant] OOC time to create.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Well, read the perks, I guess.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
Just Keiji.

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
I had been trying to construct this car for months prior. ICly I have gathered all the Supplies necessary, which will be in the backstory. Also, Keiji's return with the blowtorch and parts to fix up the Engine is part of another auth where Keiji may leave for however many days OOC time and collect supplies.
EDIT 1: Fixed to add in bolds, underlines, etc.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 01:54:50 PM by Would you like some 3.14159265? »

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Re: Keiji 'Fixer' Maeda's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2013, 02:45:52 PM »
Hi. I'm going to point out the obvious here.

-Vehicles (Jeeps, etc)

Unless approved by Kronic or Rofl this ain't going to fly.

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Offline Airborne1st

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Re: Keiji 'Fixer' Maeda's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2013, 02:59:11 PM »
Leave this auth app on hold until the system is overhauled. Locking it for now. It will be re-opened when things are changed.

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Re: Keiji 'Fixer' Maeda's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2013, 03:08:24 PM »
Unlocked, any admins/players can give their input on this as long as it makes sense and isn't just "I dislike him don't give him this pls" and I'll make the final decision after I've seen enough from you guys. Please don't have a massive discussion about this leading to something like three pages, give your support/-support and a decent explanation and that's it.

Offline raged

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Re: Keiji 'Fixer' Maeda's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2013, 03:20:56 PM »
It can always be blown up if he abuses it.

He's a decent roleplayer and I'd expect him to behave accordingly with it, so support.

Offline Dallas

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Re: Keiji 'Fixer' Maeda's Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2013, 04:28:49 PM »
Yeah, now that the rules appear to be in flux then I guess I'll support this too as Pi is a very good roleplayer and probably won't abuse this- failing that, it can always be destroyed like raged said.

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Re: Keiji 'Fixer' Maeda's Authorization Application
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2013, 06:26:32 AM »
Keiji got Cc flags yesterday so... I assume this is accepted or maybe I'm mistaken.

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Re: Keiji 'Fixer' Maeda's Authorization Application
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2013, 10:29:15 AM »
Keiji got Cc flags yesterday so... I assume this is accepted or maybe I'm mistaken.

I got those because Old Man's car had been taken. I still have the one car I can put together, which I'm still gonna auth.

Offline Airborne1st

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Re: Keiji 'Fixer' Maeda's Authorization Application
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2013, 12:29:35 PM »
The only issue with you getting an actual "Jalopy" vehicle is the fact that I don't think they're implemented yet. I can't even spawn one. I'm sure Khub can fix that but I don't know anything about what it would require, so its likely you'll be stuck with a Jeep. Either way, +support from me.

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Re: Keiji 'Fixer' Maeda's Authorization Application
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2013, 01:18:31 PM »
By the time your character manages to assemble the car, I'll hopefully manage to fix the bugged content on the OL server.

Nevermind, I'll leave this up to Kronic as he wanted but I don't really see any reason why this wouldn't be accepted, as there was no negative point since his post.

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Re: Keiji 'Fixer' Maeda's Authorization Application
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2013, 08:54:34 PM »
He already has Cc flags, so you don't really need to give it to him. He just needs to do the RP and such at this point. Shouldn't it be accepted or something then  :P?

Current Characters:
Abdul Sadek - Unregistered citizen, currently near City 18.
Monica Halleway - A seemingly crazy woman roaming the plaza.

Former HL2RP-Characters:
Jennifer Hanson - Former trader now involved with the Lambda Movement in City 17.
'091' - A former rogue medical unit now on the Combine Homeworld. Or is she?
Michael 'Y' Eloriga - A wanted criminal located in City 17, frequently spotted on rooftops.

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Re: Keiji 'Fixer' Maeda's Authorization Application
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2013, 09:02:48 PM »
Hes done the rp for well over 2 months now. I say go for it.

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Re: Keiji 'Fixer' Maeda's Authorization Application
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2013, 02:49:34 AM »
This gets my support as well, for the reasons above.

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Re: Keiji 'Fixer' Maeda's Authorization Application
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2013, 10:48:41 AM »


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