Author Topic: 270's authorization app.  (Read 15318 times)

Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #30 on: February 20, 2013, 03:46:00 PM »
270 doesn't have bionic augmentations, he/she/it has the newer Nantes(More like what you see in Deus Ex, not human revolution) which could be powered by the body easily, shes not as strong as someone who got the bionics, but its cheaper and improves more.
Stasis was suppose to be changed to be sleep, but it allows the union to further the indoctrination process(Making it quicker/more effective) but the guide wasn't updated(This was decided after RTLK took one of his leaves).

I'd like to know who authorized, developed ICly, and surgically implanted these kind of augments in any unit, because I never did. Augments are done just as I mentioned.

Regarding challenge's comment that 270's limbs were 25% mechanical, they'd be pretty damn heavy for the biological parts of her to continue to lift. Try strapping 50lb weights to your arms and legs and then go camping for a week straight. It would be about the same unless you had your augments charged.

We have stasis for a reason, which is OfC+ ranked units never really go off duty, they just go into stasis. This is why we say on the radio, "Unit XXX is returning from stasis."
I auth'd it back when I was DvL, I don't know who developed it was months ago.

The reason why we moved away from bionic limbs was we needed a way to nerf the augments, People where abusing them to all hell(Units taller then Spartans slamming their dicks in to walls to break through them).
The upgrades that Challenge is talking about is like Nantes to make the mussel tissue stronger and harder, giving her better strength, mobility, eye sight, and smarter. Its not like she had her bones ripped out and replaced with combine steel.
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #31 on: February 20, 2013, 03:51:18 PM »
270 doesn't have bionic augmentations, he/she/it has the newer Nantes(More like what you see in Deus Ex, not human revolution) which could be powered by the body easily, shes not as strong as someone who got the bionics, but its cheaper and improves more.
Stasis was suppose to be changed to be sleep, but it allows the union to further the indoctrination process(Making it quicker/more effective) but the guide wasn't updated(This was decided after RTLK took one of his leaves).

I'd like to know who authorized, developed ICly, and surgically implanted these kind of augments in any unit, because I never did. Augments are done just as I mentioned.

Regarding challenge's comment that 270's limbs were 25% mechanical, they'd be pretty damn heavy for the biological parts of her to continue to lift. Try strapping 50lb weights to your arms and legs and then go camping for a week straight. It would be about the same unless you had your augments charged.

We have stasis for a reason, which is OfC+ ranked units never really go off duty, they just go into stasis. This is why we say on the radio, "Unit XXX is returning from stasis."

As the leader of the medical division of the CCA for about 10 months now, I can tell you that augments are created and are mechanical. They are implanted through a surgical procedure in which all of your internal organs except for your brain are removed and replaced. As for your eye sight and hearing, the nanites pettit mentioned are injected into your eye's and ear's directly. Before your heart and lungs are removed, you're literally killed, then your lungs and heart are replaced with mechanical counterparts, and you're given another injection that "revives" you. As much as some like to deny it, augmentation surgery basically makes you a terminator cyborg. You still have your mind, but that's about all you have left to keep you human. high grade metropolice supplements are also injected into your "bloodstream", which help fuel your brain and anything left that's organic inside you. You wouldn't go into a cardiac arrest and die, since you have no organic heart. What would happen when your augments run out of power, is they would simply stop moving. You would be frozen in place, with your mind still working. Without the occasional metropolice supplement intake to keep your brain from dying and decaying, your brain would die and you would essentially be a statue where your augments stopped working.

As for an official guide from Valve, nothing exists. The closest you can get to an official word is by doing as raged mentioned and email the story writers.

I'm going to go ahead and say that nothing augmented can last outside of Combine facilities where it can go into stasis when needed. You may be able to find power sources, but without the appropriate means to connect them to yourself (a stasis pod), you couldn't do anything with them.

I've said this once and I'll say it again, your only chance of surviving would be to come across an OTA patrol and convince them to get you back to their outpost, allowing you to recharge there. Although if this were to happen, you'd be transported to a city. This would make your time in the Outlands on 270 rather temporary. You'll either die, or be found by OTA and transported.

Where did you get this? When I was NOVA DvL the only time we did a full aug like that was if the organs where failing, there was no reason to do a full one on a perfectly healthy unit.
I was also there when the change was made to move from full bionic augmentations to Nantes augmenting the natural mussel. OTA shouldn't even have bionic limbs anymore, Organs yes, but limbs no.
Why would they waste resources augmenting a CCA unit like that?

There's also a language barrier here, Challenge has been trying to say the entire time that the only augmenting she got was Nantes never got the bionic limbs.

Here is the current augmentation procedure training:

Apply standard surgery preparations.
Place the unit being treated under the influence of N2O.
Begin by modifying the human ear, inject 5mL of EEN (Ear Enhancement Nano-Cells) into the patients' bloodstream.
Administer 30mL of HMEN (Human Muscle Enhancement Nano-Cells) into the patient's jugular vein.
Inject 1mL of ESN (Enhanced Sight Nano-Cells) into the patients' eye conjunctiva.
Inject 30mL of SSN (Swift Service Nano-Cells) into the jugular vein.
Remove the genitals of the patient using a laser cutter.
Remove every organ except the heart and lungs.
Inject the unit with a drug that temporarily 'kills' them off until the antidote is administered.
After all organs are removed, replace the heart and lungs with the artifically augmented heart and lungs provided.

Its a mixture of nanites and complete organ replacement. Limbs are only augmented if needed or a special request with a good reason is made. Regardless, limbs don't work when your organs don't. Its the same with augments. Limbs won't work unless what fuels them works. 270 would have no access to metropolice supplements, and even has a disadvantage having 25% augmented limbs.

Here I go again.
Airborne, I got THESE EXACT augmentations, way before you started up your way of augmentation. The only possible thing I've been given from your current augmentation procedure training, is having my ears and eyes modified by nanites.

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #32 on: February 20, 2013, 03:58:47 PM »
270 doesn't have bionic augmentations, he/she/it has the newer Nantes(More like what you see in Deus Ex, not human revolution) which could be powered by the body easily, shes not as strong as someone who got the bionics, but its cheaper and improves more.
Stasis was suppose to be changed to be sleep, but it allows the union to further the indoctrination process(Making it quicker/more effective) but the guide wasn't updated(This was decided after RTLK took one of his leaves).

I'd like to know who authorized, developed ICly, and surgically implanted these kind of augments in any unit, because I never did. Augments are done just as I mentioned.

Regarding challenge's comment that 270's limbs were 25% mechanical, they'd be pretty damn heavy for the biological parts of her to continue to lift. Try strapping 50lb weights to your arms and legs and then go camping for a week straight. It would be about the same unless you had your augments charged.

We have stasis for a reason, which is OfC+ ranked units never really go off duty, they just go into stasis. This is why we say on the radio, "Unit XXX is returning from stasis."
I auth'd it back when I was DvL, I don't know who developed it was months ago.

The reason why we moved away from bionic limbs was we needed a way to nerf the augments, People where abusing them to all hell(Units taller then Spartans slamming their dicks in to walls to break through them).
The upgrades that Challenge is talking about is like Nantes to make the mussel tissue stronger and harder, giving her better strength, mobility, eye sight, and smarter. Its not like she had her bones ripped out and replaced with combine steel.

You haven't been the NOVA DvL for a very long time. Before me was Jonco. Before Jonco was Swoots. Before Swoots I believe it was Kronic, although I could be leaving someone out there. The latest you could have been the NOVA DvL was mid 2011. Things have long since changed.

Here I go again.
Airborne, I got THESE EXACT augmentations, way before you started up your way of augmentation. The only possible thing I've been given from your current augmentation procedure training, is having my ears and eyes modified by nanites.

I don't know how you could have received these augments unless you received them wrongfully as an enlisted unit. I became the NOVA DvL while Globey was the GRID DvL, which means it was before you. I don't know why you would have received drastically different augmentations than I did, or received them without my authorization, since I was the NOVA OfC in charge of augmentations at the time yours would have been done.

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #33 on: February 20, 2013, 04:29:56 PM »
The only reason I want to get to outlands with my unit, is to get out of the CCA bullshit, with my unit and just basically passively RP relaxed.
Yes, maybe my unit would die, oh god no. I am so scared to loose a virtual character, I've devoloped a background on. I've got plenty of those. Yes, I admit I like 270 and I've put most of my effort into her.
But if I'm unable to let go of her, how big a geek aren't I? That is what happens in Roleplay and possible I'll be able to sort of remake her and fix issues I think I had.

Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #34 on: February 20, 2013, 04:35:33 PM »
Honestly, most of the drama in this community could be fixed with "Its a game, it should at some point, be fun".
This whole "OMG THIS AND OMG THAT" just gets old and all it does is take up pages on the forums.
So what we may be bending CG's canon, Big frickin deal, there's no OOC reason why 270 couldn't go to outlands, there is nothing wrong with this app(Other than a few possible grammatical errors here and there but English isn't his first language.)
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #35 on: February 20, 2013, 04:37:46 PM »
Its an acceptable application under the conditions that after 10 OOC days, you RP the character's death in some way, or are found by an OTA patrol within that 10 days and your identity is confirmed and 270 is transported to a city ICly, still you lose the character on Outlands. It will have to be worked out if you're sent to C17 or not.

If you agree to that, I'll accept this if no major oppositional points are raised in the next 24 hours.

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #36 on: February 20, 2013, 06:13:08 PM »
Honestly, most of the drama in this community could be fixed with "Its a game, it should at some point, be fun".
This whole "OMG THIS AND OMG THAT" just gets old and all it does is take up pages on the forums.
So what we may be bending CG's canon, Big frickin deal, there's no OOC reason why 270 couldn't go to outlands, there is nothing wrong with this app(Other than a few possible grammatical errors here and there but English isn't his first language.)
Really I am completely fine with what doc said. There really is no OOC reason and the whole "270 will die of teh augs" is complete bullshit. So I support 270 being in outlands.
I am ded not big surprise.

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #37 on: February 20, 2013, 06:21:42 PM »
Honestly, most of the drama in this community could be fixed with "Its a game, it should at some point, be fun".
This whole "OMG THIS AND OMG THAT" just gets old and all it does is take up pages on the forums.
So what we may be bending CG's canon, Big frickin deal, there's no OOC reason why 270 couldn't go to outlands, there is nothing wrong with this app(Other than a few possible grammatical errors here and there but English isn't his first language.)
Really I am completely fine with what doc said. There really is no OOC reason and the whole "270 will die of teh augs" is complete bullshit. So I support 270 being in outlands.

Molly, read the CG canon up and you'll actually see why it is a legitimate argument to say that she would be killed by her augmentations.

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #38 on: February 20, 2013, 06:26:33 PM »
I do support 270's vacation in the Outlands as well. Because of time zones, due to unplanned IRL issues and school, with Garry breaking his mod and many other possible influences, Challenge must not even get to play the character. I do trust him enough and I believe his roleplaying skils are sufficient to realize it's time to let his character die when the time comes. I support this with no solid time limit set, under condition we will overlook Challenge's char and tell him to end it immediately if the SA's agree it's taking too long.

Sometimes, logic has to go aside to allow for good roleplay, I think this is just right the case.
As long as 270 doesn't have fully loaded AR2, MP7, 9mm, 10 breaching charges and 90 grenades with her, no harm can be really done but passive. Challenge surely understands that without power, it'd be extremely hard for her to combat/fight, so I'd just keep that out of possibilities.

Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #39 on: February 20, 2013, 06:40:33 PM »
Seeing how this is going on its third/forth page and the point still hasn't reached some people.
Challenge never got the full bionic augmentations(Organ replacements and such), he only got Nantes(Which by the way where researched before to be developed for undercover CCA to be aug'd but changed to a bigger deployment) to improve strength agility and what not, they wouldn't make her go coma-toast after XXX amount of days, it would weaken her greatly and mess with her eye sight but not nearly as bad as your talking about.
This is Challenges character, he knows what augments the character got and he is very careful to roleplay them correctly.
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #40 on: February 20, 2013, 06:46:26 PM »
Why can no one ever seem to make good RP out of what is logical? Why does it seem like every week, we're allowing something that goes against our canon, guidelines, and general logic to create good RP. I know what Khub is saying, and sometimes I agree, but I also feel like we throw out logic to allow for good RP a little too often. I feel like we make too many exceptions for people who we believe "Could handle the characters." Yes, Challenge is capable of handling and RPing this character as it should be, but its pretty clear it could realistically only be done for so long.

I also think if someone that didn't have the good RP reputation that Challenge has applied for the same thing, it would have already been denied for the reason that its not logical, yet we're making an exception from logic entirely because Challenge is a good enough RPer to handle this kind of character.

That's about like allowing someone to RP a horse named Rainbow Dash that's all the colors of the rainbow in outlands because they're a good enough RPer to know how to handle the character, so we'll just throw out logic for good RP. I think we hold our friends to different standards than we hold those we don't know as well sometimes, and base our understanding of the RP skills, whether they be good or not in our minds, off of our friendship with that person. No, I'm not calling favoritism or anything, I'm just saying many of us say, "Well I know so and so fairly well, so I know they can RP this character, but I don't know nigger mcniggerton that well, so I'll deny them the ability to use theirs, simply because I don't know them well enough." I guess that's just our system though, but I still don't agree with it.

Anyway, I'll find it acceptable if there is some kind of time frame that isn't a span of months that 270 either dies or is found by an OTA team and sent to a city.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 08:56:37 PM by Airborne1st »

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #41 on: February 21, 2013, 10:57:18 AM »
Why can no one ever seem to make good RP out of what is logical? Why does it seem like every week, we're allowing something that goes against our canon, guidelines, and general logic to create good RP. I know what Khub is saying, and sometimes I agree, but I also feel like we throw out logic to allow for good RP a little too often. I feel like we make too many exceptions for people who we believe "Could handle the characters." Yes, Challenge is capable of handling and RPing this character as it should be, but its pretty clear it could realistically only be done for so long.

I also think if someone that didn't have the good RP reputation that Challenge has applied for the same thing, it would have already been denied for the reason that its not logical, yet we're making an exception from logic entirely because Challenge is a good enough RPer to handle this kind of character.

That's about like allowing someone to RP a horse named Rainbow Dash that's all the colors of the rainbow in outlands because they're a good enough RPer to know how to handle the character, so we'll just throw out logic for good RP. I think we hold our friends to different standards than we hold those we don't know as well sometimes, and base our understanding of the RP skills, whether they be good or not in our minds, off of our friendship with that person. No, I'm not calling favoritism or anything, I'm just saying many of us say, "Well I know so and so fairly well, so I know they can RP this character, but I don't know nigger mcniggerton that well, so I'll deny them the ability to use theirs, simply because I don't know them well enough." I guess that's just our system though, but I still don't agree with it.

Anyway, I'll find it acceptable if there is some kind of time frame that isn't a span of months that 270 either dies or is found by an OTA team and sent to a city.

I'd say- as you said before- 10 OOC days seems good, maybe an extension to 12 or something. We shouldn't be bending over backwards here though. Any higher is ridiculous.

**Insert poorly made signature with fire, lens flares and obnoxious text**

Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #42 on: February 21, 2013, 11:37:34 AM »
... Airborne what you just did was the Tzar Bomba of logic bombs, we're not going to let people RP as Rainbow Dash because that's totally off canon and unrealistic. Ya'll seem to be missing the point that 270 doesn't have the bionic limbs/organ replacements meaning that no, she(I am assuming the character is female I'm not referring to Challenge) doesn't NEED stasis to stay alive, she NEEDS it to stay strong and keep the augments she has working.

I have already confirmed that YES this type of thing did at one point exist.
About this favoritism thing: No. Don't even go there. I know people and have before recommended people for things that I dislike but I know that they're some of the best RPers that CG had(At the time).

Challenge knows what augments she has and she has NEVER supported the bionic limbs for the same reason that they were SUPPOSE to be removed, they're off canon(OTA don't have bionic arms when you see them undressed) and only inspire OP actions and characters.
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #43 on: February 21, 2013, 12:11:57 PM »
We don't give bionic limbs and haven't for a long time. Standard augmentation surgery results in full organ removal with the exception of the brain and eyes. Challenge claims 270 has 25% bionic limbs, meaning about 25% of each limb would be augmented. Its pretty obvious Challenge somehow received non standard augments under someone's authorization that wasn't my own. If Challenge doesn't have organ replacement, then 270 isn't even augmented in the sense every other augmented unit is augmented, which also goes against policy because its a rare exception that OfC+ units aren't augmented.

Challenge clearly references their augments in their auth app, so they must have received unauthorized, special augments at some point as an enlisted unit, or something really shady is going on.

Also, you say my example of a Rainbow Dash character is totally off canon and unrealistic. What's also "totally off canon and unrealistic" is allowing an augmented unit to survive and function without stasis.

I've already said twice I don't mind letting 270 go to the outlands and RP as long as its with no weapons and the character is killed of or gone from the outlands in some way within 10 OOC days. That's the only condition I'll agree to support this auth app under.

Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #44 on: February 21, 2013, 12:19:03 PM »
We don't give bionic limbs and haven't for a long time. Standard augmentation surgery results in full organ removal with the exception of the brain and eyes. Challenge claims 270 has 25% bionic limbs, meaning about 25% of each limb would be augmented. Its pretty obvious Challenge somehow received non standard augments under someone's authorization that wasn't my own. If Challenge doesn't have organ replacement, then 270 isn't even augmented in the sense every other augmented unit is augmented, which also goes against policy because its a rare exception that OfC+ units aren't augmented.

Challenge clearly references their augments in their auth app, so they must have received unauthorized, special augments at some point as an enlisted unit, or something really shady is going on.

Also, you say my example of a Rainbow Dash character is totally off canon and unrealistic. What's also "totally off canon and unrealistic" is allowing an augmented unit to survive and function without stasis.

I've already said twice I don't mind letting 270 go to the outlands and RP as long as its with no weapons and the character is killed of or gone from the outlands in some way within 10 OOC days. That's the only condition I'll agree to support this auth app under.
One: The whole no weapons idea is stupid as crap.
Two: the whole 25% augmented thing was due to a language barrier, and last I check replacing the organs weren't standard augs for a unit.

The Rainbow dash thing has no point to it because there's no way its canon and its a total logic bomb.
This whole argument that "Oh shes aug so 10 days or death" is stupid, yeah she can sleep and do all that, but this whole Stasis or death thing is fairly retarded to begin with.
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass


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