Author Topic: Amanda Tennington's Outland Appeal  (Read 2344 times)

The Mysterious Stranger

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Amanda Tennington's Outland Appeal
« on: February 15, 2013, 09:39:02 PM »
Steam Name: Professionals Have Standards

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:33125476

Character Name: Amanda Tennington

Reason for the switch: Leave the Outlands and be transferred to the City. Outlands is starting to get boring and finding out IC activity on my own character in the City will do.

If required, write a detailed backstory on how your character left the outlands: The silhouette of a feminine figure sat with their back pressed upon the tree, the legs seemingly crossed over as her fingers pressed around the weapon near her chest. Ailthough, it was quite strange how one could easily figure how that they were under preparation and awareness due to the posture of the female. The brightened lights that illuminated the town far from the cliff hangar appeared to be the next destination to come across for the night for a night rest. As the moon sat behind the humongous mountains and the stars dwindled in the beautiful night skies, Amanda jumped from the tree and landed deeply into the now melting snow. Her twinkling brown eyes began to scan throughout the darkened environment covered with a blanket of pearl as the shadows from the trees blended in. Instead of wasting the battery configured inside her night-vision goggles, she activated the flashlight attached to near the worn-away logo of the non-protective vest that shelled around the torso of her black suit.

 The faint chatter of a formal Resistance base - now controlled and taken over by the Overwatch - began to alert Amanda as she sat prone in the wet grass near the crowd of trees. "Amputate the anti-citizen immediately." "Copy that." A loud gunshot echoed throughout the forest region with the following dialogue outcomed from the vocoder. "Amputation complete." The Overwatch unit gauged a lethal kick to the deceased, lifeless corpse down the hill as it rolled near Amanda, allowing her to gasp in frightness as her mentality crippled at a minor rate. With bulging eyes and visible shakes - from stiff cold and utter fear -, this didn't bother to stop Amanda from reaching the town for safety from major threats and environmental dangers like weather and incidents that she could come across. Radio chatter faintly emitted from her radio as she wrapped her hand around it, keeping the voice from distracting and alerting the Overwatch units. "We're moving out at the moment. Burn this Resistance base to the ground." As the Overwatch unit grasped ahold of a nearby gasoline tank from the crate, it - because Amanda didn't know if it was a male or female - threw it into the pile of rotten corpses. Another gasoline tank flew into the short tower and another one flew into the small shack made from metal scraps.

 A few minutes passed as their business continued to destroy the outpost. Pulse rifle shots popped throughout the forest region once more as the Resistance outpost blew in flames. The patrol of Overwatch units went down the pathway with their boot tracks disappearing in the background of the chaos. Amanda sought in surprise and depression as the outpost flew in great flames that mirrored from her eyes. As Amanda stumbled onto her feet, a gunship passed throughout the forest as the wind blew across the area that the gunship flew across. Her red hair flew around in many directions that eventually irritated her but once the gunship passed, her feet continued down the dirt path that eventually leaded to town.

 The darkened atmosphere along with the odd beauty created a aura of safety that made Amanda feel safe - in a strange way. Without further or do, she casually paced down the pathway with minor awareness kempt in her mind. The melted snow beneath her crunched with each step as she looked around her environment, scanning the area for any hostilities that might be following behind. Paranoia was in effect and that was a great advantage for Amanda in many situations that she could come across. Town approached closer with each efforted step that lead to the inhabitated apartment building. Approaching the apartment door, she began to hear the faint conversation of atleast three males. Pressing her ear upon the wooden door, she listened in carefully to what they might be saying.

 "...and what the fuck should we do tommorow? We are screwed without people at our side." A unknown male shrieked in agression. "Yes, we know that and tommorow, I will be the one to announce to those that we are in need of atleast three more people." The unknown voice said in response but in a much more calmer way. "Alright... alright... I get it. Let's just get the fuck outta' here and head to the Inn for a nights rest." "Alright, you two can head there while I sleep in this apartment." A chair screeched upon the polished floorboards within the apartment as the boots creaked with each footstep. Amanda sneaked to her apartment and began to fiddle with the keys within her hands as the two individuals stepped out from the apartment, one of them handling the door.

 The footsteps stopped all of a sudden and Amanda looked up at the door before creating eye contact with the two. The two of them were awaiting until she looked at them. One of the men approached her with one step before talking. "Hey, you wanna' come with us tommorow? We were having a chat about needing atleast two people once you come and join us. So, you in?" Amanda fluttered her eyes as her cheeks blushed behind her facemask. "Sure. Where are you heading?" "We are heading to Industrial 17 in order to meet up with some of the survivors of the recent crumbled City45. We heard reports that a group of them are heading there and well, we might be able to bring you there unless we don't come across any major shit." Amanda agreed with a nod as the man replied afterwards. "Good. Meet us at the front of the Inn." As the two individuals advanced to their next destination, one of them whispered to Amanda. "Fuck that. Meet us at the top of the mountain."

 Morning approached and Amanda sat up, awakened from her deep sleep. Sliding the weapon from the drawer near the bed was owned for a night rest, she continued outside to the rightful destination to whereas she sighted five people who were under preparation and armed with weaponry. "Hello there. You are ready by the looks of it. Alright, hop into the vehicle." The stranger nodded to the woman as she climbed into the back of the modified military vehicle. The vehicle roared and coughed as it moved down the cracked, concrete road. The man beside him whispered, "Cross your fingers because we might come across some shit."

 Days passed and the five individuals in the truck were dead due to a vehicle incident and recent firefight amongst the Overwatch. Amanda managed to keep none of her live rounds under depletion due to escaping and avenging her teammates but some of her items were lost under survival. Ravaging through her duffelbag for a can of fresh beans or any food but there was no solace of hope left as no food were left. All of it was eaten over the days by her newly - and deceased - friends that she left behind over a day. Under stress, Amanda advanced down the road and looked back at the darkened tunnel before continuing on.

  All hope is lost. Maybe.

Time when it happened(if mis-click): N/A

 UPDATE 1: Removed the post merge.
 UPDATE 2: Revamped the backstory and added much more detail. Filled in the STEAM ID requirement.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2013, 10:35:04 PM by STALKER »

Offline Khub

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Re: Amanda Tennington's Outland Appeal
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2013, 09:04:14 AM »
The character has a box of SMG ammo and a SMG in inventory. I'm for accepting this appeal, but I'll let another SA to do that.

Offline Yak

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Re: Amanda Tennington's Outland Appeal
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2013, 09:08:09 AM »
Bringing an smg to city out of boredom, yep..

The Mysterious Stranger

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Re: Amanda Tennington's Outland Appeal
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2013, 11:17:56 AM »
Bringing an smg to city out of boredom, yep..

 I only have 30 rounds and a MP7. Basically, 20 and lower rounds would be fine.

 Post update 1: Seeing how I had to skip the event for City and the Outlands event had no firefights involving my character, I would like to head to the City since I have no playable characters on there other than the City Administrator (whose trapped in her own room) and a few citizens. Also, I have a box of Smg ammunition and a loaded Smg so...
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 11:22:40 AM by STALKER »

Offline Airborne1st

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Re: Amanda Tennington's Outland Appeal
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2013, 01:44:17 PM »
I don't really have much of a problem. I don't imagine you'll go mass RDM with your MP7. And with this, the majority of the SA team approves.

Accepted. Locked. Moved.


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