why are you named qman and what took you to naming yourself as said name-When I was around 7 or 8 when I first had steam, I rolled with a friend who helped me with everything because I was retarded, he gave me this name and a lot of really good friends call me this no matter what name I have, so I kept it and such. It's not to be confused with
why do you only play cca characters-I only have my CCA character on city as of now, I have two citizens I am thinking of, one for more interesting negative RP, one for Union Watch.
do you ever play outlands-Yes I play on Candyman as much as I can, Candyman is a man looking for redemption through various methods, now being hunted to be used as a weapon, his friends are in danger and such. So is his fragile mental state, he suffers from Schizophrania, Different personalities and depression. He's also a bit awkward an cheesy at times. But he's one of my really planned out and good characters, I really couldn't say how good he can be using his words and actions unless you saw him, interacted with him and got close to him. There are a couple of people who could really vow on how Candyman is great, I was once told he could be made a movie about. It ment so much to me.
Post Auto-Merged: February 08, 2013, 06:19:16 PM
How are you right now-Feelin' like crap that's been lit on fire yo. I'm really ill right now, and have lots of stress going on, writing is my funnel to help the feels man. Also Katawa-Shoujo
How were you feeling a year ago-Pretty fucking bad, bullied 24/7 by older 'friends' but I was also kinda' good, I had a really bad self esteem by my looks, but I hit a growth spurt and girls started liking me, It helped shaped me, etc. I can go on, if you really want to know about me you can ask, I'm kind of an open book sometimes.
What do you plan to do within the next few years-Eat Watermelon and Chicken with Kronos. Not really, I don't know I just go with what happens really, cuz i'm soooooocoooool
What do you think of me (!!) Well, I think you are an incredibly cool person, I have nice thoughts of you when you where a CmD, you got me into the CCA, etc. You're a very great person when it comes OOCly and a very good Roleplayer when it comes to IC stuff, so on a scale to 1-10
What do you think of CG-I don't really have an opinion, it's an organized and well brought out community, a lot better than others. A couple bad things but that comes with every community and such. I can give it a 'Dan outta Dan' but I'm forgiving with scores so.
Favorite song right now? Hmmmmmmmmm, here ya' go.
Let's go to space. We go kill martians kay?
Bye!! - What about space? Babycomeback, you can blame it all, on, me.