Author Topic: 'Coyote's Authorization Application  (Read 4633 times)

The Mysterious Stranger

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'Coyote's Authorization Application
« on: January 20, 2013, 06:57:05 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Professionals Have Standards
Age: 16
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 4 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 3.5 - 5 years

Character Section

Authorization(s): -A bow with a packet for arrows (15).
-A sharp hatchet in a leather casing.
-A winter jacket, black neckguard, beanie, a pair of brown boots and a thick undershirt for winter survival.
-Mediumic melee skills for the hand-to-hand guard against threats.
-Mediumic engineering skills.
-A character suffering from nyctophobia (scared of darkness), heterochromia iridum (color change in one eye from head trauma) and being a silent type due to being almost mute.

Name: 'Coyote' (Her ordinary name is Catherine) (This will be proven in the backstory)
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Rebellious.

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

 The interesting but violent chimes roared throughout the enforced city as Civil Protection forces began to sprint throughout the apartment building, their boots squeaking by each step silently as they screamed through their vocoders, "He's running!" A few shots echoed throughout the City as Catherine looked out of the window, her hand kept on her cheek as she looked up at the Nexus. A large building over the clouds, she thought. Her thoughts roamed throughout her head as she fell back onto the chair, looking out the window and into the skies as a whisper coldly emitted by her voice. "How did this happen?" She brought out her UU approved diary before clicking the pen, then aggressively but in a calm way, began to write down some words.

 "Catherine Kostantin here. Well, I made up that second name because of a reason before this all happened. Anyways.

In the years before this... occupation happened. I was a child adopted by someone.... someone in Canada. A widow who remained as a caretaker for the time to come. She teached me the ability to speak English because I was... well, I was born in Ukraine somewhere and my real parents brought me to Canada. As I was a infant, my father left me to my real mother. My mother afterwards - suffering from excessive depression - walked through the streets of Toronto and dropped me off to a random house whereas my life began.

 As a teenagst, I struggled through school but it made it out completely. This minor problem was my struggling to understand certain words in English but as I said above; I made it though. I was working for a tools store to repair certain vehicles and it stored up atleast five vehicles in a city so there was a lot of work being put around but that work wasn't bad enough as people - who were fellow mechanics - around me did the same job and also helped me with techniques and support. My mother as a engineer also did support me with help about this and that during my off time from work but she wasn't as good as them. Days passed that time and I noticed something fatally wrong as I watched TV. A reporter with a microphone up to their lips showed that there was some kind of large event happening somewhere... I don't know where though. Some where in the United States of America. Their was a large power outage and I remembered that I couldn't flick on the lights.

 That's when they attacked--"

 "Protection team alert, evidence of anti-civil activity in this community. Code: Assemble. Plan. Contain."
 "Attention please. All citizens in the local residential block assume your inspection positions."

 Catherine stopped writing as she looked over at her roommate who was looking out the window, hesitating briefly before glancing back at the door. "They are coming to this apartment and I know it. I wander why. It's probably because of the Judgement Waiver that is currently happening. You need to leave, Catherine because... they are gonna' take us in. Get goin'." The man walked torwards the door and held himself upon it, keeping back the imbound Civil Protection from threatening both of them and atleast, giving her some time to escape from the situation.

 Her feet stammered upon the wooden boards of the apartment building before going up the staircase, her diary kept under her armpit as she looked up, noticing a metal door leading to the rooftop. "She's getting away!" A scream echoed throughout the apartments as gunfire enraged throughout the building, especially that of the MP7 Submachine Gun and 9mm Beretta. Turning around the corner before slamming the door, she grasped ahold of a nearby board and put it under the doorknob in order to give herself some company from escaping the area... alive. Excessively exhausted from malnourishment and minor dehydration, her voice began to wheeze and cough for air as her neck began to hurt pretty bad but this was depended on her life. She ignored such heist and continously went up the rooftop, approaching ontop before staring at the details of a flying gunship which didn't detect her presence.

 Her evasion from the threats continued as she had to go onto another building and down once again by ladders. As she went down the ladder by reeling down at a fast rate, a Civil Protection unit approached her with a 9mm raised directly at the forehead area. "Anti-citizen. Do not move and face the wall for further inspection." Fear crumbled throughout her as her figure began to shake slightly but visibly to anyone noticing it. Her teeth began to click and chatter upon eachother before she noticed a Resistance member in the background holding a MP7. He nodded at her and said the words without sound, "I'll get him for you." He raised his fist, declaring the two other members who she didn't see to stop. The unit declared with orders before approaching with one agressive step, his pistol raised at a certain angle. "Get... on the wall right now, anti-citizen!"

 Suddenly, the unit fell down onto the ground as his Beretta 9mm fell to the ground, twisting around in mid-air before connecting to the cracked pavement as blood splattered over Catherine. A flashback appeared in her mind as she looked at the Resistance member, walking away with his MP7 before smiling. Being brainwashed temporarily from the dosage held inside the Dr. Breen waters, her memories faded into her mind once more. A fatal car accident as blood trailed down her forehead with abit of her tongue sticking out from her mouth as the car wreckage kept her trapped inside. This was like being trapped within the City. As soon as she was dragged into the Ambulance and escaping death, this also reminded her of the current situation she was in. Escaping death. Escaping the City. Escaping the horrifying situations happening infront of her. This was all a game. This was reality and it wasn't a dream.

 "Wait! Stop!" Blinking her eyes back to reality, she hesitated and noticed the Resistance member who was walking down the alleyway. "Huh, what do you need, mate?" Catherine glanced at him before looking at the other members who were talking to eachother, distracted by their interest in such things. "Can you get me out of here, please?" "Oh sure, we do that most of the time but not always. Count yourself lucky. Oh and watch out, Civil Protection units are on the patrol to flank us out. We were caught on survelliance but that doesn't matter to us. We paid the risk; three members died this morning so as I said... be... careful!" He shrugged his shoulders before motioning his weapon. "Come on, let's go. I know a way out of here."

 A few hours passed and she was alone once again. The Resistance members had held back the Civil Protection long enough in order for her to flee before evacuating into the tunnel just beneath the City. It was filled with the disgusting smell because it was a sewer area. A corpse laid upon the wall with a Spas-12 held in his hand but it was lacking good condition and thus at the time, it was broken. Seeing no use, she continued through the ucky waters of the sewers, trying to find a way out. As she went through the maze, she noticed a citizen who had tattered clothing on and his hair was in a mess; similiar to that of a physco high on drugs when she was back at the city... the city.
 "Hey! Do you know a way out of here?" Catherine yelled with her hands held around her mouth. The citizen turned around, revealing to be "mentally impaired" by his blank expression, although the terrifying horror went through her as she noticed his face. His eyeball appeared to be removed from his left socket and he apparently walked at a slow rate before moving abit faster to her, raising his pipe wrench above his head. Not knowing what to do, Catherine began to get set in order to defend herself. As the man lunged at her, she blocked with a forearm and threw a boot to his knee. Although, her malnourishment keeping her down long enough, she couldn't hold his weight as she fell onto the cement with him ontop.

 As the man lunged once again, it almost blunted her across the head but luckily hitting the cement, creating a ear aching sound but it didn't affect her. Heart racing and adrenaline pumping through her system, she pressed her knee upon his side and wacked the man across the forehead area before pushing most of her weight to the side of him, topping him over so she could remain ontop of him. The man screamed in agony, scrambling his legs around due to being seriously irritated by such weight. He was surely crazy. As she blunted him across the face with her barehands, she felt a agonizing pain hit her on the leg. It was the pipe wrench that connected and it felt like a sting but even worse.

 The man quickly fell from her grasp and went back, dropping his pipe wrench as Catherine raised herself up, limping abit before glancing over at the man. Feeling the same agression run through her when she was a child, she was ready once again but groaning abit in pain. The man lunged once again but missed as Catherine pushed him against the wall. He felt light and even looked weakened because of the malnourishment. His appearance signalled that he was stuck in the "maze" - as Catherine called it - for a long time. She hit him across the neck, then went for the forehead before going for a uppercut in which dazed him. A hit in the gut and a ravaging swing to the forehead once more, this caused him to go unconsious.

 All time paused within motion as the murky waters and the ambient rain drops within the background made it feel like slow motion. Although, it was reality. Back in the real city - just before before this all happened - Catherine was a temporarily, volunteerily member within a fighting "movement" with many other participants and sometimes, a tournament would be initated via announcement. Often victorious and often defeated, this made her think that she was just participating for a good reason. With bruises across the areas of the face and throughout the figure of her body, atleast she went out with a cracked smile from the doorway of the building before entering her vehicle. This "flashback" made her thoughts bounce around continously. They were coming back. These thoughts were triggered throughout her journey but only at rare times.
 He fell down onto his side, his tongue sticking out as he was spread out. This reminded her of the fatal car accident. Successfully beating the man with no harm - excluding being hit by the wrench - she finished the fight but this made her feel depressed. How could I do such a thing? She thought before looking over at the pipe wrench on the floor. "It's no use..." She said before looking around the area for any suspicious people observing her before sprinting away from the area.

  The snow made her legs feel cold but atleast it could clean up the mess that remained on her legs from the sewers. It didn't smell as much but it was worth it for a escape. In quick surprise as she continued travelling through the forests and away from the City, a rebellious outpost was stacked up with maintenace to take it down and the inhabitants were packing up the resources on the large truck. It looked like a crude vehicle about to fall apart but that didn't matter because it they packing up supplies on it, plus it was already operational as the driver observed the windshield for anything infront of him. The man greeted Catherine and the two had a long conversation as she observed the supplies on the truck. "Can you take me somewhere?" "Oh, sure thing. It's what we do in places like these. I heard you met our group in the City. They were put there because our leader told 'em so. They were to escort citizens from time-to-time outside the city. They do this for months before waiting nearly a year to head back and do the same thing. You are lucky to come aboard with us because we are taking this outpost down and we aren't coming back again in nearly another year." Catherine nodded and smiled as the man said that "she could get in the back of the truck." Night was soon falling and Catherine began to feel her teeth chattering, her mentality crippling apart as she shaked visibly, beginning to feel dizzy too.

 It felt "incapacitating and ruthless." That's what she thought.

 Months passed. Her feet were being dragged along in the snow as she approached a abandoned cabin in the middle of the forest. She was travelling for a long time and even though she had support from transportation vehicles of the Resistance themselves, it was pretty selfish to go through cold conditions like these in just a citizen jumpsuit. She went inside before noticing a dead body on the floor with abit of flies roaming around the corpse but their was nothing valuable on such a person. Glaring to the next corpse on the bed - this time it was fresh - she began to search throughout the body only to find a note. Quickly grabbing it and observing the words, she began to start off with the first paragraph and whispered it out like a book. Although, it took some effort to do so because of the font of the words, she kept reading on:

 "Page... what was it? I don't know. I am stuck somewhere in some kind of valley and I hope to keep going to some community just far from here. It's filled with people that would assist people like me but there is also danger lurking around in there too. I am hungry and dehydrated, I have to stay here in order to wait for my friend to come back. I have developed a... fear of heading outside but I have to stay inside the house. I don't know how much I could wait but I might die next month... "

 Putting the note down whilst looking out the window, she noticed the beautiful and sparking snow on the trees and ground. The trees were covered in it. Wishing to have a camera to take a picture of the beautiful environment, it was just that this new world she was in was just to live in for survival and oppression, not just to go on with everyday life and expect that to happen. Turning over the corpse on the bed and beginning to loot the body of it's valuables, she noticed nothing but the note, a few pre-war cash, a golden ring and a pair of shades. "Nothing. I wander what is in the closet."

 Opening up the closet as it made a creaking sound throughout the cabin which actually frightened her with a shock, Catherine began to look around. Something caught her eye. It was a pair of clothing kept on the floor in the corner of the closet. A bow with a packet of arrows also remained aswell along with a hatchet. A flashback was kept in her mind. Her new mother gave her a bow and a few safety equipment (which were a leather arm guard and finger guards) was her birthday present. She thought it was pretty dumb but this soon would come into as her favourite hobby in the teenagst days once she had free time... It was called Archery. Practically skilled, she grasped ahold of the bow and plucked the string back abit, noticing the force in it that drew her arm back abit from the recoil. Another piece of equipment was a hatchet which she attached to her belt wrapped around her jeans. Attaching the bow around her torso along with the packet of arrows, Catherine grabbed ahold of the pile of clothing before walking into the middle of the cabin to look out the window.

 "I wish I had a calendar to see what day it is and a map to know where I am but I must keep moving." She whispered before walking outside of the cabin, beginning to feel the shivering cold. Putting on the clothes, she began to walk down the trail once more to... the valley.

 It was night. Night. As a young child, a problematic phobia known as "ncytophobia" which would cripple her mentality during the night or in a situation whereas she is "trapped" in the darkness. Some of the wind that blew the branches which crackled in the background had frightened her as she gasped, almost losing grip of her bow and even herself. Going over the mountain as the pearl-light from the moon shined upon her, she looked down to notice a few lights in the distance along with people walking around. Looking back at the trail and then back at the small community, the boots began to crunch in the snow as Catherine approached the area with the bow in the chilling hand of herself.

 Beginning to feel the need to blind and deceive people of her identity in a community like this, she called herself 'Coyote' in which, a person like her wouldn't talk as much to tell people her name. In addition, she didn't have a second name so what's the use of telling people that she is just named 'Catherine'?

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?

 -Her engineering skills would make it pretty useful for tools and what not. Practically, mostly for repairing entities.
 -In the winter, a hatchet would be useful for picking wood and would be good for melee combat aswell.
 -Hand-to-hand combat is only used when she is disarmed of a weapon or it is necessarily needed in close combat.
 -Winter clothing is needed to survive in a cold environment until a warm area is reached.


 -Nyctophobia would cripple her mentality during the night or a darkened area until she is in the light.
 -Being the silent type wouldn't make her talk as much unlike other people. This would create communications between others abit tricky.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects? Use them in both passive roleplay and action roleplay.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s)) I don't think so unless she passes her authorizations onto other people in-game for a reason.

Which server does this apply for? Outlands.

Extra Notes (optional): I wish to fill in more of the story for her for some of the authorizations but this will be put inside the official story created by me in the IC section. I have yet to fill it out sometime soon.

 UPDATE 1: Since my character isn't in a engineering career just before the Seven Hour War, I have lowered her engineering skills to  "mediumic" instead of "advanced." I also did this to prevent too much authorizations on this character because I screwed up my some of my other characters from overloading them with overpowered authorizations too.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 02:16:08 PM by STALKER »

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Re: 'Coyote's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2013, 03:22:28 AM »
 Good background, which caught my interest in the start. Seems a lot like the original HL2 start, guessing a bit inspiration was taken from there?
Eitherway, it was very interesting and seems fairly good. Though, I noticed a few typos but it doesn't really remove my opinion for the time being.

Regarding the authorizations:
-A bow with arrows(15) Sure. But remember to remove one after you've fired one without picking it up again.
-A sharp hatchet in a leath casing: Sure. Possible make it a bit rusty? Seeing the hatchet have layed outside in the cold, for perhaps a month without anyone to maintain it.
-A winter jacket, black neckgaurd, beanie, boots, undershirt: Sure. Though, maybe make it a bit wornout? As the hatchet, they've been outside in the cold, in a closet for like a month without maintenance.
-Melee skills: Not sure as I don't see anything in your background, specifically showing you've trained H2H combat.
-Medium engineering skills: Sure. Though, you're not able to build a lot with your skills and you'll only be able to repair simple items.
-Suffering. Sure. I hope to see you rp it on the server. /event It's night. Enjoy.

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Re: 'Coyote's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2013, 09:10:16 AM »
As Challenge said, the application's backstory doesn't really say how she gained the H2H skills. If you want medium engineering skills, you'll have to expand the backstory on it. The "She was working in a garage for four years." doesn't seem sufficient to me for such an authorization.

The Mysterious Stranger

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Re: 'Coyote's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2013, 09:11:24 AM »
As Challenge said, the application's backstory doesn't really say how she gained the H2H skills. If you want medium engineering skills, you'll have to expand the backstory on it. The "She was working in a garage for four years." doesn't seem sufficient to me for such an authorization.

 Well, I can modify that today. It'll be done in a few hours (got school so...)

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Re: 'Coyote's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2013, 10:19:17 AM »
I saw a few problems as well. The hand to hand skills issues has already been pointed out, so I won't address that. I had a hard time understanding this paragraph;  "Catherine stopped writing as she looked over at her roommate who was looking out the window, hesitating briefly before glancing back at the door. "They are coming to this apartment and I know it. I wander why. It's probably because of the Judgement Waiver that is currently happening. You need to leave, Catherine because... they are gonna' take us in. Get goin'." The man walked torwards the door and held himself upon it, keeping back the imbound Civil Protection from threatening both of them and atleast, giving her some time to escape from the situation."

First, a Judgement Waiver is when units fall back to the Nexus and get organized until an OTA team arrives to search for a specific, very high value target. When the OTA team arrives, they set off searching while CCA units broadcast for everyone to report to a designated and secured area for the time being. After a broadcast, they would then quickly sweep all buildings to make sure everyone was where they should be. So, with that being said, I can't really see how you showed any understanding of that in this paragraph. Instead it seems you intended for your character's apartment to be specifically targeted, as if they're searching for you specifically.

So first, if you were being searched for specifically, then you need to change a decent bit of you story to fit that, because an OTA team would be sweeping and you wouldn't likely survive any encounter with them. If you're not a specific target, then the CCA team wouldn't be going directly to your room, they'd systematically go to each room and breach the door, making sure no one was inside. You would actually have much more time to escape through the same route you took in your story.

Going back to that paragraph's details, this sentence here doesn't make sense in how I picture it; "The man walked torwards the door and held himself upon it, keeping back the imbound Civil Protection from threatening both of them and atleast, giving her some time to escape from the situation." To me, it sounds like the roommate is pushing himself up against the apartment door to hold back units that would be outside. If he's pushing against the door, how would she get out, you never mentioned that in the story. Also, why would he push against the door if there aren't any units outside of it? And if there are units outside of it, how did your character get out and up the steps towards the roof exit? I would recommend fixing that bit, based on what I've mentioned in the previous paragraph as well.

Next thing is this paragraph here, "As she went down the ladder by reeling down at a fast rate, a Civil Protection unit approached her with a 9mm raised directly at the forehead area. "Anti-citizen. Do not move and face the wall for further inspection." Fear crumbled throughout her as her figure began to shake slightly but visibly to anyone noticing it. Her teeth began to click and chatter upon eachother before she noticed a Resistance member in the background holding a MP7. He nodded at her and said the words without sound, "I'll get him for you." He raised his fist, declaring the two other members who she didn't see to stop. The unit declared with orders before approaching with one agressive step, his pistol raised at a certain angle. "Get... on the wall right now, anti-citizen!"

I liked the action in your story and it was a great narrative to read through, but the only problem I have with this paragraph is that it seems awfully convenient that a resistance member would be standing right where she was, which is in the middle of the city, meters away from the Nexus. If a true judgement waiver was happening, he surely wouldn't be there and your character would have died or been detained and killed later. Also, his gunshot from an MP7 would have rang out, drawing more attention than you could possibly imagine to your location. A true resistance member wouldn't have risked as much to even be in the middle of the Plaza ever, especially not during a Judgement Waiver and he would never fire his weapon for fear of giving his position away if he were hidden.  I simply can't support that.

The next problem I saw were these two paragraphs here;  "Suddenly, the unit fell down onto the ground as his Beretta 9mm fell to the ground, twisting around in mid-air before connecting to the cracked pavement as blood splattered over Catherine. A flashback appeared in her mind as she looked at the Resistance member, walking away with his MP7 before smiling. Being brainwashed temporarily from the dosage held inside the Dr. Breen waters, her memories faded into her mind once more. A fatal car accident as blood trailed down her forehead with abit of her tongue sticking out from her mouth as the car wreckage kept in trapped inside. This was like being trapped within the City. As soon as she was dragged into the Ambulance and escaping death, this also reminded her of the current situation she was in. Escaping death. Escaping the City. Escaping the horrifying situations happening infront of her. This was all a game. This was reality and it wasn't a dream.
Months passed. Her feet were being dragged along in the snow as she approached a abandoned cabin in the middle of the forest. She went inside before noticing a dead body on the floor with abit of flies roaming around the corpse but their was nothing valuable on such a person. Glaring to the next corpse on the bed - this time it was fresh - she began to search throughout the body only to find a note. Quickly grabbing it and observing the words, she began to start off with the first paragraph and whispered it out like a book. Although, it took some effort to do so because of the font of the words, she kept reading on."

The issue I have with these paragraphs is that fact that you go from the situation with the unit being killed to then being in the Outlands months later. You never explained how you escaped the city, during a Judgement Waiver none the less (remember, in a true Judgement Waiver, OTA units are swarming, as well as CCA units holding your fellow citizens nearby, probably in the train station).

If all the issues I mentioned are fixed, I'll agree to an Auth for this.

Regarding your everything but your hand to hand skills that you asked for, I personally have no problem with those, as Challenge said, make them seem a little worn and rusted however.

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Re: 'Coyote's Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2013, 10:37:06 AM »
I just want to point out that judgement waiver does not mean OTA must be called in scene. It's not required. The backstory doesn't either say the character is from city 45, so there may've been different apartments and what not. Still, Airborne has pointed out some more issues as well, try looking at those too, please.

The Mysterious Stranger

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Re: 'Coyote's Authorization Application
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2013, 11:09:13 AM »
I just want to point out that judgement waiver does not mean OTA must be called in scene. It's not required. The backstory doesn't either say the character is from city 45, so there may've been different apartments and what not. Still, Airborne has pointed out some more issues as well, try looking at those too, please.

 I thank Airbornst for pointing out the issues with the backstory and will improve on that.

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Re: 'Coyote's Authorization Application
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2013, 11:35:00 AM »
I just want to point out that judgement waiver does not mean OTA must be called in scene. It's not required. The backstory doesn't either say the character is from city 45, so there may've been different apartments and what not. Still, Airborne has pointed out some more issues as well, try looking at those too, please.

I was referring to this; If you can't see that due to permissions, etc,

"Judgement Waiver is called when there is a situation where units can no longer control the socio status of a sector. The sector is then locked down and units are evacuated into the nexus until the OverWatch Transhuman Arm is called in and their teams are formed. Then OverWatch move out in teams to locate the malignant whereas Civil Protection Units would be escorting citizens into a designated location/destination which is to be determined at the present time by the highest ranking unit currently online.

Autonomous Waiver is to be called only when a situation calls for extermination of all citizens in the city.  An AJ literally means to issue Level One verdicts to ALL citizens.  Usually this follows a major necrotic outbreak, or during select sweeps when citizens are in an inspection.  If done during a sweep, only citizens not in the inspection (or train station after being locked) are to be judged and shot."

I assumed this was regarded as a universal protocol in all cities. I also assumed the author intended for their citizen to live in City 45 since they specified no other city and what they described through their character very closely matches City 45, saying how they could see the Nexus out of their apartment window and hearing CCA units yelling at a man in the street below, saying "He's running!" If it wasn't intended for the character to be in City 45, then please specify that your character isn't in that city.

Regarding the Waiver issue, I don't think it can be justified that I'm completely incorrect because the character could be in a different city. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the author had our server and the way we do things in mind when they though of the Judgement Waiver idea for their story. Although technically, it can't be proven what the author's true thought's were unless they say them truthfully.

The Mysterious Stranger

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Re: 'Coyote's Authorization Application
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2013, 12:48:48 PM »
 My character was intended to be living in a City somewhere in North America but I didn't specify a name since I wanted it to be unknown and to let the person reading it to know what kind of city it is. Although, I was inspired by the beginning of Half-Life 2 to be part of my story and the Citadel just seen once the prontagist is coming out of the train so you could see that there was actually some snippets but mixed up in the mix bowl abit.

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Re: 'Coyote's Authorization Application
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2013, 02:23:24 PM »
The location of the city and the name of it aren't going to make or break your application. Just fix what was pointed out and I guess it will have to be decided among the administration team about if the Judgement Waiver and Autonomous Waivers are universal, or if the MPF and CCA factions running civilization are more unorganized than the governments and local governments of the IC previous era.

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Re: 'Coyote's Authorization Application
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2013, 02:57:27 PM »
-A bow with a packet for arrows (15).
Seems like it could work. Just be sure to collect your arrows in-game after using them. Also, try to do maintenance on them.

-A sharp hatchet in a leather casing.
Understandable. Remember that you need to get really close to do damage with such a small weapon. Go collect some firewood for the inn :P

-A winter jacket, black neckguard, beanie, a pair of brown boots and a thick undershirt for winter survival.
Go for it.

-Mediumic melee skills for the hand-to-hand guard against threats.
Please add to your backstory to back this one up, otherwise no.

-Mediumic engineering skills.
Engineering isn't necessarily the same as auto-mechanics. Engineering takes a long time and a lot of physics. Engineering would be more for buildings and bridges. Change this to automotive and I say ok.

-A character suffering from nyctophobia (scared of darkness), heterochromia iridum (color change in one eye from head trauma) and being a silent type due to being almost mute.
I like this. In your backstory though, you didn't express this enough. There wasn't enough fear at night. Express it more in-game please. The eye thing is good too but may I suggest having some sort of personality disorder come up from this? Something like self-control, bipolar, or lack of sympathy/empathy.

My thoughts on this.

The Mysterious Stranger

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Re: \'Coyote\'s Authorization Application
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2013, 04:12:58 PM »
-A bow with a packet for arrows (15).
Seems like it could work. Just be sure to collect your arrows in-game after using them. Also, try to do maintenance on them.

-A sharp hatchet in a leather casing.
Understandable. Remember that you need to get really close to do damage with such a small weapon. Go collect some firewood for the inn :P

-A winter jacket, black neckguard, beanie, a pair of brown boots and a thick undershirt for winter survival.
Go for it.

-Mediumic melee skills for the hand-to-hand guard against threats.
Please add to your backstory to back this one up, otherwise no.

-Mediumic engineering skills.
Engineering isn't necessarily the same as auto-mechanics. Engineering takes a long time and a lot of physics. Engineering would be more for buildings and bridges. Change this to automotive and I say ok.

-A character suffering from nyctophobia (scared of darkness), heterochromia iridum (color change in one eye from head trauma) and being a silent type due to being almost mute.
I like this. In your backstory though, you didn't express this enough. There wasn't enough fear at night. Express it more in-game please. The eye thing is good too but may I suggest having some sort of personality disorder come up from this? Something like self-control, bipolar, or lack of sympathy/empathy.

My thoughts on this.

 You mean mechanics? Well, that would be it I guess instead of engineering.

Post Auto-Merged: January 21, 2013, 04:57:40 PM
Alright, I updated the story with some new information and some of the authorizations should work similiar to the background. I know that I couldn't come up with a good escape route in the backstory but I tried my best. I thought that the Resistance would act as tourists for Catherine and made up reasons to clear up the questions that would remain unanswered. I wish to detail this further in the story that I am creating for Catherine but at the moment, you should try and stick to the authorizations because the story I am writing would take a long time to wait for in the IC Chat section.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 04:57:40 PM by STALKER »

Offline Zail

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Re: 'Coyote's Authorization Application
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2013, 01:03:18 PM »
Nice update you did.
But you've still got some uncovered things in it. :P

Your melee skills is now shown in the background. But it really doesn't tell how she learned them, it just tells us, how she's using them against a nut-cracked drugged person.
What I'd like to know is; When was she trained? Where was she trained? Who trained her?

"The man walked torwards the door and held himself upon it, keeping back the imbound Civil Protection from threatening both of them and atleast, giving her some time to escape from the situation."
How many entrances is there to your apartment? 1-3 entrances or? If so, why didn't the CCA use the other doors?

Alright, so I'd like to hear other administrators application and see a newer update on your background. Great work for now though. :)
« Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 02:39:08 PM by Challenge of death sex<3 »

The Mysterious Stranger

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Re: 'Coyote's Authorization Application
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2013, 02:40:11 PM »
Nice update you did.
But you've still got some uncovered things in it. :P

Your melee skills is now shown in the background. But it really doesn't tell how she learned them, it just tells us, how she's using them against a nut-cracked drugged person.
What I'd like to know is; When were she trained? Where were she trained? Who trained her?

"The man walked torwards the door and held himself upon it, keeping back the imbound Civil Protection from threatening both of them and atleast, giving her some time to escape from the situation."
How many entrances is there to your apartment? 1-3 entrances or? If so, why didn't the CCA use the other doors?

Alright, so I'd like to hear other administrators application and see a newer update on your background. Great work for now though. :)

 I lol'd at the "nut cracked drugged person." Also, I was going to add a memory for the character itself but I couldn't edit it in because I was too lazy and tired. :)

 There is two doors. Although, the other door leads to the staircase in which 'Coyote' went in. The Civil Protection officers have to use the door he is blocking because the wall infront of them is barricaded with various furniture. Once she reaches the rooftop, the Civil Protection units already making their way up the staircase but I don't think it is in the backstory (or maybe?) I wanted to make this abit more dramatic so I let the Civil Protection within the story use the door that the man is blocking.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 02:43:15 PM by STALKER »

Offline Zail

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Re: 'Coyote's Authorization Application
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2013, 02:33:10 AM »
Nice update you did.
But you've still got some uncovered things in it. :P

Your melee skills is now shown in the background. But it really doesn't tell how she learned them, it just tells us, how she's using them against a nut-cracked drugged person.
What I'd like to know is; When were she trained? Where were she trained? Who trained her?

"The man walked torwards the door and held himself upon it, keeping back the imbound Civil Protection from threatening both of them and atleast, giving her some time to escape from the situation."
How many entrances is there to your apartment? 1-3 entrances or? If so, why didn't the CCA use the other doors?

Alright, so I'd like to hear other administrators application and see a newer update on your background. Great work for now though. :)

 I lol'd at the "nut cracked drugged person." Also, I was going to add a memory for the character itself but I couldn't edit it in because I was too lazy and tired. :)

 There is two doors. Although, the other door leads to the staircase in which 'Coyote' went in. The Civil Protection officers have to use the door he is blocking because the wall infront of them is barricaded with various furniture. Once she reaches the rooftop, the Civil Protection units already making their way up the staircase but I don't think it is in the backstory (or maybe?) I wanted to make this abit more dramatic so I let the Civil Protection within the story use the door that the man is blocking.

Alright, so I'll let you update your backstory once before, before I'll let 'the hammer fall' on your application.
Make sure to get it all right, before you decide you're finished. Good luck. :)


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