Author Topic: Outlands or City- A calm discussion, please  (Read 7536 times)

Offline Dallas

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Outlands or City- A calm discussion, please
« on: December 28, 2012, 12:16:28 PM »
Alright, alright!

I want a good, clean and fair discussion- I don't want this turning into a debate! If it escalates I will not hesitate to lock it.

My question is:

Outlands Or City? Your pick and why. Remember everyone gets their own opinion.

My opinion on City: I prefer city. More consistent RP quality, sensible ideas, eventful and has decent gun-control. However like all city servers there are minges.
My opinion on OL: I like OL as it lets me develop my more outrageous characters outside the reach of the CCA, I'm not a fan of the rather OP auths some people have- as legit they may be.

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Offline Kevin

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Re: Outlands or City- A calm discussion, please
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2012, 12:25:14 PM »
Most of the server are city players, but I like Outlands a lot better. Room to develop and roleplay without being thrown in the way of the CCA and minges. I played city for ages before Outlands came out that 14 long months ago. The ONLY thing I liked about it was my OfC, when he died, I tried civi RP... I just didn't like it.

Despite what people may think about the average outlands player, vested rebel with a big gun and a bigger ego, it's really not true. There's 4 living character that have vests, Dave, Old Man, Nate, Skylar and Dorco, and several of them aren't even active. About 25% of the server actually has firearms, and only 75% of those with firearms actually have ammo for it.

But weapons are probably the least important aspect of OL anyways. I just enjoy the freedom, the map (Statua knows how to make a good map, even if it is just spliced Ep.2 maps.) and the amount of uninterrupted roleplay.
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Offline Mr. Pettit

Re: Outlands or City- A calm discussion, please
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2012, 12:39:48 PM »
Right now, I would have to say the City. The Outlands for the most part when I did play there was pretty fun though, I'll give it that. It's full of some really interesting characters and the people there are excellent roleplayers. I began to get a bit bored of it though for a few reasons. The group I was with was disbanded, I dislike the map, and I wasn't having fun anymore. The only thing I do on the Outlands now is go on OTA patrols, and I get in trouble with having to make decisions that can make characters die or people get angry. Both of which usually happen so I tend to stick off the roads and be as sneaky as possible.

As for the City, I enjoy it much more than the Outlands. Mainly because I have my CCA character which is the one I play on the most, if anything else at all. The roleplay is diverse, there's new things to see each day and I enjoy that. I like that I get to run a little piece of the CCA and be able to do things and let other units do something that has an effect, which it does. The atmosphere there is just more pleasing to me I guess.

Offline BltElite

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Re: Outlands or City- A calm discussion, please
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2012, 12:59:13 PM »
Just as a point, a debate should be a calm manner and so forth but yeah, you get the point.

My opinion is even stevens, they both have their ups and both have downs. City I obviously loved the CCA rp that was there until it turned silly, and the resistance movements that actually did what they should of were awesome.

Outlands was a great place to escape from the /rules/ that restricted you and have a bit more flair there, though I ended up as a mechanic but yeah, it was really fun but lost its flair over time IMO.

Offline Lone Wanderer <??"?

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Re: Outlands or City- A calm discussion, please
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2012, 01:25:43 PM »
I prefer CityRP more because of how close it is to the Union, and I like that presence whether I'm loyal or Resistance. The one thing I'd say is better about the Outlands is there's more room to do crazy things and create, whereas direct connection with the Union is more easy in the city. I also find that characters in the city are much more open to being killed, generally by the CCA. I've found that people in the Outlands are more open to allowing others to grow rather than simply kill them.

Current Characters:
Abdul Sadek - Unregistered citizen, currently near City 18.
Monica Halleway - A seemingly crazy woman roaming the plaza.

Former HL2RP-Characters:
Jennifer Hanson - Former trader now involved with the Lambda Movement in City 17.
'091' - A former rogue medical unit now on the Combine Homeworld. Or is she?
Michael 'Y' Eloriga - A wanted criminal located in City 17, frequently spotted on rooftops.

Offline [LP]GMK-MRL

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Re: Outlands or City- A calm discussion, please
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2012, 01:26:21 PM »
I'm more of a City kind of guy. Most of my characters are not rebel prone, but resistance prone. I brought one of my characters to the outlands and he was either almost killed, or was almost taken by OTA. I bet if I would've stayed longer and not been kicked out by "Old Man", I would've found some good in it. Though, him kicking me out won't stop me from coming back. I'll try to see some good in it and remain in it when shit hits the fan in City.

Now, in City, you have to fight and be secretive about most of the things you want. For webuls, guns is a no show and radios come when you get lucky on the 23rd shot. This means that is very hard to kill people as a lone Citizen and you have to either write up a 12 page backstory for an awesome auth inside of the City or you have to go to outlands, get some supplies and maybe a weapon and write a 2 paragraph story on how you got back in. Honestly, I like playing the Cat and Mouse game. It's why I make AC's and Criminals. I loved outsmarting CCA units and walking right past them with -100 AC points. I liked bringing in illegal goods from traders around the City. It was fun. I only had one character who was caught with a payload. And it took a serious raid with OTA units and one Zealot Officer. Serious shit yes. Well I understand in the Outlands, thats a daily thing. But hey, the rarer the fruit, the more the flavor.

Re: Outlands or City- A calm discussion, please
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2012, 01:38:05 PM »
I'm more of a City kind of guy. Most of my characters are not rebel prone, but resistance prone. I brought one of my characters to the outlands and he was either almost killed, or was almost taken by OTA. I bet if I would've stayed longer and not been kicked out by "Old Man", I would've found some good in it. Though, him kicking me out won't stop me from coming back. I'll try to see some good in it and remain in it when shit hits the fan in City.

Now, in City, you have to fight and be secretive about most of the things you want. For webuls, guns is a no show and radios come when you get lucky on the 23rd shot. This means that is very hard to kill people as a lone Citizen and you have to either write up a 12 page backstory for an awesome auth inside of the City or you have to go to outlands, get some supplies and maybe a weapon and write a 2 paragraph story on how you got back in. Honestly, I like playing the Cat and Mouse game. It's why I make AC's and Criminals. I loved outsmarting CCA units and walking right past them with -100 AC points. I liked bringing in illegal goods from traders around the City. It was fun. I only had one character who was caught with a payload. And it took a serious raid with OTA units and one Zealot Officer. Serious shit yes. Well I understand in the Outlands, thats a daily thing. But hey, the rarer the fruit, the more the flavor.
Too be fair to my self, I kicked you out because you did rape someone.

I prefer Outlands, A lot of the CCA is just silly with what they do, the stories behind it, and just the balance of it.
In Outlands we have a more rounded balance OTA, Bandits, Crazy people, Rebels. And I feel a more depth of RP.
When I was RPing as a citizen in the city, /EVERYTHING/ was slanted towards the CCA RP wise and it felt like the only reason to have a citizen is to get him in the CCA(this was months ago however) and on Outlands the only goal is to survive another day(And it even feels that way).
And those "overpowered auths" are NOTHING compared to what OTA does/was doing before.
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass

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Re: Outlands or City- A calm discussion, please
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2012, 01:45:34 PM »
I prefer city, there's more direction towards what you need to do and there's more purpose, as well as a more defined experience as opposed to the Outlands where you just have to survive, which is as broad as it gets. Plus I feel in the Outlands you're a bit alienated if you're new and don't have as much equipment as the battle hardened webuls, whereas in the City everyone is united to some cause or another.

Offline Kevin

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Re: Outlands or City- A calm discussion, please
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2012, 06:26:55 PM »
I'm more of a City kind of guy. Most of my characters are not rebel prone, but resistance prone. I brought one of my characters to the outlands and he was either almost killed, or was almost taken by OTA. I bet if I would've stayed longer and not been kicked out by "Old Man", I would've found some good in it. Though, him kicking me out won't stop me from coming back. I'll try to see some good in it and remain in it when shit hits the fan in City.

Now, in City, you have to fight and be secretive about most of the things you want. For webuls, guns is a no show and radios come when you get lucky on the 23rd shot. This means that is very hard to kill people as a lone Citizen and you have to either write up a 12 page backstory for an awesome auth inside of the City or you have to go to outlands, get some supplies and maybe a weapon and write a 2 paragraph story on how you got back in. Honestly, I like playing the Cat and Mouse game. It's why I make AC's and Criminals. I loved outsmarting CCA units and walking right past them with -100 AC points. I liked bringing in illegal goods from traders around the City. It was fun. I only had one character who was caught with a payload. And it took a serious raid with OTA units and one Zealot Officer. Serious shit yes. Well I understand in the Outlands, thats a daily thing. But hey, the rarer the fruit, the more the flavor.
Too be fair to my self, I kicked you out because you did rape someone.

I prefer Outlands, A lot of the CCA is just silly with what they do, the stories behind it, and just the balance of it.
In Outlands we have a more rounded balance OTA, Bandits, Crazy people, Rebels. And I feel a more depth of RP.
When I was RPing as a citizen in the city, /EVERYTHING/ was slanted towards the CCA RP wise and it felt like the only reason to have a citizen is to get him in the CCA(this was months ago however) and on Outlands the only goal is to survive another day(And it even feels that way).
And those "overpowered auths" are NOTHING compared to what OTA does/was doing before.

About the OTA, that is true. If you even hint in RP that you may beat them, they call bullshit. "LOL YOU CAN OUR ARMOR IS INVINCIBLE OLOLOLOLOLOL."

I'd personally like OTA that maybe... got injured?

I prefer city, there's more direction towards what you need to do and there's more purpose, as well as a more defined experience as opposed to the Outlands where you just have to survive, which is as broad as it gets. Plus I feel in the Outlands you're a bit alienated if you're new and don't have as much equipment as the battle hardened webuls, whereas in the City everyone is united to some cause or another.

And untrue, I've never actually seen some of the older members of the outlands alienate the newer escapees. I myself am always open to newcomers with Beans, mostly because I need more recruits for the Crazies.
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Offline Lone Wanderer <??"?

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Re: Outlands or City- A calm discussion, please
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2012, 06:52:16 PM »
I remember an OTA patrol in which we got it handed to us. We were hiding behind a downed tree waiting for evac, with Old Man and a few other assorted people shooting at us. I think it was me and Hazard who got shot up pretty badly by rebels. Needless to say we hopped onto the evac pod with our tails between our legs, basically. So don't say all OTA are OP and never lose  8)

Current Characters:
Abdul Sadek - Unregistered citizen, currently near City 18.
Monica Halleway - A seemingly crazy woman roaming the plaza.

Former HL2RP-Characters:
Jennifer Hanson - Former trader now involved with the Lambda Movement in City 17.
'091' - A former rogue medical unit now on the Combine Homeworld. Or is she?
Michael 'Y' Eloriga - A wanted criminal located in City 17, frequently spotted on rooftops.

Re: Outlands or City- A calm discussion, please
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2012, 07:31:47 PM »
I remember an OTA patrol in which we got it handed to us. We were hiding behind a downed tree waiting for evac, with Old Man and a few other assorted people shooting at us. I think it was me and Hazard who got shot up pretty badly by rebels. Needless to say we hopped onto the evac pod with our tails between our legs, basically. So don't say all OTA are OP and never lose  8)
Because I blew one of your heads off.
Also Molly(Skyler) was leading that patrol and she/he isn't like that, however I've had OTA before go "LOL NOPE P2L" at any attempt to attack them.
While not all OTA are like that, a lot are and they're horrible with it.
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass

Offline Lone Wanderer <??"?

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Re: Outlands or City- A calm discussion, please
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2012, 07:37:49 PM »
I remember an OTA patrol in which we got it handed to us. We were hiding behind a downed tree waiting for evac, with Old Man and a few other assorted people shooting at us. I think it was me and Hazard who got shot up pretty badly by rebels. Needless to say we hopped onto the evac pod with our tails between our legs, basically. So don't say all OTA are OP and never lose  8)
Because I blew one of your heads off.
Also Molly(Skyler) was leading that patrol and she/he isn't like that, however I've had OTA before go "LOL NOPE P2L" at any attempt to attack them.
While not all OTA are like that, a lot are and they're horrible with it.
We all survived that affair, none of us died. But yes, Molly was the leader of the patrol.

Current Characters:
Abdul Sadek - Unregistered citizen, currently near City 18.
Monica Halleway - A seemingly crazy woman roaming the plaza.

Former HL2RP-Characters:
Jennifer Hanson - Former trader now involved with the Lambda Movement in City 17.
'091' - A former rogue medical unit now on the Combine Homeworld. Or is she?
Michael 'Y' Eloriga - A wanted criminal located in City 17, frequently spotted on rooftops.

Offline Mr. Pettit

Re: Outlands or City- A calm discussion, please
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2012, 08:20:13 PM »
That's one of my problems with the Outlands. When I'm on my OTA and in the very few times we get to engage ACs, we run into problems with P2L and S2K and all of that shit. It makes me not want to patrol there but at the same time it doesn't encourage people that play on the OL actively to stay and at least attempt to fight.

Offline wag1

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Re: Outlands or City- A calm discussion, please
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2012, 08:29:30 PM »
Both servers have the potential to provide great role-play. On the city server, it's usually a more union based role-play. There's not as much diversity in characters due to the two mainstream play-styles that tend to be used on city; an average citizen that strives to do all they can for the fight against the union, and the union aligned citizen that strives to be or is already a member of the Civil Protection. On the outlands server, it's an entirely different experience with a bunch of different people. The outlands is an open yet tightly nit community. Everyone knows each-other, though they don't all share the same opinions. It doesn't take long before you're exposed to the different cliques and groups that the players make themselves. The best thing about these player-made groups is that they aren't all Resistance groups. You will come across chaotic anarchists, righteous peacekeepers, and secretive organizations. Though not all of them live up to expectations, most of them work out well.

So with a lot of different paths to choose from, you have more freedom, and are in more control of your character development. But that's not the only thing that I like about Outlands. In the city, the way you live is more restricted, not that it's always a bad thing. While you're in the city there's not as much to do as when you are out in the open, no one stopping you from breaking the Union's rules and, you can dive into role-play pretty much anywhere. Now, I'm not saying that this is impossible on the city, it's just generally a bit more difficult to find role-play if you're by yourself or want to make friends, but not everyone else does. The role-play on city is also more repetitive then outlands, which is why it can get boring quickly. The CCA don't do much to help it either with handing out the same jobs to citizens, rather than taking the opportunity to create a good experience for the other player. Role-play on city is also usually rushed since most people want to reach their character's full potential as soon as possible, rather than letting their story unfold slowly and immerse themselves into the game. City is fun if you find the right people, and outlands is just as good (sometimes even better) if you can be a bit more creative.

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Re: Outlands or City- A calm discussion, please
« Reply #14 on: December 28, 2012, 08:40:42 PM »
Both servers have the potential to provide great role-play. On the city server, it's usually a more union based role-play. There's not as much diversity in characters due to the two mainstream play-styles that tend to be used on city; an average citizen that strives to do all they can for the fight against the union, and the union aligned citizen that strives to be or is already a member of the Civil Protection. On the outlands server, it's an entirely different experience with a bunch of different people. The outlands is an open yet tightly nit community. Everyone knows each-other, though they don't all share the same opinions. It doesn't take long before you're exposed to the different cliques and groups that the players make themselves. The best thing about these player-made groups is that they aren't all Resistance groups. You will come across chaotic anarchists, righteous peacekeepers, and secretive organizations. Though not all of them live up to expectations, most of them work out well.

So with a lot of different paths to choose from, you have more freedom, and are in more control of your character development. But that's not the only thing that I like about Outlands. In the city, the way you live is more restricted, not that it's always a bad thing. While you're in the city there's not as much to do as when you are out in the open, no one stopping you from breaking the Union's rules and, you can dive into role-play pretty much anywhere. Now, I'm not saying that this is impossible on the city, it's just generally a bit more difficult to find role-play if you're by yourself or want to make friends, but not everyone else does. The role-play on city is also more repetitive then outlands, which is why it can get boring quickly. The CCA don't do much to help it either with handing out the same jobs to citizens, rather than taking the opportunity to create a good experience for the other player. Role-play on city is also usually rushed since most people want to reach their character's full potential as soon as possible, rather than letting their story unfold slowly and immerse themselves into the game. City is fun if you find the right people, and outlands is just as good (sometimes even better) if you can be a bit more creative.

Exactly what I was gonna say.


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