Author Topic: Layla 'Razors' Blackburn's Authorization Application  (Read 15573 times)

Offline Frolie [Jellykid]

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Layla 'Razors' Blackburn's Authorization Application
« on: October 20, 2012, 03:12:21 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Frolie
Age: Fifteen.
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): About 4 years now, around the time Fallout 3 and Oblivion were coming out.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: About a year and a half, starting with HL2RP.

Character Section

- Ambidexterity (Equal Strength in both hands)

- Eidetic Recollection (Photographic Memory)

- Exceptional Mathematical Intelligence

- Extensive Knowledge & Collection of Computer Technologies

Name: Layla 'Razors' Blackburn
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Brief Forward
(Concerns details on generality of the character, and brief mentions of skillsets)

Layla Blackburn, daughter to Merriam Blackburn, was a mental-medicine fascination. No direct diagnosis was ever made for her, but there had been dozens of claims and approximations; Low Latent Inhibition, Autism, Paranoid Schizophrenia, Mental Retardation, Bipolar Disorder, Savantism… nothing was ever made clear. The most likely reason for that was her refusal to cooperate. She’d sit in stubborn silence, ignoring teachers and doctors alike. She never made friends, and failed every class she ever took in the time she attended public school. The majority of those who were aware of her assumed she was either psychotic, or mentally challenged. But inside her head, and in her own time, Layla was a literal genius.

She was a skilled mathematician, a gifted computer hacker and programmer, a talented electrical and mechanical engineer, and in the future, she would become dangerously obsessed with combine technologies, and the pursuit of other-worldly knowledge.
Layla's Apartment in Seattle
(Concerns Details on Computer Skills)

Layla was sitting at her computer, the same place she'd been all night. It was nearly two in the morning, and she hadn't slept in two days. She was running soft-ware updates on a variety of the programs on her main computer. The computer itself was a glorious testament to diligent work and thousands of dollars. Two computer towers shared a single Twenty-Seven inch Monitor. Collectively, it had 128 gigabytes of Ram, supported by two military-grade MSi mother boards. In terms of storage space, each computer tower had an internal single terabyte hard-drive, and was also connected by USB to two other external hard-drives, each of which stored three terabytes.

Besides her primary computer, she also had a back-up laptop, which she utilized while working outside of her apartment, as well as a myriad of micro-controllers and circuit converters. The contents of the room she sat in was worth more than half the tenants in the apartment building make inside of a year, and had been what had gotten her into the building in the first place. Using the resources available to her, she had created an entirely false identity, beneath which the apartment was registered to.

  Computers had gone almost hand in hand with skills Layla already had, but for some reason, she felt much more secretive about it than her other interests. She hadn't much thought about the practical use of computers until she was about fourteen. By then, her interests in electrical engineering had already been piqued, and she had begun to hone down on that skill, but she temporarily set it aside to pursue her new interest.

  She had started with what she knew; the guts. Computer hardware was much like a more finely-tuned, much more complex version of electrical engineering, so she applied what she already knew on a more microscopic level. She hadn't turned on her first computer a single time before she pried it open and studied what made it work. Within a week, she had a rudimentary understanding of how the majority of the parts worked. She had gone to a nearby library and taken out some books concerning the topic, and then, displeased with the content of said books, went to a more comprehensive library a ways further into the city, and took out more books there.

  After three weeks of tireless study and precise coordination, she knew just about everything there was to know about the hardware of her own computer. She reassembled it the same night she felt she had an exact familiarity with the machine, and finally learned how it worked from the outside. She found the software aspect of computers considerably more frustrating than the hardware, which in turn made her more perseverant in understanding it. It took more months of studying and reading books to achieve what she thought was required of her. She knew hexadecimal binary in its entirety, completely by memory, after three weeks of study. She was writing her own code shortly after, and creating rudimentary programs. Originally, she had intended to somehow tie in the skills she learned her to skills she already had, but after almost an entire year of cut-throat study, little to no sleep, and thousands of dollars frivolously spent modifying and experimenting, she had let herself flow into an entirely different tangent of ideas and curiosities.

  There was never such thing as a safe hobby for her. Everything was either pursued obsessively, or not pursued at all. On paper, she was a psychopathic high-school dropout, even considered retarded by a few doctors and specialists. But she lived a secret life of hidden genius, only known by those close to her, which was a very limited crowd. She was about 60% to 80% sure that she possessed a photographic memory, but she was never one to make a self-diagnosis of any kind (she barely trusted any diagnosis; her relationship with doctors was never that great).

She eventually shut the monitor of her computer off, figuring it was best for her health if she got some sleep. She let the software updates continue as she wondered down the hall into her bedroom, and read for a while before shutting the light off. She lay awake for little more than 30 seconds before she fell deeply into sleep.
Washington Correction Facility for Women
(Concerns Details on Ambidexterity, Math Skills, and Eidetic Memory)

Layla had managed to settle into her cell in her new home in the past 4 months. She was lucky she had only been caught for armed robbery, and nothing else. Nonetheless, any time in prison was unfortunate. She'd always had a mostly hands-off approach towards crime, but she had been desperate for money, and hadn't had a job in months.

As far as prison went, this wasn't too horrible. It was a highly regarded institution that Layla's caseworker had to negotiate to get her into, due to her, quote 'fragile mental condition'. He knew she hated titles like that, but he was just doing as necessary. The accommodations of her cell were good enough; in fact, it even had a computer. Of course, it had a firewall, which when confronted with Layla's skill-set, didn't stay up long.
Of all the time the time Layla spent in prison, she spent the majority of it in the library. At her adoptive parents’ request, as well as those of her brother and her caseworker, she applied for, and easily passed her GED. Her traits as a reader and researcher were unparalleled in comparison to other inmates. Several notable traits were discovered of her, the easiest of which to notice was her ambidexterity. Layla was aware of this attribute, but never really understood what made it such a peculiarity, much less cared. It was frequently observed that she would begin writing with one hand, and continue with another. Occasionally she would even write with both at once. Whether this was something she acquired naturally, or if she worked at it consciously was irrelevant.

Several months into her stay in the penitentiary, it was observed, not just by the acting librarian, but by numerous different on-duty guards and even the warden herself, that Layla had an unfounded memory. Everything that she read or noted was seemingly cataloged mentally, and could be recalled with little to no hesitation for thought. She also had the unparalleled gift of numbers. She could do entire math equations in her head, the kinds that even experienced mathematicians had to write out on paper, or do on a calculator. It was obvious that Layla was very gifted, but her unusual mental status made her difficult to understand.

The warden consulted Layla with a proposition; if she took both an IQ test, and an Eidetic memory test, then she could apply as a ‘mentally reinvigorated inmate’, and a special deal could be cut to lower her sentence, not to mention lift her variable title as mentally retarded. It was clear that the warden believed that her time in the penitentiary had allowed her to focus on education, and thus, made the system work. That’s why the program for mental re-invigoration was created in the first place.

Of course, given her distaste for authority and general stubbornness, she disregarded the warden’s claims, ignoring her entirely. In turn, the warden called Layla’s caseworker, who visited Layla at the Correction Facility, and begged her to take the deal. After three more days of weighing the pro’s and con’s in Layla’s eccentric thought-process, she finally agreed. After taking the test at 17, her IQ was revealed to be at 148, well above average. Her skill in mathematics was truly amazing, nearing the level of Savant. The results of the Eidetic Memory test confirmed the suspicions of her family members; Layla did indeed possess a Photographic Memory. As Layla’s initial sentence was set at three years (due to relentless testimony, not to mention her being a minor), the deal would guarantee her release within the month, on the condition that she take residency with her adoptive parents. Layla was released from the penitentiary two weeks after her tests.

C27 bit was no longer necessary; was cut from the back-story

Some Pictures (Was bored, this should give you a better idea of the character's set-up)

Computers in Layla's Apartment [1/3]
Spoiler for Hiden:

Computers in Layla's Apartment [2/3]
Spoiler for Hiden:

Computers in Layla's Apartment [3/3]
Spoiler for Hiden:

A Work-Table in Layla's Apartment
Spoiler for Hiden:

Layla's Hide-out in City 27
Spoiler for Hiden:

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Ambidexterity (Equal Strength in Both Hands)
 + Can write or draw with both hands
 + Can equally distribute weight between appendages

Exceptional Mathematical Intelligence
 + Can perform mental mathematics equations in her head
 + Can come to a conclusion on complex arithmetic much faster than average

Eidetic Recollection (Photographic Memory)
 + Will be able to remember and reconstruct insurmountable details
 + Will be able to catalog information mentally

Extensive Knowledge & Collection of Computer Technologies
 + Will be able to use knowledge and hardware to build new things
 + Will (possibly) be able to use knowledge and hardware to attack others

Ambidexterity (Equal Strength in Both Hands)
 - Although a valuable attribute in research, it serves little practical purpose

Exceptional Mathematical Intelligence
 - Layla's Over-Analysis can at times become over-cumbersome, resulting in mental anguish of variable levels

Eidetic Recollection
 - As with her mathematical skills, over-attention to detail can at times become too much for Layla

Extensive Knowledge & Collection of Computer Technologies
 - Any fruitful progress made from her hardware and knowledge would take a lot of time
 - Moving the hardware would be difficult, due to it's quantity and weight
 - If any of the hardware were destroyed or damaged, it would critically impair Layla's progress

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
The majority of the authorizations asked for are mainly for increasing passive RP, and adding to one of (in my opinion) my most intriguing characters. Passive RP is a lot more fun when you're doing something that involves more than one party, and is especially fun when you're working towards a goal with one of your character's skills. Pending acceptance, my character would have skills in electrical and mechanical engineering (pre-requisite authorization), as well as combine technology and computer hardware / software. Obviously, that's a lot of honed-down professions, but certainly doesn't make the character totally rounded. In short, the character will need the assistance of other characters to assist in completing projects, no matter how rudimentary or advanced they are.

Some of the other authorizations I've asked for (Ambidexterity, Mathematics skill, Eidetic Memory) have been requested to develop my character. Given that she's very paranoid, and extremely asocial, many other characters don't have much to base their perspectives on her around. I hope that with what they observe (pending authorization), they can put together a better portrait of the character, without actually being able to interact with her. In short, this auth should add more to her as a character.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
No one else will need these Authorizations, just Layla.

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
« Last Edit: October 22, 2012, 04:25:48 PM by Frolie [BigBrotherIsWatchingMe] »
I'm a fag

Offline hogs

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Re: Layla 'Razors' Blackburn's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2012, 04:13:17 AM »
oh hey it's this thread again

Moderate Combine Technology Understanding

No authorizations will be given via authorization applications for be the following:
Any other NPC - headcrabs, zombies, seagulls, barnacles, etc
Any canon character - Alyx, Eli, Gordon, etc
Black Mesa employee/Black Mesa knowledge
SYNTH Units - hunters, striders, etc
V, G, Q, C, n, z and m flags.
Weapons/Ammunition - you cannot apply for weapons such as a pistol or SMG. You are allowed to apply for knives or  or gain them through IC purposes on the servers, but you MUST be able to provide a time and date of when you acquired this weapon when asked by an admin.
Resistance Vests
Special/Psychic Powers
Anything related to the CCA/Combine
Vehicles (Jeeps, etc)
'Child' Characters

you should read up on them before you try to get auths for something against the rules clearly that are stated above

Extensive Knowledge & Collection of Computer Technologies

Quote from: hogs
Extensive knowledge is fine, but I disagree with 'collection'. How would you walk around the city - because you clearly stated you'll be using your character for BOTH Outlands and City (which shouldn't be happening unless you're starting OFF in the city - which would be fine) - and not expect to be searched at least ONCE and found with this 'collection' of computer technologies, or even some spare parts. Unless you're housing them in an apartment which wouldn't work because I'm sure somebody would know about them ICly and break into your apartment and steal them. Unless you're talking about a mobile phone or tablet, in which case I suppose that'll be fine but you stated a 'collection'.

see above

everything else i don't care about

also for good reference

Offline Scratchie

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Re: Layla 'Razors' Blackburn's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2012, 04:31:35 AM »
Please, please quit posting the same damn thing. It will be denied again, especially since the only thing that was changed still breaks the auth rules.

Offline Yak

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Re: Layla 'Razors' Blackburn's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2012, 04:39:22 AM »
All I'm really seeing from your apps are your character is a genius with photographic memory, firearms and top notch hand to hand skill with a  dark past.

Offline Frolie [Jellykid]

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Re: Layla 'Razors' Blackburn's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2012, 08:29:05 AM »
All I'm really seeing from your apps are your character is a genius with photographic memory, firearms and top notch hand to hand skill with a  dark past.

I have little to no words for you. I guess you've somewhat outlined an approximate rendition of this auth? I just, I don't know what to say about you.

Please, please quit posting the same damn thing. It will be denied again, especially since the only thing that was changed still breaks the auth rules.

Understanding of the tech doesn't break the rules. I was careful to keep the phrasing of that authorization request in particular very synonymous with others:

Keji Maeda: Applied for, quote " Basic Knowledge of Combine Technology"

Daeny Morrison: Applied for, quote "Little Combine Tech. Knowledge"

But of course, mine is pen-ultimately different and over-powered when contrasted with theirs, I'm sure.

also for good reference

There seems to be some sort of tactic at work by comparing me to a well know character in a video game, that this character is really nothing like, besides having some similar skills. Maybe it's to make me seem like a fail RP'r? I don't really know.
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Offline hogs

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Re: Layla 'Razors' Blackburn's Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2012, 09:18:41 AM »
There seems to be some sort of tactic at work by comparing me to a well know character in a video game, that this character is really nothing like, besides having some similar skills. Maybe it's to make me seem like a fail RP'r? I don't really know.

Quote from: hogs
hi alyx vance the nerdy freerunning mathematician who knows how to work combine gear and can remember everything.

maybe you should read your previous applications and read the feedback given to you before reapplying over two times and i'm not just talking about my replies
understanding the tech DOES breach the rules because it says ANYTHING related.

Anything: Used to refer to a thing, no matter what.

Related: Associated with the specified item or process, esp. causally: "income-related benefits".

anything related to the cca/combine

it does breach the rules and i think you need to deal with that, mate.

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Re: Layla 'Razors' Blackburn's Authorization Application
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2012, 09:23:04 AM »
You have to realize some admins forget the auth app rules. And only the first of the two was accepted. The second had that redacted in the final acceptance.

The rules are the rules.

<::|| Sent from a mobile datapad codename Mecha ||::>

Offline Frolie [Jellykid]

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Re: Layla 'Razors' Blackburn's Authorization Application
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2012, 09:54:02 AM »
If the fault lies in that the acceptance of said combine tech. knowledge was a misunderstanding, then I am also at fault.

For such reasons, I've completely withdrawn the Combine Tech. Understanding from the authorization.

If that's what's required, then I'm fine with having that completely redacted from the process. I'll wait on admin opinions before modifying this further, if that's necessary.
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Re: Layla 'Razors' Blackburn's Authorization Application
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2012, 10:15:41 AM »
Now that that is taken care of (as I am going one point at a time)...

Where on the combine invaded earth would you find all that technology, and how would you be able to move it around and hide it? And say you got it once you got to outlands. Where did you find it in the mountains with a small town in it that's probably not seen most of it even before the war?

How could you move it all around anyway? Or hide it? You explain your knowledge, which by the way is only good enough for basic knowledge, but never how you acquired the items or how you move it and hide it from prying eyes. You can't carry it. Hell, it would take 10 people to carry all of that. And say you go with the excuse you took multiple trips. Whos to say someone didn't come along and steal some?

Extensive Knowledge & Collection of Computer Technologies
 + Will be able to use knowledge and hardware to build new things
+ Will (possibly) be able to use knowledge and hardware to attack others

Aw hell no.

Offline hogs

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Re: Layla 'Razors' Blackburn's Authorization Application
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2012, 10:34:46 AM »
If the fault lies in that the acceptance of said combine tech. knowledge was a misunderstanding, then I am also at fault.

For such reasons, I've completely withdrawn the Combine Tech. Understanding from the authorization.

If that's what's required, then I'm fine with having that completely redacted from the process. I'll wait on admin opinions before modifying this further, if that's necessary.
Extensive Knowledge & Collection of Computer Technologies

Extensive knowledge is fine, but I disagree with 'collection'. How would you walk around the city - because you clearly stated you'll be using your character for BOTH Outlands and City (which shouldn't be happening unless you're starting OFF in the city - which would be fine) - and not expect to be searched at least ONCE and found with this 'collection' of computer technologies, or even some spare parts. Unless you're housing them in an apartment which wouldn't work because I'm sure somebody would know about them ICly and break into your apartment and steal them. Unless you're talking about a mobile phone or tablet, in which case I suppose that'll be fine but you stated a 'collection'.

you forgot to address this

Offline Scratchie

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Re: Layla 'Razors' Blackburn's Authorization Application
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2012, 10:36:31 AM »
If the fault lies in that the acceptance of said combine tech. knowledge was a misunderstanding, then I am also at fault.

For such reasons, I've completely withdrawn the Combine Tech. Understanding from the authorization.

If that's what's required, then I'm fine with having that completely redacted from the process. I'll wait on admin opinions before modifying this further, if that's necessary.
Extensive Knowledge & Collection of Computer Technologies

Extensive knowledge is fine, but I disagree with 'collection'. How would you walk around the city - because you clearly stated you'll be using your character for BOTH Outlands and City (which shouldn't be happening unless you're starting OFF in the city - which would be fine) - and not expect to be searched at least ONCE and found with this 'collection' of computer technologies, or even some spare parts. Unless you're housing them in an apartment which wouldn't work because I'm sure somebody would know about them ICly and break into your apartment and steal them. Unless you're talking about a mobile phone or tablet, in which case I suppose that'll be fine but you stated a 'collection'.

you forgot to address this

Technically he did.. By making it outlands only. But my points and questions still apply.

Offline hogs

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Re: Layla 'Razors' Blackburn's Authorization Application
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2012, 10:41:30 AM »
If the fault lies in that the acceptance of said combine tech. knowledge was a misunderstanding, then I am also at fault.

For such reasons, I've completely withdrawn the Combine Tech. Understanding from the authorization.

If that's what's required, then I'm fine with having that completely redacted from the process. I'll wait on admin opinions before modifying this further, if that's necessary.
Extensive Knowledge & Collection of Computer Technologies

Extensive knowledge is fine, but I disagree with 'collection'. How would you walk around the city - because you clearly stated you'll be using your character for BOTH Outlands and City (which shouldn't be happening unless you're starting OFF in the city - which would be fine) - and not expect to be searched at least ONCE and found with this 'collection' of computer technologies, or even some spare parts. Unless you're housing them in an apartment which wouldn't work because I'm sure somebody would know about them ICly and break into your apartment and steal them. Unless you're talking about a mobile phone or tablet, in which case I suppose that'll be fine but you stated a 'collection'.

you forgot to address this

Technically he did.. By making it outlands only. But my points and questions still apply.

ah, my bad -- i was under the implication he left it on both instead of outlands.
but still wouldn't somebody be bound to find the equipment and steal it

Offline Frolie [Jellykid]

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Re: Layla 'Razors' Blackburn's Authorization Application
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2012, 10:47:38 AM »
Now that that is taken care of (as I am going one point at a time)...

Where on the combine invaded earth would you find all that technology, and how would you be able to move it around and hide it? And say you got it once you got to outlands. Where did you find it in the mountains with a small town in it that's probably not seen most of it even before the war?

How could you move it all around anyway? Or hide it? You explain your knowledge, which by the way is only good enough for basic knowledge, but never how you acquired the items or how you move it and hide it from prying eyes. You can't carry it. Hell, it would take 10 people to carry all of that. And say you go with the excuse you took multiple trips. Whos to say someone didn't come along and steal some?

Extensive Knowledge & Collection of Computer Technologies
 + Will be able to use knowledge and hardware to build new things
+ Will (possibly) be able to use knowledge and hardware to attack others

Aw hell no.

The character had amassed that collection of technologies before the war, and had hidden herself, and said tech, away in a rural area until the heat of the initial war had more or less blown over. As is described in the authorization, she had driven the large collection into hiding, and then had hired help to transport it over-seas and into Russia. Logic follows that she used the same methods to transport it out of Russia, and into Ineu.

As for transportation of these things now, the character is likely going to stash them away in some place she trusts is safe, as she did before the war, and as she did in City 27. Transportation of these things will, of course, be difficult, but she can always get assistance, or something of the sort in the event that transportation is nessecary, and I don't seeing it be for the foreseeable future.

And as for that perk; I through that in there because possibilities are infinite in-game. There's no telling how the character might be able to use her skills or technologies to attack others, should that sort of thing ever be required of her.
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Re: Layla 'Razors' Blackburn's Authorization Application
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2012, 03:34:18 PM »
I know he's authed for these things repeatedly, but frankly this needs to be said already.

None of these auths are out of the ordinary

People have authed for these kinds of things before, and there are characters out there that have ICLY learned these things. The comparison to the picture of Alyx is not even humorous as it's more of a downright smear tactic, and frankly i'm surprised you guys keep going with this. Plus with every auth there has to come the obvious trust of letting the other person have such things, but you guys seem to already be biased against Frolie, i can only suppose that is because of the auths he already got on Hound a week ago, but he's taken the time to make a long as fuck story as detailed as possible which should at least get some merit

Combine tech auths have been done before, computer recollection too, he's downed down the auth shitloads since he put it up the first time, and he's waited the needed week or so before posting it again, let alone that apart from Frolie's characters being a bit chaotic in personality at best there is no reason to believe he'd misuse any of these auths.

Long story short... RTLK, Hogs... Get the sticks out of your asses already.

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Re: Layla 'Razors' Blackburn's Authorization Application
« Reply #14 on: October 20, 2012, 07:58:06 PM »
Long and detailed story, I admit.
It was an interesting view, of what a civilian could have, of a life before and after the war. It caught my "interest" when I started reading it, real quickly.
Yet, I'm slightly unsure for some of them. I do not have a big problem, in the knowledgement, but I can't see how you would be able to carry a pc around.
I mean, two pc towers, a screen, keyboard, those three harddrives you had and so on, would greatly be a bit heavy. I do not say, it is impossible, but it looks a bit weird to me.
Just a side question, when speaking of harddrives. I can't even imagine, how you would attack other people with a harddrive? Surely you can throw it at them of course, but I don't see any physical way otherwise, seeing not many do even have an electrical device in outlands.

Well, all in all. I don't see a bigger problem, in letting the character have the knowledge of some electrical devices and components. Yet, I doubt about the computer "laboratory" (which I would call it. :P), seeing I don't even know how you would carry that around.

Knowledge; Fine.
Computer equipment; Eaaarrgh... Not really sure about it yet.

Now, don't assume I haven't read over the other comments or anything. I've seen your roleplay and I don't even have the smallest doubt regarding you.


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