Author Topic: Arren "Candyman" Kain's application  (Read 2994 times)

Offline Mr.Qman

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Arren "Candyman" Kain's application
« on: October 17, 2012, 11:12:38 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: CG-Qman
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 1-2 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: About 4-5 months

Character Section

Faster movement
A better build
Black shroud like clothing
4 modified tang knifes that are modified to be throwing knifes
Above average intelligence (When sane)

Name: Arren "Candyman" Kain
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Resistance

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Arren Kain’s Authorizations
Arren Kain, abandoning his group, and starting brand new, joining a different organization, finally found some peace. He started thinking more clearly, and coming in tone with his darker self. Before he left outlands he left caches of supplies around the P-3 area of City 45. Tools, scrap metal from scanners, wood, etc. Arren Kain coming back from the outlands know knew how much more important it can be to supply yourself, and keep hidden.

Arren Kain already knew about how to sneak around, but he was slow, a little too slow. He decided to try to pick up different ways to maneuver around the city, to get away from different things. He started looking around, thinking the city of a course to run, he jumped, grappled onto things, fell, and hurt himself. He learned to become more flexible and made it easier for him to move around. Arren Kain took a deep breath and jumped, grabbing the edges of the broken wooden pole with his dark gloves, as it made a loud thud sound, he looked down, picking himself up feeling the stress of keeping his body up, resting his feel on the pole, and then leaping down, turning his body landing on the red crate with a metal thud. He patted off his hands as he leaped down the crate, landing on his feet. Instead of using the ladder in the canals, Arren Kain decided to climb up a different path. Arren Kain took another deep breath,  getting a running start, running up along the slanted wall, and leaping, but to early, hitting his head hard on the metal crate, falling into a ball on the floor rolling around in pain. After a good 10 minutes of resting, and cleaning the gash he made on his forehead, he tried again. He ran up along the slanted wall, and grappled the slippery curved area of the crate, and the indented part of it. He then pulled himself up, and looked down, and looked up to the light that was just a about two feet above him, he ran along the wall attempting to jump off it grabbing the thin part of the light, but he missed, and fell back down on his back onto the crate, he did this two more times until her got a good grip on in, then shimmied his way to the flat part of it, pulling himself up, and thrusting his body to the edge of the surface area, pulling himself up breathing heavily and happily as he made his way up. He put his feet over the railing, and began to run around P-3, leaping over things, and taking different routes, as he did this he did slip and fall sometimes, making him sprain his wrist, and have lacerations. But he does have a good enough feeling he knows how to get past things more easily.

During his time in the outlands, he scavenged around for food, throwing rocks at passing birds, and fishing, and eating berries and nuts. Through all the nutrition and protein of this act, he would be able to have a slightly more muscular build than the average malnourished citizen, as he has eaten, gotten protein, and exercise from travelling. He now eats contraband items he can trade with, making sure he stays in a good enough shape, but not to extreme where it is noticeable.

Dark shroud like clothing authorizations
Arren Kain having some survival skills, did hunt some of the wildlife, and scavenged for supplies in the outlands, while he was there, he killed a citizen who was panicking, he took his clothes, and jeans, using collected other clothes from other dead citizens, and some hide from dead animals such as already killed dogs, and head crabs, made sure he collected the supplies cutting them up, and using the line he used for his fishing rods, and a needle he found in the medical area of the inn of outlands, carefully sewed up a small uniform, it is patched together, and can easily rip, and fall apart if not maintained with different more suitable leather from maybe shoes, or belts. It can fall apart. While candyman got to the city again, he used his cache of clothing to make sure the parts of it like the shoulder part, and the parts that hold it together stayed somewhat on, and then used a spray can to paint it black, so it is easier for him to blend in to the dark areas of the street.
The armor is regular clothing underneath, but then a small cowl/hood to shield his face from anyone, and leather parts of his shoulder, and knee areas to help keep together and defend, he isn’t perfect at putting together clothes so it can rip easily, but it does keep him somewhat hidden, and protected. It is also lighter than most clothing.

Four Modified Tang Knifes
Candyman has always had the skill to make tang knifes, and basic knifes to use in a hairy situation, but they never last long, the Tang Knife condition he usually makes is quick, and breaks in a phew stabs and slashes. Candyman has decided to use scavenged metal from destroyed scanners for his metal, instead of crappy broken off metal sheets. This has taken him weeks to do, and he has only made 4 so far,  he used hammers to beat out the pieces of metal from scanners to balance it, so when he throws it, it won’t go flying straight down, or jaggedly. He has used the tools he scavenged in his early days to help shape it, and his kukri to help sharpen it. The tang knife’s handles aren’t made with wood, and instead, made with the leather part of boots, taking the idea of the leather part of his makeshift armor, so it’ll hold a little more easily, and not fly off the handle. Using some help from a friend named Rex, he scavenged some more tools, and began tweaking it more, making sure the metal part, and the hilt of it holds together. The only problem is the leather from the shoes is not reliable to hold it forever, so the metal can come off, and having Candyman makes another, if he doesn’t lose the small knife. They are also moderately small, so if thrown in darkness, he can lose them.
Mental disabilities:
Arren “Candyman” Kain has been going through tough times in his life, and has been falling into darkness, becoming slightly mentally unstable to be around, he snaps easier, and sometimes his ideas are clouded by revenge, or past nightmares. Candyman suffers from Anxiety, and it has only gotten worse, if Candyman doesn’t look for professional medical help, he can go mentally unstable, and start do destroy things, and leave a social life, concealing himself away from crowds.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
These authorizations will give me these following perks
A darker clothing to help hide
Four throwing knifes
A more muscular build
Muscular build doesn't stand out to much
Movement auths to move around the city faster
The dark clothing has undergarments of a normal citizen uniform, so he can easily change
Movement skills allow Candyman to get away from fights, or bad scenes faster
The black armor will let Candyman be easier hidden from peoples view, and if he is seen, his face is harder to see.

These authorizations will give me these following defects
The dark clothing wasn't made by a professional, and can easily rip
The dark clothing does stand out
Candyman must find a place to hide his clothing if he changes out of it
the throwing knife's hilts can fall apart, making the metal part fall off
The throwing knifes are easy to lose
The throwing knifes are going to become dull if not maintained with another sharp item
The muscular build can be examined, and showing obvious exercise and consumption of contraband, leading to a punishment in the CCA
Candyman is not perfect with his movement/parkour skills, and will require him some more training before doing something very rash and dangerous
Movement skills are only really familiar throughout the P-3 area of the city
Candyman's mental state is getting worse, and if not treated, he can become unstable

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to use these perks to help my character's development move on, and giving him a different look and personality, Candyman has been feeling weakness, and feels as if he was needing new items and perks to move on. He will use these auths in self defence, to get away from things, and his knifes are used to help him fight from more of a distance, than risking his life from up-close.
Candyman's Mental issue gets worse and worse, he also in the IC chat now has a journal, and updates it every now and then. Even if Candyman is dangerous, he still has sane moments, and is still a smart person.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
No one but Arren "Candyman" Kain will need these auths.

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional): That is a link to Arren Kain's current authorizations. Thank you for reading.

Post Auto-Merged: October 17, 2012, 11:17:26 PM
Made an edit for grammar and such.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2012, 02:20:36 AM by CG-Qman-wut »

Offline Zail

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Re: Arren "Candyman" Kain's application
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2012, 07:53:27 AM »
I'll go ahead and list my opinions on your four requests here:

Faster movement
Fine enough in my opinion. Seeing you came from outlands, you would of course have a slightly better condition, than a malnourished citizen. Yet, if you were to keep this authorization, I would like to see if you continously trained your character on the server and not go like; "Now it's auth'd, now I don't have to train." That would disappoint me.
I've seen your roleplay good enough, to find you capable of the "movement" request, as long as you don't /charfallover spams the entire time, which I doubt you'll do.

A better build
Now I'm thinking; Construction?
But well, as I've read out from your description of, why you should be authorized this I believe you mean your body build.
As already stated in "Faster movement" you've came from the outlands and had some training with you. As long as you stick away from rations, this one would be fine enough to keep, as long as you keep on the training, as stated in "Faster movement." I do not hope, you intend to use this as an excuse, to force actions on people, because you're "Stronger."

Black shroud like clothing
I wouldn't say, leather is lighter than normal cloth. Seeing you've made the cloth out of dogs and headcrabs, I doubt the jacket would be that incredible light, compared to the normal citizen clothing.
It's fine enough in my opinion, as long as you don't do the; "I'm totally black, totally invisible."
Seeing it's just leather and cloth, it can't give protection so nothing much worth in it the other way.

4 modified tang knifes that are modified to be throwing knifes.
I've read through your other application and I see no clue, of an auth'd Kurkri knife. Would you mind link us it, so we can see if that Kurkri is auth'd?
Eitherway, the knife's is compared enough for me, as long as you actually remember the defects of them. I do not say, you have to loose them the entire time, but once or twice in a month would give a bit more roleplay, in my opinion. The knifes should of course not be as perfect, as they could be, seeing you haven't had the correct materiels and you've only sharpened with a Kurkri for now, with a boot leather handle. The accuracy of the knifes would of course be pending on the user's skills in throwing with knifes, so you would maybe like to train on that too.

Above average intelligence (When sane)
Seeing you've already been auth'd the ability to lead people in your primary application, I wouldn't see such a big problem in this authorization.

These are my opinions, but I would like to see another admin's judgement and opinions on it.

Offline Mr.Qman

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Re: Arren \"Candyman\" Kain\'s application
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2012, 09:20:10 AM »

Faster movement
Fine enough in my opinion. Seeing you came from outlands, you would of course have a slightly better condition, than a malnourished citizen. Yet, if you were to keep this authorization, I would like to see if you continously trained your character on the server and not go like; "Now it's auth'd, now I don't have to train." That would disappoint me.
I've seen your roleplay good enough, to find you capable of the "movement" request, as long as you don't /charfallover spams the entire time, which I doubt you'll do.

A better build
Now I'm thinking; Construction?
But well, as I've read out from your description of, why you should be authorized this I believe you mean your body build.
As already stated in "Faster movement" you've came from the outlands and had some training with you. As long as you stick away from rations, this one would be fine enough to keep, as long as you keep on the training, as stated in "Faster movement." I do not hope, you intend to use this as an excuse, to force actions on people, because you're "Stronger."

Black shroud like clothing
I wouldn't say, leather is lighter than normal cloth. Seeing you've made the cloth out of dogs and headcrabs, I doubt the jacket would be that incredible light, compared to the normal citizen clothing.
It's fine enough in my opinion, as long as you don't do the; "I'm totally black, totally invisible."
Seeing it's just leather and cloth, it can't give protection so nothing much worth in it the other way.

4 modified tang knifes that are modified to be throwing knifes.
I've read through your other application and I see no clue, of an auth'd Kurkri knife. Would you mind link us it, so we can see if that Kurkri is auth'd?
Eitherway, the knife's is compared enough for me, as long as you actually remember the defects of them. I do not say, you have to loose them the entire time, but once or twice in a month would give a bit more roleplay, in my opinion. The knifes should of course not be as perfect, as they could be, seeing you haven't had the correct materiels and you've only sharpened with a Kurkri for now, with a boot leather handle. The accuracy of the knifes would of course be pending on the user's skills in throwing with knifes, so you would maybe like to train on that too.

Above average intelligence (When sane)
Seeing you've already been auth'd the ability to lead people in your primary application, I wouldn't see such a big problem in this authorization.

These are my opinions, but I would like to see another admin's judgement and opinions on it.
That is what I planned, in the notes I did say I wanted to help increase my character development, so I won't go full out pro skilled movement dude. Candyman is still going to practice and be injured.
No I will not do this /me throws you across the room because I am buff "lawl" or overpowering people. I just wanted to make sure it was understood that Candyman did have an above average build for his character.
Also, the black shroud isn't completely decked out in leather, just a phew patches here and there to help it hold together, but yes it is true, it probobly wouldn't be "that" light.
I will probobly tone it down some if I actually get the knife in the first place, I plan to lose one by attempting to throw a phew back in candyman's home, then find it in about two real time hours.

Post Auto-Merged: October 18, 2012, 09:31:21 AM
The original Candyman (sectus) lended me his Kukri before he was killed
I was told by Delta as long as he has the auths, I can have it.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2012, 09:31:21 AM by CG-Qman-wut »

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Re: Arren "Candyman" Kain's application
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2012, 10:02:47 AM »
Now.... I'm no admin, but i'll put what i think about the auths in here for reference.

Faster movement
Faster doesn't necesarily mean fluid, so you will have to watch on that small detail when Rping this, it also means you won't just be able to lolrun and get away with it (but of course, i figure you already know that). The auth in itself seems okay, and you seem to balance it fairly by implying your character is not in fact fully experienced in the matter (something which can be fixed through IC practice i imagine)
It's not a "able to catch up or run away from anyone" thing, but i can see it as a definitive help and a good character trait

A better build
This point is kind of a given in outlands due to the fact getting actual food out there is a lot more easy, so i'd say this is a bit of a moot point for your existance in outlands, however considering city with this is an entirely different story. Scavenging for supplies in the city would be difficult but not impossible, and it would certainely allow your character to at least have a better fighting chance against other people. Of course, it would only go up to your stamina and maybe your overall strenght, but it wouldn't be a considerable upgrade given that you don't use much energy to begin with while in the city

Black shroud like clothing
I can see how this would help out when trying to sneak in dark places, but the problem is that if you use it in the city it will bring a LOT of attention to you, both from people and CCA. And there's the fact a shroud can get caught in whatever thing is sticking out, making it hard for you to move as efficiently as you state in the "Faster movement" auth, keep that in mind when trying to balance yourself out to the rest.

4 modified tang knifes that are modified to be throwing knifes
Well, according to your previous authentications you already had the ability to create tang knives, so i won't dispute that. If anything i'd say that ressuplying these throwing knives is something that SHOULD be very difficult, meaning you'll have to use these in an incredibly spare fashion. Also keep in mind a throwing knife won't kill anyone unless you happen to hit them in the head or heart, and those shots are very difficult to make. I can see this as an escape tool but not an effective combat tool.

Above average intelligence (When sane)
I don't see why not... Though above average doesn't mean genious, it just means you might know a thing or two other people won't, so don't get cocky with this.

Overall these auths seem "fine" on surface, but i still have a bit of a concern about how you will put them into action, since i haven't really Rped with you before. Still, you've taken care of writing a decent story for these auths, and while a bit of detail is lacking, it's still a commendable effort.

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Re: Arren "Candyman" Kain's application
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2012, 05:51:22 PM »

Black shroud like clothing
I can see how this would help out when trying to sneak in dark places, but the problem is that if you use it in the city it will bring a LOT of attention to you, both from people and CCA. And there's the fact a shroud can get caught in whatever thing is sticking out, making it hard for you to move as efficiently as you state in the "Faster movement" auth, keep that in mind when trying to balance yourself out to the rest.

4 modified tang knifes that are modified to be throwing knifes
Well, according to your previous authentications you already had the ability to create tang knives, so i won't dispute that. If anything i'd say that ressuplying these throwing knives is something that SHOULD be very difficult, meaning you'll have to use these in an incredibly spare fashion. Also keep in mind a throwing knife won't kill anyone unless you happen to hit them in the head or heart, and those shots are very difficult to make. I can see this as an escape tool but not an effective combat tool.

Thank you for commenting, I made the reason for the black shroud clothing to be able to be taken off, Candyman is only going to really use it when he is doing something important.
Also, Candyman will be trying to learn how to throw more properly, I never planned candyman to get a knife and immediantly be able to throw a knife from a yard away onto a bulls eye. Please keep in mind I plan to not use Candyman to overpower anything, I want to limit things, and I want Candyman to learn and go through pain to get what he wants. Him running away from things isn't really what he wanted, but to move a little faster around areas when he is trying to get past someone. He will only run away from people who have seen him, and even that, Candyman isn't the only one who is fast

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Re: Arren "Candyman" Kain's application
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2012, 01:47:48 AM »
Alright well, I don't see much of a problem with the auths, but the 'armor' being leather and cloth, wouldn't really be effective against anything better than sticks and stones.

So, if no other admins post anything within a day or so, this'll be accepted.

Offline Mr.Qman

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Re: Arren "Candyman" Kain's application
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2012, 08:00:35 PM »
'armor' being leather and cloth, wouldn't really be effective against anything better than sticks and stones.

It's not much for taking on swords, or bullets, not kevlar. Mostly to be used to blend in better, and get around more unseen.

Offline Zail

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Re: Arren "Candyman" Kain's application
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2012, 07:52:59 PM »
Guessing this is accepted by Kom'rk, yet he forgot to revisit it.
Assuming I can do this for him, without getting in big troubles.

Accepted, locked, moved.


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