Author Topic: Apocalypse SRP Server  (Read 8835 times)

Offline @Mmmaaattt94

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Apocalypse SRP Server
« on: October 12, 2012, 09:52:08 AM »
So we need a new server to get new players and keep everyone interested. We have tried to bring in alternative game-modes to try and get away from Rp but the community clearly loves it's RP like myself. From looking at changes of recent it seems a new serious Rp server would make sense. Most sensibly an OA or Clockwork (GM13) server would make the most sense. So with that i put forward this suggestion:

Apocalypse SRP


In basic the RP is set around a post-apocalyptic world where small groups of survivors have banded together in "Safe zones." These areas are protected by the Global Defense Initiative who help kill hoards of mutated "Zombies" on the outskirts of the population centers. As well as the GDI there are also various amounts of other military factions (mainly mercenary groups) who help keep the zombies back to defend themselves and their interests while they undertake contracts with people around the population center. There are also traders who, for a price help supply the factions with their much needed supplies. For the other survivors they must hunt for scrap and supplies or join a faction to develop their character.

For a full example of a canon please see this topic. Yes it is from another community but i am merely using this as an example. Ours would change and this is not to be copied. This is the same as looking at another servers HL2RP canon for a basic idea of the game-mode.

  • GDI - The Global Defence Initiative are the world's last combined military force. They operate to keep what is left of humanity safe from the world beyond the safe zone. People must make forum applications for the faction and it is run like a normal military using the same ranks. For simple comparison we can use the same structure as HL2RP's Civil Protection but use ranks not numbers. There are several sections of the GDI including medical, support, mechanical etc etc
  • Mercenary Factions - These are super admin approved, player made factions. There will normally be only one or two mercenary factions at any one time to stop idiotic groups being formed by everyone that will cause big IC and OOC fights. These factions work like the GDI and will do patrols into the red zones to kill infected/mutated beings but they will mainly undertake contracts from others for cash. They are self funded and only a few supplies are attained from within the organisation I.E they have weapons that traders can't sell but food etc is bought by the players from traders to increase Rp with traders)
  • Traders - traders are just that. As you would expect they buy and sell various things from all factions for a profit. However, although each trader has business menu access, they may NOT sell everything from it and within an application they must state what sort of items they sell. I.E weaponry, clothing, food, medical supplies etc. If they breach this they are removed from the whitelist. Traders may not supply themselves with anything idiotic such as weaponry.
  • Civilians - Civilians are the normal players at base level. Civilians can create their own Rp and their own, small groups and jobs such as with any RP. Although big mercenary groups must be approved, freelancers may be approved alongside them to create more Rp. However they recive no whitelists or extras and remain a citizen. Most citizens will either find a job of some kind or will go "Scrap hunting" where they search for bits of rubbish and scrap that is randomly spawned around the map by auto-generation. Some scrap is worthless and can be turned into money but other stuff is more useful and although it can be turned into money it is more sensible to keep it to sell or craft.

Key features
  • Crafting - Players may craft certain things such as weapons (Like a basic gun or knife) or even combine them to create things such as anti-septic bandages (They heal more than using bandages and a medical item.) The base items for crafting are gained through scavenging for randomly spawned items such as - blades (For a sword,) Gun parts (For guns) or cloth (For clothing, weapons, bandages etc) However to craft people must first buy the recipes from traders that allows them to craft
  • Better backpacks - Rather than have limited bags and backpacks along like HL2RP players can now purchases more levels of storage and carry more of them. Players can now buy types of jackets (From ragged to trench-coat,) bags, dufflebags, backpacks and more. Each of these is placed onto the players model using custom models so people can tell how much someone is carrying. This also creates immersion as someone clearly has somewhere to hold their stuff.
  • Scrap hunting - As previously mentioned players can now hunt for various bits of scrap around the map. This scrap is generated in a few places around the map every 30 minutes or so. The locations would change between predetermined spots to stop campers. Within these piles there are several types and tiers of items. they are:

    Junk - Junk is the literal crap that spawns. There are three tiers of junk with each one being worth a little more. Tier 1 ir $1, tier 2 is $2 and Tier 3 is $3. This stuff has no use and tiers are determined by item size (A can is a tier 1 but a large bottles is tier 3)

    Craftable items - Craftable items are needed in recipes to craft various different items. They can be scrapped but are better used or sold. items include - Gun parts, cloth, wrenches, planks etc. These items are rareer than scrap and some, like gunparts are rarer than bits of wood for example.

    Repairable items - Sometimes items like radio's can spawn. These items when used with a wrench could be repaired into a radio entity that plays basic music. Other types of items like this could be added such as TV's or walkies-talkies.
  • NPC zombies - Within a certain area of the map there will be a section where different types of zombie NPC's will spawn. These NPC's are hostile and will attack anyone within the area they spawn. This area of the map would be barricaded off but within there are some good RP buildings. Also when zombies are killed they SOMETIMES drop things such as food (burgers, human flesh etc) or even scrap. Just basic items. [l/i]
Donation Packages

Of course the gamemode needs to generate an income so there are donation packages that could be made. This is better decided to the owners and developers but the basic things that a package can include are similar to what HL2RP offers but no flags are offered within a package to stop a destruction of the economy as people won't use traders. Some things that can be included are:

PET flags for passive rp creation in houses
In game currency
Access to a special, purely passive class such as an infected (With restrictions)

I hope you have enjoyed this idea and i look forward to your feedback. Also if you look at the link provided in this topic you wil see that this game mode is already successful in a community and it is a very enjoyable game mode. I would welcome people to try it to get a better idea of what CG could create.

Also. I am aware of the previous suggestions to this but they have lacked the detail and seem to show a different, less serious kind of gamemode that is more about zombie DM than normal survival and character development that is achieved in the OA/Clockwork gamemodes.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2012, 10:45:34 AM by ?=CG=? Mmmaaattt94 »

Offline smt

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Re: Apocalypse SRP Server
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2012, 10:10:59 AM »
if we do this don't do it in OA/Clockwork, if we do this type of server it should be more serious than our current HL2RP and i'd much rather not use a script>rp gamemode for it

you've suggested classes and stuff, no pls, no script forced classes...
« Last Edit: October 12, 2012, 10:12:36 AM by Smt »

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Re: Apocalypse SRP Server
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2012, 10:25:43 AM »
if you're going to have a donation faction, make it traders or something rp doesn't rely on. If you're having infected as a donation faction then they'll only be on now and again, like a stalker rp I was on where traders sold weapons and all the equipment you'd ever need but mutants were all donation only and barely ever appeared and it got unbelievably boring
« Last Edit: October 12, 2012, 10:28:35 AM by Turian Nigga ? Moon »

Offline smt

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Re: Apocalypse SRP Server
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2012, 10:30:42 AM »
if you want serious rp nothing should be limited to "donators only"

Offline @Mmmaaattt94

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Re: Apocalypse SRP Server
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2012, 10:43:07 AM »
Smt OA has a good base and from the other community i used as an example you can see it works. You need forced classes so you can regulate who does what. You cant' have anyone being GDI and a whitelisted faction makes sense.

As for what i said in donation, i don't mean some classes are donator only. That is royally foolish. No i meant that for simple, passive classes like zombies you could have an automatic white-list for gold donators. I say SOME classes like zombies because they are litterally passive only, they have no weapons etc.

Also i forgot to mention, there ARE zombies within the gamemode but most are scripted NPC's who, in a certain area of the map chase people. Ill add it and explain it now.

Offline swag master spiderman

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Re: Apocalypse SRP Server
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2012, 10:44:41 AM »
npc zombies are something you see in semi-serious and darkrp game modes, they'd need to be mainly player controlled if it was going to be serious roleplay.

Offline @Mmmaaattt94

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Re: Apocalypse SRP Server
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2012, 10:48:43 AM »
I originally thought that but after playing the serious rp server running this gamemode i can see it works. The problem with players is its a boring job. The NPC's are used to distribute items but also it will not create a semi-serious rp server. IRL a zombie doesn't stand there and plan every attack. It just runs at you and attacks. No player would have to /me firing at an NPC as its a simple attack. The payer zombies are people who do the passive side of it all. Please, before you assume that NPC's are not for serious, look at them in action when coded correctly. (Don't judge a book by its cover)

Offline smt

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Re: Apocalypse SRP Server
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2012, 11:06:59 AM »
serious rp will not work with your ideas and it will not work with openaura

Offline @Mmmaaattt94

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Re: Apocalypse SRP Server
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2012, 11:10:17 AM »
Asi i KEEP saying. Look at the example server i have given that is constantly busty with a working gamemode that i have explained. It does work and it is popular.

Offline swag master spiderman

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Re: Apocalypse SRP Server
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2012, 11:19:12 AM »
so you want to replicate their server? I don't understand, shouldn't we be going for something original?

Also there's not much rp involved in shooting npc zombies.

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Re: Apocalypse SRP Server
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2012, 11:22:27 AM »
Asi i KEEP saying. Look at the example server i have given that is constantly busty with a working gamemode that i have explained. It does work and it is popular.

i can assure you it is not serious and i dont even need to look at it

Offline @Mmmaaattt94

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Re: Apocalypse SRP Server
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2012, 11:26:48 AM »
Alright to the bit of copying it, in basic yes. Its a popular server and it is often full. Another server is just like someone opening a new HL2RP Server.

Also SMT that is very narrow minded. The gamemode is NOT just shooting zombies. The gamemode is about trying to develop a character in a destroyed, barren world. Zombie killing is done by a few people as part of an RP of defending the boarders of the town. Any player zombie RP is done to create medical RP and infection RP. The NPC's are there to remind people there is a threat and create a dangerous area. You can have all zombies as players because of the red tape of needed rp to attempt everything and the cries about being killed every second. Zombie NPC's are just shot by a FEW to simulate an ongoing flow of zombies. Do not judge a book by its cover please and i can assure you, it IS serious and if you would actually try it you could see that it. If your going to judge a book by its cover then say HL2RP is just about getting beaten and killed by CP or joining them to do the same when we both know it isnt.

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Re: Apocalypse SRP Server
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2012, 03:25:09 PM »
I don't think you understand - given the playerbase of CG (no offense to any players), this won't work out, ever. They can barely stay serious (this includes me) on HL2RP anymore, because nothing ever fucking happens. You can add as many roleplay servers as you want, it will not make a change to the playerbase. Apocalyptic roleplay will not work in a serious environment due to the fact the gobble of shit we call Phase Four ruined it. People are used to obtaining items in apocalyptic roleplay when it's openAura or Clockwork - if one server succeeds, it does not mean you or CG will.

The last thing you need is to split the playerbase up even more. We can pretty easily judge a book by its cover when it has been attempted multiple times before by multiple communities, almost always to fail. It does not have a good record for a roleplay that works, no matter how much one puts into it. It'll stay serious for maximum a few weeks, if even that, before it starts getting shittier and shittier, just like HL2RP is.

There is a reason the playerbase does not enjoy CG, it is because of how things work around here. If you are in the CCA on HL2RP, you can't leave the Nexus as a recruit before you are done with a bunch of theoretic bullshit, no matter how good you actually are. When you start getting higher up, the more inactive the players are because the fucking recruit system is shit, and no one wants to train them in theory. Theory is boring, it will never be appealing to a player. It is a massive turn-off for many, especially when it takes years to get a promotion due to inactivity in UNIFORM (even though activity might have changed since last).

Citizens? You just walk around and do nothing, or get beaten by the CCA. You may say "well they can create their own roleplay", yeah, they can. However, whenever they try this they are shot down and all their roleplay exposed by some miscreant who thinks it's funny to make fun of their roleplay in OOC. Then you have the fact that much of the server is a metagaming gobble of crap that enjoy busting down doors if they need to.

Let me sum up how apocalyptic roleplay is going to be: Outlands. It is going to be a massive pile of shit where everything is a god damned soap opera filled with gunslinging Mary Sues. You claim it will be filled with roleplay - that is what many claimed about Outlands too until it started getting filled with guns. Every two players has a weapon of some sort, many of them AR2s from fuckshit events. Even if the idea seems good right now, it will not seem as good later on when it takes a turn for the shit it really is.

That is my opinion. I probably won't read this post again so glhf.

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Re: Apocalypse SRP Server
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2012, 03:48:04 PM »
In the past, I have considered the concept of serious roleplay in an apocalyptic setting on various occassions. Multiple times, after consulting other seasoned serious roleplayers, including administrators here, I have concluded that the concept simply does not work, for a number of reasons. I intend to convince you to believe the same.

For one, is the simple concept of attempting to create a level of seriousness in an environment that is extremely susceptible to inappropriate behavior. Realistically, an apocalyptic roleplay would involve killing for items or to improve one's personal status, and robbing other players frequently. While, yes, this is okay because this would likely happen in real life, it is a recipe for disaster. Rofl, and others, have cited their reasons for not supporting new roleplay gamemodes as being that roleplay leads to drama. In my opinion, some concepts lead to more drama than others. I am sure you can all agree with me when I say that in a roleplay gamemode where killing is practically encouraged, drama will be rampant. "Okay," you may say, "what about the other examples of similar concepts that work?" While these concepts you mention work, they don't work well. They function, but they are full of unserious behavior, constant killing, and stupidity. "Well," you may also say, "Catalyst Gaming is serious enough that that would never happen." Is it really, though? If you go and look at the current situation of HL2RP, as pointed out above this, you would likely reach a contrary conclusion. Catalyst Gaming is not serious enough to handle a roleplay gamemode that requires you to resist temptations, and to remain calm when someone else playing a less serious game than you rains on your parade.

To conclude, I believe that of all the concepts that have been suggested in the past weeks, this is likely the worse and least thought out. While, in theory, it is a fair concept, in reality it would lead to drama that is unneeded.
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Offline Mr. Pettit

Re: Apocalypse SRP Server
« Reply #14 on: October 12, 2012, 08:06:25 PM »
I was playing their Apoc RP out for a bit, and it seems that you can't really do anything unless you apply for a position. GDI and the Blackwater Mercs have a never ending supply of weapons, ammo, and supplies and Merchants obviously do. You need to be awarded for roleplaying, not applying on the forums for a position. Anyways... The game is very fun if you can get some friends on and just rp together and there is a lot of opportunity and potential in the game mode itself.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2012, 08:09:24 PM by Mr. Pettit - Remembers »


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