Author Topic: Glenn Moyers 's Authorization Application  (Read 2570 times)

Offline Reaver

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Glenn Moyers 's Authorization Application
« on: October 03, 2012, 03:30:42 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Reaver
Age: 19
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Several Years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Several Years

Character Section

Laptop and Mobile DVD Player-Only plausible way to recharge either would be from a Vort, and they both would end up being over-loaded and stop working.
Advanced skills in Metal-working, welding, engineering and mechanical work.
Autism- Glen suffers from a minor case of Asperger's.
Welding equipment as well as material used in meta-working.
(There might be a thing or two I forgot to type, but it will be in the story.)
Numerous small gadgets, ranging from the Torch Light to the NOVA Laser from he preffered using his enhanced version of the laser to cut metals.

Name: Glenn Moyers
Age: Late twenties-early thirties.
Gender: Male
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Birth:It was 1985 when the baby was born. Unfortunately, it was done so prematurely to an unwed teenage mother at the age of fifteen. Due to complications with the birth and the mother's under-developed reproductive organs and small frame, she required a Cesarean Section, which led to her death. Allison Moyers passed away leaving a unhealthy, dying child to the care of interns at Lake West Hospital. The father, a 43 year ld man doing time in prison for the rape that led to Glenn's conception, was in no way legally allowed to even see the child. On of the Scrubs, Morie Castello, was a single mother of a four year old daughter and was actively looking to adopt. After taking care of the legal implications of the birth and contacting close loved ones, she was legally able to take the boy into her care.

Middle School: At the age of thirteen, Glenn was placed in Moritory Middle; a secondary school commended nationally for it's clubs, extra-curricular activities and after-school programs. Although Glenn detested the thought of going to Public School, and would have rather stayed home to be taught , like most kids his age, he wanted a friend. This view was altered drastically half-semester when Glenn was placed into the school's Metal-shop program. In this short period of time, Glenn came to the realization that he not only had an affinity for Metal-working, he excelled in the class! Before long, he held top marks in the class, and stayed after school to participate in extra assignments. This was his first time using welding equipment, and he loved it. If it contained moving parts, he would soon find out how it worked, how to take it apart, and how to put it back together.

High School: In his first year as a Freshman, Glennw as diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, which both explained his obsession with metals and his lack of ability to properly socialize with other children his age. He had, by this time, created a friend for himself, named Alfred. Alfred would do anything Glenn asked, and although he was imaginary, it made him happy. He used Alfred as a crutch, a way to fill the gap that real friends had left there. The second symptom was his self-imposed need to take recluse in a subject that he could pour hundreds of hours into, which ended up being working with metals, and after his freshman year, also engineering. Taking courses ranging from, but not limited to, Vehicular Maintenance and Repair, Commoneer's Engineering and Advanced Mechanical work, he exceeded in all elective classes up to his senior year, however, he let his main courses slip. By the end of his High School years, he had taken nearly every optional class in the mechanical field.

College bound: Glen had, by his second year out of school, been able to construct, wire and program a meriad of silly machines and gadgets around his home. He also became enamored with Spot Welding, and even took an online course in spot-welding armour and weapons. (This was due to his love of Fantasy Video Games, and only did this due to personal interest. He never really used the skill.) Thanks to the internet, several local classes he took, and books that he had read into, as well as Glenn's ever-growing interest in metal-work, he had also learned how to craft and program several simple robotics in his house, two of these being Arm Attachments for his Toaster, which butter bread after catching it, to a pressure-pad under his bed to use so when he lays upon the mattress, his box fan would activate, giving him White Noise so he could sleep. it also sensed movement, so when he fell asleep, it would turn off to allow energy conservation. His skills would only increase when he was accepted to Baldin Wallace University, where he took several pre-requisite classes in his first two years. Accompanied with coursers surrounding advanced metal-work, robotics and Mechanical engineering, he took history classes regarding the Iron Ages as well as the history of metal-working, welding and such. After several more years, he had obtained several degrees, and was on the track to graduate. However, due to his fixation to working with metal, and his lack of the ability to do so during his University days, he dropped out, although he retained plentiful knowledge concerning the field. He took several jobs in the coming years, from a job at a Robotics Research Facility ran out of his neighboring town to a Floor job at Lincoln Electric. This job was heald for several years, and the employees always complained that someone had been swiping materials from the bins, and taking them home...

The Storm:Glen raised a hand to wrap the rough work gloves that entrapped his thick hard fingers around the lever, pulling it down as he watched through the dusty, scuffed view-port. The large rusted meta-caked bucket behind the window tipped on it's side, spilling its contents into the large swirling vat below it.
"There are plenty of things that could be made into, if only I could.."
 He shook his head, clearing up his mind as he turned on the heel of his heavy steel-toed work boots, the man shuffled passed the Fillarod Foreman, heading back towards his little cot that he held in his locker-closet, he had hour? He was a heavy sleeper, so he had best be careful. As he slid passed next shift's workforce, he was greeted by several nodding work-man and the occasional, "Hey, Glenn", or "How are the wide and kids, Glenn?" He had neither, so he had no clue what the hell they were talking about. When the dark-haired man arrived at his cot, he flipped into it, slipping almost immediately into sleep.

It's a weird feeling...falling. You feel weight-less. As if you wer-.
Glenn's eyes shot open quickly, snapping his head up, he smacked it onto a large metallic rod. It didn't used to be there...Just before he once again passed out...he could hear the screams..
Breaking news stories, invaders obliterating all in their path...
Those at home not yet struck by each blow huddled together...the world as a whole was waiting for the death they knew would come. Droves of people being abducted and taken away to God knows where....then...silence.
It only took seven hours, you know.
Seven hours to destroy a world-wide civilization that took thousand of years to create.

Glen had found himself in an unforgiving world, and he wasn't exactly sure how he had escaped, or how he had been so lucky as to have been able to grab his things. He quickly left for home, taking a plethora of supplies from work, and loading them into the bed of the modified ATV that he kept in his garage. He stowed many of his belonging into the vehicle, quickly driving it off into the woods after tarping the truck-bed. After several more months, Glenn had arrived at a small run-down, nearly picked-clean town. There was only a small amoutn of things worth taking, some he took that weren't needed, but he wanted. A comprehensive list of what was found; An Alienware laptop containing several games, a CAD program, and Photoshop 2014, along with a portable DVD player, both found in a small boy's room in one of the houses. He also found a lot of Playboy magazines under the bed, but he left them there for obvious reasons. Several walkie-talkies, non-perishable food stuffs and bags were also found.
Loading these into the truck bed as well, and he drove off down the road. That night, he was sure he heard voices.

Glenn awoke at the wheel, quickly, he began his morning drive down the road, keeping to the wood-side to evade detection. After awhile, he noticed several oddly dressed men brandishing large, odd looking weaponry as well as sporting Kevlar vests. He cut the engine, allowing a slow drift into the brush, where he stowed the truck beneath fallen timber, leaves and grass. Off in the distance, there seemed to be a reasonably sized town. Although it was far off, he was sure he could cover the truck, take what he can carry, and walk the rest of the way. He did just this, packing several tools as well as a single radio, the laptop and some of the supplies. After roughly two miles, Glen came upon a small hatchet spliced inside of a fallen tree's trunk. Wrapping his fingers around the handle, he wiggled it, trying to free it from it's wooden vice. That was when he heard the engine. He wheeled around, slinking back in fear as he saw a stripped jeep zip passed him. He was unable to catch sight of the driver, but a panel labeled "Beans" was plastered on the back, where the license plate should be. With a sigh, Glenn released the ax, slinging it, and promptly he would return on his trek. Deciding to follow the path of the jeep, Glen kicked a pebble down the cliffside to his left. Down below, a splash was heard, a bad idea. Immediately following the action, several luminescent white balls of energy zoomed past his head, nearly taking off his head. He took no moment to ponder this, as he sprinted back down the road. After awhile, he heard more gun-shots, this time sounding more familiar. Following the cease of gun-fire, a loud screeching sound echoed through the mountains, as well as thumping sounds. Thankfully for Glenn, he ad arrived at the town mere hours after the last gun-shot. And...after looking at the sign....'Belles' sounded pretty inviting..

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Passive RP, as well as making Glenn a fun new character who can provide services.

Autism is the big one here, however, his tools can break, nad it isn't exactly easy to get more.
In order to charge his equipment and the Laptop, he would need a Vortigaunt. And it would need to be done rather often.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Create passive RP for me, and fun RP for everyone else. I can create items for people,as well as play with the few robotics that Glenn brought with him.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
No, only Glenn.

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
A Freudian dick is when you say what's really on your mind instead of what you intended to say

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Re: Glenn Moyers 's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2012, 04:11:48 PM »
Looking at this, just from an observer point of view; there is nothing OP about this and, in truth, I am surprised at the unique nature of the auths you are requesting. That coupled with the fact that you are one of the most trusted and exceptional RP'rs in CG, who has many different chars, each having moderate/advanced auths proves you are more than capable of having these purely passive authorizations. That's my take on this, sorry for posting in here. 

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Offline Frolie [Jellykid]

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Re: Glenn Moyers 's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2012, 05:45:57 PM »
Though I've seen little of Reaver's RP, what I've seen has been very good. The backstory is thorough, and gifted characters with critical flaws are always interesting to interact with. I'm also quite eager to encourage more RP on the outlands, so...

+ Support
I'm a fag

Offline [LP]GMK-MRL

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Re: Glenn Moyers 's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2012, 08:48:08 PM »
Knowing Mr.Reaver as a competent and completely fair Roleplayer, I do not see why he couldn't handle Passive authorizations. I give him my full +support, not only because his backstory was detalied enough to describe how he got these items, but also because he is applying for a heavily disadvantaged player, which is rare to see in an authorizations application page. By doing this, he is proving he is not a Play to Win player, but a Play to Lose player, which is the greatest player.

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Re: Glenn Moyers 's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2012, 08:48:17 PM »
I should have specified this, but one of the gadgets is a small mobile black box that makes sounds and can use Microsoft Sam to speak from what Glenn says. It is remote controlled, and will be used for fun. This is who he believes is Alfred, his imaginary friend. He has conversations with it randomly, although one sided, since he has to say what Alfred says.
This little bot will be a separate character entirely, and I will use it for fun, and such.
I will expand upon it if needed.
A Freudian dick is when you say what's really on your mind instead of what you intended to say

Offline Scratchie

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Re: Glenn Moyers 's Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2012, 11:42:15 PM »
Make a list of the small gadgets please.

As for welding, oxyacetylene welding with a low tank (cause it would be hard to find a full tank) is fine. And the rest consider accepted. Just give me a list of gadgets to look over (including the ones you listed already)

Offline Reaver

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Re: Glenn Moyers 's Authorization Application
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2012, 12:05:26 AM »
The Flash Torch, and the Nova/Krypton Laser, two things found on
The Flash Torch is a flashlight that's rays are capable of lighting some things afire. The two lasers are the most poweful legal lasers allowed. They can cut through sheet metal.
Alfred, the tiny black physical personification of his imaginary friend. It runs off of solar power, the only gadget he EVER tried to use Solar rays for. Think of an RC car, but instead, it is a tiny box.
The Help Reader device. Due to his learning disability, he has trouble reading. Using this, it scans over text, converting it to audio. It has a multitude of different language settings, so it can translate as well.
A bracelet-communicator. He speaks into this in order to speak through Alfred, as the controlling pad used to maneuver him would not take the hardware needed for voice recognition. (This COULD, after quite some RP, be converted to use as a radio, but it would take quite some doing to re-configure it.)
A broken one of these- . I will be doing quite a bit of RP with others in order to try to fix it.
That's all, really. For the gadgets.
A Freudian dick is when you say what's really on your mind instead of what you intended to say

Offline Scratchie

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Re: Glenn Moyers 's Authorization Application
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2012, 12:12:30 AM »
The Flash Torch, and the Nova/Krypton Laser, two things found on
The Flash Torch is a flashlight that's rays are capable of lighting some things afire. The two lasers are the most poweful legal lasers allowed. They can cut through sheet metal.
Alfred, the tiny black physical personification of his imaginary friend. It runs off of solar power, the only gadget he EVER tried to use Solar rays for. Think of an RC car, but instead, it is a tiny box.
The Help Reader device. Due to his learning disability, he has trouble reading. Using this, it scans over text, converting it to audio. It has a multitude of different language settings, so it can translate as well.
A bracelet-communicator. He speaks into this in order to speak through Alfred, as the controlling pad used to maneuver him would not take the hardware needed for voice recognition. (This COULD, after quite some RP, be converted to use as a radio, but it would take quite some doing to re-configure it.)
A broken one of these- . I will be doing quite a bit of RP with others in order to try to fix it.
That's all, really. For the gadgets.
Solar Charger (broken) - sure
Communicator - sure. But if you do rp converting it, you need to provide the RP proof and a second auth.
Reader - Sure
Torch - No
Laser - Sure, but it is dead. Would be interesting if you did it where the battery was kaput and you had to find a way to either make the battery work again with some vorts or find another way of powering it.


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