The Flash Torch, and the Nova/Krypton Laser, two things found on Flash Torch is a flashlight that's rays are capable of lighting some things afire. The two lasers are the most poweful legal lasers allowed. They can cut through sheet metal.Alfred, the tiny black physical personification of his imaginary friend. It runs off of solar power, the only gadget he EVER tried to use Solar rays for. Think of an RC car, but instead, it is a tiny box.The Help Reader device. Due to his learning disability, he has trouble reading. Using this, it scans over text, converting it to audio. It has a multitude of different language settings, so it can translate as well. bracelet-communicator. He speaks into this in order to speak through Alfred, as the controlling pad used to maneuver him would not take the hardware needed for voice recognition. (This COULD, after quite some RP, be converted to use as a radio, but it would take quite some doing to re-configure it.)A broken one of these- . I will be doing quite a bit of RP with others in order to try to fix it.That's all, really. For the gadgets.