Author Topic: Sasil 'Hound' Pynon's Authorization Application  (Read 9644 times)

Offline raged

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Re: Sasil 'Hound' Pynon's Authorization Application
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2012, 10:28:52 AM »
The close quarters weapons all serve the same purpose. The bow is the single ranged weapon of which she uses, and I've seen several authorizations been approved concerning the use of a bow. Concerning the inability to feel pain, that's hardly a positive effect. If she just shrugs off wounds, it could literally kill her. It's probably one of the worst neurological ailments that could be inflicted on someone.

The hunting skills are purely for enjoying inter-character passive RP, for example, taking another character hunting, or handing over some meat for another character to prepare. Simply for the sake of increasing passive.

I can see where you would find the fighting skills perhaps a bit 'over the top'. But I'm sure that if you consult other characters I've RPed with, they can confirm my fairness in balance the defects and perks evenly. The character is by no means unstoppable.

The Kevlar vest has been authorized by several different people on dozens of different occasions. The character wears it because she has acknowledged that even though she can't feel it, wounds still very much affect her.

The extreme height and muscles are also questionable 'OP'. But the height is for purposes of intimidation, and makes her easily identifiable. The muscular ability also offers an intimidation factor, and does offer a notably higher ability to inflict damage, but authorizations are for opening up new options and abilities for your character, and I've offered reasonable defects for said authorization.

The languages are barely a concern at all.

End rant.

You can try and justify it all you like with individual reasons - as a whole it's silly for one character to have all of these things.

- height: yeah no problem tall people w/e cool
- 'irregular muscle development': p2w excuse in RP based combat
- h2h combat skills:
This combination would make the character one of the most lethal hand-to-hands practioners in the outlands, far surpassing the average, and even the advanced.

um ok

A Thick Kevlar Vest, able to absorb small arms fire (9mm and SMG), and soften the blow of higher caliber ammunition (Pulse Rifle, Sniper, Shotgun, etc).

kevlar would not 'soften' plasma and dark matter shots mate, would go almost cleanly through

how does your character carry a sickle a 150 pound crossbow a knife a hammer and a spear at the same time whilist wearing kevlar and a giant fur coat

An inability to feel physical pain
do i even need to argue this

honestly the authorisations above i wouldn't see too many problems with if they were seperated between different characters and not concentrated on a single character but no, why don't you just ask for auths to become alice from resident evil or rambo's equivalant of a female.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2012, 10:32:14 AM by raged »

Offline Frolie [Jellykid]

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Re: Sasil 'Hound' Pynon's Authorization Application
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2012, 10:52:30 AM »
I debated whether not I should comment again, but I felt it to be nessecary. The inability to feel pain is hardly a plus-side, if you give it more than a one-angled thought. I felt as though I was able to justify the H2H skills in the backstory, which you likely didn't read, so you wouldn't know. By irregular, I didn't mean some sort of medical mystery, I meant different from regular, as the definition of the word 'irregular' would infer. Given her strength, and the logical inclusion of straps, scabbards, and things of that sort, not to mention her per-requisite strength, it wouldn't be too hard to carry all these things.

The bow isn't 150 pounds, that's it's draw weight. You see, I actually did research about the things I was asking for, in addition to typing an 11 page backstory.

In conclusion, I'd prefer it if you wouldn't post on m application page any more. You aren't offering anything constructive, and your opinion has been stated, and will likely be noted and added to the collective opinions of the admins.
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Re: Sasil 'Hound' Pynon's Authorization Application
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2012, 11:36:12 AM »
You see, I actually did research about the things I was asking for, in addition to typing an 11 page backstory.
- A Thick Kevlar Vest, able to absorb small arms fire (9mm and SMG), and soften the blow of higher caliber ammunition (Pulse Rifle, Sniper, Shotgun, etc). Also, a long coat made from animal pelts, the result of the aforementioned Hunting Skills.
Which is why you decided to apply for presumably non existent kevlar (Not even OTA kevlar can 'soften the blow' of an OSISR (sniper) or pulse rounds).

Lengthy and detailed backstory but the applications do seem a little too good and too much, just my opinion.

Offline Frolie [Jellykid]

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Re: Sasil 'Hound' Pynon's Authorization Application
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2012, 11:39:33 AM »
My apologies concerning the vest. I didn't quite think the angle on the pulse ammo perspective all the way through, and have now edited that portion out of the authorization.
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Re: Sasil 'Hound' Pynon's Authorization Application
« Reply #19 on: September 24, 2012, 12:37:42 PM »
Kevlar doesn't even "Soften" blows from a 9mm, its made to stop penetration, not the impact(Getting hit by a .9mm will still break ribs).

Not to mention almost all of the firearms(.357, MP7, AR2.) will penetrate almost every Kevlar vest on the planet(.357 FMJ that is).
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

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Offline Frolie [Jellykid]

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Re: Sasil 'Hound' Pynon's Authorization Application
« Reply #20 on: September 24, 2012, 01:26:19 PM »
Kevlar doesn't even "Soften" blows from a 9mm, its made to stop penetration, not the impact(Getting hit by a .9mm will still break ribs).

Duely noted, editted to amend the error.
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Re: Sasil 'Hound' Pynon's Authorization Application
« Reply #21 on: September 25, 2012, 12:02:57 AM »
I do support this app, but not in its entirety, but before I state my own, I'd like another admin to post their thoughts/opinions.

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Re: Sasil 'Hound' Pynon's Authorization Application
« Reply #22 on: September 25, 2012, 04:35:09 AM »
- Skills in hunting (ICly might go out to hunt in the future, come back with some sort of animal, etc.)

- Extremely Advanced Melee Combat Skills, as well as irregular muscle development. This combination would make the character one of the most lethal hand-to-hands practioners in the outlands, far surpassing the average, and even the advanced.

- Rudimentary Firearm Skill. This shouldn't come into play often, as the character detests the personal use of guns.

- The following combat weapons, as well as the skill and know how to weild each one: A steel Sickle, with a wooden handle, a 150 Pound Compound Bow, able to pierce completely through flesh (and even some woods), a small combat knife, mostly used for skinning hunted animals, or on rare occasions, as a backup weapon, a carpenter's hammer, for use in improvised combat, and to top them all off, a spear, two feet in length.

- A Thick Kevlar Vest, able to stop the penetration of small arms fire (9mm), and absorb some of the velocity of a higher caliber, hopefully keeping the bullet from piercing all the way through the target area (IE .357 rounds, shotgun pellets, and SMG rounds). Also, a long coat made from animal pelts, the result of the aforementioned Hunting Skills.

- Extreme Height, and (as I've mentioned before) irregular musclar ability. The character would almost reach seven feet in height, standing at 6 feet and 11 inches.

- Understanding of a variety of languages: English, French, Afrikanis, Kwangali, and Khoekhoe.

- This is the big one:  An inability to feel physical pain, due to a nuerological disorder called congenital analgesia.

I am not willing to support an application which grants a character the traits similar to a Sectorial Commander such as the inability to feel pain and extreme height.

Such poaching was not allowed on the Ziweti's land, and Ghafi retaliated by shoving the man into the hood of the truck, a rather foolish move to pull on an armed man. But before the hunter could pull off a single shot, he met a brutal end. Sasil had watched the situation unfold, and had climbed out the window of the truck to make little noise. As the man raised his weapon, Sasil drew her Sickle, and took of his head without hesitation.

I don't have full confidence in the future of this character if the application is accepted. Every other character who has a gun would seemingly be 'detested' by yours and you'd have a free ticket to kill them via your 'irregular muscle growth', kevlar vest and extreme hand to hand skill.

I'll give you credit with regards to the length of the backstory and your writing style but I'm going to have to be realistic and say no support from me for the request authorisations, I'm afraid.

Offline Frolie [Jellykid]

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Re: Sasil \'Hound\' Pynon\'s Authorization Application
« Reply #23 on: September 25, 2012, 06:57:33 AM »
I've got a lot to do today, but I plan to make some revisions to the authorizations asked for.
Obvious I've put a lot of work into this, and I'm willingly prepared to nerf it down so that I've at least got some reward for my diligence.

If admins could please Stall on giving their opinions temporarily until I'm able to edit what I've asked for, that would be much appreciated.

Post Auto-Merged: September 25, 2012, 09:30:17 AM
- Skills in hunting (ICly might go out to hunt in the future, come back with some sort of animal, etc.)

- Very Advanced Melee Combat Skills, as well as strength that is high above the average. The combination would make the character a threat to the average man, and pose a variable danger to those with training, obviously with significant "Evening-Out", as they would be more-or-less equivilant in skill.

- Rudimentary Firearm Skill. This shouldn't come into play often, as the character detests the personal use of guns.

- The following combat weapons, as well as the skill and know how to weild each one: A steel Sickle, with a wooden handle, a 150 Pound Compound Bow, able to pierce completely through flesh (and even some woods), a small combat knife, mostly used for skinning hunted animals, or on rare occasions, as a backup weapon, a carpenter's hammer, for use in improvised combat, and to top them all off, a spear, two feet in length.

- A Thick Kevlar Vest, able to stop the penetration of small arms fire (9mm), and absorb some of the velocity of a higher caliber, hopefully keeping the bullet from piercing all the way through the target area (IE .357 rounds, shotgun pellets, and SMG rounds). Also, a long coat made from animal pelts, the result of the aforementioned Hunting Skills.

- Extreme Height, and (as I've mentioned before) above average physical strength. The character would almost reach seven feet in height, standing at 6 feet and 11 inches.

- Understanding of a variety of languages: English, French, Afrikanis, Kwangali, and Khoekhoe.

- Extreme Pain Tolerance, by no means completely immune to the physical sensation.

Above you'll find some edits to my authorizations, highlighted in blue. I'd also like to take this opportunity to am end some misinterpretations some people have made:

Detestment of Firearms: The character detests using modern weapons herself. By absolutely no stretch of the imagination does she hate those armed with guns, or attack those armed with guns. She simply dislikes using them herself, due to her tribal upbringing.

Irregular Muscle Development: It's obvious that the phrasing here has led to misconstrument. I meant above average strength, a notable trait I thought was both powerful & significant enough to require an authorization.

I'm open to further editing in the future, just post your concerns and I'll try to find a middle-ground. I also whole-heartedly encourage people to change their opinions concerning the application, even though I don't expect them to
« Last Edit: September 25, 2012, 09:32:36 AM by Frolie »
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Re: Sasil 'Hound' Pynon's Authorization Application
« Reply #24 on: September 25, 2012, 10:34:41 AM »
I'm just going to say it now. The Kevlar is a complete and utter no.

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Offline Frolie [Jellykid]

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Re: Sasil 'Hound' Pynon's Authorization Application
« Reply #25 on: September 25, 2012, 11:10:50 AM »
I've seen Kevlar vests applied for, and accepted on a variety of occasions. I'm posting from my phone now, but when I return home, I'll be able to provide two concrete examples of accepted authorizations where Kevlar has been involved. What makes my application any different from theirs?


Now that I'm on a computer, I can post the two examples of authorized Kevlar.

Rex 'Luco' Vindicta
Applied for, quote "Armor Outfiting(Kevlar for Leather Jackets)"

Charlie Cloud
Applied for, quote "Kevlar under shirt."
« Last Edit: September 25, 2012, 02:35:43 PM by Frolie »
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Re: Sasil 'Hound' Pynon's Authorization Application
« Reply #26 on: September 25, 2012, 03:55:26 PM »
Guys... let's not beat up on Frolie's app, most of the weapons, as stated before, serve pretty much ALL the same purpose, and they're all relatively short ranged, with the exception of the bow, which has been accepted on multiple occasions. Also, the irregular muscle growth and the irregular height is mostly just a scare tactic, it really serves no purpose, but it should be respected that Frolie applied for this strength as most people just include 'Buff' or 'Muscular' in their physical description anyways. Last on my list of this rant- the inability to feel pain, hardly a perk. The only REAL perk is that it would help in hand to hand battles. On the defect end... well she could be walking, have a confrontation with someone, get stabbed, and not even know, and bleed to death. Though unlikely, it is possible. Even a simple fall off a platform could have her leg taken off if she broke it and stood on it.

In short, the only benefit of the app is the ability to APPEAR tougher than most people, have a few bow and some knives and etc, and to be somewhat able to take more hits than the usual outlander.
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Re: Sasil 'Hound' Pynon's Authorization Application
« Reply #27 on: September 25, 2012, 04:09:46 PM »
Also, the irregular muscle growth and the irregular height is mostly just a scare tactic, it really serves no purpose

It serves a purpose of being pretty powerful when combined with H2H skills as well as increased power with the melee weapons.

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Re: Sasil 'Hound' Pynon's Authorization Application
« Reply #28 on: September 25, 2012, 05:45:25 PM »
I've seen Kevlar vests applied for, and accepted on a variety of occasions. I'm posting from my phone now, but when I return home, I'll be able to provide two concrete examples of accepted authorizations where Kevlar has been involved. What makes my application any different from theirs?


Now that I'm on a computer, I can post the two examples of authorized Kevlar.

Rex 'Luco' Vindicta
Applied for, quote "Armor Outfiting(Kevlar for Leather Jackets)"

Charlie Cloud
Applied for, quote "Kevlar under shirt."

I applied to make them, not to have them. In fact, not even make them, just outfit it for leather jackets. I can't even do it without one OTA soldier laying dead infront of me. I'm also hoping the Kevlar is ICly there. Because that is also what I applied for, IC kevlar. Which I'm guessing is part of the reason it got accepted.

Even a simple fall off a platform could have her leg taken off if she broke it and stood on it.
Also, pain doesn't stop you from walking, the fact that the bone has been fracutred/broken is the reason why you can't walk on it. The bone would either slide to the side, resulting in it either...peircing the skin or the bone it's self along with the other joints/bones it is attachted to slide to the side. Resulting in her losing a leg because it is deformed, or an abnormal running/walking pattern. Either way, my +support still stands. Even though a good bit of everyone's replies make very valid points.

Though I do see a lot of this for use of combat instead of passive...But it could just be me.

Spoiler for Hiden:
On a side note, I really hope this isn't just to get back at Rex for having your character shot and banished from the outlands by Old Man.

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Re: Sasil 'Hound' Pynon's Authorization Application
« Reply #29 on: September 25, 2012, 07:16:11 PM »
No vest.

Also, the irregular muscle growth and the irregular height is mostly just a scare tactic, it really serves no purpose

It serves a purpose of being pretty powerful when combined with H2H skills as well as increased power with the melee weapons.

You want your character to be unbeatable in hand to hand it seems. Why?


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