Author Topic: William Crest's Authorization Application  (Read 1559 times)

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William Crest's Authorization Application
« on: September 14, 2012, 08:00:18 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Tapir
Age: 17
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 6
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 4

Character Section

Knowing how to use a Knife
          This is operation of a knife, not hand to hand tactics with knives.
Advanced Parkour
Knowing how to Cook
Basic Hand to Hand Combat
    In detail, Takedowns, Parrys, How to hit. That's about it.
How to Shoot.

Name: William Crest
Age: Twenty Five
Gender: Male
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
The story is told in three parts.
Part one is a narration of Understanding how to cook, and how to use a Knife.
 Part two is a short story on how he learned Parkour.
Part three is a Synopsis on how he learned Basic Hand to Hand, and how to shoot/

Part one: AUTHS-Cooking, Knives.
"Today William, I'm going to teach you how to use the Carving Knife." His boss told him, on his seventh day at work at the local Greek Grocery. He was only fifteen, and he already was working his first job. Excitedly, he hopped over the counter, and began to learn his work.
"Will, Don't do that."
"Do what?" He instantly snaps to damage control.
"Don't hop over the counter. Very dangerous."
"Let's begin." The owner, Mike, drew a large, sharp knife from a leather holding case on the counter.
He flips the blade, catching it on the top, at the metal side. He offers it to Will.
Will accepts the blade, wrapping his fingers around the grip, spreading them, and resting his thumb on the blade, at the top of the hilt.
"You grip the blade wrong. Move your thumb down, and close your fingers."
He adjusts, and grips the blade properly.
"Good, now, when cutting the gyro, you slice down, and away. Never, /never/, slice up or towards you. This is a bad idea."
Will slides the blade down along the meat, making a thick, clumsy cut.
"It's...a start...." His boss says, as william practices more.
After weeks of practice and hard work, William honed his skills with the knife. He could create the finest, thin cuts of gyro. And he moved on, mastering the motions of chopping, and stabbing. He could create the best Salads with grace and ease.

He however, was not only learning cutting skills, but cooking skills.
"Will, you need to learn how to fry."
"It's easy, right?"
"It can be. It can also be easy to mess up." Mike walks up to a deep fryer, and flips it on. Soon afterwards, the oil is hot and bubbling. While this happens, he walks to the freezer, and shows William around.
"Here you can find everything you need. Today, we will be working with Waffle fries. Cooking waffle fries is simple, you simply fill the frying tray, Drop it in the oil, and wait for 4 minutes."
"Allright, not too hard."
"While that cooks, I will teach you how to make a Chicken Parmesan sandwich. This is also rather easy."
"Okay, let's start!"
"First, you must put some chicken in the fryer. This is the same as the Waffle fries. Insert, wait. Step two, you must take a hero roll, and cut it."
William pulls a roll from the shelf, puts it on a plate, and cuts it open expertly, leaving a "Tie" at the end.
"Coat the hero in cheese and sauce, than put it in the microwave for two minutes."
William does so, pressing the proper preset on the microwave.
"Good, now we wait. Don't forget to check the chicken and make sure it is't raw after it's done cooking."
He cuts the nugget open at the widest point, on the largest one.
"Any pink, and it goes back in. After that, It's just assembly."
Will takes the chicken,and puts it on the hero, he closes the bun, moves it over, and pours the waffle fries next to it.
"Good job, You've learned how to cook."
Will grinned, and brought the sandwich to the front.

Three weeks after his first lesson, His boss moved him onto a second.
"Allright William, you can slice, and you can chop. You now need to learn how to use your knife as not only a tool, but an extension of yourself."
"What do you mean?"
"A knife can be used for all kinds of things, not just cutting. Pick up the Ceratted knife on the counter, there."
He picks up the knife, and looks it over.
"It's not too complicated, use it to cut that roll."
He, without saying a word, cuts the roll perfectly in half, as if making a sandwich.
"Good, now try the tomato."
He tries to cut the tomato, and turns it into a goopy mess.
"That didn't work."
"No, it Didn't. You need the right tool for the job."
Mike then grabs a smooth-bladed, freshly sharpened knife.
"Use this for soft things. Like, the gyro meat, or tomatoes. Use the Cerrated blade for harder things, like rolls and Lettuce."
"Allright, moving on?"
"You've learned all I can teach you, good luck, Will."
Will smiles, and spins the smooth-blade in his hand, he stabs it into the table. It vibrates as he lets go

Part 2: AUTHS- Freerunning
"Oh It'll be fun." Amanda said, as she dangled her toes over the edge.
"I don't know....I'm worried about....Falling."
"Don't worry, you'll be okay.""
"C'mon, Will!" Amanda said as she jumped off the side of the building...
Amanda and William had been going out for one year, They were juniors in college, and Amanda was a Free-runner. She was finally taking Will on an excursion along the city rooftops.
"Woah!" Will shouted, as Amanda landed on the next roof over, and rolled, to get rid of excess energy from the fall.
"Now your turn, it's not too hard, give it a try."
Will decides, "Fuck it." and jumps. He lands, knees bent, on the other roof.
"Good job, but you need to learn to roll, or all that speed is gone. Okay?"
Will nods, as he is taught how to roll.
"It's simple, just let your arms out, and lean forward. When your hands make contact, bend your head left and relax your elbows. You should land towards your shoulder, but if you roll, the shock will be spread along your shoulder, back, and butt. Not painful, at all then. If you remember physics class, More energy over more surface area over more time equals less effect. After that, use the momentum to hop to your feet, and continue running. Simple, right?"
"Yeah!" Will shouts. He hops onto a vent, and tries again. Down he goes, and he flunks horribly, ending up on his back, in incredible hand and leg pain.
"Oh my god! Hahaha!" Amanda bursts out laughing at his display. "A little more practice first, 'Eh?"
And so, they continued their freerun practice.
"Theres a lot more to running than just jumping and rolling. You need to know how to maneuver your body."
"Try to hop over that banister."
Will jumps into the air, and plants a hand on the banister. His downward momentum is onto the banister, he gets over, but he's stopped at the other side.
"See the problem? You're wasting energy. It's all about forward momentum. If your moving forward, you will spread your energy throughout a larger surface area. Less impact for you, and you maintain your momentum once your up. Try again."
"Allright." Will, this time, sprints for the barrier, than repeats the motion. He has flung himself over, and he continues running, than he jogs back.
"I see what you mean, amanda!"
"Good, now try the roll again. This time, don't run. Start at the ground, Kneel. Put your left hand under your front, right foot. Make sure your elbow is on the Inside of your knee, and try to preform the roll."
He tries again, and rolls, over his shoulder and back, into a kneel again.
"Good job! Same thing, standing, hold your hands out, kinda like a handstand, but bend your elbows on contact. Don't forget, head to the left."
He goes, and he rolls. His head does not touch the ground, and the impact is spread between his back, shoulders, and legs.
"Again, Great Job! Now try the building."
He gulps. "T-The building?"
"Yes, go on now."
He stands at the edge, after climbing the stairs again, out of breath. He pants, paces a couple times, builds up some nerve, and goes for it. He runs to the edge, and Jumps...
He flies over the gap between the building, midair, he twists his body out flat, like he was flying. Near impact, he tilts forwards, arms extended. His arms touch the ground, and he instantly bends them, his shoulder connects, and he rolls, down his back, across his legs, and he tucks, and extends, up onto his feet.
...He lands, a perfect roll.
"Great job, Will! Now, we run."
They both set off into the sunset, across the rooftops of the city.

Part 3-AUTHS:Hand to Hand, Shooting.
Years after freerunning with Amanda, Will and Amanda went their seperate ways. They realised they weren't made for each other, and they should no longer be together. Details, details, for another date. One thing will did see though, was all the horrible things that happen in  a city. It's very different from a rooftop, windows are much more visible, and alleys are suddenly streets, and streets are suddenly alleys. Will knew, there was a lot of bad in the world, and he wanted to be prepared for it.
"Welcome to World Tae-Kwon-Doe", The sign read as he walked in. He stepped forward to the desk, and spoke to the old looking asian man sitting there. He discussed his will to learn to fight. The man told him he was too old for a place like this. He told him to go somewhere else, one of those military courses. Will insisted, he said he had to learn to fight. The man had no choice, so he accepted.
Will began in a class for 'White belts.' It was filled with five year olds, and was clearly an exercise in 'self-esteem.' What will liked to call, ego-boosters, ruining the generation under him. He 'earned' his way up to yellow and green, and by the time he reached blue, the Asian man at the desk took pity on him.
The man he now knew as "Master Wou" began teaching him hand to hand combat, for real. "Master Wou" was a Tae Kwon Doe Seventh Don Blackbelt. He knew, just about all there was too know, about fighting. He took him under his wing, and the first thing he did was got rid of the silly 'Blue' belt the man was wearing.  He said "These ranks are for the children, you will learn properly." And so he began, he learned his way through how to fight. Blocks, Kicks, and Punches, was where he began. By the time he was finished, he could turn your own punch against you, in very many ways. Though, he was nowhere as experienced as "Master Wou", whom could take a simple punch, and somehow, have you find yourself on the wall, in immense pain all over your body.
While he learned hand to hand combat, he was trained in riflery and shooting. He took a basic hunters saftey course, and learned how to operate and shoot a gun. For him, it was much easer than fighting. Just, basic instruction. Your finger remains off the trigger when you are not shooting, it does not lower to the trigger untill you fire. Keep your arms steady when sighting your rifle. When using 'iron-sights', your shot will end up slightly above the tip of your sights. Aim for that. Your sights are ligned up when the three dots make a straight line. Anything else, you are not accurate. To load the weapon, insert a magazine, and chamber a round. To chamber a round, either draw or drop the bolt. If you draw the bolt, your 'Heating up.' the gun. If you are dropping the bolt, you have already fired, the bolt was back, and your gun is now 'Hot.' When you have a hot firearm, you are to aim only down the range. Make sure your weapons are cold, Bolts locked open, magazines out, before you turn them away from the range. And most importantly, /never/ point one at another person.  Will figured, all of this is useful, except that last part. He was considering buying a handgun of his own, when the world pretty much, began to end.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
I'll have the upper hand in a fight
If I join the CCA, I'll know how to shoot and fight.
If i ever get my hands on a knife, I certainly know how to use it.
If I ever need to cook food for myself, I can.

If i cook something thats posinous, like, mabye heating up Citizens Suppliments poisons you, than I could be in trouble.
If i use a knife, I could cut myself, or get cut.
My skills could make me a target.
People could annoy me to learn these things, that's no fun.
If i do decide to cook something, it could get me in trouble with the CCA.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I want to improve the roleplay of others around me. Freerunning through P3 could be interesting.
I want to be able to better defend my character from the dangers of day to day life in the city.
I could cook up a storm, and feed the hungry!

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
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Re: William Crest's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2012, 11:49:42 PM »
The OP has not bumped this, causing me to think it is not wanted anymore. Plus no character has been loaded in almost a month.

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