Author Topic: <::|| C45.UU.CmD.27070's private logs. ||::>  (Read 13912 times)

Offline Zail

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2012, 07:34:16 AM »
UNIT: 270.
CLEARANCE: Divisional leader.

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened: Vlog-0004

**A divisional leader uniform is seen, sitting down on a chair, in a dark room. Around the unit, an APC and what appears to be a synth dropships droppod is visible in the background. A small click is heard, as the facemask is clicked off and placed on a table, out of sight.
A pale skinned female is visible, staring at the camera. Her hair is colored in a nice dark blond way, as it falls against her shoulders. Her eyes are a hazel colored, yet they seem cold and show no pain. Her voice appears to be cold, yet still slightly soft. A small Danish accent hangs in, as she speaks. **

Unit checkup, that’s what happening.
Today we had a unit checkup in the medbay and I’m glad all units met up without any further… Orders from me or anyone else higher ranked. Apparently NOVA were to test out; Sight, hearing and reflects. It went quiet smooth for everyone. In one of the tests, you were to pee in a cup… I’m happy the units believe my… Private areas have been sealed off, yet they aren’t. So I got away with it. Well, in the end I got an “A” for the three tests.
I find it slightly funny. I’m apparently scary, according to some persons. Oh-one-seven clarified it too. When I entered the second test, she was inside there. When I came in, she quickly gathered her items and ran out. She was told to come back by an EU unit, yet she stayed away.

A new unit has joined GRID. That’s lovely, we don’t have that many units anymore in GRID, and most of them are in NOVA or APEX. I’m fine with it, except the droppod isn’t going to build itself. I hope eight-two-six lives up to, what I need in GRID. If not, he isn’t going to stand for long. Yet he passed my funny test. Ask him the question; “Run or not” and point my rifle at him. If he said ran, I knew he wouldn’t be a good unit, but he kept staying when I squeezed the trigger and fired several pulse bullets beside of him.

I have to figure out, why a headcrab canister was in the old storage room, in the sewers. It’s irritating, since it wakes my curiosity and I need to know, what happened. I have to get the main access to the citadels database, so I can figure out where the last headcrab canisters were shot towards. And my second problem; How many necrotics is roaming the sewers. I don’t feel safe; they could come out every second, like some of them already did. Recruits to commanders have been attacked. For now, we’ve been lucky it’s only been a single necrotic, which has attacked. Who knows when the big group comes, if it does?

Our units need to be on their guard, that’s for sure. If they aren’t, it can cost their life now… And that doesn’t mean, the necrotics will do it for us…

**The female unit reaches out for the facemask again, clicking it back on. A cold robot voice is audible, as it leaves the facemask, the Danish accent can still be heard through it.**
<::|| Unit two-seventy, going ten-seven. ||::>

Saving File As: Vlog-0004.
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270.
Console Shut Down.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 07:32:59 AM by Challenge of death sex?3 »

Offline raged

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2012, 07:42:00 AM »
>That feel when you know 270 will never pin you down and dominate you because you joined APEX

that happened to me once

Offline Zail

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2012, 11:14:59 AM »
>That feel when you know 270 will never pin you down and dominate you because you joined APEX

that happened to me once

You enjoy it, don't lie.

Offline Lone Wanderer <??"?

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #18 on: July 23, 2012, 01:51:18 PM »
// The reason why we didn't have you pee in a cup is because your organs have been removed, making it impossible for you to do so.

Current Characters:
Abdul Sadek - Unregistered citizen, currently near City 18.
Monica Halleway - A seemingly crazy woman roaming the plaza.

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'091' - A former rogue medical unit now on the Combine Homeworld. Or is she?
Michael 'Y' Eloriga - A wanted criminal located in City 17, frequently spotted on rooftops.

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #19 on: July 23, 2012, 01:52:52 PM »
// The reason why we didn't have you pee in a cup is because your organs have been removed, making it impossible for you to do so.

If you read the logs you'd understand what she meant lol

Offline Zail

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #20 on: July 23, 2012, 06:18:22 PM »
// The reason why we didn't have you pee in a cup is because your organs have been removed, making it impossible for you to do so.

Fun part; It's only my arms, legs, heart, eyes and ears, which have been modified. Non of my other organs have been "removed" or anything, so I can still "pee" if you would like to say it that way. :P

Offline Howard Biggs

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #21 on: July 23, 2012, 06:20:23 PM »
Hmm well this seems like a very inspired fan fiction of the half life universe
Good job

Offline Lone Wanderer <??"?

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #22 on: July 23, 2012, 06:53:02 PM »
If you have standard OfC augments, your organs would have been removed.

Current Characters:
Abdul Sadek - Unregistered citizen, currently near City 18.
Monica Halleway - A seemingly crazy woman roaming the plaza.

Former HL2RP-Characters:
Jennifer Hanson - Former trader now involved with the Lambda Movement in City 17.
'091' - A former rogue medical unit now on the Combine Homeworld. Or is she?
Michael 'Y' Eloriga - A wanted criminal located in City 17, frequently spotted on rooftops.

Offline Zail

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #23 on: July 23, 2012, 08:41:02 PM »
If you have standard OfC augments, your organs would have been removed.

If so, they would have been, during the OfC augmentation. Yet, it wasn't. Therefore, I still have them.

Offline Zail

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #24 on: July 25, 2012, 11:58:33 AM »
UNIT: 270.
CLEARANCE: Divisional leader.

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened: Vlog-0005

**A divisional leader uniform is seen, sitting down on a chair, in a dark room. Around the unit, an APC and what appears to be a synth dropships droppod is visible in the background. On her left side, what appears to be a larger form of a pulse rifle is shown, hanging in several metal cranes.
A small click is heard, as the facemask is clicked off and placed on a table, out of sight.
A pale skinned female is visible, staring at the camera. Her hair is colored in a nice dark blond way, as it falls against her shoulders. Her eyes are a hazel colored, yet they seem cold and show no pain. Her voice appears to be cold, yet still slightly soft. A small Danish accent hangs in, as she speaks. **

<::||Vlog-0005. ||::>

<::|| Hmm… Jumped a single day over, no worries… Nothing interested happen that day either. Ah well, can’t say I was in stasis the entire day. Perhaps I want to check up on my stasis pod; I don’t want any failures with it, as oh-five-oh apparently had… Still annoys me.
When I returned from stasis, I was called by oh-twenty. He apparently wanted to switch to GRID. I’ve seen him around before, good unit I must say. Former EU unit and apparently decided to get lower ranked. No idea why and I actually doesn’t care anyway. My only, single worry… If he can figure out, what GRID does and if his brain is big enough, to understand what we are working with.
Eight-six-four… Six-thirty… To my surprise, they were both working on our droppod and it’s nearing its “end” if I should call it that way. ||::>

**She turns her view towards the weapon on her side.**

<::|| Impressive weapon, isn’t it? The feeling and rush of power, to use one of those against any biotical enemy. What a few bullets could do, to the human body? I’m disappointed I’m not authorized to use it, yet I still want to see it… Perhaps I should get a citizen, whose issued a level one verdict, down here and try out the weapon perhaps?... Just to make sure, the weapon is… “Working.” ||::>

**A small chuckling laughter is heard, her eyes turning with hatred.**

<::||Ah yes, the feeling of power… What wouldn’t I use it to, to keep down those trash piles, walking around outside, believing they have a life… If I could, I would show them their lousy life, followed by ripping their limps off, one by one. Their screams of pain and the begs of mercy would fill my ears, but I wouldn’t care.
They are like… Spiders and flies… Rip their limps off, one by one. See them move around, in pain… Enjoyable, isn’t it? ||::>

**She turns her view back towards the camera, a small smile is visible, as her eyes locks onto the camera.**

<::|| Sweet dreams, no tears as I’ve heard before… I can’t wait to try out the weapon; I might get a citizen later today, just for fun. And if it isn’t working, there’s always the roof.
And before I forget… I have to remember myself, about changing the GRID scheme… Apparently we are now going to take in oh-five units, without me getting told. Just great… Try lead a division, which gets changed without you knowing…. ||::>

**The female unit reaches out for the facemask again, clicking it back on. A cold robot voice is audible, as it leaves the facemask, the Danish accent can still be heard through it.**
<::|| Unit two-seventy, going ten-seven. ||::>

Saving File As: Vlog-0005.
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270.
Console Shut Down.

Offline Zail

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #25 on: July 29, 2012, 07:54:16 AM »
UNIT: 270.
CLEARANCE: Divisional leader.

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened: Vlog-0006.

**A divisional leader uniform is seen, sitting down on a chair, in a dark room. In the background, several stasis pods is visible, with a small hologram screen on. Some would be red, others would be green.
A small click is heard, as the facemask is clicked off and placed on a table, out of sight.
A pale skinned female is visible, staring at the camera. Her hair is colored in a nice dark blond way, as it falls against her shoulders. Her eyes are a hazel colored, yet they seem cold and show no pain. Her voice appears to be cold, yet still slightly soft. A small Danish accent hangs in, as she speaks. **

I’ve been in stasis for a couple of days… I’ve been tired, which annoys me slightly. But no matter what, I was awakened by a stasis message, sent by some APEX unit with the digits, seven-seven-seven. It was regarding a biolock on a pistol holster. I remember oh-five-oh building one, back in the days… I don’t doubt there are a couple of them in our storage room.
But well, the reason of the said required biolock, was because a unit with the digits nine-eleven was kidnapped… KIDNAPPED!?

**A slight frustrated sigh is heard, as the female runs her left hand through her hair, her right hand closing into a fist on the table.**

I’m getting annoyed of those kidnappers, really annoyed… I’m disappointed a bloody unit, got kidnapped!? How the hell was he kidnapped!? I’m going to figure out more about this, no doubt… I have to come up with a plan, so we could know when units were getting “kidnapped” into P3… Of course the unit’s pistol was stolen, so that’s why the biolock is required. I’m going to take a little chat with said unit…
Anyways, I have to come up with a plan, regarding that tunnel… I’m getting SICK and TIRED of it… 10-103M’s, 647E’s and what not, running in there, out of our reach… Kidnapping units, terrorizing, murdering, raping, thieving… I’ll come up with something.

I’ve spoken with commanding unit, oh-three-one-oh-nine regarding the Mechanical Operation Center, also called the MoC. Apparently, APEX is lacking on a room to hold meetings in and perhaps slight training. I don’t know. He asked me, if APEX could be given MoC and GRID could move to the garage and make our projects there… It isn’t that bad. There are two consoles in the garage and if we are lacking on them, we can always install more. There is enough space in the garage room, so I doubt we would be lacking on space. I have to speak with our sectorial leader and the APEX Divisional leader regarding it, before I just do it. No sense in just doing it.

All this is happening while I’m in stasis, isn’t it wonderful?.. I have to go in stasis more often, apparently… Or not. It seems like the droppod is soon finished and GRID Officer four-ninety-five came up with a new idea, for the next project… I admit I like it, but I’m going to describe it later.

**The female unit reaches out for the facemask again, clicking it back on. A cold robot voice is audible, as it leaves the facemask, the Danish accent can still be heard through it.**
<::|| Unit two-seventy, going ten-seven. ||::>

Saving File As: Vlog-0006.
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270.
Console Shut Down.

Offline Zail

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #26 on: August 08, 2012, 01:25:19 PM »
UNIT: 270.
CLEARANCE: Divisional leader.

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened: Vlog-0007.

**A divisional leader uniform is seen, sitting down on a chair, in a dark room. In the background, several stasis pods is visible, with a small hologram screen on. Some would be red, others would be green.
A small click is heard, as the facemask is clicked off and placed on a table, out of sight.
A pale skinned female is visible, staring at the camera. Her hair is colored in a nice dark blond way, as it falls against her shoulders. Her eyes are a hazel colored, yet they seem cold and show no pain. Her voice appears to be cold, yet still slightly soft. A small Danish accent hangs in, as she speaks. **

Terrible, lazy, rule-breaking units… And I thought I were after them enough?.. Well, long time, no speak. That’s the Old Danish way to greet after a long time, but who really cares, other than me?
So what’s happened… Units are being lazy, as I already stated. So let’s start out, shall we? ||::>

<::|| A couple of days ago, the precinct sewers apparently started getting flooded with acid, as far as I’ve heard. An APC was called in, to take care of it, to wash it away and so on. I CERTAINLY hope, the APC didn’t take any damage, or else, I’m going to use the units head to clean and repair the APC again. I don’t care how I would do it and I don’t care how long it would take, but I hope that would be a good reminder for the said unit. Well, the acid was washed away again and the problem was located and fixed by unit eight-six-four and eight-two-six, for what I’ve heard. I certainly hope they got their authorizations for it.
Unfortunately, I was in stasis during this, so I couldn’t help with, whatever was going on except for that. ||::>

<::|| Second thing, why I mean units is getting dumb.
Units are apparently IGNORING! My orders and questions! About two to three days ago, I asked three units, why they were surrounding a single female! A SINGLE FEMALE!? When I asked for the third time, the units still didn’t respond, before they broke up and started during their standard directives. I asked one more time; Still got ignored. I decided I called them all up to the roof, which they actually reacted to. So when they were up here, I clearly stated to them all, if they did that again, the next they would see and feel, would be how fast is goes to fall down from the nexus and hit the ground.
Said units, annoyed me slightly… Recruit unit; five-four-four, NOVA oh-one; oh-nine-one and a single UED unit. The recruit and the oh-one didn’t have any specific reason to, why they ignored me.
The only unit, who actually had a valid reason, was the UED. I won’t say why, but I only wonder, why he didn’t respond to me and tell me, he could tell me soon, than instead of completely ignoring me. ||::>

<::|| The last thing… Today I figured out, seven-seven-seven had a modified submachine gun. Where in the hell, did he get that one!? I spoke to, who I’ve figured out is one of the highest ranked UED units, and we agreed to call seven-seven-seven down in the HCMR. So here we spoke with him and asked; who he got it from. As a stupid unit, he couldn’t remember, only that he received it three to four days ago. I and the UED unit quickly clarified the units; Eight-two-six and oh-four-seven. I doubt it was oh-four-seven, seeing he was shot. Seven-seven-seven was allowed to leave, when we were done with him and called eight-two-six down. After we’ve spoken a bit with him, about why we had called him down here, he stated he modified seven-seven-seven’s submachine gun.
After this, the UED unit left and I handed eight-two-six a nice, old blackmark. ||::>

<::|| If this continues, I don’t know what to do… And a last thing; Units are getting lazy… When I was a recruit, we patrolled and ate our supplements… Now units are sitting on their fat ass, in the break room and chatting with each other’s. I am so close, to shoot after them… I’ve already did once, when five to six units sat on the bench and just chatted… ||::>

**The female unit reaches out for the facemask again, clicking it back on. A cold robot voice is audible, as it leaves the facemask, the Danish accent can still be heard through it.**
<::|| Unit two-seventy, going ten-seven. ||::>

Saving File As: Vlog-0007.
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270.
Console Shut Down.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2012, 08:00:10 AM by Challenge of death sex?3 »

Offline Zail

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #27 on: August 08, 2012, 07:44:39 PM »
NOTICE PLEASE; Yes, some of it is racist, but it was all performed IC. This doesn't mean I am racist OOC, so please. Don't comment on it or think I am. If any offense was taken, I am truly sorry and therefore apologies.
UNIT: 270.
CLEARANCE: Divisional leader.

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened: Vlog-0007.

**A divisional leader uniform is seen, sitting down on a chair, in a dark room. In the background, several stasis pods is visible, with a small hologram screen on. Some would be red, others would be green.
A small click is heard, as the facemask is clicked off and placed on a table, out of sight.
A pale skinned female is visible, staring at the camera. Her hair is colored in a nice dark blond way, as it falls against her shoulders. Her eyes are hazel colored, yet they seem cold and shows no pain. Her voice appears to be cold, yet still slightly soft. A small Danish accent hangs in, as she speaks. **

It is now confirmed. Citizens are regular, brainless things, walking around without any purpose, except annoying the civil authority. Why I came to this conclusion, is because of what happened today.
As always, a citizen attempted to flee from his judgment and ended up with a capital malcompliance. For some reasons, I’ve forgotten, four males were involved in this and lined up by a wall by eight-two-six. Behind the precinct three hardpoint, seven-oh-six was apparently fighting a male. Why I believe in this, is because when I passed the corner, to help in a ten seventy-eight,  a male came “flying” a few feet’s before landing in front of me.
So that was really interesting and I figured out a nice way to make the other citizens on the wall, know that this was serious and not a kinder party. I ordered seven-oh-six to tie up the male and bring him with me, as I walked back out the hardpoint and towards the wall; the four males and eight-two-six were located at.
I ordered the four males to turn around and seven-oh-six to drop the unconscious black male In front of me. Apparently seven-oh-six didn’t hear my order and started carrying the male towards the bloody nexus…
Another fine piece, of showing how stupid some units and citizens can be. So I ordered the unit back over the radio and he quickly did as I ordered, without hesitations. Perhaps I should say which kind of males was involved… Two with hair, a bald… AND of course a black one… Again, another black male... It’s kind of funny, I’ve actually noticed… Every time something happens, it’s nearly always a bald male or a black male… I’m really close, to just shoot every damned bald and black male in the city, if I could…
Oh well, back to the topic. As the unconscious male was lying before me, I slowly started to crush his chest beneath my right foot, keeping an eye on the males. As I hoped, they were all scared to death. Except the black male, he seemed like it just made him fart even worse… Damned citizens, gassing my units with whatever they have inside their lousy organic body….
When I terrified the citizens good enough, I blew the brain out of the black one, I had beneath me foot… And of course, as I wasn’t already pissed off more than enough, the black male starts to call me racist and refused to listen or do what I said… Let’s say, he didn’t have a chest or stomach shortly after…
So when I was done with those two black fucking people I ordered the three last standing citizens, to clean up the mess. Not that big deal, except they were frightened to death… I even guess some of the units were afraid, I don’t really know. I just know, they quickly moved out of my way, without being ordered too. It was actually kind of funny.

**The female unit reaches out for the facemask again, clicking it back on. A cold robot voice is audible, as it leaves the facemask, the Danish accent can still be heard through it.**
<::|| Unit two-seventy, going ten-seven. ||::>

Saving File As: Vlog-0007.
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270.
Console Shut Down.

NOTICE PLEASE; Yes, some of it is racist, but it was all performed IC. This doesn't mean I am racist OOC, so please. Don't comment on it or think I am. If any offense was taken, I am truly sorry and therefore apologies.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 07:58:47 PM by Challenge of death sex?3 »

Offline kmp

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #28 on: August 09, 2012, 02:22:56 AM »
ur racist >:|

Offline Lone Wanderer <??"?

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.270's private logs. ||::>
« Reply #29 on: August 09, 2012, 02:36:04 AM »
//how come no one ever gets my division right.

She said I as in apex  :'(

Current Characters:
Abdul Sadek - Unregistered citizen, currently near City 18.
Monica Halleway - A seemingly crazy woman roaming the plaza.

Former HL2RP-Characters:
Jennifer Hanson - Former trader now involved with the Lambda Movement in City 17.
'091' - A former rogue medical unit now on the Combine Homeworld. Or is she?
Michael 'Y' Eloriga - A wanted criminal located in City 17, frequently spotted on rooftops.


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