Author Topic: Alyse Mirabelle's Civil Authority Application  (Read 1994 times)

Offline SirTai

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Alyse Mirabelle's Civil Authority Application
« on: June 29, 2012, 03:25:43 AM »
Alyse Mirabelle's Civil Authority Application

OOC Name: SirTai

IC Character Name: Alyse Mirabelle

1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.
      My character was raised in a calculist and cold way, carefully planned by her parents. They taught her, the hard way, how to face her problems and control her emotions. She acquired a particular set of skills in her upbringing that, at one point of her life, she decided to become a police officer, back in Helsingør. That way she lived her life, arresting criminals, and went through a lot to rank up as she did. From that point and beyond, the police code, and the eagerness for peace, to enforce the law, that feeling grew on her really fast, and she felt like her life finally had a meaning.
      Then the Combine stroke and the war started the chain of events that led her to City45. At first, her reaction to the Combine invasion was the same, natural, reaction as everyone else's, but she couldn't help but notice the peace and safety they enjoyed because of it. She felt thankful, for everything. She knew oppression was needed, otherwise the anti-citizens would be able to organize almost freely, and thus threaten the sociostability. It all depends on that, she thinks.
      That's why she thought the CCA had a very important duty. She has a general idea of what the CCA do, aside from what they do inside the nexus. Training, she suspects. She wants to use her skills and what she learnt to help the UU and the CCA on their mission. She knows she'll have to train hard, she'll have to be hard on citizens, and she understands why. She will, as CCA Member, reward the good citizens, with such things as the loyalist program, and re-educate anti-citizens hoping to make them understand. But that doesn't happen that often, she thinks. To maintain the safety they created, handling the anti-citizens and law breakers, and protecting the peace and sociostability in City 45, that's the new meaning she wants for her life, and that's what she thinks it'll make a difference.

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)
       Cold, Calculist, Disciplined, raised in a brutal family environment by her parents, Alyse was made what she is now, a quick-thinking, determined woman that's been through hell and realized she is what her parents made her be. She used her skills to maintain peace and order as police officer, and now she wishes to do so as part of the Civil Protection team.

3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character.
      My character expects it to be harsh and proving. She knows she'll be looked down by the high-command while she's training. She'll be disliked by the citizens, but she's disciplined and knows her place. She fears being denied, but she's determined that's what she wants, that's what will give meaning to her life once again, and help the CCA and UU on their missions, she will. She will perform ANY task given, and try and succeed on ANY mission given, no matter what.
      She also expects it to be specially hard at the beginning because she will have to perform tasks such as amputating anti-citizens, a task that, no matter how loyal you are, it does take a bite out of a woman's heart. But that will eventually end, she thinks. Cold she is, but she'll grow even colder. I, as RPer, expect it to be a very good learning experience, as well as exciting. I love the environment of HL2RP, and specially the CCA and law enforcement part of it, I love immersing into that, so I personally think I'll fit and like it very much. Everyone always wanted to be a police officer at some point of their lives, but this is even better. That's why we're all here, right? To have fun RPing.

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.
      To hear about Alyse, you must first understand something about her parents, Brian and Carol, and their lives.

      Brian was born in 1970, in Denmark, he was really intelligent but lived a hard life as a teenager. See, he was very lonely, and that changed him in many ways. He didn't grow as a normal teenager, and that gave him a few powers.
      First power was being able to stop his emotions and simply doesn't care about anything. That power evolved during his young years, and he could, then, control his emotions. He could love whoever he wanted to, he could hate whoever he wanted to, he could love or hate no one.
      Second power, a consequence of the first, was a clean, open mind that was slowly built over years of solitude and philosophy.
      Third and last power was, with all that control and intelligence and with a bit of practice, he learnt to navigate through people's minds and understand their emotions. Then he started manipulating them.
      And in 1987, Brian had total control over his moral values, emotions, impulses and close friends.
      Carol was born in 1971, in Denmark, and little is known about her back-story. Let us rush to the part before they meet. Carol, somehow, had the same powers as Brian. Their upbringing conditions were similar, thus she developed them as well.
      She had one more power, though. She could lie. Not just lie, as normal people do. But lie in such a perfect way that you simply couldn't trust anything she said, because you couldn't say if it was true or not. But she did give her trust to one person. Brian. She moved from her city to his, and there, at the high school, He met her, through a friend.
      Their first contact was a hell of an experience for both of them. They had found their equals. Yet, they were scared. They didn't know the full extent of each other's power. Brian was more confident, but Carol was frightened.
      Turns out that, with a bit of talk, she realized she was stronger than him, and he agreed on that. And then, their emotions betrayed their control, and they felt like they were a match.

      They promised to get married and did, and in 1991, Alyse was born.

      For Brian and Carol, raising a child to the world was meaningless, they knew she would end up being just a part of the system, a tool of society, a living rock. And they agreed on raising their daughter in a unique way. She'd be taught, since little, by Brian and Carol, in such a way that she'd have all their powers by the age of a young teenager.
      And so they did. Brian took a mask of bad father, who only ordered her around, and Carol took a mask of comforting mother. No matter what the situation was, If Alyse was around, Brian was a bad father, and Carol comforted her and encouraged her to face her father. Most of the times, she ended up getting beaten up. A little girl, fighting against her evil, bad father, and helped by her mother.
      She used all the tools she could, to deceive her father, but she wasn't good at it. When she lied about something, Brian easily noticed, and always hit her. But her mother encouraged her and taught her a few tricks.
      Brian and Carol talked about how hard should he be, or what Carol should say. They were accomplices in that mission. Raising a warrior, a true soldier, one that would endure anything.
      Evidence of their success were clear when she was around 9 years old. She could lie better than her mother, but she didn't lie to her. See, that was also part of the plan. Carol would be her best friend and eternal protector, in order for her to know what's going on in Alyse's mind. And, with pride, that their plan was clearly working, Carol and Brian were happy.

      When Alyse was 18 years old, she was a woman made of iron. She had such a tranquil state of mind and control over every little thought in her mind. She was the mixture of Brian and Carol, their creation. And she was much stronger than both.
      Alyse was cold, calculating, quick-thinking, determined, an incredible liar and manipulator. She could endure pain, she was beaten up all those years. She could fight a little. She could kill, or give up life without regret.

      In order to avoid her killing her father, who started to act really carefully with food/drinks and always carried a tazer, Brian and Carol decided to sit with her and tell her their plan. Hopefully, she would be thankful.

      They sat in the living room, all three, and they began talking. "Alyse, what would you do, if during your entire life, the pain and suffering you endured were part of a plan?". She remained quiet, but it got her attention. "What would you do, if your father and mother raised you in a brutal way, in order to make you who you are now?" She took a while to answer, her forehead contraction in an avalanche of hatred, fought by a strong self-controlling mind. Then she relaxed, exhaled and said, in her usual, cold voice. "I'd kill you both.".
      Brian and Carol knew that Alyse, now, knew it was true. Then after a moment of silence, Alyse said "Then, I'd thank you."
      "Would you be happier if we just got out of your life?", her parents said. She thought for a moment. "Yes.".
      And so, Brian and Carol moved to France, and left Alyse alone in Denmark, with most of their money.

      She thought of ways of using her skills, skills those that were results of a harsh upbringing, but skills she was thankful for. She decided to join the police force.

      She went through police academy, and began as partner of a man named Elton, a sergeant in the Police Department of Helsingør. She ranked up really quickly, reaching Sergeant rank in practically 3 years.
      The police code just grew on her. She started regaining confidence in people, and she felt like she had a purpose again. She was not just a meaningless child brought to this world to suffer its evil. She was clearing the streets from criminals, enforcing the law and making the city a better place. She was making a difference. That, she loved.
      A few years that, she was assigned another partner, a rookie girl named Mary. They worked together through various situations. Alyse liked her, she was her first real friend. But something always pissed Alyse off. Mary was slow-thinking, she didn't belong there. She, most likely, joined the police force out of need. And one day, it turned critical.
      They were having lunch at an arabian food restaurant, a bit far from the PD. Mary had to go to the bathroom, and the moment she was there, Alyse got called via radio. She was the closest unit to respond to an emergency call about a violent husband. When Mary came back, Alyse had already packed their remaining food for travel, and was waiting by the car. They got in, and she explained they were on call.
      As they got close to the situation, the scenery looked familiar to Mary. She commented. "I live around here. It'd better not be Mr. McKinnon". The known violent husband of the block. No, it wasn't him.  They were going on Mary's street when Alyse parked the car. Mary asked. "Why did you park your car at my place? You're going alone?". Alyse looked confused, then in a slight of a second, she figured the situation out. She got out of the car, and knocked on the door. They heard screams. Mary rushed to open the door, taking a key from under a plant vase. She opened it, and they both rushed in. Mary's mother was on the couch, screaming and bleeding from her left eyebrow, and her husband was returning from their bedroom, holding a gun.
      Alyse quickly unholstered her pistol, pointed it to the man and yelled. "Drop it! Drop the weapon!". Then something unexpected happened. Mary unholstered her gun and rushed towards her father, standing between him and Alyse, yelling "No!", 30 feet away. Mary's mother started crying really hard, and screaming. "Don't shoot!", screamed Mary. She was holding her weapon, but was not pointing it to Alyse. "She's smart not to.", thought Alyse, in a slight of a second. "Move, Mary. That man is dangerous!". Mary's father raged, and pushed Mary out of the way, he was looking for a line for fire to shoot Mary's mother. He was clearly very drunk, yelling names at his wife.
      Then a shot was fired. Mary's father attempted to shoot her mother, but the shot was a few inches off, and hit the couch. Alyse readied her weapon to take down the man, when something unexpected happened. Mary raised her weapon, pointing it to Alyse, who didn't stop, just yelled "Officer Jonson, put down your weapon NOW!". The strength of Alyse's yell probably scared off Mary, who was also trying to push her father backwards into the corridor, thus, not allowing him to even see his wife. He fired another shot, that went past Mary's head and hit the window. The glass around the bullet hole shattered in that particular way.
      Mary shot. Alyse was hit on her right arm. The next facts happened in less than a second. Mary's weapon started falling out of her hands. Alyse, instinctively using the strength of the impact on her advantage, as her right arm was thrown backwards, she turned in her chest in the same direction and threw her left arm forward, bearly aimed down the weapons sights and fired one shot at Mary. As she was falling down, she fired another round. The moment she hit the ground, she aimed down the sights again, and shot Mary's father, who was aiming at her. The man fell backwards.
      Alyse was panting, breathing heavily. She felt a small burn in her arm. Her brain seemed to be functioning in light speed, as her body flooded with adrenaline. She looked around. Mary was fallen on the ground, with a bullet hole on her forehead. Her father was also on the ground, bleeding heavily from his chest, heart pierced by a 9mm round.
      The only sounds were the mother's screams, crying over the dead bodies of her family. Alyse slowly stood up, still shaking in adrenaline. Her breathing was slowing down. She holstered her weapon and stopped for a moment. She was stunned. That was her first strong feeling in a very long time. She took Mrs. Jonson by her arm, saying "I need you to come with me...". Her hearing started to come back, as the adrenaline flood started diminishing. She heard noises outside, people talking. And she heard her radio.
      Next thing she knew, she was touched on the shoulder. She turned around quickly, it was Elton. "Are you okay?" He said. "You've been standing there since we got here.". She looked outside through the broken window. There was a safety perimeter set around the house and multiple police cruisers parked. Lots of people. Mrs. Jonson was getting treatment at the ambulance. Lots of sirens, lots of noises. "Come, we better take care of that." Elton led Alyse out of the house, she was snapping out of it. "I..I shot Mary...", she said in a low, cold voice. "We know. The wife told us everything. You had to, don't blame yourself.". As if in a triggered answer, she quickly said "Blame myself, pff.." Then she stopped. She was blaming herself.
      Alyse was treated in the ambulance, then taken to the hospital. The .22 caliber bullet went straight through her arm, so no complicated surgery was needed, and no permanent damage was sustained.
      Next morning, on her recovery bed, she woke up and stopped to think. She was dangerous. She didn't hesitate to shoot an emotionally unbalanced officer. "She had dropped her weapon...", she kept repeating to herself. "I shouldn't have shot...". Her righteous mind kept blaming herself, though people kept saying what she did was the right thing. She was only protecting her life.
      During the next month, she had very good talks with Captain Elton which showed her that most cops, when faced with such situation, just grow colder and colder. And cold she already was, aside from that guilt. Eventually, she dropped it, accepting everyone's words that it was necessary.
      She kept following her code, while in the police force, and she felt quite happy for the some time, something she had forfeit and forgotten long ago. But Mary was her first real friend, and she personally trained her. She, with all that control and clear mind, couldn't really stop blaming herself, she couldn't let it happen again. Thus, she quit the police force. Her life had a meaning, and she just lost it.

      And then, War. The Combine stroke, and the Seven-Hour War tore the world she knew apart. She managed to survive, acting quickly and clever, and she ended up in City 12. There, she saw how the anti-citizens were causing trouble for the UU, and she looked up to the newly made CCA for aid and protection of the peace and sociostability.
      She began to understand the UU's mission. The world was clearly a mess, before. Now everyone fears the Combine, which kept people in their place, and with the strict laws and the Civil Protection team, something that was impossible in the world before became true. Peace. Safety. She moved to City45 to see if the other cities were like that, as well.
      They were, she felt no need to move again, and there she stood and found out about the CCA Applications. She wanted to be a part of it.

5) Have you ever had a CCA character here at Catalyst Gaming?  If so, explain why it was removed.

OOC Details

1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general?
1 year on GMod.

2. How long have you played on serious servers?
6 weeks.

3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming?
1 year.

4. What Time zone are you in?

5. In what country do you live?

6. How old are you?

7. What�s your most memorable quality RP experience?
       When some good rping people and I RPed a refugee camp in the woods of Outlands server. We RPed and talked all night long, we were spied on by a guy with an AR2, which scared the crap out of us, and with good RP, it got really incredible and enjoyable. It was quite some time ago, still on the old map.

8. Do you consider yourself a good listener?
Yes, I do.

IC Section

Full Name: Alyse Mirabelle
CID: 19276
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height: 5 ft./4 in.
Hair Colour Light Brown
Eye Colour: Green.
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Weight: 125 pounds.
Mental Distinctions: Lawful, Cold, "Calculista"*  (* Brazilian term. Person who takes every precaution, calculates everything before acting, to avoid mistakes).
Mental Defects: Uninhibited, non-hesitating. Sometimes, hasty.
Mental Advantages: Quick-Thinking, Open-minded.
Notable Qualities: Determined, Righteous and Imposing.

1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain?
No, I haven't.

2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations?
Yes, I do.

3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union?
Yes, I am.

4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility?
Yes, I do.

5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live?
Yes, I will.

6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?
I have been raised in a brutal way, and that has left its good points and bad points. I want to make use of the good ones and join the Combine Civil Authority to help the Universal Union on its mission, and to clean C45's streets off criminals and anti-citizens, maintain the peace and sociostability, and take part in the making of a peaceful society.

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, Alyse Mirabelle hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2012, 06:20:00 PM by SirTai »

Offline SirTai

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Re: Alyse Mirabelle's Civil Authority Application
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2012, 03:35:56 AM »
Correction: Gender is female.

Offline raged

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Re: Alyse Mirabelle's Civil Authority Application
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2012, 05:50:20 PM »
Since I've been told that I should allow UNIFORM to mark applications I won't be marking this, however, within CG canon there's been some talks in relation as to whether police officers survived the seven hour war because apparently they were all augumented/brainwashed into overwatch alongside military.

Although I don't agree with that, you might want to fix up your application if in the situation that's true. Perhaps just work your way around it and make up a reason that she quit from the force or something like that.

Offline SirTai

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Re: Alyse Mirabelle's Civil Authority Application
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2012, 06:20:42 PM »
06/29/2012 - Edited the back-story to include the fact that she left the police force before the Seven-Hour War. Thanks, man.

Offline Phoenix

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Re: Alyse Mirabelle's Civil Authority Application
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2012, 12:12:03 PM »
Enter Password: ************


Connecting to Network

Applicant File Opened: Alyse Mirabelle
Citizen Identification Number: 19276

Acceptance status:

Civil Authority Status:

Saving Record...
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting C45.CCA.GRID-OfC.701
Console Shut Down.
A minute after I told Rofl about this combo of VC's

Offline Mr. Pettit

Re: Alyse Mirabelle's Civil Authority Application
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2012, 03:06:25 PM »
Enter Password: ************


Connecting to Network

Applicant File Opened: <Alyse Mirabelle>
Citizen Identification Number: 19276

Acceptance status:
<::|| DENIED ||::>

<::|| Applicant does not meet loyalist point requirement. ||::>

Saving Record...
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting <C45.CCA.GRID-OfC.495>
Console Shut Down.


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