Author Topic: Lately on HL2 RP  (Read 5033 times)

Offline Blue Haze

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Lately on HL2 RP
« on: June 12, 2012, 11:12:11 AM »
For some weird reason, the Outlands server hasn't been showing up at all on my server list and I'm unable to connect to it through the forums, other players, and any other method. This means I must retreat to the City, and instantly I notice a few problems. I wait them out, but the whole week was like this:

First of all, there are ALWAYS going to be minges. Always. No matter what. They purposely want to feel like they've been a "successful troll". Lucky, we have the administration team, and admins are on some of the time. Some of time used to be a little amount of time. Now it's even smaller, or just they aren't on at all during a day. This means about 1/4 of the Citizen population is RPing correctly, and the other 3/4 are being stupid.

Another problems I've seen is that there are barely any units online. 922 (me), 060, 777, some recruits, and some OfCs are the only units I've seen online all week, and that's when there are about 20 citizens and 3-4 units. Another problem is that the citizens have a larger population because they're minges that aren't getting banned due to them barely escaping those who try to get evidence.

One more is that nearly everyone is scared of P3/D6 because there are too many character that act more bad ass than the CCA, and just think they can become the next greatest terrorist. This kind of organized crime would be GREAT... IF the RP took place in modern time real life. Instead, this is the HL2 universe. If you make a character, you cannot become a muscled maniac with a sharp knife in the matter of one day. You can't just go around killing people and raping people just because your character is "a killer" or a "cannibal" or "crazy". I believe these kind of titles should require an auth app due to so many people saying "Hey, I may as well make a cannibal rapist character".

I don't mean to get mad at everyone, but Unit RP is absolutely no fun due to people refusing to learn. This would be solved by using /admin, but there are no admins, and posting a BR with enough proof is a pain if logs don't prove anything. If I go citizen, I have to worry about minges destroying my RP, along with people who make random bad ass characters.

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Re: Lately on HL2 RP
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2012, 11:18:25 AM »
I cant help but agree with this. The administration team went from full defense to sleep mode. Lately I haven't been active due to finishing high school but all the times I was on, no admin was available to deal with idiots. However, the administration list in HL2RP is decreasing so that could be a factor.

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Re: Lately on HL2 RP
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2012, 11:21:24 AM »
The outlands seems to still be having connection issues for some people, I dunno why it isn't fixed yet.

Minges, yeah, always gonna be minges, some will learn and start to RP, others will keep being dumb. I've got a few planned guides I wanna write up but  no amount of guides or teaching will really fix the majority of "minges" - It seems whenever I'm on and there's minges there's no admins around which makes teaching them INCREDIBLY difficult, kinda frustrating at times.

As for CCA activity I (UNIFORM OfC 428) have been trying to get on a fair amount which is difficult considering within this and next week I've been finishing off some of my college work - I've been trying to get some units on but it looks like no one is flagging up - I expect activity to shoot up over summer though.

P3/D6 stuff I really have no opinion or knowledge on, I never go there so, yeah.

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Re: Lately on HL2 RP
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2012, 12:28:26 PM »
I've tried to stop minges, they ruin RP.  However, there IS a difference between minges, and new players.  Someone was using OOC chat in IC.  People assumed he was a minge, so I taught him to use // for OOC talk.  He did, and he said thanks for helping, as he continued to use OOC sayings in OOC chat.  Another player was mingerunning and bunnyhopping, I'm not an admin, so the only thing I did was take out my Physgun and told him in LOOC to not do it again please.  Whether he stopped or not, I have no idea.  I saw TWO Units bunnyhopping to the RDT.  This is unacceptable, the CCA is a role model for citizens on the server.  If they see them bunnyhopping, they think, "Oh, it must be okay if they do it."


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Re: Lately on HL2 RP
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2012, 04:17:19 PM »
As stated, there will always be minges, regardless of how active administration is. However, just because you check the scoreboard and don't see any names under Server Administration doesn't mean no admins are on. Often times were on our RP characters and we won't show on the scoreboard as admins. I personally am on my DvL most of the time doing both RP and Administration duties when needed. I can't speak for many others, but I've only been off the server 2 days due to late work hours. Before this, I was on for 3 days in a row administrating 70% of that time. The times I wasn't personally administrating, at least two others were while I was on. So I don't really understand your arguments that admins are inactive, since I can only not account for the past day and a half. Also, admins are humans. We can't be on the server 24/7. We sleep, work, take breaks, go to school, and even play other games sometimes.

Also, if there are 10/34 players minging, and there are 2 admins on, its not that easy to deal with even that small number of minges as quickly as most would like. When we find a new player, which is often, we have to teach them which can take up to 20mins+ sometimes. We can't just leave someone on a roof to deal with a minge report every 5 seconds. Sure, it's helpful to have multiple admins on at once to counter this, but that isn't always possible. As long as there are minges, there will be complaints.

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Re: Lately on HL2 RP
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2012, 04:53:23 PM »
 Under any circumstance, there will be minges everywhere from a low population to a higher population. We try to teach them and some will accept this and some will not, yet they will deny it and just keep on going with their minge spree. The administration staff at most times aren't on due to being what time region they are in or just life coming at them (work, family, etc etc) and cannot keep a good surveillance of these people so they cannot do anything about it. They try their best to keep the minges out.

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Re: Lately on HL2 RP
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2012, 02:13:38 AM »
There's a lot of minges mainly because of the map used. C18 and C45 (while originally serious hl2rp only) have been used on DarkRP in the past and hence so minges are immediately drawn to it. Even though it's a custom map there's still a few variants of c45 out there.

And as previously said there's also a few minges in the CCA. I don't really like seeing CP's mingerunning across the plaza to the RDT because they were given an order to be there, you wouldn't be expected to run in real life.

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Re: Lately on HL2 RP
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2012, 02:39:54 AM »
I don't really like seeing CP's mingerunning across the plaza to the RDT because they were given an order to be there, you wouldn't be expected to run in real life.

I normally run if there is a commander who is asking for one for 2 good reasons

1. To show respect for the high commander that you want to follow his order fast as possible.
2. High commanders (03109 and some others) is fucking scary and you should be feared if they want someone you should go RUN to them FAST! (fear roleplay)

Credit goes to jackal

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Re: Lately on HL2 RP
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2012, 02:45:36 AM »
If I'm asked (being an officer I'm usually not) to get somewhere then I usually jog (tap ALT) - shame it still looks like running, cause IC it's not really a sprint...

Also activity will pick up in like 4-6 weeks - the people on a ton lately are people who've either finished their finals/exams/coursework (either a few weeks ago or a few years ago) or people who aren't old enough to be doing that :V


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Re: Lately on HL2 RP
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2012, 03:18:58 AM »
I've checked up on the HL2RP server (here I go sounding like an admin with my fancy 'check ups') finding it constantly loaded with idiots or minges harassing people or circling a CP around constantly; especially when they're doing literally anything (I bet CPs don't get bored easily with all the idiots saying hello) meaningful. As a result of this general idiocy, CPs are...constantly busy. There are minor things that aren't clear with units or others. Unless, smt, my 'check-ups' always happen when all the admins are inactive, well.

Idiots who refuse to learn need retribution. Idiots who wish to learn should receive it - and by that, hopefully they will stop being as...idiotic.

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Re: Lately on HL2 RP
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2012, 06:23:58 AM »
I cant agree more.
It just hurts to see so many people who think they can do anything, or to see RCT's thinking their the badass of the badass, or generally players that doesn't no ANYTHING about the HL2 canon.
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Re: Lately on HL2 RP
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2012, 06:29:14 AM »
Honestly, complaining about the minges aren't going to make them go away. Shit, it might even make them worse. As stated above in about 3 or 4 separate posts, it's Garry's Mod. There are always going to be your minges who are fresh off of DarkRP and refuse to learn because "darkrp is teh best lolz". You're always going to have your trolls who just enjoy pissing people off. Letting them get to you is only going to make it worse.

The best thing to do is:
1. Try to teach them.
2. If they aren't open to being taught, ask for an admin, or post a ban request.

Lastly, not to flame or anything, but OP, you're 922? The one I saw prop surfing the other day because "He spawned a window and I couldn't resist."? I just find it weird that you're making a post about minges, when, by my definition at least, you are a mild minge.

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Re: Lately on HL2 RP
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2012, 12:17:10 PM »
If I get ordered to go somewhere, I don't run. Unless they need me ASAP and cant wait an extra ten seconds, there's no need for it.

As an officer, I would rather someone walk to where I want them rather then running. Unless its a combat situation, a battlefield, or someone's dying, running is sociocidial and being CCA, we should be sociostable.

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Re: Lately on HL2 RP
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2012, 12:53:10 PM »
I'm not sure whether this is a recent occurence, or I'm just starting to notice it as an OfC, but the general quality of RP on the server is in a deep depression that not even FDR could fix.  Are there still good RPers?  Yes, but the balance is upset in favor of the minges.  I remember a few months ago where one or two minges would be on at one time.  Now, it seems like I'm having to call admins to deal with a mingepocalypse on what seems like a daily basis. 

My fix:  Make new players more accountable.  There is a test to get in here.  If they have the attention span to pass it, then they have the attention span to learn how to RP.  Also, could you put in a question about OOC in the test?  That is a major issue currently, and new players are EXTRAORDINARILY slow at learning it.

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Re: Lately on HL2 RP
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2012, 01:15:40 PM »
The last thing you guys have left to attract good RPers is your numbers. But the moment that they decide to join, they're greeted by a shit map that had made them RSO for the past ten minutes, and as soon as they walk out it looks like DarkRP. CPs chasing down minges and trying to hit them with stunbatons.

There really needs to be a map change, and it needs to be harder to join.


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