
Do you think the Combine Civil Authority should be majorly changed?

Combine Nation-Like CCA.
37 (68.5%)
Keep it as it is (TnB's basis)
17 (31.5%)

Total Members Voted: 1

Author Topic: Changing the Combine Civil Authority  (Read 16494 times)

Offline SatN

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Changing the Combine Civil Authority
« on: April 27, 2012, 08:20:48 PM »
The Current CCA is a copy of Taco n Banana's Basis, Numbers, Squads, et cetera. The Combine Civil Authority is ment to be a HUMAN faction, not filled with digits and drone like procedures. If any of you, have watched Combine Nation, you would understand what i'm referring to: Constable, Lieutenant, Captain, Instead of having squads for different roles, such as VICE, you would have a department lead by a 'Chief', as seen in Combine Nation. I don't mean to copy it to the full extent, but it would give a divresity to this community, it wouldn't have such an over-used aspect of TnB's Half-life 2 Role-Play.

Post your opinions below!

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Re: Changing the Combine Civil Authority
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2012, 08:36:58 PM »
I Agree, we need to stand out more. The CCA isn't a transhuman super army like the COTA are. They're still HUMAN. That's a key word there. We, don't need people coming into the CCA and seeing the long ass digit title, and being like DAYUM IM A ROBOT NOW and destroying peoples spinal columns, and just going to break peoples legs because I recommend it. Think about it people, come on. Would YOU really break some poor chaps legs because someone named 619 told you to even though he's an 03 and sells baby organs? This is Roleplay, not come-up-with-the-most-destructive-death-for-someone-play. I've actually VOLUNTEERED to ruin my life as Sectorial, so I can make some positive change within this community's CCA. I'm giving up time that I could use to spend with my girlfriend who I miss more than anything, I'm giving up time I could use to boost my grades in school and get an education, I'm giving up any kind of social life to try and make you guys happy. HC Isn't the only group at fault, we ALL are. We ALL played a part in the destruction of the CCA. Not just HC, not just the Units, not just the Sectorial and Commanders. Instead of playing the blame game like little dumb fucking children, which I understand most of us are in the 11-20's range, we need to accept the fact that we fucked up, not place it on someone else. Moral of the story: Don't be a fucking child, Don't play the Blame Game, and Roleplay.

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Re: Changing the Combine Civil Authority
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2012, 08:39:30 PM »
The CCA will always have problems. It happens in all community's. People say that something sucks and then all others contribute to it and it causes a massive shit storm. You have to deal with all of the stuff that is happening. Simply making all these changes does nothing.
hello my name is Ryan Fournier. I am known on the internet as autism, and I like to pretend I am a little boy named Jamie Laou, a Justin Bieber look alike. I am not 18, so don't listen to me when I say I am. I'm roughly 13 years old.

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Re: Changing the Combine Civil Authority
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2012, 08:42:43 PM »
I'd just need a bit more details before I could vote. Combine Nation was funny. It made me piss my pants quite literally, and my Divisional-Leader 298 is one of the most kind, human, units you will find. Treat everyone like a brother, is his motto. But off that. I actually don't know? I loved Combine Nation, I'd do that. But I'd also like to keep it due to well... I don't exactly see what--... like... I don't know how this will operate. Further uh... you know, details needed.

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BOS: Marines, United States.
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Re: Changing the Combine Civil Authority
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2012, 08:44:43 PM »
I'd just need a bit more details before I could vote. Combine Nation was funny. It made me piss my pants quite literally, and my Divisional-Leader 298 is one of the most kind, human, units you will find. Treat everyone like a brother, is his motto. But off that. I actually don't know? I loved Combine Nation, I'd do that. But I'd also like to keep it due to well... I don't exactly see what--... like... I don't know how this will operate. Further uh... you know, details needed.

A kind DvL.. this is great..
hello my name is Ryan Fournier. I am known on the internet as autism, and I like to pretend I am a little boy named Jamie Laou, a Justin Bieber look alike. I am not 18, so don't listen to me when I say I am. I'm roughly 13 years old.

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Re: Changing the Combine Civil Authority
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2012, 08:52:24 PM »
I'd like to see the combine nation style. Change is good. Brb watching combine nation.

Offline SatN

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Re: Changing the Combine Civil Authority
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2012, 09:02:30 PM »
I'd like to see the combine nation style. Change is good. Brb watching combine nation.

This ^. People don't like change, It takes them out of their comfort zone, what they are used to. And Purple, Changes DO fix things, changes are the only way to fix what is wrong, you must CHANGE it. Combine Nation was a comedy style illustration of how the MPF/CCA Should be run. If it doesn't work out, a click of a button and it is back. Not a big deal.

Offline ??. McBullet

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Re: Changing the Combine Civil Authority
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2012, 09:06:44 PM »

Main Sociostability Body- You've got to act as the main police force. Most command focus should go here to make this the largest and most desirable. This will have the most positions and will keep all units actively engaged.

Specialized Divisions- Command will focus a lot less on these. There will be one Captain (Called the Chief Medical Officer for medical and the Chief Technical Officer for engineering) and one Lieutenant acting at the Captain's assistant and division supervisor. These specializations will become much smaller and a lot more selective. No longer will they be able to enforce sociostability under normal circumstances, and they will give up some of their jobs to the main sociostability body. You'll probably be in the Nexus most of the time, and 99 percent of your interactions will be with other units.

Medical, which will be more of an emergency response detachment and will also engage in medical research. We'd be combining some different public service branches.

Engineering, which would focus on Nexus maintenance, systems management, and infrastructure repairs.

ZEALOT will become a detachment from the main sociostability body, assuming the roles of detectives. This will be as selective as the other specializations, but will be a bit larger.

Training Protocol:
Currently the biggest issue with rank progression is the fact that units only play for the sake of promotions, and we base promotions only off of time requirements and training completion. With my system in place, recruits receive a complete set of standard sociostability trainings before they reach the rank of Officer. This would force promotions to be gained by experience and good work, and your performance as an officer would actually correlate to your rank.

Suggested Rank Design:

RCT--->Recruit, an acceptee into the CCA. They will be responsible for attending recruit training sessions and can report to Lance Corporals for advice or mentoring.

05--->Officer, the basic police officer, entry-level rank after recruit training is complete.

04--->Officer, First Class, an Officer who has been recognized for merit in duty.

03--->Lance Corporal, recognized for experience and excellence in duty. They are who the newbies look up to.

02--->Corporal, the Sergeant assistants. One per Sergeant. They will be training the majority of the time.

01--->Sergeant, Chief NCO who polices the units in his or her division. Their experience makes them the ones lower ranks look up to for mentoring and training. Two per specialized division, four in the main sociostability body.

OfC--->Lieutenant, one per Specialized Division (as Lieutenant Chief Officers) and three in the main sociostability body.

DvL--->Captain, one per division, acting as the leaders of the division.

CmD--->Major, XO who acts as the chief supervisor of the Civil Protection Police Force.

SeC--->Police Commissioner/Police Chief/Chief Superintendent, commands the Civil Protection.

General Suggestions:

Main Sociostability Body- You've got to act as the main police force. Most command focus should go here to make this the largest and most desirable. This will have the most positions and will keep all units actively engaged.

Specialized Divisions- Command will focus a lot less on these. There will be one Captain (Called the Chief Medical Officer for medical and the Chief Technical Officer for engineering) and one Lieutenant acting at the Captain's assistant and division supervisor. These specializations will become much smaller and a lot more selective. No longer will they be able to enforce sociostability under normal circumstances, and they will give up some of their jobs to the main sociostability body. You'll probably be in the Nexus most of the time, and 99 percent of your interactions will be with other units. The ranks will be as follows.

Medical, which will be more of an emergency response detachment and will also engage in medical research. We'd be combining some different public service branches.

05--->Medical Trainee
04--->Medical Intern
03--->Medical Unit
02--->Medical Specialist
01--->Medical Sergeant

Engineering, which would focus on Nexus maintenance, systems management, and infrastructure repairs, would have their own rank names as well.

05--->Technical Trainee
04--->Technician Basic
02--->Technical Specialist
01--->Technical Sergeant

ZEALOT will become a detachment from the main sociostability body, assuming the roles of detectives. This will be as selective as the other specializations, but will be a bit larger. One Captain called the Chief Investigator will preside over the division, being assisted by a Lieutenant. The ranks will be as follows.

05--->Detective Trainee
04--->Detective I
03--->Detective II
02--->Detective III
01--->Investigative Sergeant

These seem hard to put on our scoreboard and would cause clutter, right? Well, let's make it a policy for admins to set the CUSTOM CLASS of different people to organize them into their specializations.

Training Protocol:
Currently the biggest issue with rank progression is the fact that units only play for the sake of promotions, and we base promotions only off of time requirements and training completion. With my system in place, recruits receive a complete set of standard sociostability trainings before they reach the rank of Officer. This would force promotions to be gained by experience and good work, and your performance as an officer would actually correlate to your rank.

« Last Edit: April 27, 2012, 10:12:52 PM by Burning Bullet »

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Re: Changing the Combine Civil Authority
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2012, 09:13:05 PM »
I'm willing to give it a try. I can see some difficulties coming along with this, but it's still worth a try. I really don't have much to say but that. I voted yes.

Offline SatN

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Re: Changing the Combine Civil Authority
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2012, 09:15:05 PM »
Suggested Rank Design:

RCT--->Recruit, an acceptee into the CCA. They will be responsible for attending recruit training sessions and can report to Lance Corporals for advice or mentoring.

05--->Officer, the basic police officer, entry-level rank after recruit training is complete.

04--->Officer, First Class, an Officer who has been recognized for merit in duty.

03--->Lance Corporal, recognized for experience and excellence in duty. They are who the newbies look up to.

02--->Corporal, the Sergeant assistants. One per Sergeant.

01--->Sergeant, Chief NCO who polices the units in his or her division. Their experience makes them the ones lower ranks look up to for mentoring and training. Two per specialized division, four in the main sociostability body.

OfC--->Lieutenant, one per Specialized Division (as Lieutenant Chief Officers) and three in the main sociostability body.

DvL--->Captain, one per division, acting as the leaders of the division.

CmD--->Major, XO who acts as the chief supervisor of the Civil Protection Police Force.

SeC--->Police Commissioner/Police Chief/Chief Superintendent, commands the Civil Protection.

General Suggestions:

Main Sociostability Body- You've got to act as the main police force. Most command focus should go here to make this the largest and most desirable. This will have the most positions and will keep all units actively engaged.

Specialized Divisions- Command will focus a lot less on these. There will be one Captain (Called the Chief Medical Officer for medical and the Chief Technical Officer for engineering) and one Lieutenant acting at the Captain's assistant and division supervisor. These specializations will become much smaller and a lot more selective. No longer will they be able to enforce sociostability under normal circumstances, and they will give up some of their jobs to the main sociostability body. You'll probably be in the Nexus most of the time, and 99 percent of your interactions will be with other units. The ranks will be as follows.

Medical, which will be more of an emergency response detachment and will also engage in medical research. We'd be combining some different public service branches.

05--->Medical Trainee
04--->Medical Intern
03--->Medical Unit
02--->Medical Specialist
01--->Medical Sergeant

Engineering, which would focus on Nexus maintenance, systems management, and infrastructure repairs, would have their own rank names as well.

05--->Technical Trainee
04--->Technician Basic
02--->Technical Specialist
01--->Technical Sergeant

ZEALOT will become a detachment from the main sociostability body, assuming the roles of detectives. This will be as selective as the other specializations, but will be a bit larger. One Captain called the Chief Investigator will preside over the division, being assisted by a Lieutenant. The ranks will be as follows.

05--->Detective Trainee
04--->Detective I
03--->Detective II
02--->Detective III
01--->Investigative Sergeant

These seem hard to put on our scoreboard and would cause clutter, right? Well, let's make it a policy for admins to set the CUSTOM CLASS of different people to organize them into their specializations.

This, Will be instigated if the majority vote the primary.

Offline Statua

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Re: Changing the Combine Civil Authority
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2012, 09:22:09 PM »
I reccommend this:

05: Deputy
04: Constable
03: Officer

(or switch constable and officer depending on, whatever)

Offline FPSRussia

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Re: Changing the Combine Civil Authority
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2012, 09:24:17 PM »
People will complain of this as well as I see it. They did with the latest reforms and people got lazy as usual. I don't really care if it is made or not like this.
hello my name is Ryan Fournier. I am known on the internet as autism, and I like to pretend I am a little boy named Jamie Laou, a Justin Bieber look alike. I am not 18, so don't listen to me when I say I am. I'm roughly 13 years old.

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Re: Changing the Combine Civil Authority
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2012, 09:30:50 PM »
If it doesn't work out, a click of a button and it is back. Not a big deal.
If you're sure, then I'm willing to try BB's way. I think it will be an interesting experiment and if it works out great, but if it doesn't then I do hope we can revert back as you said without much hassle.
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CCA.C45.APEX-02.929: Maintaing sociostabilty

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Re: Changing the Combine Civil Authority
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2012, 09:32:14 PM »
People will complain of this as well as I see it. They did with the latest reforms and people got lazy as usual. I don't really care if it is made or not like this.

Got any better ideas, Mr. Constructive? The latest reforms were a fluke; nothing was actually changed. My suggestion would change the entire scope of progression through the CCA.

Re: Changing the Combine Civil Authority
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2012, 09:43:06 PM »
Personally, I don't see the problem with the current status of the CCA(Units numbers, ranks, etc.) It isn't really the "name" that makes a player RP more human, it's the role-player themselves. Sure... maybe this "renaming" might push players towards rp-ing more humanely but they can do that already, I doubt anyone would have problems with Units calling each other names over their digits. Although Civil Protection isn't the greatest example for canon, it simply depicts two not so stellar Units going along with their monotonous lifestyles. Anyone can follow that example and form a bond with another if not many other units, a single Unit might even be on a first name basis with everyone. What I'm trying to say is that, I'm down for this change but I don't really think it'll do much due to roleplay quality being in control of the roleplayers themselves, not the script around them.


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