Author Topic: [DENIED]Chase King's Civil Worker Application  (Read 1572 times)

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[DENIED]Chase King's Civil Worker Application
« on: February 15, 2012, 03:17:58 PM »
Full Name: Chase King
Citizen identification(CID): 24198
Last Assigned Apartment Number: UCH:B2
Total Loyalist Points: 13
Sex: Male
Age: 23

How long have you been in City45:
     I have been living in City 45 for a couple of weeks now. I was relocated from City 18. I was relocated because a rebel attack had rendered City 18 uninhabitable.

Why do you want to join the CWU?:
  I wish to join the CWU to help the citizens of City 45. I want to be able to set up legal shops in the city to supply citizens with UU branded food and supplies. I would also like to help new citizens in the city get their lives started.

Have you ever been detained before?(If so why):
     No. I have been a loyal citizen since I was relocated here. I have managed to stay on the CCA's good side.

Past experience with work/labor:
    I helped run the pub my father owned when I was growing up in England. I spent much of my life until the 7 Hour War in that pub. My father started teaching me at a young age how to make the perfect brew, and run the pub. I know how to run and maintain a business.

Name 4 things the CWU Can possess, and 4 things we cant. Also state why.:
     The CWU may posses UU branded food. The CWU distributes UU branded food for a price to the citizens of City 45 to keep them fed. The CWU may possess UU branded flashlights. The CWU may also distribute UU branded flashlights to citizens. The CWU may posses request devices. The CWU distributes request devices to citizens so that they may send a request to the CCA if they are in trouble. The CWU may posses authorized medical supplies. The CWU uses these medical supplies if a citizen is injured and requires medical attention.
     The CWU may not posses non UU regulated food. Non UU regulated food is classified as level 3 contraband. The CWU may not posses guns. Guns are considered level 1 contraband. The CWU may not posses alcohol or illegal drugs. These two things are classified as level 3 and 2 contraband. The CWU may not posses hand held radios. Hand held radios are considered contraband in anyones possession but the CCA.

Tell us about what you can do.:
    I have experience running a business. I can set up and maintain a store to sell products to the citizens of City 45. I can also help put citizens to work so they don't pester the Civil Protection. I have some medical experience. This medical experience would allow me to help injured citizens if needed to.

If a citizen asks for help and is new to the city, what would you do?:
  First I would show the citizen around the legal district of the city. I would tell him that D6 is not off limits, but the CCA will not be able to help him/her if she decides to venture into D6 and gets in trouble. I would show the citizen around the UCH and help him get an apartment. I would then make sure the citizen knows what is allowed and not allowed in the city plaza. I would help the citizen get supplied. I might also help the citizen get work.

~OOC Section~
Name: MK-Prodigy
Timezone: CST
SteamID: MK-Prodigy
Roleplay Experience: 2-3 years
Serious Roleplay Experience: 2-3 years
Detail a regular day as a worker of the CWU?:
  During my day I would probably set up a shop. I would sell UU regulated food and items to the citizens of City 45. I would enjoy supplying citizens with what they need. I may help put some citizens to work. I could provide citizens with rags so that they can help keep the city clean. Some citizens may even get noticed by the CCA and be awarded points.

Character Backstory:
 Chase King was born unexpectedly on March 30, 1989 in an English pub The Anchor. Chase's father who had previously run his own bar purchased the pub from the owner in order to preserve the memory of his only son's birth. Chase's mother worked in the pub along side his father. Chase spent his entire life in the very pub he was born in. The Anchor was his home. The smell of fresh brew and beer nuts is a smell Chase would never forget.
     When Chase turned 13 his father decided to start teaching him everything he knew about how to run a pub and brewing the alcohol they served. Chase had the same routine every day. After school Chase would come home to the bar and continue learning from his father. Most kids would complain if they had to come home after school just to do more learning, but Chase loved it.
     On Chase's 22nd birthday he decided that after spending his entire life at The Anchor that he wanted to use all the money he saved up during his years and see more of the world. Chase's love for that pub was almost as strong as the love he felt for his own parents, he would never forget it. As hard as it was to say goodbye to his parents and his home, Chase knew he couldn't die without seeing the rest of what the world had to offer. After his goodbyes, Chase boarded the first ship to America.
     Chase first stop in his journey was New York City. As Chase stepped off the boat he closed his eyes and took a deep breath of the new fresh air. Suddenly Chase's eyes were forced open to the cracking sound of thunder. Bright blue gaps of light started to appear in the air. Screams of terror everywhere as alien lifeforms appeared. Chase came to America for new freedom, but instead got exactly the opposite.
     Chase had found himself in the middle of The Seven Hour War. Skipping ahead Chase was moved into City 18. Eventually Chase gained the knowledge of what happened. The Earth was taken over by an vastly powerful force known as the Combine. All Chase had known his whole life was that small pub he was born in. The fear Chase was feeling towards this powerful force known as the Combine was unimaginable. 
     As with every powerful force there are always weaker forces that rebel. Self appointed citizens calling themselves The Rebellion decided that they would try to take back their freedom. After one of these attempts City 18 was deemed no longer inhabitable for the time being. Chase was moved to City 45. Seeing how these rebels were no match for the Combine, Chase decided he would turn his fear into  pure loyalty.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2012, 05:18:43 AM by Purple »

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Re: Chase King's Civil Worker Application
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2012, 09:41:45 PM »
6th question (Tell us about what you can do) does not meet the 2 paragraph requirement.

Posted on the behalf of Adam S.


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