Author Topic: [DENIED]Sam Beecham's Civil Worker Application  (Read 1713 times)

Offline Super_Killer6501

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[DENIED]Sam Beecham's Civil Worker Application
« on: January 31, 2012, 04:48:35 AM »
Full Name: Sam Beecham
Citizen identification(CID): 56145
Last Assigned Apartment Number: UCH B-6
Total Loyalist Points: 7
Sex: Male
Age: 29

How long have you been in City45:
I have been in City 45 for a few months now. I recently transfered from City 19 and I absoloutly love this City! Its Clean, Safe, and the People are friendly and helpful. I love the CWU here and the City Administrator is a very good Spokesperson and very helpful! I actually became a Loyalist and was assigned my Loyalist Armband here.

Why do you want to join the CWU?:
I want to further show my love for the Union. I want to take my Loyalist status a further step and want to help people! I want to help the City and help the Union with things normal citizens would not be allowed to do. All in all I would like the responsibility to make City 45 beautiful, prosperous, and safe!

Have you ever been detained before?(If so why):
Yes, once. I was near a secret entrance to the City Plaza Tunnels and was just passing by when an Anti-Citizen open the entrance and ran in. Before I even had a second to think a Civil Protection Unit came by and blamed me for opening the entrance and detained me for a few cycles.

Past experience with work/labor:
I have done a lot of work, especially on my way to become a loyalist. I have cleaned the Nexus and most of the city with Sanitized Rags. I have swept up leaves and trash with a broom. I have picked up trash and cans and thrown them in the trash. I have taken down Anti-Union Propaganda. I have even scrubbed off the disgusting graffiti that litter our beautiful city! Finally I have reported a large amount of crimes, Contraband findings, and Disturbances to Civil Protection Members.

Name 4 things the CWU Can possess, and 4 things we cant. Also state why.:
We can have:
Medical Equipment- Because the Union and Civil Protection entrust us to be able to use the Medical Equipment to help wounded Civil Protection members or wounded citizens.
Radios- Because the Union and Civil Protecion entrust us to use the radios to communicate with only other members of the CWU so that our operations can run smoother and more quickly.
Univeral Union approved products- Like all citizens, we are allowed any products that are approved by the Univeral Union, to use and sell.
Clean White Civil Workers Union clothing- Unlike Citizens who wear City 45 Clothing, we are granted the luxery of clean white clothing specifically made for the Civil Workers Union so that Citizens and Civil Protection can tell us apart.
We can't have:
Weapons and Ammo- Like all citizens, we are not allowed to have any weapons or Ammo of any kind. This is level 1 Contraband and can be very dangerous for the City!
Level 3 Contraband- Like all citizens, we are not allowed level 3 Contraband which includes but isnt limited to, Unaproved Universal Union food and drinks, Anti-Union Propaganda, and Unaproved Universal Union clothing. These can dangerous and/or unconventional.
Level 2 Contraband- Like all citizens, we are not allowed level 3 Contraband besides Radios and Medical Equipment. This can include Unauthorized Drugs, and Unauthorized Electronics. These can dangerous and/or unconventional.
False Identification- Like all Citizens, We must carry our real Citizen Identification Card with us at all times. Any False Identification can be dangerous to the bearer and/or the one whom the actual Identification belongs to.

Tell us about what you can do.:
I can do a lot of things. I am a very hard worker! I work for hours on end! I have medical experience. I was a Paramedic before the Portal Storms and during, but was halted after the 7 hour war. I have a great personality and am very kind to other citizens. I also love to work and will even put my life on the line if it means helping a citizen or Civil Protection Unit!

If a citizen asks for help and is new to the city, what would you do?:
First I would introduce myself and ask them who they are. I would get a brief introduction of their past along with their name. Then I would ask them how I could help them. Anything they needed help with that I could do I would do glady and with a smile. If they needed a tour, I would give it. If they needed a history lesson on the Universal Union I would gladly give it as well. If there was anything I could help them with I would direct them to the nearest Civil Protection Unit and tell them that he could help them.

~OOC Section~
Name: Super_Killer6501
Timezone: MST
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:24970040
Roleplay Experience: About 10 years.
Serious Roleplay Experience: About 2 years
Detail a regular day as a worker of the CWU?:
A regular day of a worker starts off with going around town and doing anything you can to help. Cleaning the city, Reporting crimes, or helping citizens and/or Civil Protection Units is just a few. Then you would do the job of the division you are assigned.

If you are assigned Medical, you would set up a Medical Institute somewhere and help injured and/or sick Citizens and/or Civil Protection Units. You would only use the Medical Equipment you were assigned and if you needed greater Medical Equipment you would radio in help from other CWU workers. You would also answer to any emergancies that require Medical attention.

If you are assigned Buisness, you would set up a store somewhere and help Citizens and Civil Protection Units by selling them Univeral Union Approved products. You could set up a store for just food and drinks, you could set up a store for just Literature, or you could just set up a store to sell Misc. items. You would also help inform any citizens on the items they want to purchase and where they could get other items if you arent selling them.

Character Backstory:
Sam Beecham was born in Manchester England. He was born to two teenage parents who were in no way fit to raise him. Before Sam could even talk he was dumped on the nearest Orphanage with no Identification except for a sheet of paper that said "Hi, this is Sam Beecham. Please take care of him! Thanks!". Sam was then raised by the Orphanage what would be, for the remainder of his childhood.

By age 18 Sam had never of been adopted and was still living in the Orphanage. Call it bad luck, but no one wanted to adopt him. He married the only other girl who also had not been adopted. Her name was Cathy. Cathy was given away by the Orphanage at the wedding and the couple immediatly got a two story house and had a happy life. Sam decided to start a career in Medical and went to Colledge on a loan.

By age 19 Sam had two beautiful children, a boy and a girl. With the new children being born, Sam and Cathy made sure to go out of there way to give them a happy life, one they never had. They spent many hours with them, and spoiled them rotten, even though Sam had to miss a few days from Colledge. They still needed a babysitter once and a while, but spent as much time with the children as they could. Life couldn't be sweeter.

By Age 21, Sam got a job as a Paramedic. He loved his job! Saving peoples lives were great, and the Knowledge Sam got from Colledge was helping greatly. The Money was also a great side effect from the job, but not as much as helping people. Sam's new job did take up a lot of his time from his family, but the money and feeling of making a difference made up for that.

By age 23 Sam and his Wife had been doing very well. Their children were speaking, walking, and gradually developing. Sam was doing his job now very well. He had learned the ropes and couldn't be happier. His wife was a stay at home mother, and was taking care of the children, cleaning the house, and cooking. Sam was now making enough money to where he had a great vacation planned for America. But then, The Portal Storms arrived.

It all happened so sudden. Sam was at work on a normal day, until hundreds of distress calls were called in for Emergancy Medical help! Sam and everyone else at the Hospital were baffled but went along with their jobs. On his way to one of the Emergancy call's, Sam could see strange things and terrified people outside the Ambulances window, but before Sam could figure out what was going on, the Ambulance swerved off the road, flipped over, and Sam blacked out.

As Sam awoke, he found himself in a burning wreckage and immediatly got out. He was baffled when he saw the world around him was burning, and infested by dead bodies and alien creatures.Sam ran through the chaotic, burning, alien infested streets of Manchester. He dodged in the shadows, making sure to be seen by nothing! When he finally got to his house, Sam's heart stopped in his track as he saw his entire house was gone, and all that stood was a burning crater and a Vortigaunt standing over it with his Daughters Teddy Bear. Sam in a rage charged the Vortigant and punched the surpised creatures giant eye until it's dying scream died out. Sam, disreguarding all the chaos, bent down and wept over what remainded of his daughters teddy bear. Sam was almost killed by a group of headcrab zombies until he was saved by the local military and taken to a barricaded section of Manchester. Sam's life was now broken and all that remained inside was a black void.

By age 28 Sam had been trying to live a normal life in the encased cities. helping around the city as much as he can, Helping with injuries, Sickness, and comforting greaving families. Untill word got out about Soldiers and cities being destroyed all over the planet by the millions in minutes. Super Soldier Aliens were exiting out of the Portals destroying all in their path. Seeing as how poweful these alien creatures were, Sam blamed the Combine, even though he didn't know for sure if they were the ones who killed his family, he had to blame somone! As the Combine moved through Manchester, Sam and a handful of his friends ran and hid untill they were finally captured by the Combine.

At age 29 Sam was transfered to City 19. After seeing an broadcast by Dr. Breen, he no longer hates the Combine but the exact oppisote. He see's them as a species that came to save the humans against the Evil creatures outside the cities. He no longer blames them for everything and instead blames the other creatures, most importantly the Vortigaunts! Sam was then moved to city 45 when he became a loyalist and applied for the CWU.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2012, 05:16:33 AM by Purple »

Offline Monkey with a gun

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Re: Sam Beecham's Civil Worker Application
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2012, 10:09:18 AM »
Accepted for an interview
I look forward to meeting you in person. ~ James Tavener.


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