Author Topic: Mark Johnston's Authorization Application  (Read 3974 times)

Offline 429ghost

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Mark Johnston's Authorization Application
« on: January 16, 2012, 10:33:42 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name: 429ghost
Age: 15
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): For about 11 months.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Same amount of time I've been playing Half-Life 2 Roleplay, since October 15th, 2011.

Character Section

1.) An escaped SAS captain who is currently in Outlands.

2.) Aquired CQC, Marksmanship, and Combat training.

3.) Resistance leadership of a group called "The MJA[Mark Johnston's Army]". Group can be recently established and not fully developed. Does not have to be official.

4.) Also, I may need the CSS Guerrilla skin because my character was never proccessed in any of the cities to get a citizen uniform. Of course he wouldnt just abandon his gear that he already had on. And the beard and longer hair perfectly fits as my character wouldn't have shaved in a long time. If I can't get the Guerrilla skin then atleast some skin with a military appearance.

Name: Mark Johnston
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Resistance

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
1. )Escaped SAS:
Mark Johnston, a captain in the best of the British Armed Forces, the SAS. Mark Johnston commanded a team of 19 other hardcore men. Mark himself was very respected by these men, and Mark respected them as well. They were all like a band of brothers.
[2.) Acquired training:] They all have gone through the usual SAS training. Close Quarters Combat, Marksmanship precision, and almost any type of Combat training necessary for a member of the SAS. Three years of training produced 20 warriors. Those years were also the hardest for Mark. Having just gotten out of high school he planned on going into the army to pay for a tuition for college. However, his plans changed when he decided that the military lifestyle suited him, and that he'd make it his career.
Mark and his team was deployed into approximately 26 missions, and had never gotten one mission failure. That is, until that one fateful day. Mark's team was to infiltrate an enemy compound in Saria(fictional country) as intel was gathered that a rouge Sarian general and his corrupted soldiers were hiding there. It was a mission done because of an allience between the United Kingdom and the NATO member Saria.
Mark and his team was given a briefing on the mission at an airfield in a desert of Saria.
"This is your target, General Ali Salhiem. Wanted on charges of war crime, murder, and funding terrorist operations. He is to be captured alive and brought back here where custody will be given to the Sarian government, and a trial will be made." Mark's Commanding Officer changed the slide. "This is the compound, perimeter approximately ten acres, four watch towers on either side, regular patrols, and an estimated amount of some 50 soldiers. Zero priority on the soldiers, shoot to kill or neutralize, if a few surrender, capture them as well, but we have reason to believe that they won't." The CO turned off the projector. "You are to infiltrate using the shadows, weapons free only when provoked. You will be given sound suppressor fitted weapons. Your exfilitration point will be at a hill about a quarter mile to the northwest. Any questions?" No one raised a hand. "Very well, there will be two choppers outside. Move out."
Mark and his team left the briefing room and headed out the door. One of them went up to Mark. It was Jerry Akins, a good friend of Mark's. "Let's do good out there, mate." Jerry said as he patted Mark on the back.
The team boarded the choppers, ten on one, ten on the other. The team was divided into two teams, Team Alpha and Team Bravo. Mark commanded Team Alpha, Jerry commanded Team Bravo. The flight to the LZ lasted about 15 minutes. Everyone got off and started heading southeast to the compound. As soon as they reached the compound, the two teams split up. Team Alpha got the west side, Team Bravo the east. Mark got the bolt cutters packed in his satchel and cut the fence, making an entrence big enough for his team to get through. They tried avoiding attention from the patroling guards. One was coming too close, Mark ordered his team to find cover as he awaited the soldier in the shadow. As soon as the soldier got in place, Mark lunged at him, combat knife ready, grabbed hold of the soldier and covered his mouth, preventing him from screaming. Mark then stabbed the knife violently into the soldier's neck. The soldier slowly lost his resistance and died. Mark hid the body in a corner where it was unseen. He then ordered his team to keep moving. They finally made it to the main building, going into the front door is suicide, they found access to the basement and went from there upstairs. The soldiers inside were off their guard, playing cards, drinking beer, having the last good time they'll ever have. Mark's team went into the hall upstairs. They searched every room until they found General Salhiem. He was having his own time of pleasure with one of the many Sarian prostitutes. Before he could realize he had been interupted, he was already in a position where he could do little resistance, held in gun point on the floor. Of course, the prostitute screamed at the top of her lungs, until one of the team knocked her unconcious with the butt of their rifle. Of course, that scream alerted the soldiers downstairs, who alerted all the soldiers in the compound. As Mark tied Salhiem's hands together with a zip tie, the alarm in the compound went off. Mark then radioed Team Bravo. "Bravo, this is Alpha, be advised, we've got the target, but his little whore let out a scream alerting the entire bloody compound. Our position is compromised. Do you copy, over." "Roger that, Alpha, theres a fuel truck in the south side of the compound, we'll set off a few charges, creating a diversion and buy you some time to get out of there with the target. We'll rendevous with you outside the east breach. Do you copy, over." "Copy that, Bravo. We'll meet you at the breach. Alpha out." They removed the silencers on their weapons and fired at the soldiers that came up, killing each one of them. Eventually, an explosion was heard, that was obviously the diversion. The soldiers started heading to that direction to investigate. Mark and Team Alpha took that opporunity to leave the main building and head to the breach with Salhiem. They managed to regroup with Team Bravo at the breach in the fence that Bravo made to infiltrate the compound. They left without alerting the remaining soldiers at the compound.
They had been heading northwest to the extraction point. They were jogging there, there was no need to risk having the soldiers at the compound come looking for them. However, something was wrong. About half way to the extraction point, some sort of green portal apeared in front of them. They could not believe their eyes. From this portal came out some sort of wierd crab creature. It lunged at Salhiem and latched onto his head. He tripped and fell, being tied he could not get the creature off. The team tried getting it off of him, but more portals appeared, along with more of those crabs. They took five others of the team. "Let's get the bloody hell outa here!" They ran as fast as they could, but as they ran, the crabs lunged and caught five more of the team. They finally reached the extraction point, at a safe distance away from the crabs.
Mark could see the two choppers coming. However, he could see a brief green collored illumination from the cockpit of the first chopper. It flew out of control, crashing into the other chopper. Both choppers were in a collision course for the team. Mark jumped out of the way as the choppers crash landed into the ground, making it by the skin of his teeth. The rest of his team were fine too. "Well it looks we're gonna have to walk back to the airfield, its about 30 minutes on foot. Let's move out."
They began the journey. By the time they were almost at the airfield, Mark told everyone to stay still in their tracks. "Do you hear that? It...It sounds like bugs..." They all stood there, on guard. Then suddenly, one of them was sucked into the ground. It was like watching a video of a man sinking in a sink hole in fast forward. He screamed, his yell could be heard until he was underground. They were even more on their guard than before. Then at that moment, giant bug like creatures emerged from the ground. Mark and his team braked for it to the entrence of the airfield. It was just up ahead. At the entrence, soldiers were getting in position, along with an APC. As soon as the team made it passed the entrence, a large variant of the giant bugs emerged. They all fired at all of them, but they were having a difficult time killing the large one. It ran at unbelievable speeds like a bull towards the APC, knocking a few soldiers out of its way. When it reached the APC, its force was so great that the APC was knocked back atleast four feet. They all began firing at it, eventually killing it once and for all.
Mark did not know what was going on. Crab creatures coming out of portals, giant bugs, it all seemed like something out of a crazy movie to him. Someone approached Mark "Captain Johnston, the CO wants to talk to you and your team." Mark and the team went into the briefing room. Along with the CO was an african six foot man in a NATO officer uniform. The CO spoke to the team "I take it you didn't get Salhiem, it doesn't matter, another urgent matter has risen since you left. This is Colonel Faladien. He's an official from the Sarian government."
Colonel Faladien spoke with an african accent. "Gentlemen, there have been reports all across the world of strang creatures spawning from portals. My superiors have asked me to ask you to help lead an evacuation of the country."
"With the allience between Saria and the United Kingdom, they need us to help. With us already here, we're the ones who have to do it."
"Those things took half my entire team, we can't possibly think about making evacuations without reinforcements." Mark said.
"You will most definately be given reinforcements by both Sarian and British forces alike." The Colonel said. "Now, the first place you will evacuate is a small town about a mile from here. You will be given armored reinforcements and troops."
Later, Mark and his team got onto the truck with the rest of convoy and went to the town. When they arrived at the town, it was like a war zone. There was no one in sight when the convoy got in. They were driving for about a few more minutes until suddenly, some sort of gunship swooped in and destroyed the truck in front of Mark's. It came back and fired at the driver of Mark's truck, killing him. As Mark was in the passenger seat, he kicked the dead driver out of the seat and turned the truck around as the rest of the convoy got killed by the powerful gunship. He drove as fast as he could, putting the safety of his team first in mind.
By the time he got back to the airfield, it was under attack by more of those gunships, along with ground forces, which ranged between large three legged tripod-looking creatures, along with smaller variants of those. There were two batallions stationed at that airfield, both were occupied with fighting these things. It was a complete warzone. Mark and his team ran as fast as they could into the briefing room, however two of his team was killed as they got there. Mark took a head count, only six of his once 20 man team was still alive. That count also included Jerry. Mark looked around the room to find that both the CO and the Colonel was dead. Mark tried using the radio that was across the room. "High Command, come in, this is Captain Johnston of the SAS stationed in Saria. We need reinforcements, there are these things attacking. I've got six men losing morale by the minute. Not to mention two batallions losing their numbers outside against these things. Do you read?" Nothing but static responded. "High Command, come in, do you read?...Come in damnit!...Bollacks!" Mark looked out the window, it didnt look too well. However, Mark thought up a plan. There was a Lockheed C-130 Hercules in a nearby hangar. If Mark and his team could reach it in time, they could get out of there safely. Mark had some training for utilizing enemy aircraft. He told his team his plan.
They went near the door, and darted out on Mark's command. They ran at the speed of the wind, but that didnt stop those small versions of those long legged things from attacking the team. They got everyone down to Jerry. Mark had no time to mourn for his team, he was in the middle of crossfire. He finally reached the hangar and lost those things. He went into the C-130 and started it up, also getting the doors of the hangar to open. He then took a deep breath, and began taxiing to the runway. As soon as he got to the runway past the hell on earth war zone, he got the attention of the enemies as he began accelerating. They then started to approach the plane. Mark knew that if he pushed altitude too soon, it will be difficult to stabilize the plane once in the air, but it was a risk that he'd have to take. He pushed the lever and the plane lifted off of the ground. He was in the air, and away from the enemies, he even got the plane steady. He was safe, for now.

3.) Resistance Leadership:
One year later, in 2016, Mark was in the outlands. He was accompanied by Oleg Cravchenko. When Mark left the airbase, he went to the Eastern Bloc to find his friend Oleg, a retired Spetznas commando and Mercenary. Being that he could not land in any airports, he had to bail from the plane and parachute near by where Oleg lived. Mark met Oleg in a joint operation between Spetznas and SAS, in the middle east. They had since became friends and kept in touch.
When Mark found Oleg, he told Mark what had happened, about the Combine taking over the world. Mark agreed to join Oleg take refuge away from the Combine rule. They had been running from capture for a year. Tired, hungry, running very low on what was left of their supplies, they had come to an agreement that they would form a resistance and start recruiting immediately.
Mark and Oleg were in a cave, they were standing next to a stationary radio.
"Comrade, we have been running for too long. We shall not stand for this anymore. We shall find more comrades, and fight back. We shall do this for the greater good, comrade... Comrade, make the broadcast." Oleg said. Just as Mark was prepping the radio to make the broadcast, Overwatch raided the cave, throwing crossfire that shot and killed Oleg.
"Oleg, no!" Mark cried. He took cover and began firing at Overwatch with what was left of his ammo. He managed to kill one soldier, and wound another. Eventually his gun clicked as he pulled the trigger, and he was out of ammo. Frustrated, he threw his gun towards the ground and ran out the back entrence just before the Overwatch could move up.
He ran as fast as he could, he saw sunlight as he came towards the back entrence. He ran as far as he could, running past the abandoned water treatment plant. Eventually he found a warehouse. There, he caught his breath. He thought he lost the Overwatch, he didn't.
He looked back to find a single soldier, who had been running faster than the others after Mark. The soldier lifted his AR2, then pulled the trigger. A click was heard. His gun was either jammed, or more possibly out of ammo. The soldier dropped the AR2 and began walking towards Mark in an intimidating fashion. Mark discreetly pulled out his combat knife, preparing for hand to hand combat. As the soldier got near Mark, he slammed towards him, missing as Mark rolled the other direction on a table behind him. Mark then jammed the knife into the soldier's hand, pinning his hand to the table. Mark then managed to lose the soldier's sight.
The soldier violently yanked his hand from the pinning on the table, the knife flying elsewhere. He saw a vent on the other side of the room. He suspected thats where Mark fled. He went towards the vent, opening it only to find an active grenade that was at the end of its timer. The explosion brought down a quarter of the warehouse.
Mark was already at a safe distance away from the explosion. He walked away from it, not even turning back to see the fireworks. What the soldier did not know was that when Mark got away from him off of the table, he managed to steal a grenade from the soldier's belt. The soldier died from his own equipment.
Mark eventually found an abandoned resistance outpost. There was a functional stationary radio. Mark sat down and began rubbing his forehead, contemplating about how Overwatch had just killed his friend whom he had been working alongside with for a year. How the Combine had killed his entire team whom he had been working with for even longer within a matter of hours. This drew his ambition to make the broadcast even further. He got into an upright posture, took a deep breath, and began prepping the radio. He took an even deeper breath, and then began the broadcast.
"If you can hear this, then you are obviously on the run. You are tired, scared, running low on essentials, and doubt you'll be alive for too much longer. You want to get back at those who started this mess that the world is in today. You are not alone..."

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
1.) Military experience.
2.) Application of trainings in combat.
3.) A group of resistance to have your back, and vice versa.
4.) N/A, just a skin request.

1.) The Combine would have an ambition to capture him and either execute him or turn him into OTA.
2.) N/A
3.) The Combine would have further reason to kill him and his resistance.
4.) N/A, just a skin request.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Well it's mostly stated in the perks section. I want to form a resistance, it would be more successful with my character's experience as an SAS captain. As for the trainings, I want to use it in any combat situation, within RPing standards and fairness.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
Note 1: The character has not yet been made, I made this application so that I could get authorization for an escaped military captain, resistance leadership, trainings, and the Guerrilla(or any other military-like) skin.

Reason for edit: To correct character's age from 40 to 36 which I forgot when I was submitting the app(I've been working on this application for a while.) And to correct formatting in the backstory(The underlines that indicate which authorization get which parts of the backstory.)
« Last Edit: January 16, 2012, 10:47:34 AM by 429ghost »

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Re: Mark Johnston's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2012, 03:20:03 PM »
Might as well ask. What seperates you from every other SAS / Special Forces soldier / military fighters of the world that where killed?

UU.OTA-VANGUARD.6.94250 | Online (THETA.EOW)
C45.CCA.CLASSIFIED.326 | In Service (VOID-DvL.326)
C45.CCA.APEX-01.199 | In Service
Dr. Wolfgang Metzger | Dead | Shot after throwing a Breen bust at the SeC.

9:19 PM - Brandon: I'll donate more later, It's just my mother is a dumb face
9:19 PM - RoflWaffle - fuck off please: i'm an idiot for assuming things her

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9:22 PM - Lord Bravery: have sex with m

Offline 429ghost

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Re: Mark Johnston's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2012, 03:27:36 PM »
My character is an escaped SAS captain(By the way it is next to impossible for there to be 0 escaped soldiers from the military, even in canon.) One of the authorizations I'm asking for is that he is escaped.

By the way this is my most anticipated character. I have a feeling that if this gets accepted, I would be able to do some really great roleplay.

EDIT 1: Also I would like to point out that Eli Vance was originally to be a captain from the former Earth military, in the beta HL2.

EDIT 2: There is also the possibility that my character had gone AWOL from the SAS after losing radio contact with any Commanding Post, loss of radio contact implying the possibilty of defeat of his nation(Which it was defeated, was it not?).
« Last Edit: January 20, 2012, 11:22:06 AM by 429ghost »

Offline 429ghost

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Re: Mark Johnston's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2012, 05:44:22 PM »
Forgive me for the bump, but I was told in the shoutbox that I could do this if my application hasn't been responded to in quite a while. I was just concerned because my application has already left the first page with very little discussion and without atleast opinions to come up with a verdict. I also didn't want an auto lock either.

Anyway, please forgive me but: Bump!

Offline wag1

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Re: Mark Johnston's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2012, 06:41:19 PM »
I would +support 1 and 2. CSS guerilla skin isn't really needed, and you can make a group yourself, you don't need auths.

Offline 429ghost

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Re: Mark Johnston's Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2012, 02:47:09 PM »
I would +support 1 and 2. CSS guerilla skin isn't really needed, and you can make a group yourself, you don't need auths.

Alright, but if no CSS guerilla skin, then atleast some sort of military-like skin. Remember, my character is an escaped SAS soldier, meaning he was never proccessed in any city to have gotten citizen clothing. If not a military-like appearance, then atleast something other than citizen clothing.

Offline The Joke

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Re: Mark Johnston's Authorization Application
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2012, 05:24:43 PM »
Why do you need military clothing so bad? I eman, there has to be a reason for it, just because you did not pass through the city does not mean you cannot edit your phys desc.
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Offline EmperorDisasster

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Re: Mark Johnston's Authorization Application
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2012, 04:42:54 AM »
Why do you need military clothing so bad? I eman, there has to be a reason for it, just because you did not pass through the city does not mean you cannot edit your phys desc.

Er, there is such thing as wanting immersive RP through things other than just a phys desc. I'm sure you would be more interested with RPing if another RPer had a skin relating to their character, rather than just "|A Green Camo Uniform|". Also, what does not passing through the city have anything to do with a phys desc? You just seem to post your views with random support. In all, I shall +support this.
im bach

Offline The Joke

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Re: Mark Johnston's Authorization Application
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2012, 10:37:03 AM »
You are not a why do +support?
Status: Alive
Activity: Following orders

Zak Grant
Status: Alive
Activity: Trying to adjust to the Outlands again

Mike Harolds
Activity:Trying to stay alive in the Outlands

Zak Renolds
Status: Alive
Activity: Trying to stay alive in the city

Offline BltElite

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Re: Mark Johnston's Authorization Application
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2012, 10:39:00 AM »
With me and abbott tested nearly every model possible, I tested the guirella skin, and some animations are fucked to high heaven. You'll have to make do with a physdescp like I do.

Waiting on other admins +/- supports before a verdict.

Offline 429ghost

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Re: Mark Johnston's Authorization Application
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2012, 02:46:50 PM »
Well, like I said before, it doesn't have to be a military skin, just as long as it's anything other than citizen clothing, because maybe my character changed clothes to casual things within the one year of refuge. An Odessa Cubbage skin would probably be good too. And I would suggest a rebel skin, but those skins are so forbidden.

But if the skin is too much of a problem, then I guess I'll do fine with just a physdesc.

EDIT: Also, is it ok that I make one more auth request? I would like body armor as it is unlikely that my character would abandon his armor. It doesn't have to be in the skin, I could just RP it into the physdesc as well.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 02:50:50 PM by 429ghost »

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Re: Mark Johnston's Authorization Application
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2012, 05:27:07 PM »
+support for 1 and 2.

Offline 429ghost

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Re: Mark Johnston's Authorization Application
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2012, 01:21:22 PM »
I've made a broadcast for my resistance group. I hope its ok to do that now. If this auth gets denied, I'll go ahead and void it and/or revise it.

Offline Teitoku Ippan

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Re: Mark Johnston's Authorization Application
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2012, 07:36:03 PM »
Accepted for authorisations 1 and 2.

Denied for authorisations 3 and 4. You can still have the group, it's just not official.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 02:29:59 AM by Kom??Як »


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