Author Topic: Katherine Bishop's Authorization Application  (Read 1692 times)

Offline TorrentGamer ?Romney2012

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Katherine Bishop's Authorization Application
« on: December 19, 2011, 11:22:56 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: NOTHING
Age: 16
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Not sure. somewhere between 1 1/2 - 2 years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: A little more than a year.

Character Section

A. Civil Worker living in the outlands.
B. 1 CWU bag
C. 1 UU noodles
D. 2 CWU lemonaids
E. 2 UU Bandages

Name: Katherine Bishop
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Resistance

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

Spoiler for Hiden:
The sun began to set, the large decaying buildings gleaming in the light. Small posters scattered the dead-quiet streets, labeled, "City 39" on them. Suddenly, the dead silence was broke, a gunshot ringing into the near-by listeners ears. Blood creeped apon the sidewalk, a dead body laying in a puddle of blood. It was a clean shot to the head - no time to scream. The others on there knees, trembling in fear, waiting for there fate.

  On that day in City 39, exactly 14 citizens where killed that day, possibly traced to a resistance group known as the, 'Black Eagles'. Though 15 where killed - one of these killed being a Civil Worker. This Civil Worker's name was John Burnington, a nice person really. He had been caught up in a set-up - origonally planned to cause an innocent Civil Worker to be captured. But the plan failed, and the CCA coming to belief the Worker was apart of this deadened resistance movement.

  She was quickly led outside by force, the units bringing her towards the bloody sidewalk. The sun had inched down since the gunfire, but you could still see there faces. Some of them - having beaten bags of bone already, where a horribly sight.  A unit with several high-ranking armbands ordered, "Worker, carry these bodies to the Nexus, and we expect you done in 15 minutes." All the woman did was nod, quickly scampering towards the citizen's bodies. She picked the first one up, trying to not make eye contact with the decaying corpse. The body soon scraping along the road as she dragged its head up to the Nexus stairs. She turned, hesitantly walking on to the the second body as the unit laughed in entertainment.

  She cleared about 6 bodies before she began to feel exhausted, and sick at the same time. She made her way to the 7th body as the unit muttered out, "Hurry it up, Worker!" His tone rang out on the still empty streets - most of the citizens feared to still come out. Thats when she made eye contact with the second white jacket she had seen - the body of a Civil Worker. She blinked, fearing the worst, she looked up at the face of the Civil Worker. Identifying whatever bits where still in-tact, she sniffled, dropping down to the body. She whispered out, "J-John?" She fell to his body, started to softly cry, the unit taking notice. "What are you doing, worker! Get up!" She started to cry out louder, saying to the lifeless body, "Oh God, J-John! They killed you!" The unit moved over, bringing his boot up, swinging into her side, a loud yelp coming out from the worker. She flew over, her back slamming into the sidewalk as the pain flew up her side. The unit edged over, kicking her in the side again as the worker continued to tear-up. She yelled this time, the force of the Unit's boot making her turn on her stomach. She gripped her sides, the pain stinging like thousands of needles at once. "Did I studder worker? Get up!" She couldn't pull herself up, gasping for air from her burning sides. The unit mumbled, grabbing the worker and forcing her up. The worker yelped softly in suprise, the unit saying, "Clean these bodies! Final warning!" She weakly choked out, "I-I can't-" The unit then brought there boot up once more, landing a hard kick directly into her stomach. The pain was unbrearable as it flew up her body, she fell to the ground with a thud, yelling out as more tears came. The unit then reported over his radio, "Worker not compying, 11-99 10-20 Foto Store #2."

  Katherine and John both knew each other well even before there jobs as Civil Workers, being assigned to the same apartment after there transportation to City 39. They began to share there stories during the pre-war, begining to know each other well - yet staying loyal to the Union. After some time, John joined the Civil Workers, telling Katherine how great it was, she soon also joined. They continued to enjoy both of there company, until the fateful day of this event.

  The lights hummed as there faint blue look filled the room, Katherine sitting in the small red chair. She looked around in the small room - half terrified and half sad. She still couldn't believe they killed John, "He couldn't have done anything!" she thought. Hands shaking as the combine door flew open, the whirling sound following. A unit soon appeared, wearing a dark trench coat and an AR2 on his back. He walked up to the chair, saying in the augmented voice, "Why did you not comply Worker." She still felt the burning pain all in her body, making it still harder to breathe. "I couldn't, he just kicked my sides a-" "I don't care if he did!" the unit yelled out. She sunk into her chair, silence filling the room as she trembled. "Why did you not comply!" She couldn't take it, she had to say back, "Why did you kill John! Why!" The unit brought his foot up, squeezing it down on her foot. Though it wouldn't be all of his strength, it still burned into her foot, the squeezing pressure aginest her toes hurt crazily. "Who is this, John? The worker?" She whispered out in a high-pitched tone, "Y-Yes." The unit took his foot off hers, the feeling in her toes relaxing. The unit then pulling out a scalpel from his belt - he was a NOVA unit. He brought it to her face, Coming up to her once more. She felt it cut aginest her cheek lightly, blood trinkling out. "We lost two units today because of these anti-citizens, and all you care about is this Worker?" He grabbed her with his second hand by the throat, she choked out. The pain burning in her face and neck as he cut into her cheek a little more, "Where you commiting PDA with this John?" She gasped for breath once more, the unit cutting even deeper into her cheek, blood slowly oozing out. She closed her eyes, pain flying crazily through her face. "Answer me Worker!"
She couldn't take the pain, bursting it out in one stroke of air, "Yes!" The unit paused, then slashed through her cheek, cutting into the skin on her cheek, leaving a large ghastly cut across it, she yelled out as the unit did this, blood streaming out. She wanted to try and stop the bleeding, her hands trying to escape the ties in her arms. She had never seen the units like this, there evilness inside them. But it was not the end for her, the unit soon turned, talking into the radio. "Are any units requiring torture training of any kind?"

  She fell onto the hard sidewalk, the unit behind her shoving her out. She felt the pain through her entire body as fresh cuts lined her face and body. She was, under orders, to be re-educated through torture pratice for 04's taking classes. She laid there on the sidewalk, her armband being replaced with a Tier-3 instead of her Tier-2 ranking. She moaned out, looking up at the darkened skies. She felt so scared, lonely, and sad at the same time. She wanted to cry - but she couldn't. She watched the unit leave into the Nexus, feeling a sudden wave of anger. Anger towards the Union. How could they do this to her? To John? Why? She was deep in thoughs as she forced her beaten and cut body up off the sidewalk. She was on her knees when she saw a hand come down to her, "Here, let me help you up." a deep voice rang. She slowly accepted the person's hand, standing. "I uh, saw what happened from the UCH... And, I was afraid that you where in trouble." She tried to focus on who it was that was speaking, only to find the figure of a male citizen. "Thats kind of you... I-I guess." She sniffed, still shaking as she crossed her soar arams. "I can't take it." She stubbornly said out loud. "Take what?" "Everything, t-the CCA. Why did they do this to me?" "I can't help you there, there isn't a way to understand there ways. Mostly its just violence though. But, if you would like..." "What?" She rang out. "I can, uh... Take you... To the, other district..." Suprised to hear this, she looked around, before soon reply in a hushed tone, "But its not allowed, the Union-" "The Union just beat you, now I can take you and help you, or not." She thought for a moment, her brain not thinking properly still, she studdered out, "...I-I guess."

  The dark room filled with several boxes, a small table and a few chairs aligned opposite of the door. No windows in it, the only light a few dim light bulbs from the roof. Katherine's mind was bogged down from no sleep, grief, and pain still in her body. She looked over, looking at the man she had met just several hours ago. Bringing a roll of bandages and wrapping it around the several cuts on her arm. She found out his name was Kevin, actually. Kevin explained about how his Wife and soon newborn son where killed after the Seven-hour war. "I never accepted the combine or there ruling." He would say. "There, I think that should do it." He looked up at Katherine, trying to smile. She replied to him weakly, "T-Thanks, Kevin." "No problem." She sighed, turning away for a moment before saying weakly, "I was thinking... Did you ever think about, getting out of the city?" Kevin blinked, looking at her suprised, "Uhm, Yes... Why do you ask?" "I was thinking... Nevermind." She quickly tried to shake the thought away, but Kevin replied, "You wanted to go there? Its dangerous-" "I know, and this would be rather sudden, but I'm not sure if I could go back into Sector Nine. (Sector Nine is the Plaza area.)
"I was thinking about it, myself... I just never had a person to go with me." Kevin said with a sigh. "I...Might..."

  The conversation continued onword, the night dreading until dawn rose. By then, Katherine and Kevin decided that it may be best - considering if they did not, they may sweep Sector Eight to attempt to find Katherine. They both waited until night - getting as much sleep as the can before they leave. And by mid-night, they where off. Though something tragic happened during there runaway scrape to the outlands - Katherine was caught off-guard by a headcrab as they crawled through the canals, it began to leap towards her. But Kevin attempted to shove her back - the headcrab catching him instead. It soon jammed its claws into his body, sucking into his head. He tried to yell out, "Go! Go!" The whole thing began to awake two other zombies, soon sprouting up from the floor. Katherine, terrified and in fear, ran as fast as she could, stumbling through the canal system. She soon found herself in total darkness, scampering through the pipes, soon finding a large bay area. She fell into the water under the pipes, looking up at her surroundings.

  Several old notes and posters ligned the walls - a few saying things like, "Outpost station - Sewerage Treatment" And the most simple of them, "RESIST." A few loose brick followed the dull grey walls, the darkness filling in the small area. She looked through it, un-sure what to do next, she sat agienst the wall. Closing her eyes, sighing deeply.


What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
+This will add on to an interesting side of roleplay for outlands, giving a feel of seperation and sudden impact from loyaltist to resistance.

(None I can think of, this only has one perk honestly - good RP possibilites.)

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan on using them to create mixed roleplay possibilites. The idea of seperation and the un-knowing of what possibly things could be like in the outlands.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
I am un-sure if this follows under the rule of no CCA/combine things. Since this is neither of these but CWU.

EDIT: Added spoiler for the backstory.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2011, 11:25:29 PM by NOTHING »
\\r\\ncolor annoys me, barely anyone is black, unlike last year\\r\\n

Offline BltElite

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Re: Katherine Bishop's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2011, 02:07:25 AM »
Has monkey with a gun given you permission to do this?

Offline TorrentGamer ?Romney2012

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Re: Katherine Bishop's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2011, 03:38:02 PM »
Has monkey with a gun given you permission to do this?


On that day in City 39...

Its not based on City 45, since the canals can be linked from different cities. And since he is an admin, I can't ask him.
\\r\\ncolor annoys me, barely anyone is black, unlike last year\\r\\n

Offline BltElite

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Re: Katherine Bishop's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2011, 11:09:25 AM »
Regarding any CWU Rogues, you need to get permission from monkey, whatever city it was in. Otherwise its a stupid loophole, and I won't do that.

Offline Monkey with a gun

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Re: Katherine Bishop's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2011, 04:43:29 PM »

Ask a SA+ for a model change and the required items.
If anybody see's any unsatisfactory roleplaying and behaviour please report it to me.

(Note - Do not make a new Civil Workers Union whitelist character, use a regular citizen)


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