[center][b]~ Locked (HH:MM GMT - DD/MM/2012) - Its Max Blad ~[/b][/center][center][b]~ Moved, [i]Board[/i] to [i]Board[/i] (HH:MM GMT - DD/MM/2012) - Its Max Blad ~[/b][/center][center][b]~ Locked & Moved (HH:MM GMT - DD/MM/2012) - Its Max Blad ~[/b][/center]
[left][color=red][b]Player Warning: #%(HH:MM GMT - DD/MM/2012)<Reason>~ Its Max Blad[/b][/color][/left]
I've seen the map yesterday, and it sure looks awesome as hell.Good job Kazuo*
Updated OP.
It goes to base because either the gamemode override wasnit specified or the gamemode folder is not "gmodracer"