Author Topic: 'The Seeker''s Authorization Application  (Read 3409 times)

Offline Dallas

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'The Seeker''s Authorization Application
« on: March 24, 2013, 02:47:03 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Dallas
Age: 16
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): One and a half years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Just over a year

Character Section

- The nickname 'The Seeker'
- Being a former member of the Afghan Taliban
- Knowledge of the production of explosives such as IEDs
- A degree in telecommunications
- A steel full face mask
- Olive insurgent body armor

Name: 'The Seeker'
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Resistance

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
The hazy light drifted through the office blinds, striking the walls behind Amir Mansur dramatically. The man sat against a desk, staring dazed at the broken ceiling fan, his hands soaked in blood along with his uniform. A sharp gasp escaped him as a pulse mortar hit the building next to him, a cloud of debris flying through the windows of the room before clearing moments later. Clarity returned to Amir as he attempted to remember what was happening, his head was a frenzy of thoughts- the clatter of noises that swarmed him prevented Amir from thinking. He would start from the beginning...


Amir Mansur was born in Kabul on June 2nd 1987, he was the eldest son of a family of four brothers and his parents. Amir, like the rest of his brothers, was raised a devout Muslim; he would pray at mosques and five times a day as was compulsory. When Amir was 13, in 2000, his family made the pilgrimage to Mecca.

In the year 2005, when Amir was 18, he was sent to Kahbul University where he was to study telecommunications, it would be this skill that could land Amir a decent job with enough of a salary to support himself, his future family and his parents in their old age. Amir felt it his duty as the eldest to strive for greatness, to make his family proud and succeed. It was only a month later on the -7th of July- that Amir heard news of a terror attack in Britain; two simultaneous attacks on London, claiming the lives of 52 and injuring hundreds. While many viewed this attack as a horrible crime, Amir and many other of his fellow students began to hold the belief that this attack was justified- Amir went as far as thinking it was a good thing. By 2006, in his final year of his course, Amir had established the "Islam Freedom Youth"; a group of fellow students who leaned as he did towards extremist ideals, in between studying for his finals of the course, Amir wrote speeches dripping with hate for heretics of the Western World, these incipid writings were made simply to inspire hatred in his fellow Islamist, turning their hate on Amir's personal enemy.

After leaving school at 19, Amir made a second pilgrimage to Mecca, he sought to consul with God about his new found hatred and seek purpose. Amir would return a new man, no longer clouded by doubt, his goals were set in his mind. Amir left Kahbul and his family and set off to the  province of Helmand where Amir met a man named Nassar.

Nassar was like Amir, an extremist but Nassar had plans, connections, people that worked for him. Amir wished to learn from him but Nassar said he was not "ready" yet. This continued until one night in Helmand, Amir was taken from his lodge as he slept, bound, blinfolded and taken to a secure location somewhere in the desert. Once the blindfold was lifted, Amir was surrounded by insurgents, their weapons trained on Amir, at the head of the captors was Nassar. At this point, Nassar said that Amir had passed the observation period and he asked if Amir would join his cell, which was called "Seeker". Amir did not question the deal and immediately joined up with the chance to finally fulfill his duty to God.

In December of 2008, when Amir was 21, he had secured himself a command position within the cell- he had also gained insight into what the cell was a part of... The Afghan Taliban. It was in this month however that a deadly offensive campaign began; led by UK and US forces, 'Operation Red Dagger' was a decisive defeat for the cell and most of the men were dead, including Nassar who was killed by a predator drone. This left Amir in the wake of the battle to flee with what was left of the cell and seek to re-establish contact with cell command. Once Seeker Cell had fallen back into the mountains of Helmand by January of 2009, Amir was placed in charge of the cell and began work on a new set of weapons of 'liberation'. Over the next year, Amir's men would take part in lethal suicide bombings of US, UK and NATO stations around Helmand and several attacks in Kahbul. Most of these devices were triggered by mobile phones or rigged landlines and claimed the lives of more citizens than actual soldiers, regardless of this each one was considered a victory for Islam and the people of Afghanistan.

In 2013, Seeker captured a US rifleman from an Afghan convoy, they held this man prisoner for many months. While the man was being held, Amir requested a mask be made to commemorate the victories against the west, a mask he could wear when executing the soldier. The mask made was based off a surrealist painting by Chirico titled "The Seeker", it encased the full head of Amir and was completely devoid of feature expect two tinted eye holes and a couple slits for the mouthpiece- built into it was a voice modifier that could be turned on and off. The video of Amir slitting the throat of the US soldier went viral and attracted denouncement from the Western world and the Afghan goverment.

In 2015, after a year of preparation and months of training, despite the arrival of portal storms which led to the tightening of security in cities, Amir led a strike team to Kahbul with the intention of destroying the UK embassy with one of the largest bombs they had ever made; a combination of oil and several anti-tank mines strapped together over a fellow member of the cell. For this operation, Amir was to go into the feild, he had his olive armor readied and provided for him. The bomber moved towards the front checkpoint as insurgent fighters opened fire; killing the guards stationed there and clearing the path for the bomber who ran forwards, as the man crossed the threshold of the enterance, Amir dialed the number and detonated the bomb. The blast ripped through the building, the shockwave knocking Amir back from the office block he was providing overwatch from. As the blast cleared, a far more thunderous roar sounded. The skies above Kahbul split and from it emerged colossal Alien crafts, from these crafts deployed gunships and dropships loaded with synthetics to slaughter the populace.

Amir stumbled up from his sitting position, stepping over the bloodied remains of his cell officer- his neck gushed blood from where a pulse round had punctured it. Amir took his AK-47 and began to leave the building, his goal was to escape Kahbul and attempt to re-establish contact with the other cell leaders.

**Two Days Later: forty hours after Earth's Surrender**

Amir had only managed to contact Jahanam Cell, they had fled south in search of the leader of cell command, Jahanam advised Seeker moved west to locate the remaining cells. And so Amir and the half-dozen remnants of Seeker Cell moved west in search of their brothers... And kept on going. And going. And going. It was in 2017, when the group had managed to cross the Caspian sea with a resurrected fishing trawler, the crossing was incredibly dangerous; The Union draining the Caspian with massive machines of dark steel made any movements difficult. Upon arrival to the other side, Overwatch discovered Seeker and wiped out all but Amir, the rest were killed, captured or went missing. Amir was now alone but nevertheless he continued his mission.  His journey took him through the mountains of Azerbaijan and Georgia then across an expanse of southern Russia and finally into Ukraine. It was here that Amir finally stopped, he had given up hope of finding any other cell. He donned the name of 'The Seeker' to honor his brothers and their sacrifice. Once again Amir searched for purpose, he had sought refuge inside one of the cities called "17", it was here Amir saw the horrors that people were forced to endure... Though most of them were infidels of the west, Amir found it difficult to stand seeing these new creatures living with delusions of divine and absolute power.  Perhaps The Seeker's purpose was now clear- he was here to liberate this land from this new threat, these new infidels...

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?

- The nickname 'The Seeker': Lack of CCA data on Amir means he couldn't be traced from his degree or leadership of the cell.

- Being a former member of the Afghan Taliban: Gives the experience of being in an organized terror group.

- Knowledge of the production of explosives such as IEDs: Will come in handy when it comes to building certain explosive devices.

- A degree in telecommunications: Will prove useful for the above also.

- A steel full face mask: Masks both voice and face of Seeker while protecting his head against melee attacks.

- Olive insurgent body armor: Provides some form of light protection against things like 9mm fire.


- The nickname 'The Seeker': Makes him a bit of a target OOCly (No real defect ICly)

- Being a former member of the Afghan Taliban: If discovered, a lot of people would have a problem with it.

- Knowledge of the production of explosives such as IEDs: Still requires ingredients to make them, these will be troublesome to come by.

- A degree in telecommunications: Is mostly theory work so it may take some time in practice to actually make progress with.

- A steel full face mask: Gets hot and stifled rather easily, obscures vision and makes Seeker a target.

- Olive insurgent combat armor: Makes Seeker a real target for both units and citizens.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to shake things up. This character won't be used too often (I guess) but will be very interesting to roleplay as.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
For reference... here is the mask design (what it was based off):

And here is the reference for the body armor:
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 02:49:15 PM by Dallas »

**Insert poorly made signature with fire, lens flares and obnoxious text**

Offline Khub

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Re: 'The Seeker''s Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2013, 07:31:11 AM »
The authorizations you're asking for are very unique and could be dangerous if held by a wrong person - what you're not, though. I think the perks/defects are balanced enough so well, have my support.

Offline Khub

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Re: 'The Seeker''s Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2013, 06:23:21 PM »
It appears people don't have any complaints, that means this application will be accepted if no valid negative comments are raised within 24 hours since now.

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Re: 'The Seeker''s Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2013, 06:09:02 AM »
As long as you won't be applying for (or asspulling) an AK or any sort of bullshit weaponry which you should only be gaining through in-character purposes I'm all for this. It's unique, which is something lacking in most authorization applications. You have my support.

Offline Dallas

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Re: 'The Seeker''s Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2013, 06:40:31 AM »
As long as you won't be applying for (or asspulling) an AK or any sort of bullshit weaponry which you should only be gaining through in-character purposes I'm all for this. It's unique, which is something lacking in most authorization applications. You have my support.

Trust me, I'm not the type of guy to lolget an AK, neither will 'The Seeker' be charging around screaming "allah hu akbar".

**Insert poorly made signature with fire, lens flares and obnoxious text**

Offline Rudolph the Master Blaster

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Re: 'The Seeker''s Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2013, 07:19:37 AM »
As long as you won't be applying for (or asspulling) an AK or any sort of bullshit weaponry which you should only be gaining through in-character purposes I'm all for this. It's unique, which is something lacking in most authorization applications. You have my support.

Trust me, I'm not the type of guy to lolget an AK, neither will 'The Seeker' be charging around screaming "allah hu akbar".

Gave me a little laugh, Im definately hoping to see this character in-game ( Just hope its a good encounter. ;) )

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Re: 'The Seeker''s Authorization Application
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2013, 11:34:11 AM »


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