Author Topic: CCA Feedback/CWU Feedback  (Read 3885 times)

Offline raged

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CCA Feedback/CWU Feedback
« on: February 08, 2013, 08:23:06 PM »
Just a small thing you can do to help improve the CCA and CWU. Fill out the format below and post it in this thread.

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[b]Has the CCA improved over the past month or so? If so, in what areas?[/b]

[b]Has the CWU improved at all over the past month or so? If so, in what areas?[/b]

[b]Is there any specific points you'd like to make about the CCA that needs attention?[/b]

[b]Is there any specific points you'd like to make about the CWU that needs attention?[/b]

[b]Do you have any ideas for a potential reform in either the CCA or the CWU? Preferably detailed.[/b]

Offline Sexy Frog

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Re: CCA Feedback/CWU Feedback
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2013, 10:37:40 PM »
Has the CCA improved over the past month or so? If so, in what areas?
Yes and no. Yes in the sense that we still do have active units and we managed to achieve some level of decency again. We have managed to keep pretty organized despite some discouragements which is a really good sign, minus the resignation of KmP and Challenge. No in the sense that we lost a lot of player due to people raging at the reform and it seems a bit more complicated and odd than what I experienced during my first joining.

Has the CWU improved at all over the past month or so? If so, in what areas?
No. Only CWU member I've seen online at all was Delta.

Is there any specific points you'd like to make about the CCA that needs attention?
The fact that Section 4 is basically the CCA's equivalent to HELIX(if anybody remembers that). So it kinda makes flow to Section 3 a bit shaky. With the applications being back up, there should be a little spike in activity.

Is there any specific points you'd like to make about the CWU that needs attention?
More activity for one. Two, a bit of a reform to make CWU less revolving around sales and more interactive in the City and talk to the CAB more. Maybe some interaction with Union Watch and the little Hate Week I plan on starting. Helping us decorate and set up little stands to provide supplies for citizens.

Do you have any ideas for a potential reform in either the CCA or the CWU? Preferably detailed.
Cooperation with Union Watch and some more 'out of the box' thinking to break it from the normal routine of just 'SELL SELL SELL'. Maybe give CWU a 'product development division' that is like the GRID of CWU, making new potentially UU branded stock to sell.

I would kinda like to see more of the old system back in CCA. I miss the division over the sections. I like the ranking system how it is now, EU was honestly kind of a useless rank. It was basically 01, just with a new uniform. But maybe that's just me.

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Offline Mr. Pettit

Re: CCA Feedback/CWU Feedback
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2013, 10:51:12 PM »
Has the CCA improved over the past month or so? If so, in what areas?
Yes. They replacements for Section 0 so far are doing very well. Communication has picked up and things are starting to move along again, especially S1. A majority of the CCA's future is depending on the new RCTs, so we'll have to see where it goes. But so far so good.

Has the CWU improved at all over the past month or so? If so, in what areas?
Activity wise, I would say yes. It still seems rather boring, but I've never has a CWU character so from my point of view I can't really say.

Is there any specific points you'd like to make about the CCA that needs attention?
Section Leaders calling some meetings with their sections every once in a while. When Challenge was the leader of S4, she never checked in on us or called meetings even though it would probably help to get some feedback and suggestions from all your units in one sitting. Just some more checking in from S0 to see progress would be beneficial.

Is there any specific points you'd like to make about the CWU that needs attention?
More opportunities. Let them work with the CAB on organizing events maybe, such as things like that tea party that Dallas had organized a few days ago.

Do you have any ideas for a potential reform in either the CCA or the CWU? Preferably detailed.
Sort of with what Sexy Frog had said. The CWU's medial portion can work with the Support piece of S4, and whatever may be closest to Logistics can work alongside them with certain things like maintenance of the city, construction and so on. Cooperation and more opportunities for CWU is something that I would like to see more of, as I don't see very much from them at the moment.

Offline Dallas

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Re: CCA Feedback/CWU Feedback
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2013, 08:23:00 AM »
Has the CCA improved over the past month or so? If so, in what areas?
The CCA has improved in terms of structure a great deal- the people in charge now are in charge for a reason, the reason being that they know what they're doing. However the other side of this coin is the woeful inactivity of units in S4, units in S3 and of course S1 (That's understandable seeing how there are no trainings happening- at all- thus no hope of ever becoming an 05 and joining their desired section.)

Has the CWU improved at all over the past month or so? If so, in what areas?
I haven't seen much in terms of improvement. I've noticed a few more shops here and there but I'm not seeing citizens being employed or any organization going on.

Is there any specific points you'd like to make about the CCA that needs attention?
I believe that once the recruits of S1 are no longer recruits the activity of the server will pick up immediately. The right man must be selected and I've already submitted my recommendation. Also, on an equally important note: REOPEN THE CCA APPLICATIONS. This will be a main factor in an increase in activity.

Is there any specific points you'd like to make about the CWU that needs attention?
I think Tier 3 workers should have more power- right now a citizen with a permit has more things they can do than a tier 3. I also think that the CWU needs dedicated leaders for each branch, people who know what they are doing, enjoy CWU rp and are active, this would ensure a steady stream of promotions to lower workers, ensuring a lack of stagnation.

Do you have any ideas for a potential reform in either the CCA or the CWU? Preferably detailed.
For now, I see that the CWU simply needs more dedication. As for the CCA, things seem to be working out well for it.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 08:25:12 AM by The 11th Doctor »

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Offline ReDrUm?´´?´°

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Re: CCA Feedback/CWU Feedback
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2013, 10:20:42 AM »
Has the CCA improved over the past month or so? If so, in what areas?
In my personal opinion, no. The reform was just more of a rank reset. The structure's pretty much the same as it always was, with different names for everything. Actually, with this reform, recruits never get training, and it seems like all of the "Important" units are quiting. (Jonco, KmP, Challenge)
Has the CWU improved at all over the past month or so? If so, in what areas?
Doesn't seem like it's changed much, although I don't personally pay attention to it much.
Is there any specific points you'd like to make about the CCA that needs attention?
Activity, really. Like Doctor said, we need to reopen applications, and let people apply. I don't see why we haven't already. We need some active S1 personnel that will train, and in general, the server needs to be more active than 1 night a week, which is how it's been lately.
Is there any specific points you'd like to make about the CWU that needs attention?
Once again, don't really pay much attention to it's inner workings, to be honest.
Do you have any ideas for a potential reform in either the CCA or the CWU? Preferably detailed.
The CCA just needs more people right now, people just aren't active enough every since Outlands reopened.

C45.CCA.S4-OfC.280 | HEALTHY | Head of Section 4 Support
Rokus Relici | UNKNOWN | Standard P3 Criminal Scum
Kaylin Jacobs | HEALTHY | Accepted into the CWU

Offline Sexy Frog

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Re: CCA Feedback/CWU Feedback
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2013, 11:58:24 AM »
Just want to point out that the CCA Applications have been posted already as of last night. And the Section 1 Leader has already been promoted and he has idea's for Section 1 reform so make stuff less complex.

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Offline Atticat

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Re: CCA Feedback/CWU Feedback
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2013, 09:54:41 PM »

Is there any specific points you'd like to make about the CWU that needs attention?
More activity for one. Two, a bit of a reform to make CWU less revolving around sales and more interactive in the City and talk to the CAB more. Maybe some interaction with Union Watch and the little Hate Week I plan on starting. Helping us decorate and set up little stands to provide supplies for citizens.

The CWU base is pitiful. Players are going to be turned away when given the choice between the Nexus and a shack. If you want the CWU to be run down, then that's fine. Nobody should live in luxury in the city. But there is an art to desolation, and what the CWU has right now is just bland. It feels like no time or care was paid to it. 

Offline ReDrUm?´´?´°

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Re: CCA Feedback/CWU Feedback
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2013, 10:17:27 PM »
For the CCA, a lot more stuff needs to be defined. For example, what rank can authorize entrance to restricted areas like sewers? P3? UCH?
There's more that I was thinking of earlier, but I can't think of it now. I'll post when I think of them.

C45.CCA.S4-OfC.280 | HEALTHY | Head of Section 4 Support
Rokus Relici | UNKNOWN | Standard P3 Criminal Scum
Kaylin Jacobs | HEALTHY | Accepted into the CWU

Offline YankeeSamurai

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Re: CCA Feedback/CWU Feedback
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2013, 10:42:12 PM »
How about

P1: all units all the time

P1 elevated access-ways: no recruits, maybe no 05s?

P2: no recruits, maybe no 05s?

P2 elevated access-ways: no recruits or 05s, patrols must be authorized by S0

P3: Patrols must be authorized by S0 and must contain at least 3 units. Suspects can be pursued into S3 if there are multiple pursuing units

Sanitation sub-system: No patrols at all, I'd rather there be no sweeps in the sewers either unless there's some outstanding and specific need to go down there

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Re: CCA Feedback/CWU Feedback
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2013, 10:47:53 PM »
Has the CCA improved over the past month or so? If so, in what areas?
To me it feels kind of the same. All though I don't agree with the reform because it really solved nothing but making units have to go back through the ranks, making the time they spent "going up the ladder" pretty much useless due to the fact that it achieved nothing in the end. Activity seems to be the same overall though.

Has the CWU improved at all over the past month or so? If so, in what areas?
Not really. They are still inactive like they've always been. There are maybe two or three active people like Delta, Sexy Frog, and atticat has been on a little bit.

Is there any specific points you'd like to make about the CCA that needs attention?
Make things more in stone rather than it being kind of a guessing game. For example, I don't think the boundries between P1, P2, and P3 are clear enough.

Is there any specific points you'd like to make about the CWU that needs attention?
I think that activity is really bad right now, and it'd be nice to see it fixed.

Do you have any ideas for a potential reform in either the CCA or the CWU? Preferably detailed.
To stop doing the mass demotes. In the end, it achieves nothing at all. Eventually people will get their ranks back, making the entire thing a waste of their time.
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Offline raged

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Re: CCA Feedback/CWU Feedback
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2013, 12:19:11 AM »
i'll have to take a look at the sectors and work out something

Offline BltElite

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Re: CCA Feedback/CWU Feedback
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2013, 08:48:53 AM »
Has the CCA improved over the past month or so? If so, in what areas?
It has improved greatly in a lot of areas generally, and the rp quality i've seen is mainly getting better as a whole(few oddities but expected)

Has the CWU improved at all over the past month or so? If so, in what areas?
Unfortunately, inactive and not doing brilliant amount of things, though won't say any more due to expected overhaul.

Is there any specific points you'd like to make about the CCA that needs attention?
Clear up all the grey areas - there are too many. We need more black and white of stuff to do and not to do. Perhaps a megathread of what you do at this rank and so on(instead of 3 billion threads).

Is there any specific points you'd like to make about the CWU that needs attention?

Do you have any ideas for a potential reform in either the CCA or the CWU? Preferably detailed.
For the CCA yes - lock down recruitment for sections 2+4 for the moment(it has enough compared to s3 really) and wait until it fills up. recruits wanting to go into s4 or s2 can wait until spots open etc.( is what used to be done to get units into legion/apex and worked until SeC's became annoying)

Offline Atticat

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Re: CCA Feedback/CWU Feedback
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2013, 01:50:44 PM »
Is there any specific points you'd like to make about the CWU that needs attention?
Aside from renovating the CWU headquarters. Greater interaction with the CCA may be in order. I know people have been resistant to this for a long time (and with good reason), but it seems the CWU is still in the sad state it was when I left last summer. It should be considered for CWU to be allowed in the Nexus (only with an escort to allow them inside) on a routine basis as backup doctors, chefs, and supply managers.

CWU could also be assigned "apprentices" if they wish. It should be the CCA's job to find one if requested by a Worker (because high-ranking CWU are never on, not because this is some task that should be endemic to the CCA). I propose something like that should allow the apprentice to be added to data logs, putting them higher on the list for promotion to the CWU, and adding the risk of losing their place as an apprentice if they don't follow orders correctly)

I think finding a place for the CWU is a very big problem. They can't be given too many privileges, or it ruins the point of a dystopian city. On the other hand, the current state of the CWU is not convincing anybody to join them. High ranks in the CWU (such as tier-1) should command the respect of CCA. Especially from Rct. to 02. Again, I understand the dangerous line in the CWU crossing the boundary of their fundamental status as a civilian, but I hope some things will be considered.

All ze best
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 01:53:19 PM by Atticat »


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