Author Topic: Dr.Wesley Sharp's Authorization Application  (Read 1595 times)

Offline Delta1116732

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Dr.Wesley Sharp's Authorization Application
« on: August 19, 2012, 05:03:17 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Delta1116732
Age: 14
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 1 Year.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 8 Months

Character Section

- Doctor, or Dr being added to character.
- PhD in electrical engineering.
- Dr.Kleiner model.
- Knowledge Of Combine Technology

Name: Dr.Wesley Sharp
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Resistance

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Wesley grew up in a rich neighbor hood, and his parents being rich they we're able to afford him with anything his heart desires. As he grew up he was unsure of what he wished to do for a living. When he reached elementary in 6th grade he found that he had a talent with electronics. As teachers, and students would have trouble with iPod's, or TV's he would be able to fix them. He enjoyed doing work with his computer at home. Making it run faster, taking it apart, and putting it back together. After all, he always spent time on it. His parents were away most of the day, and on his free time he took apart machines in the house to look at them. Though they may never work the same again it was all in good fun, and replaceable.

    Years have passed, and Wesley has reached high school in Grade 12. He had made a A+ all the way through high school for electronics, and art. He is a crafty one when it comes to making things. The years passed by, and he was walking to his math class, and he saw the principal in the hall. He glanced at him for a moment, and kept walking until the man called out his name "Wesley! Come over here. "Wesley turned around nervously, and went up to the man saying "Ye--yes?" He replied "Someone came in the school office today for you. Some man very well dressed. Come down after school." Wesley nodded, and turned around to head to his math class wondering what was it the man wanted. As the school day ended Wesley went to the school office as normal, and saw the man in the suit there glaring at him for a moment. He had blond hair, blue eyes, so Wesley stepped in the office speaking to the man "Uhm h-h-hello?" The man turned around asking Wesley his name, and he answered "Wesley Sharp.." The man smiled saying "Good! I'm offering you a scholarship to our university! We have noticed your help, and work with electronics we believe you have a great future!"

   Wesley walked to the door opening it yelling out "I'm home!" cheerfully. His father turned around from a chair in the living room, and said "Hmm welcome home. What's the deal with being happy?" Wesley smiled saying "I got offered a scholarship!" His mother turned around from another room, and said "Oh good news! I can't wait for next year." Wesley's dad turned around saying "Ehh alright shut the door will ya? Your letting bugs in. "Wesley turned around, grabbing onto the door handle, and shuts the door saying "Oh sorry." The night had passed quickly, and Wesley had awoke from his sleep to a beeping alarm. He put his hand over to the alarm turning it off, and let out a small moan as he sat up straight grabbing his glasses. He flicked his glasses on, and soon got dressed heading to school. He arrived at the front doors we're he looked down to see his classes. He had a spare block in the morning so he decided to go to the old science lab. The room was never used, and was full of stuff for him to test around with. He walked inside going to his locker opening it to grab his books. Once he had most of his books he bent down placing them aside, and looked down to a bin that he had. The bin was full of circuits, and extra parts that he found off of phones and ipods. He grabbed two items placing them on his binder locking it. He stood up with the binders, and moved over to the science room. When he reached there he put his hand on the door to see if it was open. The door opened with a creak, and Wesley walked in squeaking a small "Hello?" No one seemed to answer so Wesley went inside shutting the door, and flicked on the lights. He moved to a desk dropping all of his stuff on it. He set the two items aside, and got a few items from a spare pocket in his binder. The case was with him most of the day so he kept a small screw driver, and a couple batteries in there. He sat down with all the electronics, and picked up the copper wire wrapping it around the battery end. He looked around for the classroom to see if there was anything he could connect it too. He stood up walking over to the supply closet, and found a light bulb. Though it wasn't much he figured it would work. He walked over to the desk, and sat down placing the bulb down slowly connecting the wire to the bulb. Once he did the light flickered on, and Wesley got up running to the light, and turned them off. The whole room snapped into pitch black with nothing to keep it lit, but the light bulb. Wesley smiled at his little creation. He knew it was only a matter of weeks until he got to go to university once more.

   Years have passed, and it's nearing the ceremony of Wesley's graduate of University. He was at his little cottage in the mountains sitting backing back in a chair. He stood up from the chair, and walked over to his room where he opened a cabinet looking down at a blueish uniform that he was going to wear for the graduation. He turned around looking outside the window down to the hill below. It was late at night, so he figured he should get to bed. Wesley climbed in to the bed laying back closing his eyes. He wondered what would happen tomorrow. He awoke ten hours later opening his eyes with the sun glaring in his face. He got up grabbing his glasses standing there at his bed for a moment. He snapped at attention when he remembered the graduation. He smiled getting dressed, and put on the graduation clothing walking outside. He walked up to his car opening it, and climbing inside. He turned it on heading to the graduation for the starting of his work life. As he reached the school he saw his classmates there all in the same uniform. All others who aimed to do what he wanted too most. He walked over to the bench sitting down near the crowd, and closed his eyes for a moment. He was still tired from a late night and he woke to attention when a loud speak came on saying "Would Fred Smith please step up." Wesley sat there waiting for his name to be called. He watched as people got called up one by one. Nearing the end were there was only about five people left he got called through the speaker. He looked up, and walked over to the stand brushing off his clothing of where he sat. He walked up giving a slight smile, and the man who offered him the scholar ship was at the microphone. The man said "Wesley Sharp it is my great honor to give you a PhD in Electronic Engineering. For great work, and knowledge of electronics. I hope you have a great life ahead of you." Wesley smiled taking the PhD carefully as a small crowd began clapping. Wesley smiled as he walked down the from the stand, and opened the PhD that was in a scroll. He looked at it with his name written "Wesley Sharp." He smiled walking to his car, and drove back home.

   Some months have passed, and Wesley has got a job at a near by research facility in the woods. It was about his second week there, and he awoke on a Monday morning. He sat up grabbing his glasses, and a lab coat that he had stored in his drawer. He walked outside unlocking the door, and went to the car where he sat in. He turned on the car heading to work, and reached the facility within a matter of time. He hopped out of the car, and closed the door walking to the front doors. He entered, and the lady at the front desk said "Who are you..?" Wesley replied "Dr.Wesley Sharp. I'm here to work on my project." "Oh!" the lady replied, and let him in. Wesley walked inside through some steel hallways, and looked along the doors for the lab number. He found his room number 701, and opened it walking inside. He looked around the lab noticing that there was only one other man there. Wesley said "Slow day?" the man glanced up saying "Yeah..everyone is at the main lab. They are all worried about this so called Incident somewhere in the US." Wesley replied as he walked over to a shelf grabbing a small project "Oh..what incident is this? I haven't heard of it. How recent?" The man replied " only happened a couple hours ago. The word spread fast about some crazy incident in Mesa. We got no clue what's going from what I know the government has it under control." Wesley "Oh well. the government has it under control I'm sure it will be fine. Sides I have to finish my project." The man replied "What's this project?" Wesley replied as he grabbed a plug, and put it in the machine connecting it to the wall. "Oh just a little projector I made. I don't think it's working quite well yet though." The man nodded as he looked back down to work on a giant circuit. Wesley looked at the project hitting a button, and it flickered on for a moment, but then failed causing the machine to break down. Wesley said "Do you think we could make this know...3D?" The man looked up quite disturbed "I don't know, but all I know is I'm trying to work. Wesley grunted at bit at the mans rude comment, and turned back to his machine trying to fix it. He continued to do it for the day in the empty lab that only him in the man we're in for the day.

   Wesley awoke to a loud beeping sound from his TV. He seemed to have fallen asleep in his living room chair. He glanced down to the TV, and it read. "EMERGANCY ALL CITIZENS EVACUATE TO A SAFE ZONE IN THE CITY. SAFE ZONES ARE: Steven Park, Neil-son Arena.  UNEXPECTED EVENT HAVE BEEN HAPPENING. THIS IS NOT A DRILL."  The message continued to broadcast, and Wesley awoke startled from his sleep, and looked to the message. His body began to shake, and he didn't know what to do. The city was miles away, and he would never make it on time. He grabbed his glasses putting them on, and ran to the door sliding on some shoes busting open the door. He looked up to see a massive blue hole in the sky. Wesley stood there for a couple minutes not believing his eyes.. He quickly ran back to inside to grab his keys, and without the care that he left the door open running to the car. As Wesley unlocked the car, and was driving down the path a drop ship came flying over head. Wesley yelled "Shit!" as the drop ship flew over above, and he turned his steering wheel straight down a long hill. Wesley hit the breaks, and the car made a funny sound. The car soon came to a stop below his house, and he looked above him to see the drop ship landing at his house. He looked with fear, and began to run into the forest not caring about what happens to his house. He knew that the only thing that matters now is survival.

   Wesley kept on running for what seemed like hours, and reached a small pond. He leaned to a tree sighing, and looked up to the giant water fall. He looked up to see that this water was glacier fresh. He looked down at the water wondering if he could drink it or not. The only water he knew that would be okay to drink would be the one at his home, or the one at the super market. He knew that there was no chance in hell he was going back. He bent down glancing at the water to see if it was clean. There was nothing inside, but two bugs floating on the top though it was on the other side of the little pond. He cupped his hand, and put them in the water sighing with relief. The cold water felt good after running quite some time. He quickly lifted up his hands splashing the water in his face. He tasted a bit as some of the water had got into his mouth. He tasted it for any odd tastes, and it seemed fine so he sat to the tree waiting for any side effects. He sat there for about ten minutes wondering on what he was going to do. He knew that he couldn't go back to his home or the town. He remembered that his research place wasn't far from where he was, and shook the water off of his face heading there. He kept low to the ground trying not to be seen. He could almost taste the food that they kept in the break room. He wasn't sure why, but he was as hungry as ever.

   Wesley soon reached the facility, and glanced up at the parking lot. He saw nothing, but a couple broken down old cars. He ran around the facility glancing through a back window. He saw there was no one inside so he opened the window climbing in. When he got in he saw one of the lights in the hallway was shattered, and bullet holes were in the doors, and walls. He walked through the halls, and saw a couple of the doors were blown completely off. He saw the room that he worked in just hours ago. He stood up turning around to see the man who was there face first on the table. Wesley gave a sharp "Hey! Hey you." The man did not move, so Wesley slowly moved up shaking the man the man slowly turned over falling off the chair with what looked like a bullet wound through his head. Wesley stumbled back shocked by the sight, and gave a short sprint out of there. He went around to the wall in the hallway leaning to the wall breathing for a moment. He thought that "Could this be a dream? Was it all real?" Wesley looked back up, and moved over to the break room opening the fridge. He saw a small blood pool, but with no body. Wesley opened the fridge to find it full of food. He quickly grabbed three sandwiches, and about four bottles of water with a radio running back out. He reached the window where he heard small beeps. Wesley climbed out of the window falling to the dirt ground below. He hugged onto the wall, and the beeping got louder along with a deep voice saying "Sector is code 100. Sweeping for suspect." Wesley thought to himself who was this "Suspect?" He heard the beeping get louder along with gear rustling in the hallway. He saw a black gun stick out of the window along with a grey, and blue camo hand. He shook at the gun as it got waved around for the moment still, and another voice was heard. "Contact?" Another voice said "Negative. Dispatch suspect is not at location." He heard another voice, but this one sounded female it said "Move to sector 16B boomer extraction is inbound." He heard the voice say "Copy that units are inbound." Wesley saw the gun disappear, and glanced up from the window still to see three men in blue, and grey camo kelvar with odd weapons running down the hall. They didn't seem human so Wesley took this to his advantage, and ran. He reached the pond, and looked up to where the sun was. It was late soon, and Wesley was getting hungry. He grabbed a sandwich that he had, and opened it taking a few bites out of it. It was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Wesley sat there hearing yelling, and explosions off in the distance. He just wondered what he was going to do now.

   It was getting late around 2:50PM. Wesley had gathered some fire wood, and made a small shelter for the food. He knew the food wouldn't last forever, but he could always go back to the facility. He placed the fire wood around a couple rocks checking his pocket for a lighter, or anything that could start a fire. He looked up at the hot sun wiping the sweat off of his head. His glasses fell to the ground. Wesley looked down sighing with relief that the glasses had no damage done to them. As he picked them up he saw a small light go across the glasses. He held it still for a moment, and the grass on where the light was pointing began to smoke. Wesley snapped at attention, and angled his glasses at the fire wood. He held them there for about ten units until he saw a small flame. He held them there hoping a flame would soon start, and with good luck a small flame started. The fire spread quickly, and Wesley now had a small fire. He smiled, and sat back to the tree smelling the smoke that came from it. Wesley picked up the radio that he got from the break room, and turned it on. Wesley turned it onto the news where it broadcasted a urgent message. It explained how giant spider like machines, and aliens were invading. Wesley sat back to the tree as the radio went on, and on saying what to do. He felt safe knowing that the so called "Combine" would stick to the city, and not the woods. The night began to come, and Wesley soon fell asleep using his lab coat as the blanket. The fire acted as a heat, and the radio was turned off incase these aliens could trace it.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
+ Being able to passive RP
+ Making/testing machines that I could build.
+ Machines built could provide good role-play for others.
+ Many others have had minor authorizations as this. I could provide role play with them.

- White lab coat will make it hard to move in bushes, plants.
- Will not blend into the woods at all.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to find somewhere to set up, and do work. Passive RP building, testing, and such. Others have had similar authorizations to this so I plan to role play with them.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
No one else needs these auths.

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
Edit: Removed Combine Tech/Fixed grammar/Removed the doubled 3-4 sentences in paragraph three.
Edit: Completely over hauled the back story.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 12:22:16 AM by Delta1116732 »

Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL

Offline Scratchie

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Re: Dr.Wesley Sharp's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2012, 05:15:28 PM »
I don't see near enough to both prove and justify a doctorate as well as seeing nothing to suggest any knowledge of combine technology. Just because you're an electrical engineer doesn't mean you'd know combine technology as most is nowhere similar to earth stuff.

Sent from my HTC Mecha using Tapatalk 2

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Re: Dr.Wesley Sharp's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2012, 05:21:00 PM »
The backstory doesn't really say where your character suddenly develops an understanding for alien combine technology, plus for a lot of the building and testing machines you'd need to somehow find electronic components for them which wouldn't be easy and probably take up most of your time. The back story also has a couple of grammar mistakes too, maybe after some work on the app I could support this, but not for now.

Offline Delta1116732

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Re: Dr.Wesley Sharp's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2012, 02:47:00 PM »
I'm going to be writing a better, and longer back story on this. It feels short so I'm going to be making it to about 6 paragraphs maybe more. Along with more detailed. I would hope that this could stay on up the board until I edit it, and it shouldn't take long.

Edit: All done. It's much more expanded, and well done. From three paragraphs to nine now.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 12:23:09 AM by Delta1116732 »

Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL

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Re: Dr.Wesley Sharp's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2012, 04:55:52 PM »
Huge improvement, looks perfectly fine to me, sorry for the wait.

Accepted, locked and moved.


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