Author Topic: <::||03.091 to OfC.270 Message||::>  (Read 896 times)

Offline Lone Wanderer <??"?

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<::||03.091 to OfC.270 Message||::>
« on: June 05, 2012, 12:11:33 AM »
//The following information is to not be metagamed in anyway shape or form. If you did not have previous knowledge of anything stated in this message or was not informed ICly by 091 or 270 on this topic, you shouldn't know about it.

UNIT: 091

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New File Opened: msg.091to270.001
Send To: C45.CCA.GRID-OfC.270
Subject: "Red"

<::|| Today, a man known as "Red" re-surfaced himself. I believe this was the man you were working with previously. This "Red" character showed himself after planting the body of a dead man near the D6.-HAP. He left a radio and a note, giving a frequency. After speaking wioth the Commander, I began to speak with him. He wanted a 9 milimeter pistol, fully loaded, and a flash grenade. He said the longer it took, the more bodies would be pilling up. I spoke with him about this shipment he wanted, and eventually denied giving it to him. That's whne he really started with the bodies.

He killed a confirmed four citizens during this whole situation. All male, all cut up pretty badly. He dumped their bodies near the D6 tunnel entrance and the D6-HAP. He continued to speak with me over the radio during these events, and mentioned some key things. He mentioned that he had spoken with another unit about a similar thing like this and had a similar process that failed. He said the first time, one of his brothers had ended up dead and the other one mind wiped. He said that this time, he had a larger group of individuals working for him. He did not say how much, but he did confirm it was larger than two people. During this time he also threatned that he would rise up to take on more difficult prey, making sure to mention it'd be a shame if a recruit went missing.

I spoke with commander 71813 about this issue as well as 350. I eventually waited for him at the Hardpoint and confronted him. He was an irish male with black hair and brown eyes. He also had a green four-leaf clover tattooed on his neck region. He tried to tell me that he had loyalists somewhere in D6 waiting to be shot on his word. 350 had made a dispatch announcement to avoid the man, as I had already seen him dumping a body before this meeting. Along with him at this meeting h had some bodyguard next to him and a hooded man waiting at the tunnel entrance. He spoke to someone on the radio, that I do not know. We spoke, and he claimed he had a recruit in  D6. He then bumped the rank up to an 05, but no biosignals were reported lost and all units were accounted for. He tried to flee back into D6 while his bodyguard grabbed me, but 864 shot him as he ran, and I shot down his associate. Unfortunately, the hooded male escaped back into D6.

So I'm sending this to tell you that the male known as "Red" is confirmed dead. I'm not sure if that's the male you were looking for, but the scenario just seemed so similar to the last one. The radio frequency he gave me was 129.4.||::>

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Console Shut Down.

Current Characters:
Abdul Sadek - Unregistered citizen, currently near City 18.
Monica Halleway - A seemingly crazy woman roaming the plaza.

Former HL2RP-Characters:
Jennifer Hanson - Former trader now involved with the Lambda Movement in City 17.
'091' - A former rogue medical unit now on the Combine Homeworld. Or is she?
Michael 'Y' Eloriga - A wanted criminal located in City 17, frequently spotted on rooftops.


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