Author Topic: [DENIED]Jared Nelson's Civil Authority Application  (Read 1097 times)

Offline Super_Killer6501

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[DENIED]Jared Nelson's Civil Authority Application
« on: April 11, 2012, 04:59:26 AM »
Jared Nelson's Civil Authority Application

OOC Name: Super_Killer6501

IC Character Name: Jared Nelson

1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.
When Jared was first taken by the Combine and moved to the cities adjusting to his new life was hard. Right off the bat he saw people being mercilessly beaten, captured and brought in for questioning and torture, or killed right on the street. He was afraid and dazed and the transition to his new life wasn't going well. So Jared decided to live in the slums of District 6, not knowing that life there was far more hectic.

Jared had taken refuge sleeping in the alleys and streets of D6. Bumming scraps of food off generous people or eating out of the trash. Occasionally a group of OTA would swarm in to eliminate and capture possible Rebels and Jared would have to flee and hide, always fearing his pitiful life would come to an end. Jared thought there was nothing left for him. All that he would do now was to be found dead in a ditch somewhere, and no one to care one bit. Jared was ready to lie over and die until he heard a broadcast by the Civil Authority over the intercoms.

Jared listened into the Intercom explaining that citizens could join the Civil Authority. Citizens would be given better rations, better lifestyle, and in all just a better life! Jared couldn't miss this oppertunity for the benifits it had. Jared also saw this as an oppertunity to make a difference in the world. To bestow justice in the city and serve something greater than himself. Jared possibly even thought that mabey, perhaps, he would even be remembered far after his death. Jared cleaned himself in one of the public showers, talked to the nearest CP, and started to fill out an application.

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)
Pure, Trustworthy, Cautious, Nervous, Easily Intimidated, Friendly.

3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character.
expect the Combine Civil Authority to be very hard and demanding at first. To learn a lot and to try to roleplay to the situations given to me. But after a while I will start to understand and get the hang of it and become a great Civil protection character who can memorize all the codes and rules of the CP! I expect it to be a very fun, strict, and high role playing role!

Jared expects the Civil Protection to be a position in which he can do something in the world. He hopes for it to be a role where he can use his new power and influence to help others and feel like he accomplished something. He knows he will be challenged at first with all the new information for recruits but after getting the hang of it knows he will become the right hand of the Union. Ready to fight for the Union and make the world a better place.

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.
Jared's childhood wasn't a great one to remember. He had a Drunk abussive Dad who left him and his Mom when he was 4, and a druggy mom who overdosed when he was age 6. He lived with his Aunt and
Uncle for most of his childhood. Both his Aunt and Uncle had full time jobs and didn't care for Jared much. When he was 16 Jared dropped out of Highschool and was kicked out. His Life was going down hill and he decided to turn it around. He got a job at Target and rented a room with one of his school friends. He decided on saving money to go to Colledge to make something of himself.

By age 18 Jared had been promoted to manager at Target. He was making a nice ammout of money and all the hard work he had put into his job had started to pay off. Jared decided it was time to enroll in Colledge. He had saved up a ton of money and signed up for buisness ethics and other classes that had to do with a buisness career. Jared's goal was to become a successful buisness man and own a company so that he could give his children a life he never had! So Jared started to take Colledge courses and keep his job at Target. It was tough, but he was motivated and kept to it!

By age 23 Jared was about to graduate Colledge. He had grown very mature and was going to be offered to work for a company known as Caremark. His salary was far more than Target could ever pay him in a year. He was soon going to be a very happy and wealthy man and able to raise a family, buy a nice house, and contribute to society. Everything was perfect! Until the Portal Storm hit!

Everything was normal at first. Sam was walking on the sidewalk when strtange portals started to appear out of nowhere! Ugly and vicious alien creatures poured out and started to cause chaos in all their wake. The world around Jared was instaly engulfed in terror as people were being mauled, eaten, and ripped to shreds. Jared ran for his life and his in a nearby basement with a small Mexican famliy. They spent for what seemed like an eternity in there. Eating stored canned food and trying desperatly to pass the time but also to survive!

After many months, sounds of tracks and vehicals could be heard outside. Jared was brave enough to go out and take a peak. The local military were searching around trying to fight the creatures and gather citizens to be taken to the center of the city where they said was safe. Jared and the family he was with got into a jeep and were delivered to the "Safe Zone". On the way Jared saw that his hometown was no more than ruins.

By age 28 Jared had been trying to live a normal life in the encased cities. helping around the city as much as he can. Untill word got out about Soldiers and cities being destroyed all over the planet by the millions in minutes. Super Soldier Aliens were exiting out of the Portals destroying all in their path. Jared heard about these attacks and thought of nothing more than to try and live. He had come to far to die now! As the Combine moved through his city and the center of the city wiping out all resistance, Jared and a handful of his friends ran and hid untill they were finally captured by the Combine.

Now at age 29 Jared lives in city 45. After hearing a broadcast by the Civil Authority, he wishes to become a Civil Protection Officer and bring justice to the world. He wants to make somthing of himself, be someone people remember and make a difference. To finally contribute to society and what he sees as making the world a place where the next generation can live in peace. Jared decided to apply for the CCA and started to fill out an application.

5) Have you ever had a CCA character here at Catalyst Gaming?  If so, explain why it was removed.
Yes a long time ago, before you needed loyalist status. It was removed, due to inactivity because I was busy with school.

OOC Details

1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general?
2-3 years

2. How long have you played on serious servers?
3-4 years

3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming?
A little over a year

4. What Time zone are you in?

5. In what country do you live?

6. How old are you?

7. What�s your most memorable quality RP experience?
I was cleaning S2 when two Anti-citizens arrived. They put me at knife point and demanded I give them Tokens! I didn't want to cause trouble so a threw tokens both there way. Unfortunatly they decided to cripple me before leaving and one seemed to be taking steroids or some sort of drug. He kicked me so hard in the knee that my leg bent backward and the bone split out of the skin.

The Anti-citizens then left me there after throwing a few kicks and punches as I crawled to the main plaza. When I got there a trail of blood followed me from S2. Luckily the CWU had a medical institue set up in the main plaza. I went in and almost fainted of blood loss and shock when a CWU worker saw me and did some work on me. After a long operation and lots of pain RP, she gave me come crutches and it was fun to RP having crutches around the city. I now have a scar in my desc and it will be there forever!

8. Do you consider yourself a good listener?
YES! Very good listener!

IC Section

Full Name: Jared Nelson
CID: 62233
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4
Hair Colour brown
Eye Colour: blue
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Weight: 190
Mental Distinctions: Cautious, Attentive, helpful, trusting and trusthworthy.
Mental Defects: Shy/easily intimidated/nervous
Mental Advantages: Sharp, obediant, fast learner, Well Educated.
Notable Qualities: Hardworker, Educated, Mature,  No family, Tough, and fast reflexes.

1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain?
No, I have never even spoke to Civil Protection Officers until now and for Rations.

2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations?
I do now.

3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union?
yes... If I have to...

4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility?
Yes I do!

5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live?
Yes I will!

6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?
I want a chance to make difference in this life! I want to help better serve the Union and this is the path to it! I also want to have more controll over stopping anti-citizens from doing criminal acts and help keep order in the city.  In conclusion, I want to help and make life better and more stable for the next generation of mankind.

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, Jared Nelson hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 04:10:34 PM by Purple Suck my dick sleep »

Offline Globey

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Re: Jared Nelson's Civil Authority Application
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2012, 02:41:21 AM »
UNIT: 604
Enter Password: ************


Connecting to Network

Applicant File Opened: <Jared Nelson>
Citizen Identification Number: 62233

Acceptance status:
<::|| DENIED ||::>

<::|| Application does not meet requirements.  Application fails to follow proper spelling and grammar requirements.  Application questions 3 and C3 do not meet minimum standards. ||::>

Saving Record...
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting <CCA.C45.VICE-OfC.604>
Console Shut Down.
C45.CCA.GRID-DvL.604 - Healthy - Executing citizens. Tally: 4
John Gatsby - Healthy - Celebrating, having detonated an explosive melon in front of two CA's

Cutlass, Sail and Cannon:
Ernest Cumberbatch, Port Royal, Governor. Governing.
John Gatsby, of the brigantine Brimstone. Amputating Limbs


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