Author Topic: <::||William House's File||::>  (Read 1406 times)

Offline [LP]GMK-MRL

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<::||William House's File||::>
« on: August 05, 2012, 04:04:28 AM »

Qualifications: A Doctoral Degree in Pyschology and Sociology from Harvard University


Height: 5'6"


Gender: Male


Age: 45


Nationality: Afro-British


Steam name:


Timezone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Speech Outlines:
-Exogen Activity(3-4 Minutes)
-Pro UU propoganda(5-10 Minutes)
-Anti-Rebel Propgranda(3-4 Minutes)
-Improvements and Reward Benefites(3-4 Mintues)
-Conclusion and Updates(1-2 Minutes)

Citizen Complaints:
-UCH pipes and Sewer Systems Completed
-P3 Violence
-Jobless Citiznes(COMPLETED)
-CCA Abuse Completed
-Vortigaunt Violence Completed

Assistant Positions:
Consul Lauren Neil: N/A
Vice Consul William House: Open
Dr.Will Jones: Open
Dr.Cole Matthews: Open
Dr.Steven Green: Open
Dr.Kyle BlackBurn: Closed
Dr.Pierce Cullen: Open
Dr.Leonard Who: Open
Dr.Issac Eolas: Open
// Please tell me if you want one or not ICly or OOCly and I will change it to closed.

Promises made to Citizens
-Double Rations for Good behavior
-UCH fixed Fufilled
-Lowered Violence all-around

New projects and Orginzation Ideas
-Assistant Orginzation(COMPLETED)
-Private Gold Loyalist Section for Loyalist Building(Cancelled)
-Breen's Water Pump(In Progress.)
-Newspaper(In Progress)
None of these are in effect until approved amongst the Commander or Sectorial Commander and Consul Lauren Neil

NOTES: So far I'm planning on holding a meeting to discuss the new projects written above with my co-workers. The Private sector for the loyalist building shouldn't be that hard to accomplish. Infact, it should give the citizens a better reason to be a loyalist. Though I need to find a way to keep the citizens from begging the CCA for points and work. Instead, they just need to voulenteer or join the Civil Workers Union. This is a daunting task, since many citizens are only after extra rations and tokens. The number of loyalist in this City is limited enough....and the CCA doesn't help it increase. Then again, if it weren't for us, they would've killed us all off. Breen luckily made a deal with the rumored Advisors to keep us all alive. Well enough of that. I have a multitude to discuss with the citizens for now. These meetings and interviews can really tear a man down. But, I do it for the citizens so they can hopefully remain happy. I know it must be hard for them, but I try and try to rant to them that the City Administrators can only convince the CCA and can't order them. I've told them that we can build buildings and start projects to support their survival and keep them entertained in this City. It seems to be enough, but for others like the Anti-Citizens, it's not enough. They only want to see the world burn...and they won't stop at nothing to bring us down with them.'s my job and it's the job of my fellow City Administrators to use the power of influence to prevent further recruitment of such groups and to prevent such actions against the loyal citizens and the Combine Civil Authority.

-Purple: Citizen Related
-Red: Issue or Complaint Related
-Green: Planning or meeting related
-Navy Blue:Orginzations and Projects
« Last Edit: August 20, 2012, 05:16:49 AM by| Vice Consul Hou »


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