About 2 days ago, the character fell through a hole, broke his legs, then had cardiac arrest later, he got to the nexus but they were too slow, but they didn't even try to revive me.
Sorry for being late. Your Adam Corino character has 0 credits but that's probably due to the PK. Not sure if it automatically removes all credits or anything but I'm sure if it didn't you'd at least have more than 0. You are gold member, so just tell me which character you want the credits on and I'll give you them.
function Schema:PermaKillPlayer(player, ragdoll) (...) player:SetCharacterData("permakilled", true); player:SetCharacterData("inventory", {}, true); player:SetCharacterData("cash", 0, true);
Death in the nexus is always a PK and since you didnt want to be revived "/me dies." you should have heen fully aware of this. If all you want is the tokens transferred the. Do we need to keep this thread open? Kronic seems to be open to transferring credits for you.