Author Topic: On the Map Change Event  (Read 2500 times)

Offline Doctor Nice roButt

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On the Map Change Event
« on: February 16, 2013, 09:06:51 PM »
Boy, that was fun, wasn't it! Action packed and everything. I hope everyone had fun, because I did. I've never been a part of an event this big and so actiony. I was really immersed throughout it, like the danger was real. It was a great event, but I some things I'd like to bring up.

Toxic Zombie: The event
Toxic Zombie: was good
Toxic Zombie: up until
Toxic Zombie: units started dieing
Toxic Zombie: if admins randomly made characters
Toxic Zombie: to kill us
Toxic Zombie: why should we die?
Sexy Frog: well
Sexy Frog: it was partly because matt kept saying "nlr nlr" so natrually nobody was scared of dying
Sexy Frog: tbh
Toxic Zombie: But NLR makes no sense
Sexy Frog: like 60% of the CCA died today
Toxic Zombie: its a giant event
Toxic Zombie: unit died in front of eachopther
Toxic Zombie: hearts were broken
Toxic Zombie: map change
Toxic Zombie: oh hey 777
Toxic Zombie: i didnt just see you die
Toxic Zombie: hows it going
Toxic Zombie: nlr rule needs to be revamped
Toxic Zombie: or they need to make a new rule
Toxic Zombie: for deatsh like that
Toxic Zombie: also
Toxic Zombie: quickly made characters shouldnt be allowed to kill someone
Toxic Zombie: 911 was being shot at
Toxic Zombie: went to hide
Toxic Zombie: random character approaches her
Toxic Zombie: shoots in head
Toxic Zombie: thats how she died
Toxic Zombie: from a nobody
Toxic Zombie: and not only that
Toxic Zombie: a unit just died beside her
Toxic Zombie: and guess what happened
Toxic Zombie: nothing
Toxic Zombie: nobody asked about the biosignal lost
Toxic Zombie: nobody responded to 911's radio call
Toxic Zombie: because everyone shouted nlr
Toxic Zombie: nobody worried
Toxic Zombie: Only a few unit's deaths were noticed
Toxic Zombie: because in the back of everyones mind
Toxic Zombie: they thought
Toxic Zombie: its no big deal
Toxic Zombie: they'll come back
Toxic Zombie: and so they rped it accordingly
Sexy Frog: well
Sexy Frog: that and it was kinda hard to keep track of everything in all the madness. Units were dying leeft and right
Sexy Frog: but again it ties back into nlr
Toxic Zombie: 211 died
Toxic Zombie: people reacted
Toxic Zombie: but
Toxic Zombie: 5 minutes later
Toxic Zombie: when all the civilians took over
Toxic Zombie: nobodies death mattered
Toxic Zombie: im not just mad because cassie died
Toxic Zombie: i made that decision myself
Toxic Zombie: so its my fault
Toxic Zombie: but it was all done so poorly

I understand the whole thing was very chaotic with all the bullet flying around and all the notices coming up that units were being injured, but when units start dieing, there should be some sort of recognition for that biosignal lost. It's hard to keep track of all the units, you can't really get a head-count on who's where and such, but it was going so well up until the civilians took over the tunnels. It also didn't help that the server went down, which is to be expected when there's bullets and props and the population is almost max. But when we went back to our places, I noticed we were missing two OTA units that were just there with us. Then it just got really hectic. I can't remember the unit who was next to me, but he tried smashing in the CWU doors. When he rped it happen, we couldn't figure out how to OOCly open the door (keys, duh, but we were a bit panicked). So, technically we were inside the CWU, but our bodies weren't. Then the unit who's number I can't remember is shot dead and I'm all alone.

Firefights are hectic, especially since you can't see 'me's from that far away, but bullets constantly flying into your person when you're rping moving out of the way or getting to safety tends to lower the quality of the rp. But it's fine, because NLR right? We can't pay attention to or respond to every radio call that comes out asking for help. They'll just respawn and act like nothing happened.
But what if the penalty for dieing during the event had been a PK? Would people had played it differently. Would be have been more alert and careful and respond to everything? Would there be less bullet spam because you're shooting to miss and you don't want to accidentally kill someone instead of critically wounding them? I think it would be played differently. It's no one's fault. You don't intentionally become more lax because the punishment for death is hardly a punishment. It just sits in the back of your mind. But I think it does affect how people rped their characters.

And on the note of NLR, I'd like to make a complaint. I think it's very nice that we are given an option to not die forever. Sometimes the death doesn't make much of a difference anyway. But NLR itself is makes absolutely no sense at all. Over the course of my stay here, NLR has been defined as two different things, both of which make no sense in the canon of RP.

  • Your character died in that situation. You can still play your character, but he or anyone else he knew has no memory of him. You're basically playing their twin brother/sister.
  • Your character did not die and they do not remember their death. Basically, the death and the rp around it is voided.

Now, these may be wrong and maybe NLR does not work like that, but those are the two different definitions and conditions that I was told when I asked about NLR. They are very similar, and both equally make no sense. Imagine, for instance, that you are playing Jill. Jill is an important character and runs a group of anti-citizens. She's caused much pain for the CCA and is very well known. During an event, she and her group go to fight the CCA. The CCA shoot her down, and she's left bleeding on the ground surrounded by her group. She utters some inspiring last words and dies. Without her, the group has no leader and will disband. Everyone who knew her is heart broken...
BUT WAIT! There she is over there! Totally not dead. "Weren't you just dead?" No. No I wasn't. What are you talking about are you crazy? "But what about all that just happened, with your inspiring speech and fighting the CCA." No idea what your talking about. Now, all of a sudden a CP comes by. "Aren't you that anti citizen that tried to attack us?" No, that never happened. "Many of us were severely injured because of that." Nah, you must be crazy. That never happened.

Alternatively, she did die and now everyone is confused on why a clone of her is walking around. "I remember you? you were are leader." No, I just got here, I'm new. "What's your name?" Jill. "you sure look and act like our dead leader. Look, you ever have that scar..." Nope, I just got here.

Do you see what the problem is? Now imagine a mass of units that you saw die before you suddenly come back with no recollection of dieing. I would be confused. You're sad because your best friend died, but now he's alive and saying he was never there? But I just saw you there! You died!

I honestly think that NLR should be revamped or removed. If PK is too harsh for every death, a new option would be nice. I have some ideas, but I'd rather not go into them right now because I've already typed enough and it's becoming tl;dr (if it hasn't already).

Also, I know it is an event and all, but how did all those characters get all those nice weapons. Who were half the characters anyway. It seemed like most of them were randomly made just for this event. There was building up to it, sure, but there was nothing that hinted that a bunch of trained gunman that we've never heard of before would come in and murder everyone. Where did they get their guns and training? Was there rp done for these characters to have them all efficiently shoot at everyone. I'm not saying the CCA should have won, we were flanked and everything, but where in the world did they get all that ammo. It also seemed like more CPs were dieing than civilians. Were they really 'shooting to miss?'

Anyway, that's all I have to say for now. I probably missed a few things. I did not post this because I'm 'butthurt' over 911's death or felt it was unfair that she died. I chose not to go along with NLR because I personally believe it makes no sense, and that is my decision. I have only myself to blame. Sorry for any grammar mistakes and what not, and thank you for reading

[Added another thing I forgot to mentions. Put bold star near it for ease of reading.]
« Last Edit: February 16, 2013, 09:24:58 PM by Toxic Zombie »

"Bert John: Grammer, English, your sentence isn't making sense. "

Offline Sexy Frog

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Re: On the Map Change Event
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2013, 11:41:33 PM »
Well, the ammo and training thing aside I do have to agree. After contemplating it for a bit, the whole concept of NLR for such a large scale event didn't seem like the best idea. I can understand why it was done, seeing as it would have been a huge pain in the butt to keep track of everyone dying but at the same time, it does kind of backfire. Personally, I'm with Toxic on this one. I chose 211's death to remain in play unless IC developments came to bring her back. Otherwise, she is dead.

The taking of a PK for the event was total choice and mine was made because of me wanting to preserve the emotion that was caused by 211's death and let units RP from that point without the sudden, "Hey, you're alive!" moment going on.

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Offline raged

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Re: On the Map Change Event
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2013, 12:52:40 AM »
If units didn't want to get PK'd they should have given themselves a permanent or a rather long temporary injury and stuck with that. NLR is dumb and stupid.

Offline YankeeSamurai

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Re: On the Map Change Event
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2013, 01:34:59 AM »
I agree with raged in that we should've forced some long-term effects on characters that got killed or wounded. NRL is completely immersion-breaking and there has to be something at risk, otherwise there's very little stopping players once they realize they can go rambo and die in a blaze of CS:S glory with no consequences.

Offline Khub

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Re: On the Map Change Event
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2013, 02:55:34 AM »
You have voiced a valid point. I don't remember any reports about this from the citizens, but units kept complaining that they're being S2K'd from citizens. And I must confirm this. A citizen was where the Nexus barricades are, behind that corner. I was at P3HAP, crouching behind a barricade. I find it very, very unlikely to issue me a headshot from such a distance. Not just that the person would need expert pistol training and long experience, but they'd also need to maintain steady aim to hit the few centimetres of my head that aren't hidden behind the barricade, what's basically impossible when you're being shot at constantly. Yet it happened. I was shot while crouching behind a barricade from about 25 metres, what's dumb as at the very least, they should've waited till I stood up to shoot.
I believe this kind of event was the first occurence at CG - may this be a lesson for us, if we even decide to do something similar again. We will need few administrators who won't be ICly included in the event itself, and who will deal with stuff that's needed: like people needing teleports or complains about S2K.

To the biosignal recognition - good idea. I will edit the messages to show what unit is the biosignal loss message about.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2013, 02:57:10 AM by Khub »

Offline raged

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Re: On the Map Change Event
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2013, 03:31:57 AM »
I admit to S2K'ing one unit (didn't even kill him, i just shot to injure) but that's because he wasn't roleplaying realistically. He was ignoring taking cover and basically lolran into the open and tried to get a few shots off via s2k at us. After I sprayed him and forced him into cover and told him via /y // to injury RP and he refused I just kept s2k'ing him.

needless to say he'll be watched over the next few days


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