Author Topic: Haleem Eid Al-adha's Civil Worker Application  (Read 2253 times)

Offline Reaver

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Haleem Eid Al-adha's Civil Worker Application
« on: October 26, 2012, 06:11:08 PM »

Full Name: Haleem Eid Al-adha
Citizen identification(CID): 32146
Last Assigned Apartment Number: Apparent Block B4
Total Loyalist Points: 1
Sex: Male
Age: 26

How long have you been in City45:
I have been in for many month. Have successful life here.

Why do you want to join the CWU?:
(To kill the infidels) I want to join because I have good business experience, and there are many perks to joining. I can easily do help for Union.

Have you ever been detained before?(If so why):
Only time when a particular unit was being slightly racist, but I took it like champ.

Past experience with work/labor:
I used to own corner store in Essex.

Name 4 things the CWU Can possess, and 4 things we cant. Also state why.:
Request Devices.-Obvious
CWU Potatoes-They are branded
CWU Tea- "
Shortwave Radio- For business use, cannot sell.

Grenades-They are weapons.

Tell us about what you can do.:
I am a hard worker, and take orders easily. I can do many things, although I do have a problem with focusing too hard on things sometimes.

If a citizen asks for help and is new to the city, what would you do?:
Give them a drink, and show them around the City, and warn them about what goes on in Precinct Three.

~OOC Section~

Name: Reaver/Vodun/Whatever, you know who I am
Timezone: EST
SteamID: Monkey the Hero said it's okay, because no can find. He is a plane.
Roleplay Experience: Many years
Serious Roleplay Experience: Same as above.
Detail a regular day as a worker of the CWU?:
I'll do bullet points.
-Wake up.
-Small drink.
-Small spot of food.
-Leave HQ.
-Head to the Plaza, speak with citizens.
-See if anyone requires a flashlight, they sell like hotcakes.
-Set up a shop/Clinic/Information Booth.
-Speak with citizens.
-Return to HQ.

Character Backstory:
Haleem Eid- Al-adha was born in the Middle East, to a quiet family of five. He took a liking to business at a young age, and went out of his way to set up a drink stand on the hottest days of those humid, sandy ass Middle Eastern days, you know the ones. Luckily, he lived in one of the less dangerous areas, his neighborhood being more rural and calm than the ones frequently shown on American television. At the age of nineteen, Haleem left his country to defect to the west, where he settled in Essex, in England. His first choice would have been America, and New York City, but after the events years prior, it wasn't exactly the best idea. He heard of the rampant racism and scrutiny that those of his nationality and faith were given. In England, he was given much less, but still a decent amount, of mistrust and mistreatment. he looked passed this, and eventually obtained a loan from the bank, using this to open a small corner store at the edge of First and Maple. His first several months were horribly slow, but in time, he acquired a regular base of customers. Haleem was in the process of hiring his first employee when the Sky opened up...

He stares in disbelief as a throng of men, women, and children stormed passed the quaint little shop that he had opened months prior. The foundation of his store shook with the pounding and thumping of thousands of feet. A woman with black flowing hair jumped into view, vaulting over a fallen mail-box. She  turned her head for a single second, making momentary eye contact with Haleem. She smiled ever so slightly, possibly taking solace in the fact that someone she knew could somehow keep her safe, although this was obviously not the case. She turned for a fraction of a second before something else came lumbering into view..
The sounds of a loud, mechanical screech echoes through the air as a monstrous tri-pedal creature stormed towards the woman. It lifted a single leg up, letting it fall in an arching motion with a great amount of force. Before it registered in her mind that she was struck, her face held that smile as she fell...even as the barbed end of the creature's leg broke the skin, the impaled her onto the ground. Even as her life slowly pooled on the side-walk...even as the craeture used its other leg to retrieve the one stuck inside of her. Bits of lung and tissue clung to the spiny end of the alien-like creature's limb. It turned on its axis suddenly, facing Haleem directly. It released a horrendous groan, screeching once more as Haleem took an instinctive dive to his right, just barely missing three very odd, white pronged shapes that zipped passed his head, impaling themselves into the cabinet mere feet from him. He watches in horror as each piece slowly vibrated, faster and faster, keeping pace with the raising decibels of the high pitched squeel it was also was second before they were gone, replaced by an unbelievable fire, and a strange white substance that blocked his view...then all was dark..
A Freudian dick is when you say what's really on your mind instead of what you intended to say

Offline Monkey with a gun

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Re: Haleem Eid Al-adha's Civil Worker Application
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2013, 11:46:23 AM »
Accepted for Interview

Intriguing application...speak with me when you wish to recieve your interview.

~ James Tavener


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