Author Topic: Eli 'Harceleur' Valerian and Gunny Smith's Authorization Application  (Read 2148 times)

Offline Elions

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Steam Name: Elions
Age: 19
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): About 4 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: About 3 years

Character Section

[Eli 'Harceleur' Valerian]

A modified flaregun that fires Nets, these can catch people and tangle them up, incapacitating them without killing them

[Gunny Smith]

Having a bunch of scrap metal and heavily broken down weapons (Were any of these weapons to be fixed a proper auth with the procedure would be posted)
Advanced mechanical and gun-smithing skills due to her extensive experimentation with them when she was younger.

Name: Eli 'Harceleur' Valerian and Gunny Smith
Age: 30-ish for Eli, 65 for Gunny
Gender: Male
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
It was very late at night, and the outlands had grown quiet and still from a day of rather chaotic events. Eli walked through the tunnel that connected the river with the inner valley

"I swear to god... If Matthew and Harley hid my smokes again..." His mind was filled with petty thoughts by now, thinking about friends and family as he made his way through the dark corridors, however, as he walked by the service door, something called his eye.
A strange glimmer and the sound of a blowtorch could be heard from the other side. It was as if someone was working on a metallic object.
As hurried as he was, he could not resist the urge to take a look inside as curiosity overwhelmed him.
Sneaking up to the door first, making sure to keep the eerie silence of the tunnel undisturbed as he got closer to the wall.

Inside there was a small woman, no bigger than 5 foot 5, with strange and messy white hair that seemed to go all over and a set of very dark googles on her eyes as she used a blowtorch on what looked like a small shotgun. It was clear from just taking a quick glance at her that she was a rather elderly woman, but the vigor with which she worked on her rather improvised workshop made you believe that she could not be over her 40's.

He opened the door to the place slowly, carefull not to make much noise as the woman continued to work on the weapon, seemingly cutting it down and fixing part of the trigger mechanism, which was broken down in several parts and barely recognizable unless you were a skilled gun smith.

The elderly woman took the goggles off for a moment, sighing as she looked more detainedly at her work
"Hmm... Yeah... This looks juuuust fine" She sounded pleased with herself as she commented on her own handiwork, taking off the goggles entirely and starting to clean them up as she turned around, finally noticing Eli who had just walked in "Oh!- I wasn't expecting any visitors around here... Specially not young ones!" She seemed a bit too relaxed at the sight of him, though considering the ammount of weapons that Eli could see just from merely taking a glance at the room, it was obvious why.

He stayed silent, unsure what to say as the lady walked up to him, taking a detained look at him as her eyes widened "Ohh... I know you! You're that boy 'Stalker', right?"

"How did you know?" he took off his hat as he looked at the woman, a little perplexed. "Oh i've been hearing a bit about you, darling. When you do things your way, tales tend to spread about you, don't you see?" She smiled lightly as she patted Eli's shoulder.

She turned around for a moment "Feel free to look around darling, just don't touch anything" The elderly woman seemed to treat Eli almost like a grandson as she continue to work on some more of her projects. Weapons and other mechanical gadgets filled the walls of her small workshop as Eli wandered about it for a moment, taking a look at some of the items.

"I didn't think anyone lived inside these tunnels... Or had a workshop inside one for that matter" He commented as he took a quick glance at the shotgun the lady had been working on, noticing that the saw-off she did was a very clean cut.

"Oh i don't stay in one spot, obviously. Then the obvious nasties would come about and try to act rough with me." she said as she opened up a relatively small flaregun, taking a look at the mechanism that keeps the gun shut after you load it "Sure i'm not defenseless but still, can't be safe enough this day and age!"

Eli quickly put it together in his head that this woman must be the person he had been hearing so much about in the outlands. The so called 'Smith' that had a reputation for grabbing every single kind of weapon or material that was deemed 'unfixable' or 'broken', and that worked in an almost paranoid fashion to bring them back to their old fashioned glory

"I take it you're Smith then...?" He asked her to confirm, watching her work as he did so. "Oh... Don't tell me people still think that's my last name." She sighed as she closed the flaregun, having given it some proper maintenance "No hun, i'm just a normal gun smith, but i guess you could call me 'Miss Gunny Smith'... My husband used to call me that at least, bless that poor fool's soul" She smiled lightly as she remembered her husband, though from the way she mentioned him it was clear that he had passed away.

Some time passed by as Eli and Gunny spoke for some time, with someone finally paying more attention to her than just her work, she really enjoyed herself and let this young man in on some of her real life. What her real name was, where she had been born (New Orleans) And how did it came to pass that she got into working with anything and everything mechanical. As it turns out she was never a mechanic by profession, but by hobby. Being a household caretaker during most of her life due to her and her husband's traditional beliefs. It came a time however that she became rather bored with just staying around at their home. Her husband used to be a very passionate gun collector, so she took to guns herself as well, with a creative twist however. Taking her time not only to shoot, maintain and compare guns but trying to make small changes and customizations to them. Little by little and with the proper help from other people and her husband, she learned to do amazing things with her tools, some scrap metal or even broken parts of other guns and her simple imagination. Earning the reputation of being the best gunsmith in her town.

Due to that only being rumours and word of mouth instead of an actual study, the combine did not pay a shred of attention to her when they attacked, And she was thankfull that by the time those horrible events happened her husband was already 'Resting in peace'. When they got asigned to the cities she quickly bored of the lifestyle of the UU, Being cramped and unable to do any of her old work. She found one of her friends from childhood that had contacts with the rebellion, and got out on the next small group of people that dared trek out of a city, to seek out something interesting to do once more, and perhaps work on her old hobby again (which by the time Eli found her, she was doing succesfully)

"Oh i'm sorry... I must have bored you half to death there, Elias" She smiled gently at the young man as she finished telling him her story "Not really. I'm always willing to hear someone's story, specially when it's as interesting as yours." he got up slowly from the chair he had pulled up while they talked, stretching out for a moment "I've got to leave anyhow... The people in town still need my help, as much as i'd like to sit and just talk..." She remained sitting as she nodded politely "Oh I know hun... Say, if you ever need any gun work done you can always just come to me. I usually just need to know i can trust the person to help them out, and you seem like a very good person..." She gave him this smile that you'd figure would calm down even the most depressed of refugees, despite her 'line of work' she had such a sweet and calm demeanor "Plus, I always welcome any design that poses a challenge!"
He nodded to her as he put on his hat again, waving goodbye and going on his way towards the Inn. She had given him an old radio frequency that she used in case he ever needed to contact her.

A few days later, after a rather unfortunate event with one very nervous and annoying character that they had to subdue. Eli figured he needed to find a way to incapacitate someone without risking their lives... As he thought about it he figured he could use Gunny's assistance. After asking her for her new location with a quick radio message, Eli visited her once more, this time with a piece of paper where he had scribbled an idea for a non-lethal weapon.

"Eli! So nice to see you again, darling" She was wearing her dark googles, she was seemingly working on a rusty SVT-40, a weapon that was not uncommon in the outskirts of the territory. She quickly took them off as she looked at him, with some small smudges of oil over her face "Tell me, what's that project you said you had for me?"
"It's something a bit less dangerous than your usual projects, Gunny..." he handed her the paper, which depicted a modified flaregun, one that instead of firing normal flares fired 'Nets'. These nets would be made of what was commonly refered to as 'piano strings', and would entangle the target, incapacitating them and making struggling against the string hurtfull for them. There were also some ideas for different kinds of shells, but for the moment the only one he seemed to be sure of was this one.

"Hmm, it's a rather simple design allright... I'l have to modify one of my old flareguns but i believe i can fit it to fire these things. You know it'll have a relatively short range for a gun, right?" "Yeah. I figured as much. I might not be versed in mechanics but i know how physics work, Gunny. Do you think you can make it for me?"

Her eyes seemed to sparkle with a strange creativity as he asked, taking the paper and putting it up on her wall "Of course, hun. Come back in a day and i'll have it ready for you!"

After those few words, Gunny set off to work on the gun. Working the actual weapon took her about 7 hours, she was more than excited to work on a new project, and she used a combination of several things she learned during her time messing with weapons back in Louisiana as a hobby to create Eli's "Net-gun" as he had dubbed it in the paper

Following the small drawing that Eli gave her she reinforced the back part of a very old Flaregun she had with her, and disasembled a few flaregun shells she had laying about.    
She used the scrap materials she had and the parts of other broken flareguns and used flares to build a shell that would hold the 'net'. She used some old wiring that she had made some days ago out of mere boredoom, which was made using crumbled down glass and an old method of combining it with the wire itself which thankfully only required the glass (which is in abundance at the old Bunker), Any kind of glue available (For which she had some saved up from the city, UU branded), Creating a thing that in south america is called 'Hilo Curado', A wire that is more resistant, but when handled without gloves or thick fabric on your clothes, can cause one to cut themselves.
After the weaving of the net itself was done, Gunny added some metal weights to the sides of the net, these would lead the net into tangling up over the person once it hit them, and thus drop them down by causing them to lose balance. While they were not particularly heavy, she placed them in such a way that they would effectively wrap the net around the victim on a succesfull hit. Finally, she fixed up the Flare shell's load to be smaller, making it so that the net would not fire too hard onto the person, and thus not cause any permanent or deadly damage because of the net's cutting factor. The ammount of the chemicals inside the shell would be about the same as a handgun, making the shells easy to fix up and be re-usable /if/ Eli was able to find more rounds.
She prepared 5 of these special shells to go with the gun, and to boot, she polished the worn flaregun, trying to clean up most of it's imperfections. By the end, the reinforced, Black matte weapon looked as good as any other decent weapon in the outlands can (To an extent of course, with some worn marks still, and without a professional finish to the reinforcements on the grip and the opening in the end.)

The next day, Gunny handed the weapon to Eli and told him everything he needed to know about it, as well as how to contact her in case he needed more shells for it, or even work on new ones. "I don't know how exactly i can repay you... This is a pretty big thing to give to someone you met only a few days ago".

"Oh relax Darling, you do enough good out here that you get a free pass" She gave him a warm smile as she patted his shoulder "Just go out there and kick some butt." With that said, Eli thanked her one last time and left her to be for the moment, leaving towards the Inn with his brand new weapon

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
[Eli 'Harceleur' Valerian]
-The gun would be usefull as it would allow him to take down individuals without having to kill them, incapacitating them without the needless use of extra violence.

[Gunny Smith]
-The ability to maintain and possibly fix weapons in outlands, as well as have a small workshop that would allow for interesting RP between characters.
-The ability to (to a very limited extent) customize weaponry

[Eli 'Harceleur' Valerian]
-Due to the modifications needed to make the flaregun work, it would have a limited range, making it a mid-range weapon that requires some time to arm as well as some space to properly act.
-The ammunition for such a weapon is limited, while recyclable, this can be done only once or twice. Making the ammount of usages 10 to 12 at best for this weapon. Once all of these are used, an auth is required to make more ammunition.

[Gunny Smith]
-The fact that she's one of the few people that can work with guns would make her a major target for bandits in outlands
-She requires extensive ammounts of scrap metal and materials to create and fix weapons, thus making the process of making a repair extensive and always requiring a proper auth.
-Her old age means that most of her weapon fixes won't always be 100% accurate, but once more, she's the only one out there who can really do some of these complicated fixes
-Fixing a weapon usually requires a lot of time as well, making her unable to fix more than 2 weapons at best per auth.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
[Eli 'Harceleur' Valerian]
-I would plan on taking on the people who create issues in outlands in a more efficient, less lethal way.
-I would also make a bigger point on Eli's new take on fighting people, finding more non-lethal ways to fight back

[Gunny Smith]
-I intend to create more interesting RP, as well as take 'jobs' from people to fix weaponry and to create a better and more equipped outlands for those who have and can use weaponry (I would not 'create' a weapon, i would 'fix' weapons for those who already have them, or combine two broken down IC weapons into one fixed weapon)

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
No one apart from the two characters listed in this auth

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
This is a long auth. Sorry for the poor bastard that has to read it whole. xd


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Re: Eli 'Harceleur' Valerian and Gunny Smith's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2012, 05:41:19 PM »
I've known Eli for a long time both ICly and OOCly, he is definately capable of this. It surprises me that he even has to apply anymore. +support

Offline Kevin

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Re: Eli 'Harceleur' Valerian and Gunny Smith's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2012, 05:52:58 PM »
Same. I've known him a long time, he's a good enough RPer, +support especially considering the weapon is non lethal for Harceleur.
Frolie [Tray is Krogan]: sup bra
Tray [Isn't Krogan]: not much panties

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Re: Eli 'Harceleur' Valerian and Gunny Smith's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2012, 08:14:36 PM »
Really detailed and interesting story.
I've seen "Eli" in the outlands before and i must say his rp is really something different from the usual.
The "net-gun" is an interesting weapon in itself and I find Elions capable of handling such a weapon.
As far as I know, Elions isn't abusing his authorizations, so I see no troubles in giving him both auth's.
If I could, I would accept this straight away.

Offline Elions

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Re: Eli 'Harceleur' Valerian and Gunny Smith's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2012, 10:10:39 PM »
Really detailed and interesting story.
I've seen "Eli" in the outlands before and i must say his rp is really something different from the usual.
The "net-gun" is an interesting weapon in itself and I find Elions capable of handling such a weapon.
As far as I know, Elions isn't abusing his authorizations, so I see no troubles in giving him both auth's.
If I could, I would accept this straight away.

I hope you don't mind next time someone asks me about my RP level i'll just link them to this xD Also semi-bump

Offline Elions

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Re: Eli 'Harceleur' Valerian and Gunny Smith's Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2012, 01:46:23 AM »
I'll happily support the ability to repair weapons which have their parts packaged together (not necessarily in working condition though) but I can't support something which is going to enable a character to make their own weapons from scrap metal. The net flaregun seems fine as well as the engineering skills.

No worries, she can't make weapons from just junk, not unless it's a incredibly simplistic design, in which case the gun would have easy to spot flaws. She needs the parts of a broken down weapon to be able to make an actual gun. And it obviously has to be an IC broken weapon

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Re: Eli 'Harceleur' Valerian and Gunny Smith's Authorization Application
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2012, 04:24:22 PM »
I'll accept this based on what you and Jackal have said, the net gun is an interesting idea and as long as you don't pull it out and instantly trap someone EVERY encounter (as in, you'll need to be ready to use it not just /me pulls out gun and traps under net huauhaueh) then that seems fine. Also with the broken down / scrap metal weapons type stuff, that all seems find as long as you do what Jackal has said (can't smash scrap metal together and create M16s).

Locked, moved, accepted etczz


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