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Topics - [LP]GMK-MRL

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IC Chat / <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM-RCT.742 Private Logs||::>
« on: October 13, 2012, 10:30:04 AM »
Enter Password: ************
Connecting to Network

New Log Opened:

This has been a large accomplishment. Not as large as I had expected, but still pretty big. I had never thought it would be like this....So well oriented and together, better than our previous military forces themselves. They just know how to do it and I'm a new subject in their socioality experiment. To me, that sounds like the chance of a lifetime, to may sound a bit bitter. But, I do understand how their methods are...harsh against others. Still having a bit of trouble dealing with this, but I....had to deal with a rouge citizen. I was about to leave her in her cell...but my superior officer, superior in intelligence and strength, told me to....perform a Major Re-education amongst her body. I can't re-call how many times I struck her.....but I know I did the job, and it wasn't easy. The worst part was, I was ordered to throw her in the garbage dumpster. The garbage!I had never thought they were that cruel against...well their own kind. But, I am still new to this orginzation and I hope to learn a lot more. I'm still a little proud for helping catch those two murderers, wasn't even hard to tell the truth. I wonder how that citizen got our radio frequency....anyways, I hope she gets a large sum of points and maybe even a spot in the CCA.

Saving File As: NewArrival
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved
Disconnecting C45.CCA.UNIFORM-RCT.742

City Administrator / My Return
« on: October 12, 2012, 05:20:49 AM »
<::Message Begin::>
Good morning everyone, today I have finalized the paper work to ensure my final stay at City 45. I'm dearly sorry for leaving you all for the long moment of time, but I was called to City 17 for a reason. Anyways, I'm here for good and i'm here to stay. I'm happy to see my college Pierce Cullen has finally reached the goal of Consul! As thrilling as it may be, I need to have my name added back onto the database as well, this is more of a request to have it back on there with my original spot.

-Your Vice Consul
William House

<:Message End::>

Media / Some music I helped produce with a band and their record.
« on: October 03, 2012, 12:34:38 AM »
If you're not into metal, then you don't have to listen (Please don't comment that you just don't like metal). But, if you do listen to metal, please give me an honest opinion of their performance.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Accepted Outlands Appeals / Rex 'Luco' Vindicta's Outlands Appeal
« on: September 17, 2012, 06:39:58 PM »
Steam Name: NUWNSD

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:20836153

Name: Rex 'Luco' Vindicta

Reason for the switch:

As Rex Luco Vindicta resides in the cottage owned by the Wilson brothers, he begins to slowly lose his mind to paranoia. He is being accused of actions he had no part of, yet only watched and remained idle. He felt betrayed and disowned as he gripped his pistol with all five fingers and with enough fury to shoot the first thing that entered the door. He moved over to the nearest couch and leaned back, resting and calming his self residing back into his thoughts. Yet, they were abruptly interrupted as his ally and trusted friend, the Vortigaunt Ta'Saktu knocked on the front door. He quickly jolted up with his pistol aimed upwards next to his chest, he slowly opened the door, allowing Ta'Saktu to walk inside. He then quickly shut and locked the door. Both remained silent for a good duration of their stay. Then, after several arguments over the radio going silent, he heard the man in the vest (Old Man) say, "Loco, Razors is coming after you." As Rex heard these very words, he immediatly jolted up from the couch and gripped his pistol tight, awaiting the arrival for his new enemy, Razors. Fortuantly, he didn't have to wait long, as he heard the young woman scream his name outside of the Cabin. She yelled at him a multiple of threats, but Rex was not phased nor frightened by any of them. Infact, it increased his rage. Things went silent for awhile and he heard some scrambling in the back of the Cabin, he then see's her with a gasoline tank and a lighter. His instant thoughts were, "This bitch is going to burn down this cottage!" He then shoots the lock off the door and uses his foot to kick it open, skipping backwards away from the door with the weapon pointed towards the door way. He then sees her jolt back as he fires three bullets in her direction. Then there is a duration of nothing but shouting and threats, in which Rex tries to explain his innocence. Then, before Rex's voice could leave his very throat, a shot rings out from outside. He then corresponds over the radio to Old man, "Old man, I think something is wrong with Razors...", expecting him to come running down to her rescue. Instead, he was shocked at what he heard. He heard Old Man shouting "It's fine Rex, she's unarmed!", dumbfounded and bewildered beyond all proporitions, he then walks outside calmy with his pistol still raised in fear. After walking closer to examine the scene, he sees "Old Man" looking over "Razors" with his pistol aimed at her face. He then signals for Rex to come closer. Trusting "Old Man" he comes closer towards them both, his pistol now being shoved back into the waist band of his pants and being flicked on safety. "Old man" then said, "I want you both to leave today, Rex I want you to go back to the City, and Razors, there is a rebel group not to far from here that will treat your bullet wound." He then handed Rex a simple map, detailing a number of paths to take. "This is an Old TLM map Rex, use it to get back to the City." Old Man says. He turns towards Razors and hands her a backpack full of supplies for the long journey. She smacks it away from him and slowly limps upwards. Old man then shrugs his shoulders and turns back to Rex, saying "You want this? Apparently she doesn't want it.." He graciously takes it and slings it over his back and secures it onto his back. He then says to Old Man, "Thanks Dad." and does a two finger salute, walking down the small slope leading onto a long road into the distance.

If required, write a detailed backstory on how your character left the outlands:

Time when it happened(if mis-click)

Whenever the school day ends, I usually drive downtown. Make some cash(Usually deal coca and special k), go to work, get paid 20/hr, go home, do hw, go BACK out, do family stuff, try and find some damn females(Been a challenge lately), and then I finally go home and chill out with some friends (A Dark Tree :D) and smoke some Loud or Green lantern on some days. Then I get up and drive back to school, then the cycle repeats :D.

Post your after school story.

EDIT: Forgot to put this in, but I do FAP feverishly when the day ends (11PM-1AM)

Social Discussion / What song best describes your lifestyle?
« on: September 07, 2012, 01:41:31 AM »
To provide an example:

Mine is like this song every day.(Not as cool as I thought my life would be if it matched this song)

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Social Discussion / A game.
« on: August 27, 2012, 01:01:18 AM »
So here goes the game.

Basically reply your fav color and I will tell you what gang you are in. Then, you will have to friend said people and screenshot your steam messages when ever you "stack" (Flash Gang Symbols or Gang lingo) at each other.

Preston Connor's Civil Authority Application

OOC Name:

IC Character Name: Preston Connor

1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.
As a child, Preston was never really treated equally amongst those whom he has grown up around. Most of them picked on him or mis-treated him. The only ones that actually cared for his saftey were his parents and his dog. No other human had treated him with equal value or effection. And of course, they were taken away from him and their spots in his heart were replaced with pain,suffering, tourture and endless loss.

He snapped and grew frustrated with the world. Preston was angry with the world and believed that it could be fixed. Sometimes, he felt pitty for the weak and aided them from people who assualted them. Preston views the Combine Civil Authority as an orginization that outlined his life and stood for what he believed in, perfection, order, and control. Preston believes being in the CCA is much more worth while than suffering along with his fellow citizens.

Preston knows that if he gets involved with the CCA his ideals will most likely follow through and be opressed against the very citizens he deemed as unfair or unequal. Also, he has heard rumors of punishments given to citizens who go against the rule of the Combine and he thinks that the punishments given are well deserved since they are basically going against his ideals as well. During his time in City 45, Preston has been threatend by a multitude of citizens due to his actions and views. With these threats, Preston plans to inact vengence and justice upon those whom threatened him.

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)

3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character.
Preston's first day will most likely be difficult. He might see the oppession of women, which might shock a nerve. But, of course, he is used to death and violence, but not like the violence the Combine Civil Authority causes. Constant beatings and people being burned to death by electric laser will distrub Preston to an extent where he would lose the ability to care for citizens. This of course, will cause him to become overwhelmingly loyal to the CCA.

Preston would most likely be silent on his first day. He won't say much because he might be fearful of the CCA turning out like the citizens who where un-equal to him. The only ones he expects to treat him harshly, are the ones who are praised and respected (HC). If Preston were to progress through the ranks, he would only speak to get down to the point. He would remain blunt and to the point, he would believe that small chatter give citizens the time to escape their authority and speak against their word.

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.
Before the portal and 7 hour war |Childhood|
Preston's story begins with him as a child. He was born on 1990, July 24th. He loved his family, his dog Rex, and his friends. His father William Yont was part of the S.W.A.T force, and Preston looked up to his father wanting to be him and do what he did. His mother was a head nurse at a hospital. Preston found himself alone when he was a kid from his parents being away all the time doing business. The only company he had was Rex. He would go on “adventures” with his dog loving it, and finding things. They would go into the backyard and chase each other, play games like catch. One day Preston was alone and he was playing with his dog outside in the backyard like usual, they were tired and looked up at the sunset as the day ended. He went inside with Rex, fed him, and took him up to his room to sleep. Preston awoke getting ready for school, he was in second grade and go down to the kitchen to get breakfast, and be on his way to school. Rex would follow him wagging his tail until he walked out the front door. And Rex would wait for his best friend to arrive again. Preston didn’t have many friends at his school due to his appearance and his personality. Preston liked weird things, so he was labeled weird at his school, he would be made fun of, and it made him feel sad, and he would cry. But when he returned his dog Rex would be there and the wag of his tail and that smile he made when he saw Preston cheered him up. And he would play alone with his dog, in the backyard, with no parents around. And then would feed his dog, going to his room, maybe play with his toys, or playing video games like a normal boy would, and go to sleep with Rex at the bottom of his bed. One time Preston accidently pushed Rex off and Rex gave off an aggravated look on his face. And you must wonder how a dog gets an aggravated look on his face, well that was just Rex he was special like that. Preston hugged him feeling bad and then laughed and they would play around again.  And that routine would repeat with minor differences. His parents where away at night, and they only saw him in the mornings, and during the mornings they would act like a happy normal family. One day Preston woke up, getting out of his bed and Rex would wake up jumping out of the bed with him. He brushed his teeth, put on his uniform for school, and walked down the stairs rubbing sleep out of his eyes. He sat down at the table and waited for his food. Mom came up putting down eggs, and bacon. Preston looked around and said “Where is daddy?” and mom said he was away for work. Preston simply ignored it being that this had happened multiple times. Preston finished his breakfast, went outside and waited for the school bus. He looked up at it scared at the other kids, but walked up. With the steps of the bus, each step went clunk, sighed, sand sat down at the back, alone. He watched his dog wait for him at the end of his gate, and watch him leave. Preston sighed, plumping back down in his seat looking down into his hands. In his hands was his lunchbox with food he didn’t like. As he was observing it something hit his head, and laughter followed. He looked up and saw a crumbled piece of paper, he opened it to investigate. It said “Loser”. Preston’s mouth uncontrollably went down, but he remembered something his father said. Don’t let those beneath you bring them down with you. So he sucked it up, looking up letting the tears in his eyes not spill. In anger, he tossed it back missing. The children snickered and laughed, and then Preston put his lunchbox to his face hiding it, and lied in the booth. Minutes pass as the kids pick on him, and they arrive at school, beginning Preston’s torture. Inside his uniform he hid a tape recorder, and waited to go to his English Teacher’s class, Miss Howard. An unfair and mean teacher he hated.

He went through his schedule. Math, science, lunch and recess, P.E, and dismissal Preston hated English and P.E as he was pathetic in them. Math he was very good at, Science came to him naturally, as he saw everything realistically. Preston much enjoyed his Science teacher Mrs. Patterson. She was a Rangers fan, and was a charismatic and humorous person. Even though she did not pay attention to him, Preston spent his time in class staring at Meagan even though he never stood a chance to be with her. She was laid back, beautiful, athletic, and funny. Everything he wanted. Childhood friends, Megan was his only real friend at school he liked. He got an extra heart beat when he looked at her, and his heart stopped when she looked at him.  He nervously smiled back, and she sent a hearty and friendly one back. When the teacher called out get a partner Preston immediately looked at Meagan but was too shy to ask. He approached her slowly, tapping her shoulder to get her attention. She was partnered with Blake, an athletic kid that was opposite in every way to Preston, he frowned and was eventually in the back of the room. Not even taken part of the nice fun science test. He sat looking at the lockers, head limp and a sob every now and then. He knew the reasons people picked on him, because kid’s where mean, and found a reason to pick on Preston. He hated everyone, and things ran in Preston’s head, he hated everyone, and and everybody because no one accepted him, no one wanted him because of how he was. And because of that, he decided to give them another reason to hate him. The whole time Preston being picked on, did barley anything back. He snuck out of the room, daringly. Went to the fire alarm, and yanked it. And ran outside knowing the cameras saw him, he walked the direction back to his house, nervous. He knew his parents would figure out, and the teachers in a couple minutes. But he felt good, knowing he finally did something bad. A couple blocks away from his house he small smoke in the sky, and fire alarms going off. He ran as it was the direction of his house. His house was on fire, and his mother and dog where in it. He ran screaming and yelling “Get out of my way! That’s my house!” He ran up to the gate, and inside, before he could get inside an arm grabbed him. A fireman told him to stay here. So he did, looking down in complete fear, as he heard his mother screaming. But not his dark barking, he was so urged to run in to find his dog. But he couldn’t because he was weak, and pathetic. He told himself that after the fire was put out and his mother was in the hospital, and Rex, inside a grave in a He visited the cemetery every day after the incident, with Rex’s favorite chew toy, and his chain. He got up, and walked down the path to his house. To get ready for his usual cycle. But more lonely.

Teenage/Young Adult

Preston Connor now at age 15, still around the crowd he was with as a boy. He is more fit, tall and average. He has more respect, and more friends. He likes his new way, but his past scars him forever. After the events that took place that day, everyone looked at him, and he was surprised as he had peoples’ attention. He looked at Meghan, and she was crying. He was never in trouble for what he did with the alarm. His mother is now crippled from the waist down as the fire broke a pillar down onto her back. His father died being shot in the head, attempting to rescue a man in a hostage situation. He remembers everything he taught him, hand signals, and some formations. He is alone, and cares for his small family, and holds onto his friends as much as he can, fearing they will leave him. He watches Meaghan and Blake be together happily, as Blake punches Preston in the face, not fighting back in fear of losing her respect. Preston rarely talked, and when he did, it was when he was asked something and the replies would be short. Preston loved all subjects in school now, as he was good at them. He was educational and intelligent. Preston’s life at these points was filled with phases, and hormones. People around them led drama, and attempted suicide for what seemed like spilled milk for Preston. He helped them anyways, saving lives and bringing them up. Not letting them down, with the people beneath them. One day Meghan ran up to Preston crying, saying that Blake cheated, and then beat her. Preston, loving Meghan, turned angry, and violent. He walked up to Blake in the middle of class, grabbing his shirt slamming his face into the desk several times breaking it, then performed a straight kick pushing him out of the chair, falling on his arm. He then dragged him out the room, pulling the fire alarm like he did when he was young making everyone run to the exit. The student’s found Preston outside on the steps, beating his face into a pulp not giving up, his fist started to bleed, and Blake had no teeth, swollen face, bleeding all over. Soon police came and took Preston to Juvenile Hall. Preston never called anyone, was taken to court, and was sentenced to a year in Juvenile Hall. To him the place was weak, and beneath him. People tried to step on Preston, but got squashed in the process. There where shanking, killing, beatings, and torture around Preston. He snapped, angry, mad at the world and god at all the things that had happened to him. He left Juvie after a year. Everyone feared him; he looked for Meghan as she was his only interest. And found her looking at him with a scared face. He tried to calm her but she put his hand away. And ran, she was scared of him everyone was. IT seemed to him that he was an outcast again; a person who was never to be spoken with or else they would be killed or beaten. Preston lived this way until his mother passed away, and Preston sent to a foster home. Preston ran away from the Foster home, living on the streets moving place to place. One night on the cold room of an apartment, Preston heard screaming, and ran to help. He found a female with one green eye, one blue. Being attacked by a man dressed in all black. The girl tried to fight him off but was too weak to stop him. He tackled the man, and was reminded of Blake. He blacked out, and beat the man to a pulp. When he awoken he found the girl hugging him. Blake forgot what physical contact felt like as he was anti-social. He nervously hugged her back, and asked in a weak tone “A-are you ok ma’am?”  She nodded tears in her eyes. Yes I’m fine thank you, thank you. The two eventually got acquainted better. He figured out her name was Carly Morris. The two started to date, but then eventually split up, going back on their lonely, pathetic lives. Living day to day, moving, and working.

Adult life-The beginning of the portal wars and Seven hour war
Preston was sick of how his life turned out, lonely, devastated, and violent; he was listening to himself, since only he was around. He worked out, and kept fit. He sat in his room, then the ground began to shake, and loud noises where heard. All of the sudden a loud whirring electric noise was heard in front of him. There was a head crab leaping for him. He instinctively moved out of the way, grabbing a knife and waited. As the head crab jumped again, he put the knife in its path and led its death. He was in panic and looked at the news. He saw that raging animals of sorts where appearing from thin air destroying the town. He packed supplies and left the apartments, leaving out of the city fighting countless amounts of head crabs, and anti-lions. He hid in an abandoned farm, and lived off of what he could use. A couple months later, soldiers of sorts started surrounding the place. They opened fire, burning the barn and everything in it. Preston was taken and captured, and hauled off to City45. He looks up to the combine because he sees how he can be of purpose, and avenge his family. And he knew he would make his father proud, going up and not going down to people beneath himself.

5) Have you ever had a CCA character here at Catalyst Gaming?  If so, explain why it was removed.
Yes, going into the sewers without auth.

OOC Details

1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general?
3-4 years

2. How long have you played on serious servers?
3 years

3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming?
1-2 years

4. What Time zone are you in?
(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

5. In what country do you live?

6. How old are you?
17 (Re-app Just turned 18)

7. What�s your most memorable quality RP experience?
It was on CG when we used to do UCH searches and also I built a few things in GRID.

8. Do you consider yourself a good listener?
I guess so. Some people say I am. Others say i'm not.

IC Section

Full Name: Preston Connor
CID: 74422
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Hair Colour Brown
Eye Colour: Brown
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Weight: 156lbs.
Mental Distinctions: Lacks Empathy
Mental Defects: None
Mental Advantages: Disciplined
Notable Qualities: Silent, Trustworthy

1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain?

2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations?

3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union?

4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility?

5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live?

6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?
To ensure the continuation of the Combine Civil Authority and to keep sociostability in City 45.

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, Preston Connor hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.

"Ask Me Anything" / Ask anything
« on: August 16, 2012, 05:25:12 PM »
I don't care what you ask. Just go ahead and ask it.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / What I think of most CCA 05's and Recruits
« on: August 14, 2012, 02:59:40 AM »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Player Section

Steam Name:
Age: 18
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 3-4 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 3-4 years

Character Section

-The ability to Transport Light Weapons (Pistols)
-The ability to Transport very limited amounts of ammunition
-Moderate Medical Knowledge
-Moderate Sugrical Knowledge

Name: Rex 'Luco' Vindicta
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Rex has been in the outlands for some time now. He has done many things and has joined many affiliations. For now, he is a medic at the clinic in the local Inn located at the Outlands. He is also a medic working for the famous trading group T.O.T.O. He has learned a great deal of things and has acquired much knowledge. Through this, he has learned several methods on how to follow through with a multitude of operations.
   Once Rex has joined the Clinic at the inn, he has found a vast majority of books that entail medical knowledge and surgical prowess. Luckily, on his first day he had his first experience with a medical emergency. He was walking with a group from the Inn at the riverbed when they stumbled upon a woman who was collapsed on the ground. She wasn’t responsive to shakes or taps to the face, so Rex and the lead medic turned her on her side to examine her for injuries. They found out that her tibia had been broken and the bone had pierced through the posterior side of the leg, leaving a bloody mesh of blood and torn muscle. The lead medic and Rex had encountered a huge problem. Luckily, she was unconscious, so the large amount of pain she would feel from the upcoming procedure would be harmless. In shock and awe, Rex watched the lead medic slowly shove the shattered and broken bone back into the woman’s leg. Snapped back into reality, the woman asked Rex to attend to her open gash. He then reached into his small backpack and laid down a medkit next to the woman and opened it, revealing its contents. Rex had a some spare thread that was thick enough to stitch the wound together. He was also given a vial of anti-biotic and anti-septic to prevent infection of the wound. He first removed the cap of the vial, revealing a needle and he then slowly injected it into the carotid artery. After both vials were injected into the same area, he grabbed the needle and thick thread. He then, began to sew the wound to a close, wiping away any blood around the wound. Once he finished said task, he asked the lead medic what they should do with the woman. She said, “We have done all we can do. Just wait for her to wake up." He nodded to her and had followed her all the way back to the inn along with the others accompanying them.
   Once back at the Inn, Rex and another senior member met at the top floor, which was considered the clinic. There was a commotion downstairs that was caused by a man bringing in a collapsed woman. She was breathing, but it was shallow and raspy. Her pulse was very low and her body temperature was lowering as well. Rex and the Senior Medic went downstairs and told the man to hand over the limp woman over to them. Rex, being the stronger male, took the woman and heaved her over his shoulders. He then slowly placed her down onto the rigid bed. The female senior surgeon prepped her for a quick examination. As she opened the woman’s shirt, she noticed that there was an extremely large and dark bruise all around her chest region. Rex looked over her shoulder and asked, “Wow…that’s a really deep bruise. I’ve seen shit like that before. People usually get’em that dark when they broke a bone or hurt a lung.” Before he could move forward, she slammed a book on Rex’s chest and said to him, “Read up and help me.” He nodded to her and cracked open the book. He looked in the index for the section on Cardiovascular Trauma. Once he has spotted the correct page number, he quickly flips it to the correct page in a great rush. Once he looks up, he sees the senior medic attempt to begin the procedure. She opened the woman’s mouth and set a medkit next to her body on the bed. She unclipped its hinges and removed some surgical tubing from it. She slowly slid it down her throat, stopping once it has reached an obstruction. Rex assumes this is a surgical procedure to allow the liquid to flow out of her lungs and on to the bedside. She then removes a scalpel from the open medkit case and opens the woman’s chest by making a lateral incision along the chest, opening it using surgical spreaders to open up her chest. From this point on, Rex begins to jot down notes inside of the book she handed him using a worn down pencil he found inside of the book.
   Once finished with the procedure, Rex snaps the book full of notes shut and shoves them back into his bag. He then asks the senior surgeon, “Am I needed here anymore ma’am?” she replies with, “Nope, don’t need ya for now.” He nods to her and continues to walk downstairs and out of the door. On the dirt road, he finds the leader of the TOTO trading group lugging around a small cart full of materials. Rex was looking for them for quite some time now in order to join their ranks. He asked her, “Hey aren’t you in TOTO?” she responded with a subtle, “Yes, I am.” Rex then said, “You know where the leader is? I’m looking forward to be recruited.” She replied, “You’re looking at her.” He responded with, “Ah, okay. Well are spots open.” She said, “Yes, a few are if you’re looking to join. Follow me back to the outpost.” Rex nodded and moved over to the cart to help her heave the object over to the outpost. Afterwards, they both entered the outpost and continued upstairs for a discussion about recruitment. She asked him a range of questions entailing on why he would want to join TOTO and what he can do as a member. Remembering he still has the medical book, he declares himself a medic. She nods to him and says, “We need some medics, too many infantry men.” He nodded to her and said, “Thank you ma’am.” She tossed him a TOTO armband a small guide to trade routes and a small map of the outlands. It also showed a small map of the outer-lining of City 45. She said to him, “Use it wisely, and you will make it far.” With those words, he nods to her and headed out the door.
   As he makes his way down the road, he meets up with one of the many Vortigaunts he had befriended. The Vortigaunt, Cathuul, offered to guide him back to the City, but he refused to venture into its walls with him. Rex agreed with his statement and promised him that as soon as he needed to venture out of the city, he would help guide himself the rest of the way using the book given to him. Later that day, Rex has met up with a number of Vortigaunts. He asked them the same question and they all told him that they would guide him to the walls, but they won’t venture with him into the City. Rex, elated at this news, returns to his new TOTO quarters and begins outline his plan for a return to City 45. He plans on returning…..very soon.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
-New trade routes for TOTO
-Ammo sales for TOTO
-I could save my own life/ some passive rp for myself
-I could save another's life/ some passive rp for others

-Increase on Caravan Raids/more attacks on TOTO Caravan.
-The ammo is crude and can backfire causing severe injury or death.
-Moderate Medicinal Knowledge is limited when it comes to fatal viruses and diseases/also if the book is lost, then the perks are lost
-Moderate Surgical Knowledge is limited when it comes to fatal injuries, such as cardiac surgery or organ replacement.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to help increase the amount of passive RP in the outlands for the clinic and I will also help the orginzation TOTO become an offical trading group. The defects will allow a P2L factor to help combat RP and to help continue a Passive RP situation for a long period of time.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
I know this may seem a bit extreme, but when you are given guides on how to do things, then you can just read them and follow them step by step. And if it's not in the guide, then it's out of my range of work.

City Administrator / <::||The Newspaper Project||::>
« on: August 11, 2012, 01:53:28 PM »
The Newspaper Project


This Project was introduced to me by a Citizen not too long ago. He wanted the City Administration Board to develop a newspaper to help increase entertainment within the City. I personally think this would be a great addition and it could also increase morale. Though, it will only be pro-UU propoganda. Such as pro-UU Cartoons and sections of the paper dedicated to "Local Heros of the City" depicting the loyal actions of the Citizens. This could also provide Citizens with jobs, such as printers and those with a colorful imagination can possibly draw Cartoons. There could also be a section in the paper for the City Administrators to discuss pro-UU propaganda and how the City could be improved.

If anyone else has any ideas for this paper, then please feel free to place your ideas on this paper. (OOC: Reply)

City Administrator / <::||William House's File||::>
« on: August 05, 2012, 04:04:28 AM »

Qualifications: A Doctoral Degree in Pyschology and Sociology from Harvard University


Height: 5'6"


Gender: Male


Age: 45


Nationality: Afro-British


Steam name:


Timezone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Speech Outlines:
-Exogen Activity(3-4 Minutes)
-Pro UU propoganda(5-10 Minutes)
-Anti-Rebel Propgranda(3-4 Minutes)
-Improvements and Reward Benefites(3-4 Mintues)
-Conclusion and Updates(1-2 Minutes)

Citizen Complaints:
-UCH pipes and Sewer Systems Completed
-P3 Violence
-Jobless Citiznes(COMPLETED)
-CCA Abuse Completed
-Vortigaunt Violence Completed

Assistant Positions:
Consul Lauren Neil: N/A
Vice Consul William House: Open
Dr.Will Jones: Open
Dr.Cole Matthews: Open
Dr.Steven Green: Open
Dr.Kyle BlackBurn: Closed
Dr.Pierce Cullen: Open
Dr.Leonard Who: Open
Dr.Issac Eolas: Open
// Please tell me if you want one or not ICly or OOCly and I will change it to closed.

Promises made to Citizens
-Double Rations for Good behavior
-UCH fixed Fufilled
-Lowered Violence all-around

New projects and Orginzation Ideas
-Assistant Orginzation(COMPLETED)
-Private Gold Loyalist Section for Loyalist Building(Cancelled)
-Breen's Water Pump(In Progress.)
-Newspaper(In Progress)
None of these are in effect until approved amongst the Commander or Sectorial Commander and Consul Lauren Neil

NOTES: So far I'm planning on holding a meeting to discuss the new projects written above with my co-workers. The Private sector for the loyalist building shouldn't be that hard to accomplish. Infact, it should give the citizens a better reason to be a loyalist. Though I need to find a way to keep the citizens from begging the CCA for points and work. Instead, they just need to voulenteer or join the Civil Workers Union. This is a daunting task, since many citizens are only after extra rations and tokens. The number of loyalist in this City is limited enough....and the CCA doesn't help it increase. Then again, if it weren't for us, they would've killed us all off. Breen luckily made a deal with the rumored Advisors to keep us all alive. Well enough of that. I have a multitude to discuss with the citizens for now. These meetings and interviews can really tear a man down. But, I do it for the citizens so they can hopefully remain happy. I know it must be hard for them, but I try and try to rant to them that the City Administrators can only convince the CCA and can't order them. I've told them that we can build buildings and start projects to support their survival and keep them entertained in this City. It seems to be enough, but for others like the Anti-Citizens, it's not enough. They only want to see the world burn...and they won't stop at nothing to bring us down with them.'s my job and it's the job of my fellow City Administrators to use the power of influence to prevent further recruitment of such groups and to prevent such actions against the loyal citizens and the Combine Civil Authority.

-Purple: Citizen Related
-Red: Issue or Complaint Related
-Green: Planning or meeting related
-Navy Blue:Orginzations and Projects

Social Discussion / Why are all the servers down
« on: July 02, 2012, 06:31:31 PM »
What did I miss? All the servers are down.

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