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Guides / Vortigaunts!- The Common Misconceptions
« on: July 30, 2012, 03:30:10 AM »
Vortigaunts!- The Common Misconceptions

Hello, I am an avid Vortigaunt RP'er; I play on both the Outlands server with my free vort, and city for my conscript. In my short time, I have noticed a lot of people tend to have some misunderstandings about Vortigaunts, in this guide I will run by some things that are true and others that are simply not.

The Misconceptions

-All Vorts like humans-
False. This is an idea I have come across multiple times. Considering the Vortigaunts at this stage (one year on from the War in CG's Canon) the race are basically stranded on Earth, hunted by the Combine, surrounded by these Humans. This does not mean they will like you, it may be quite the opposite.

-Every Vortigaunt has a deep respect for life-
False. Think of it this way; the species has been torn untimely from it's home world by the Combine, forcing them to flee to Xen then the species is shoved into the frontlines to invade Earth, after the war they find themselves surrounded by creatures with no moral code (Humans). In short, Vortigaunts are only as obliged to a moral compass as we are, it is now an optional burden given the circumstances.

-All Vortigaunts accept the title "Vort"-
False. This is another one that happens a lot, humans calling Vortigaunts they just met "Vort". Depending on the individual, they may accept this title, they may decline it or they may take it as an insult. It is always best to ask first.

-Vorts are guaranteed to be friendly on approach-
Nope. They are just as likely to be as hostile as a human if given a reason.

-Vortigaunts eat potatoes-
Here is a strange one I encountered recently. While vorts can eat Human food, a free vort would much rather hunt for it's own prey ie: headcrabs and antlions. It may also be fair to assume that they may even eat human if that's all that's around.

-All Vortigaunts are masters of the Vortessence-
Though it can be assumed almost every free vort you will encounter has knowledge on how to wield the vortessence, this does not mean they are masters of it, some may have a lot of control over it while others find it hard to control.

-Vortigaunts are infinitely wise-
Nope. Some Vorts may be wise by age or by personality, they may have plenty of knowledge however they are still living creatures prone to emotions, this can cloud judgement and vision, it can lead to mistakes. Just like Humans, Vortigaunts make mistakes.

-Vortigaunts will help you out when you need it-
Need to power up a generator? Need to be healed? This does not mean the vort is obliged to help, again, you wouldn't expect a human to be a conduit put there to help you, so don't expect it of Vortigaunts.

Things you may not know about Vortigaunts

The Vortigaunts I have seen always use the word "Kin" it means brothers and sisters, like a family. When Vortigaunts use it it can mean one of two things. The first meaning of "Kin" is the general species, the vortessence means all vorts are linked so naturally they view every vort as a brother or sister. The second definition is for a close circle of vortigaunts that make up a real close family that can be called upon to assist a Vortigaunt.

-Most Vortigaunts do not like being approached by armed humans-
Simple instinct, remember Black Mesa? The Seven Hour War? The Vortigaunts don't have pleasant experiences when armed species approach them.

Thank you for reading this guide, I hope you know know some of the false assumptions and know not to make them now.

City Administrator / <::|| Isaac Eolas's File [DECEASED] ||::>
« on: July 26, 2012, 05:55:21 AM »

<::|| Consul Isaac Eolas ||::>

Qualifications: A Masters Degree in Ethics from Harvard University

Height: 6'1

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Nationality: French

Steam name: Dallas

Timezone: GMT-0

<::|| Logged Speeches ||::>

The Cell of The Union
Broadcasted on 26/07/17

Good evening citizens of City 45, my name is Doctor Eolas, I am one of your chosen Civil Administrators. Tonight citizens, I ask each of you a question; what are your goals in life? There is no doubt you have a myriad of answers ranging from the mundane to trivial, day-to-day tasks of monotonous nature. Yet tonight, I will share with you an idea; a vision, greater than any other, a thought that's very premise is synonymous transcendence. You see, citizens, this idea is a more than a thought. Because of the Universal Union, they can make this idea a reality! I am of course talking about the phenomena of "Singularity"

This idea is one of such a profound nature, of such magnitude, our minds were darkness and ignorant to this concept before the Union was handed power.  For anyone who cannot grasp the concept of this grand subject, I shall describe it to you; in the hopes you will learn. Imagine; a single organism moving across the voids of dimensions, The cell is controlled by a nucleus and every part of the cell has function and operates flawlessly. This "Cell" represents the Union; the peace and order that can come from Singularity has literally endless potential! And it was Our Benefactors who found us in darkness and have extended a hand to pull our species from the path of decay and destruction.

I want you to hold onto the image of the Cell of the Union, know that every contribution, no matter how small, is helpful to us. And remember that with each passing day, humanity takes one more step down the road of enlightenment, towards our goal, the goal of the Union and the goal of the species. Singularity is a beautiful reality; it will embrace us all very soon.

This is Doctor Isaac Eolas saying; peace awaits us.

The Price of Freedom
Broadcasted on: 15/08/17

Good day, citizens of City 45, this is Doctor Eolas.
In my administration, I have received a growing number of complaints regarding the Civil Authority, to be more specific, what you perceive as excessive violence. I will remind you what the Union does for us in hopes it will make you appreciate them more.The Union has single-handedly corrected Mankind's course of freefall to one of enlightenment by reducing the surplus of imperfection within our surging populations. The Union now protects us with bravery and defends a sacred code of justice that governs us fairly, under the Union Doctrine, we shall be led to greatness among the stars.

Housing, medicine, vaccines, security, food, all these things the Union gives us for free, all they ask of you, dear citizen, is your compliance with them. This concern rose about violent punishments? The concern isn't even valid concern because only law-breaking citizens are punished; the officers administering judgement must follow a strict set of rules when it comes to punishments. I, on the Unions behalf, hope you now understand that there is no such thing as unnecessary violence when it comes to the Union.

This is Doctor Eolas saying -Peace awaits us-   


The Path We Walk

The Path We Walk
Dr Isaac Eolas

"How much further?" Mankind asks. "How close are we to our goals?" I will answer that question, here, now.

From the dawn of time when our species emerged from the random and savage pits of evolution, we were dogged by fear, by the clutches of instinct. From our earliest days it was instinct that protected us from the superior predators that competed with our Darwinian ancestors for dominance, it saved us in the long nights and cold winters, it nurtured us as we grew and developed. It was clear from the very start that, as a species, Humanity was destined for greatness, chosen to become the apex predators of Earth. After centuries of development, a dozen millennia of instinct we had reached a point of unexpected complacency, the point where power was given to not those who could lead but instead to the corrupt and incapable, the cowardly leaders of nations bickered over their flawed resources and misguided populations. The people were monitored constantly by their own governments, so afraid of them they were; oppression was the public's master. Human advancement stagnated and ceased; the masses were being bred for slaughter, there only to power a false economy of deceit and lies. The ruling classes of Earth lived in decadent nests of overindulgence while the people were tortured with subliminal messages everywhere they looked, the urban sprawls swelled to insane amounts, the populations consisting of the imperfect and corrupt. Humanity had lost it's goal, it was now doomed and nothing short of a miracle could redeem Mankind.

But it was upon that day in 2015; when the skies were torn asunder and from the heavens emerged the mighty and glorious vessels of the Universal Union. The pitiful and evil governments of Earth crumbled and the world willingly gave itself to the Union, it is now Mankind finds purpose, a place to aim its sight on. The goal of singularity can and will be achieved with the help of Our Benefactors but they need us, they need Mankind to follow them there. The Union will set a goal for us to strive towards, we will follow, we may race behind and we may fall but we will pick ourselves up and one day, one day very soon...

We will join the Union.
We will reach our destiny.
We embrace the Singularity.

IC Chat / <::||017 BIO-DEVELOPMENT LOGS||::>
« on: July 21, 2012, 08:48:34 PM »

PROCEDURE:Variant A of Titan was prepared.

TESTING:Titan was tested on Level One Offender

REPORT: Once the Titan paste was applied to the subject's teeth, the anticipated corrosive effect occurred, causing immense pain to the subject as expected. However the corrosion was too strong and after 2 and a half minutes of being inside the subject's mouth, Titan burned away the tongue and gums before burning the esophagus, vocal chords and unfortunately this caused the subject to die four minutes into the procedure. 

CONCLUSION: Variant A is too acidic, must find a less potent variant that burns away enamel specifically, still no effective antidote to counter-act Titan.

Future Use: Intended for use in Apex interrogation.
Project Status: Alpha Testing

Social Discussion / Dark Knight Rises Massacre
« on: July 20, 2012, 01:04:13 PM »

Look at this shit...

It makes me so sad to hear about this. My sympathy to the families that were destroyed by this tragedy. What could drive a man to do this? Seriously...

Creations / Outland- A Half Life 2 RP inspired short story.
« on: July 18, 2012, 08:59:25 PM »
This story is the combined take I have had with HL2RP thus far, it was taken from a variety of different servers so the details will be sketchy and not accurate to CGs server, however it still abides by cannon. (note I am only 16 so this story may be pretty shoddy.)

This is a short story series I have written and finished in my internet down time. Some feedback would be nice. The art is by LouisGFX.

Entry one.

The cold air was crisp and moist through my mask's filters; each breath felt shallow and artificial. The officers lined us up in the Citadel Courtyard and told us to wait for the Commander to arrive. There were twelve of us, RCTs, most were fresh off the train, suited up and then brought here for Basic Training, I had lived in City 8 for a few years, since the Seven Hour War. We waited for a good five minutes of silence before the Commander entered; he was a Unit of astounding rank, his presence demanded attention, the Officers and Division Leaders stood-to as the Commander strode between the lines of RCTs and High Command.

The Commander was dressed in heavy Commando gear; dark shaded Overwatch insignias lined his shoulders, his mask was similarly modelled after the Division Leader with large strips of darkness running into the filters. The Commander, or CmD as referred to for short, spoke in a deep monotone voice that tinged with annoyance at the sight of me and the other Recruits.
'Recruits!' He shouted deeply, echoing in the empty courtyard. 'I am CCA-C8.CmD.1012,'

He gestured the three division leaders behind him to step forward, the one on the far left was introduced; he was a large unit of roughly 6'8 feet tall, on his back was an AR2 Pulse Rifle. 'This is the DvL of HELIX Division, #4565.'
The second DvL stepped up.
'This is AURA Divisions DvL, #7778.'
The final DvL stepped up, he wore a darker uniform and had a rather unique looking Datapad that glowed green on his wrist. The CmD then said.
'Last but not least this is NOVA Divisions DvL #4585 .'

After the introduction the CmD turned back to my line and began to pace along it, slowly inspecting each of us with dark, lidless eyes. 'You are all here because you believe in the future. You are here because the future is The Union.' Those words sank coldly through my mind and made my skin crawl slightly.
'You are here because the future is bright.' He finished, the DvLs nodded in agreement. 'Each of you have earned your right to be here,' He stopped and breathed heavily through his mask. 'however whether or not you are to remain with us is entirely down to you. Over the next week you will be tested to your physical and mental limit, your mind and muscle will grow to become a vessel for the Union and it's ideals, each of our DvLs will have different training tasks for you to undergo.'

I dared not make eye contact with the CmD or the DvLs but as I surveyed the courtyard I noticed a unit; he was an Officer by the looks of things, he wore the AURA insignia on his right shoulder, on his left there was a large CQC Combat Knife sheathed in dark leather, he held a loaded shotgun by his waist, I had only realised it now, this OfC had been staring at me this whole time and although it was impossible to tell what he was thinking behind the mask I could imagined it was something along the lines of a particularly brutal training exercise.

In all this thought I had completely tuned out of the CmD who was now onto the subject of the training timetable. The next few days would be AURA training (Social stability and Justice) then afterwards HELIX (Medical and Surgical) and finally NOVA training (Tech and apparatus) I still had not made up my mind as to which of these were for me, I guessed it didn't matter at the time. Only time would tell I told myself.




Entry two.

'Oh-Sixes!' The AURA DvL roared. 'Form up now!'

I moved into line beside my fellow Oh-Sixes, once again we were in the courtyard but this time it was not the CmD that had come to lecture us but the Sector Commander himself; the man was much less imposing than the CmD but he carried with him an air of swift judgement and resolve, two days ago he had shot an RCT for questioning him while he was talking, he had killed him without any emotion almost without thinking. The image of the RCT's shattered mask lying in broken splinters upon the street had stayed with me as a reminder of the SeC's ruthless power.

The SeC had come down from a meeting with Dr Eolas our City Administrator to make our promotions from RCT to Oh-Six official. The SeC sauntered over clutching his 44. Magnum (His obvious weapon of choice) he stopped in front of us and spoke in the same monotone voice that was calm and assuring but cold and un-feeling.
'You have completed your training and are ready to become a real part of the Universal Union.' He turned to the HELIX DvL; the unit straightened at once as the SeC asked him. 'They have chosen their Divisions?'
'Yes sir.' He said in dutiful monotone.
'Good,' The SeC turned to the rest of the DvLs. 'I trust each of you now to command your newest member with iron efficiency, lead them through your understanding of the Union and your devotion to our Benefactors.

The DvLs nodded along without hesitation. He then went over to the Nexus door where the CmD stood; his gaze followed us as the SeC walked inside then he turned in and the door slammed shut.
'All AURA units follow me.' Said a low monotoned voice, I turned back to the High Ranking units and saw one of the two AURA OfCs gesturing us to follow; the OfC was not the one from my first entry but was instead the Officer of Social stability. 'The rest of you to your operation bases.'

We stopped at the Nexus Mainframe platform; a large suspended glass floor that hung over the Detainment complex, it housed one of the main databases in City 8. The OfC looked over the many screens on the Mainframe then turned to us.
'Congratulations on your promotions Oh-Sixes I am AURA OfC #1323 I am head of Stability section in AURA, you are now able to patrol City 8 with other CCA units however before you leave, Justice OfC #9266 and I must split you into either Judgement section of AURA or Socialstability section.

At this point the elevator to the City Administrator's office opened and there stood the OfC from earlier, he strode out and joined the #1323 by his side.
'Are they ready?' He asked, his voice laden with a dark monotony.'
'They are,' The #1323 replied in a similar manner. 'you first.'
9266 nodded and began to inspect the five new candidates of AURA Division, myself included. 9266 stopped at me and pointed. 'This one.' My heart leapt and I shuddered slightly, I had always liked 1323 better, he seemed more approachable than 9266. 'What is your number?'
'2475, sir.' I replied slowly.
'Stand with me 24.' I complied with the OfC.

In the end two had gone to stability and three to judgement. (myself included) The OfCs talked quietly by the mainframe for a minute or so before turning back to us, 1323 spoke up.
'You are to find a partner and 10-50 D1 and D2, any problems and you radio us.' We nodded to our superior, then 9266 stepped forward.





Entry three.

In my twelve cycles as Oh-Six in AURA, I have seen only suffering and the worst kind of human neglect, these are... machines that lead us... all of them, cold and cruel, they think too much and feel too little. They care nothing for the Citizens, I do not understand how they could become so unjust, so...                 


Today I was promoted again but not by the SeC, CmD or DvL but by 9266. We were interrogating a suspect for owning a small amount of contraband, 9266 beat him heavily then asked him where he got it, when the citizen said he didn't know the OfC drew his Shotgun (he always referred to it as "Justice", which seemed a cruel and slightly ironic name) When the prisoner saw "Justice" he begged for 9266 not to kill him, the OfC then backed off, went to the door and ordered me and another Oh-Six to break his arms and legs. I whispered I was sorry, but I doubt he noticed as he cried in despair -then agony- The OfC walked in again and asked him again where he got it, he said something about a dumpster in the slums.

That day we searched every dumpster in the slums; nothing was there. When I returned, 9266 had dragged the prisoner out to the cell yard; he was bleeding and unable to move without screaming. The OfC walked past us then turned back and handed me a loaded 9mm pistol; the handle had an etched kill count on the barrel which totalled 17.
'Oh-Six.' He said in deep monotone. 'Amputate this bastard.'
I killed him with a quick headshot; the bullet smashed his skull but remained embedded in his destroyed brain, an Oh-One approached 9266; his stature was perfect, his long dark trench coat lined with various ammunitions, his mask was a darker shade than mine although similar in model.
'Shame.' sighed the OfC 'A waste of good ammo.'
'Should I send his body up to HELIX for dummy practise sir?'
'Yes Oh-One.'

The Oh-One dragged the messy body away, I was quite traumatised; my breathing was deep and my hands shook vigorously, I held the gun still, I looked at it for what seemed a long time as a sudden emptiness swamped me. That was that. I had killed a man, I had done as ordered... that man who knew nothing was now practise for surgery. All because of me.

'You can keep it.' 9266 said; he had noticed my idle stance and had walked up to me although I was still shocked. 'Consider it a gift... Oh-Five.' He left quickly and the last I heard of him was a radio request that my rank be raised. Like I had earned it. 




Entry Four.

My schedule as Oh-Five has been active and rigorous; at first light I, and the one other AURA Oh-Five, are  awoken from the barracks and brought to the Hand-to-Hand Drill room, once there 9266 proceeds to train us in the "Art" of unarmed combat. The OfC routinely lectures us on the stance, force and focus required for superiority in a fight and how useful it will be in the field to us. The drills are regularly bloody; the OfC demonstrated his advanced skill by completely pinning an Oh-One in a couple of hits, of course it may just be down to his augments but his finesse demands respect.

After Hand-to-Hand, the OfC dismisses us and we 10-50 Districts One to Nine, the time now is usually around midday we meet in the AURA Intelligence room for a brief on our progress report and what needs to be improved. The meetings are short but brutal, the DvL never beats around the bush, if you have not performed he WILL make an example of you. Today's meeting was a pre-mission plan for a large scale breach of an apartment complex in District Four, I was assigned to SPEAR team; our job was to sweep the building one at a time while CLAMP Team secured and locked the area. To back us up and act as fast acting recon was SPECTRE Team; they were made up of members who I had never heard of nor seen but I did not question it at the time.

The complex was two blocks facing inwards over an overgrown courtyard, a series of concrete walkways ran between the buildings. Each building was five stories high and every one of them contained those labelled Anti-Citizens, everyone there was due to be arrested. I and three others of SPEAR were tasked with clearing floor five of the south building. From what NOVA's scanners could pick up; the walls on our floor had been knocked through creating a long line of open apartments.

We armed up and moved out in APC transport. Once there CLAMP Team were well underway locking down the block and SPECTRE Team were defiantly inside, although the only way of telling was the sight of a distant dropship waving off from the complex. The broadcast system spoke from every speaker in the apartment complex.

"Citizen notice: Anti-social infections in this block. Compliance with your Civil Protection teams is mandatory."

SPEAR moved with an almost systematic grace towards their objectives, once at the first apartment door we waited for the signal...

"Commence plan code: Breach Stabilise Prosecute" The radio hummed. I kicked in the door, the other units barked their commands at the room full of people; citizens in blue jumpsuits all went to the ground, they were terrified. I swept the room for others that might hide, there were none. I gestured one unit to commence the search and arrests and the remaining units through the hole in the wall to the next room. The next room was much the same although the Unit I assigned to the room had to bash an unruly citizen in the gut with his baton for malcompliance.

The next the next couple of rooms contained no people; they were filled with suitcases of clothes, there were several pictures of children in each room, by each one a candle was lit. I scanned each shrine, my pistol drawn, with unease; the eerie testaments were arranged of broken toys and small ornaments, I felt slightly strange looking at these scenes; it was as if I was almost detached from them, like it was for the best that things were the way they were and that these children would have lessened the Union's standing if they were alive today.

'Contact!' Shouted one of the pointmen in final room. 'Armed, 9mm!' I moved swiftly to the breach in the wall and saw a woman standing with a pistol drawn; she was trembling but also firm in her stance, she knew what she had sentenced herself for by drawing a weapon. I ordered her to drop the gun, she only held fast to my slow advance. I stopped, the door behind her opened and two more armed citizens stepped out; one male, one female, they to also held 9mm pistols however these were in poor condition. Suddenly my radio buzzed.
'SPECTRE inbound, standby 24.' Said a deeply monotoned voice.

The window next to the man shattered as a unit rappelled through the glass; he landed on the man and fired a round of his revolver through his head, he then straightened his aim and fired the to the backup female, hitting her in the neck, blood sprayed over the front shooter who spun to kill the SPECTRE member. I acted fast and fired twice in each of her legs, she crumbled to the floor in a bloody mess.
'Amputate.' Murmured the dark shaded unit as he fired his revolver into her neck and watched her bleed for a long minute and a half before she gave into death.

After the raid I was called to the Intelligence room where the Unit from before was the only one present, who I later found to be OfC of GHOST Division, he handed me an armband with a rank insignia and the numbers "0.4" on it.

'Unit. You are now Oh-Four, congratulations, you are now a true Unit of the CCA, a gear in our grand machine.' I thanked the OfC and left quickly, back to the barracks. I am unsure if I will meet him again, if I do I hope it is in better circumstances. 






Entry Five.

After that raid many months ago I was taken from the barracks in the night and strapped into a processing unit. For the next two weeks I was been prepared, for what I did not know, until today. I was screened multiple times, images of torture flashed before my eyes relentlessly; long had I held back the urge to vomit or break down so disturbing were the clips and pictures. I suffered in near total isolation for a long time. After the final screening I blacked out and awoke from stasis in the HELIX Med-Bay; the HELIX DvL was there along with my DvL, they seemed like oily shadows in my cryogenic weakness but the sound of their monotoned voices remained clear.
'He is resilient.' Said the HELIX DvL. 'If he could stomach the Oh-Two level Screening then he seems perfect.'
'Did he?' Asked my DvL.
'He did indeed.' The HELIX responded.
'Prep him.' Finished the AURA , at this point I slipped back into stasis.

I was awoken by a sharp quick injection of a harsh stimulant, I sat bolt upright and gasped with shock. I was dressed in simple Medical bandages that wrapped around my chest, torso and legs. The room I was in was a strange surgery; it featured several automated devices which hung from the ceiling on steel struts, the walls were made of a toned stone colour, the only other feature was a large console next to a mechanical door. The door slid open and in walked a unit of extraordinary appearance; he was dressed entirely in black, like the GHOST OfC his mask was similar to that of a DvL except he actually was the GHOST DvL if the insignia was to be true, his shoulders were lime in colour and an AR2 was slung firmly on his back. The Unit clasped his hands together and said in unyielding monotone.
'You have been in processing for a total of three months, twenty-nine days, ten hours and twenty two minutes.'
I was at a loss. Why had they done this? I had seen so many things; they torture and haunt me now even as I write this. Was I to just move on? This DvL expected me to, with or without my consent. 'Your uniform is in the storage locker to your right, meet us at the training facility in three minutes sharp.' He left me to change into my uniform.   

Every step I took towards the training room was one of shakes and wobbles. My radio squawked. 'The training facility is currently off-limits to any units who have not been instructed to approach by a member of High Command.' I arrived with ten seconds to spare of my three allocated minutes, the room was empty of personal except the GHOST DvL and surprisingly the SeC, who stood as always with an air of resolution about him.
'Unit.' Started the SeC. 'Move to the firing table.' He gestured to the firing range weapon table, I moved quickly with an as disciplined step as I could conjure from my numbed strength.
The two went to the opposite end of the table and brought out a short but through question paper, they then proceeded to grill me with the quiz; the questions were morally ambiguous and unnerving, the presence of the SeC only added to the tension in the room. Once the test was over I was ordered to wait outside the training complex until ordered back in.
As I left up the flight of grate iron stairs to the exit, I heard the SeC say in a low voice as he turned to the DvL.
'Very good.'

Two minutes later was called back in. I saluted the SeC and DvL, once eased they congratulated me and handed me a lime armband with my Oh-Four rank on it.
'Welcome to GHOST, 24.' the DvL said slowly, I thanked them both. The SeC then left me and the DvL for GHOST Briefing. Because of the highly classified nature of GHOST I am not permitted to write anything about it. However the test brought up a thought that had not occurred to me for months...
What can I remember from the time before the Union?   

I can remember the sound of battle, the bullets and fire, the screams of children and the deep synthetic roars of Synths. That is my earliest memory, when fire rained from the sky.
Later I can remember the day when the sky above City 8 was ripped open; the creases of the universe were torn apart, the monumental dark metal canine descended from the tear in dimensions and settled on the ground kicking up a huge dust cloud. I remember when it boomed for hours as the systems established to fit Earth's environment, I remember the lines of youths being mass slaughtered, I remember those first units that moved out of the C8 Citadel and just how terrified everyone was.

I remember nothing of the my feelings at the time, nor do I remember anything before the war, only the fire remains. The endless flame...




Entry Six.

What do I remember!? The fire, the citadel, the children, what else! There must be some etch of memory left in me, there has to be.

Do I remember my parents? No. They are but oily shadows in my subconscious, forever lost to my active thoughts, their voices are a blurs that speak of nothing.

Do I remember my name? No. My name is now CCA-C8.GHOST.04.2475, there is no other choice.

Do I remember any more of the war? Only one more thing has cropped up; the flaring portal storms that shook the Earth for hours, other than that there is nothing else to remember...

 have taken to writing this entry and my future entries on paper, I fear the command can monitor our datapad logs, if I was to be caught then... I would not last long.

I heard a group of citizens talking while I was on a GHOST Operation; they said something was in our food that made us this way... Is it true? Do they really brainwash us? I look at 9266 and see that, yes, it is true! I have to get out. I have to leave, I am not turning into one of them. Soulless, monstrous. I have now stopped eating the provided supplements. They smell of chemicals, my peers happily eat them, how little they know. I wonder if I should warn them, try to get them to stop but they would report me. Treason in the CCA is quickly and severely dealt with. I would have to be quick if I fled, where I would is another deal entirely.

Tomorrow, a mass sweep is to be conducted on City Eight's ninth district, I and the rest of GHOST will be going in undercover dressed as citizens, that is when I will make my escape, when I blend with the masses. I will not be a part of this any longer.




Entry Seven.

It is done, I have made my escape, I am free. I chose to flee just as the sweep started; I was alone at the time, all I had to do was move in the slum's shadow towards the sewer grate that lead to the canals, evading scanners all the way. It wasn't until I was into the sewer; my radio by that point was full of tactical code to do with the sweep but one Unit, the Oh-One from my third entry, spoke up.
'Where is Two-Four?'  At that point I disconnected my radio, they might use it to track me, I ran faster through the sewers then after a good hour or so I stopped and heard the Broadcast system echo through the damp pipes.

"Individual: You are charged with capital treason against the union. Unit status: Revoked.  Deserter status: Approved." I then heard the Unit notice.

"Unit notice: Failure to administer  will result in permanent off-world relocation. Code: Deploy Sweep Amputate."

 This was quickly followed by the roars of at least ten gunships swooping over the sewer system. They were no doubt searching for me. A unit with info on GHOST is a valuable asset, not one the CCA would want to lose especially if the unit had left, not died, such a thing can undermine the secrecy of GHOST.

I am writing this entry, again on paper, I am sitting in an abandoned bunker of sorts; it lies deep in the sewers, not far from the canals. My only belongings I took; my pen, some paper, a small combat knife, my 9mm pistol and a newly issued MP7 submachine gun that I was given after my promotion to Oh-Four. The weapons have three spare rounds and one loaded in each. I tried to think of a name today but I cannot find one appropriate enough. I have changed it to "Ghost.2475" it lacks the Union's labels, it will do for now. The lack of a suit means no biosignal for the Combine to track me, I will be able to escape to the Outlands then plan from there.

I have not been to the "Outlands" since before the war, I think I used to like it there, I have some memory of it but it is blurred and unthinkable. Regardless, I must head for the Outlands and try to figure out a plan to get as far away City 8 as possible. I fear that the search will broaden in scope as I move from the Canals. I hear the Outlands are Overwatch territory; that they sweep it relentlessly, not with lines of Recruits, but with teams of coordinated heavily armed soldiers, with Hunters, Striders and every kind of synth they can put in the field. It won't be  easy, that much I know, it could be a couple of days before my next entry. I have only glimpsed the OTA; they were called into things like Necrotic outbreaks or Exogen attacks, all these threats were put down quickly when Overwatch arrived. Tomorrow I will get moving before dawn, hopefully the search would have lulled by then and I can cover some ground before they send more units out.




Entry Eight.

The sun beat down on the sweeping valley; the torrents of heat, that had been coming down relentlessly for the past few days, had burnt the grassland a to a dull yellow. I checked the sky cloudless sky for gunships, it seemed clear although the low growl of a nearby Overwatch base moved on the northerly wind. I rose from the grass and began to move quickly across the clearing of woodland. The search has not ceased for a moment in the past few days, Overwatch just kept coming, I have had several close calls involving Hunters; they hunt in packs of at least three and move quickly over all terrain, evading them is nearly impossible but I have just barely been able to escape. 

I spotted a house through the foliage; it was a large woodland lodge red in colour on a high ridge, the windows and door were bordered up, part of the roof was missing and the elevated wooden platform that ran around the building was in disrepair. I decided I would search the building for anything useful like ammo or supplies. Once at the door I braced my stance and ripped off several planks of flimsy wood before kicking the door open with ease. I un-slung my MP7 and surveyed the first room, it was too dark to see so I turned on my flashlight; the room was a complete mess, boxes of scrap metal were strewn haphazardly across the dry floor that creaked with every step. The thinly tiled roof let through tiny corridors of sunlight that guided me to the only other door at the back of the lodge. The door was locked and I wasn't going to hunt in the dark for a key. I breached the door; firing a round of my pistol straight into the lock, the door then became ajar and I pushed it open.

The room smaller than the first and roofless, the intense light was startling at first but as I regained my wits, I saw at the cause of lack of a roof was caused by a Combine parasite canister that had crashed into the house; the pod stood embedded in the floorboards, it hissed quietly as I approached it, suddenly I heard the long shrill hiss of a Toxic Parasite to my right and before I could take aim it had seized me. The creature and I grappled as poison dripped from its four torque fangs, I threw the alien sideways against the wall where it spat and shrieked fiercely before lining up for another attack, at this point I had levelled my firearm and was ready to strike when another Parasite leapt from behind me. The effect was instant and incredibly painful. The creature had missed my head and had landed on my back where it unloaded a salvo of toxins into my spine; I fell to the floor and was paralysed at once. I could not move, defend myself or even cry out for some nonexistent help. I was helpless.

Then from the front of the house I heard noises; a strange foreign tongues in a rasping tones that did not recognise followed by a sharp electrical crackle. I saw one of the parasites fly back against the side of the pod before falling limp, the thing was dead. I heard a second crackle followed by a small explosion; I heard the faint death cry of another parasite then the steps of two people coming to my aid. One of my rescuers reached my side and turned me over, I saw them for the first time; my saviours were not human, they were Biotics, more commonly known as Vortigaunts. The Union were age-old enemies of Vortigaunts so the Union protocol for finding a free biotic is usually to kill it on sight; sometimes they are captured and enslaved as "Conscripts". I had barely seen vortigaunts before, their appearance shocked me; tall, long armed creatures, a hunched head with four eyes, an additional arm protruded uselessly from their chests. I could not thank them, my whole body was limp and unresponsive but the Biotic to my left sensed my life signs, the creature turned to his friend who was standing by the pod; searching it for any remaining Parasites (a common delicacy among Biotics)

'Zun.' The biotic said in an ancient dry voice. 'This one still breathes. Pariah requests that we aid him, his condition worsens at the hands of the toxins that course through him.' "Zun" came to my right side and surveyed my wounds before sighing to "Pariah", the other biotic, and said.
'Zun will help, let us move him to a more secure location where we will attempt to revive him.'
'We must hurry.' Pariah said. 'His situation is precarious.'
At that moment I lost consciousness, the poison had kicked in now and I was left to the mercy of the Vortigaunts haste.

When I came to I was lying on a dirty sheet spread ruggedly on the ground; the sheet must have once been white but was now a dark crimson with blood from my wounds. The Vortigaunts knelt over me; they looked at each other with weary relief then Zun rose and left my sight. The other stared at me for a long time, in that time I could barely blink let alone move.
'What is your name human?' Pariah said at last. I struggled to open my mouth, I then realised I didn't have a name; instead I winced and tried to move.
'The poison from the headcrab is one of a most debilitating notoriety, you are fortunate we found you in time, a moment of delay and you would cease to be here.' I managed to speak a few words to Pariah.
'Thanks...' I winced again then sat up slowly and with caution, I rubbed my neck, which was stiff with pain. 'How long have I been like this?'  I asked, I was eager to know if Overwatch might have moved me down on the priorities.
'Just over two weeks.' Replied the Biotic with a hint of shame. I thought this was a good thing; it meant that perhaps Overwatch might very well have moved on or at least be off-guard.

Hours later I was up and walking again, the Vortigaunts spoke of their destination to me; a safe bastion in City Eight, I told them that I was wanted by the CCA in City Eight (though I did not tell them why) and that I will not accompany them, despite them insisting. Once I am able, they will move on and I will continue to roam the Outlands in search of a solution. Despite the OTA hunting me, I am enjoying my newfound freedoms, I take comfort in the fact that I will never have to sit through another horrendous training drill or listen to 9266's lectures. I am free. I now hope for it to stay that way.






Entry Nine.

My feet beat upon the ground like drums of battle, my heart raced, beating faster and faster, pumping blood to my frantic limbs. They were coming after me, fast; in the darkness of midnight all I saw were the glowing lenses bobbing rhythmically in their sprint. My pursuers were Hunters, dozens of them. They had been tracking me for miles through the forest; I had to lose them quickly before they corner me completely. These last few days have led me in circles around the countryside; the confusing terrain mixed with regular Overwatch sweeps. The Vortigaunts gave me a map of this part of the Outlands; they were right, the City was the only settlement for at least 150 kilometres. I leapt over a fallen log and continued running, all I heard was the synthetic growls drawing closer and the uniform sound of the pack running had quickened. 

I reached a low rock overhang; it overlooked a large pasture of open grass bathed in bright moonlight, there was no way to cross it with Hunters after me, it would give them a clear shot at me, there would be no way I could survive. I clambered down into the dark shelter of the overhang and waited for the rumble of synthetics to cease. The silence was numbing; the sound had grown to an unbearable level then had stopped instantly. There was not a breeze in the air or a bird in the trees or even the faintest chirp of a cricket. All was silent. I knew one of the Hunters was close, really, really close. I then heard a beep; it came from above me on the overhang, then another, followed by a barely audible transmission in an automated tone.
'New directives.' The voice spoke in a reminiscent monotone. 'Sweep grid: 7-32. CODE: ASSSEMBLE PLAN COGAGULATE.'  The Hunter above me clicked and whirred, processing the order, it bleeped again, the Hunters turned and headed away. They had gone I was safe. I rose and started across the open pasture towards the other side. The sky was awash with bright clear stars that guided the moon's raise to the pasture, the blades trembled as the roar of a gale swept the forest, the roar grew louder and louder until I realised it was not the wind but rotors...

I dived to the grass and lay still as a blinding spotlight hit the grass; the caster, an OTA Synth Gunship, twirled about the sky; searching the forest for threats. Fortunately it failed to notice me as I lay terrified among the undergrowth, instead the Gunship waved off and from the far end of the pasture I saw a tall shape emerge. It seemed to stretch into the canopy of alpine, despite this it ploughed through the branches with ease, it was only when it knocked a tree down onto the pasture, bathing it in moonlight, that I saw the thing, or rather things. Striders were steadily moving across the plain; they're elevated heads wobbled with each step and the front mounted guns rotated in a patrol of left to right. I acted quickly and crawled away from their sight into the forest. I will rest in the darkness for the night. The Biotics were right; I will not survive out here, I must go back.
I will go back to where this began.
I will return to City Eight.
I will return to District Nine. 




Entry Ten.

I have journeyed from the heart of the wild Outlands; across the vast forests swept by Combine and the treacherous caverns and mines of Exogen and Parasites. I have traversed the canals; the waterways were filled with refugees, the residue spilling from District Nine has far exceeded its perimeter walls. Perhaps it will give reason for a tenth district to be built? The overcrowding has somehow worsened since my last visit, a good thing for me. I am yet to be seen by a scanner however I am confident that my new appearance; grown hair both head and facial, will slip by the databases, not to mention my multiple scars that line my face from the Parasite attack. The important thing now is that I have succeeded. I am no longer part of the Union's system, the torture, the murder, the misguided sense of superiority, the-




///Use at your discretion///

///UNIT: AURA OFC 9266///

<:: Today we brought in an old friend; a Unit who abandoned the Union and went gallivanting off in the Outlands. He must have thought he was being clever, dropping off the radar and trying to change his looks before showing his cowardly face in this city again. The nerve he shows, coming back and expecting us not to be watching but we are always watching. ::>

<:: He was taken to the Torture room at 0600 hours. I arrived and broke his legs promptly, as he wept silently I said he was a disgrace and that I, personally, was disappointed with him. There was a time, many months ago, where I saw promise in him. He once followed orders and respected his superiors. No longer. The SeC arrived shortly after I broke the prisoner's legs, the Commander granted me the liberty of cutting the parasite's fingers off before strapping him to the treatment chair. The SeC gave us a chilling speech on the morals of the Union and the price of singularity; I was enthralled in his mastery of Union ideals and how they are applied to us everyday. The parasite, he went on to say, had broken every vow he took as a Unit when he deserted us for the savage wild, like an animal. I then utilised the Verdict Level One detainment kit; I cut off his hands and feet as well as his sterile reproductive organs. ::>

<:: After the routine torture I was ordered by HELIX DvL #4565 to bring the Prisoner to the Medbay where trans-human stalkerisation would take place. Once I dragged the bloody parasite to the operating table, the DvL injected a chemical solution distilled from Parasite Toxins; it paralysed the victim but stabilised full consciousness, he will be awake for the entire process. Then the DvL got started by removing the subject's lower legs and forearms, he used the Union Eye-breaching device (a personal favourite of mine) to destroy the Prisoner's eyes. Of course the subject, being feeble and weak, wailed in agony throughout. The last I saw of the parasite was its body being strapped into the stalker-welding machine and the doors sealing shut. ::>

<:: In summary. ::>

<:: 4 Citizens arrested, Level Three Verdict. 7 Detainment cycles administered. ::>
<:: 2 Anti-Citizens arrested, Level Two Verdict, isolation followed by minor torture. ::>
<:: 1 Pathetic Deserter captured, Level One Verdict, Stalkerized::>

<:: Tomorrow's Events ::>


RCT Welcome Brief

Hand-to-Hand Drill for Oh-Fives, tell the Oh-Ones to bring their "A-Game"

///LOG ENDS///   

IC Chat / <::||C17.CCA.S2-OfC.017 Private Logs||::>
« on: July 13, 2012, 07:39:24 AM »

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened:Day1.

*The sound of a mic being handled*
*The voice of a woman with a Czech accent begins, unsure of what to say.*

<::|| Uh... *turns away and faintly says "Is this on?" before turning back* Well, this... Oh-Seventeen, Ar-Cee-Tee. Yesterday was my
first day in the Civil Authority, it was... interesting, a lot to take in. First of all there was that horrible interview; the unit was a nice guy though, Nova Officer, he found my *There is a pause* my... uh... Body language degree to be of great use, so after the interview, he said he would refer me to Nova's Forensics team. Not sure which of Nova's Sub-Divisions to go for yet. ||::>

<::||I have fulfilled most of my Recruit Training manifest, the TrO, 101, was very helpful. I'm still not sure about the upcoming weapon training, never fired a gun before, certainly... not wanting to use it on anyone. We were given a tour of most of the Nexus and the RDT, aswell as the the plaza and the UCH evaluations room. The reoccurring theme was a disturbing amount of torture tools.... *an audible series of distressed sighs can be heard* so much blood... ||::>

<::|| There... *sniff* was also a... there was something happening in P3 today, I and Malco-.... Unit 155 and I... clamped the HAP at the time, we got a couple of requests of heavy gunfire, from armed rebels! While we were manning the checkpoint, we were ordered to deny all access in and out, something WAS going on there. It wasn't long before my thoughts were confirmed when a squad of Overwatch- those guys scare me- came running from P3, spouting "Directives", they had a citizen with them and an OfC from a division called... "Zealot". Never heard of it, must be run secretly, they even have their own area of the Nexus, though I would probably be shot if I went inside. ||::>

<::|| In summary: Still got more training to do, will probably try to talk to some Nova members today.
NOTE TO SELF: DR ABC's remember! ||::>

Saving File As:Day1
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting RCT.017
Console Shut Down.

Dawn White's Civil Authority Application

OOC Name: Salarian Councilor/Dallas

IC Character Name: Dawn White

1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.
Dawn White wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority for three main reasons. The first of these reasons being that authorities have always held importance to her and have guided her along her way at different points in life. Now Dawn has the chance to join the Universal Union, the biggest place of authority the world has ever known. To be part of Union's grand machine, to become part of it's vast inter-dimensional empire, that is Dawn's goal.

The second reason she wishes to join is simply because she is vulnerable to influence and tends to believe what she is told, so when it comes to the UU's propaganda campaigns she is enthralled in them. She finds herself dedicated to the Union completely due to the propaganda and now confuses her own morals with that of the Union.
It was only yesterday she erected a shrine to the Global Administrator Dr. Wallace Breen, her devotion to the Union can even put her friends at risk; she has reported everyone who commits a crime regardless of familiarity. Dawn has even witnessed beatings and killing at the hands of the CCA yet still thinks that by joining them it will help the people of C45.

The final reason Dawn wishes to join is that she believes that the only way to show people the true benefits of the Union is to become a part of it. She sees the units, they have purpose whereas most citizens have none. She sees citizens slide from that unending lack of purpose into committing acts against the Union because they fail to see the truly great strides the Union makes towards singularity. Dawn hopes that by coming a member of the Civil Authority, she can spread the good deeds of the Union and help bring order and balance to our chaotic existence. 

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)
Perceptive, Dedicated, Law-abiding, Decisive, focused, Extremely Trustworthy

3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character.
Well, from sitting on a little blue bench watching units go about there day I can gather that they will spend most of their time patrolling, sometimes members of Command come out and stand on the steps menacingly. From Dawn making numerous requests on her trusty request device, she can see they respond to them sharp. So I will be doing mostly patrols or responding to a request, maybe I will man the booth in rations or maintaining "Standard Directives" by patrolling during rations.

If I were to move up the ranks then I already have an idea as to which division to join; NOVA. I've always been interested in Medical RP so NOVA sounds great, to be more specific I think I will aim for a rank in Research and Development. I say NOVA because I have quite the passion for /me's when the situation is slow paced enough to let me type it. So in summary; patrolling, responding to a request, maybe some re-educations at some point, a detainment here and there, quite a lot of training, later some NOVA bio-development logs where I chart the progress of my creations from ideas, to alpha testing and maybe even regular field use.

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.
Dawn White, daughter of David White and Sarah Park, was born in the small Scottish town of St. Andrews in 1983. From an early age she was bright and perceptive, picking up on things easily. Throughout her childhood and early teen years Dawn was abused by her father, David White. David would also regularly assault his wife, Sarah, this lead to Sarah developing severe depression and after many years of domestic abuse, by the time Dawn was 14, Sarah killed David in his sleep, smothering him with a pillow. Sarah was arrested shortly after, she made no attempt hide what she had done. Dawn was put into care and Sarah was put on trial for murder. Sarah White pleaded guilty and was deemed insane by a crown court, it was around this time Dawn was 15 and became obsessed with the criminal mind, the way it functions, the boundaries that it oversteps to do unspeakable things and most crucially; the things the mind can let us see. Dawn had already had first hand experience with the criminal psyche; her father being abusive and her mother being clinically insane, this made Dawn strangely drawn to the subject as it seemed useful to know exactly what made people tick.

Eventually at the age of 17 in 1997 Dawn was adopted by a rather wealthy couple that had recently moved to St. Andrews, the family were very nice to Dawn and after hearing her story, and in 1998 even paid for a full degree in Body Language and Criminal Psychology at St. Andrews University; one of the best schools in the UK. She studied there on a four-year course and lived with her carers during that time seeing how they lived close-by, it was there in the university she met Professor.Hale an incredible man who became Dawn's mentor over time, he taught Dawn many things about the mindset of people and how everyone she will meet will be undergoing their own emotional conflicts and that it is shown in a variety of ways. (This degree has been auth'd for IC use.)

Using the degree that she earned in St. Andrews she moved to Prague where she became a Criminal Analyst in 2005, at the age of
22. There she would lend her help to therapists and psychologists but most importantly the police, another point in her life where authorities have importance. In 2015 the Seven Hour War occurred, Dawn was still living in Prague at the time the portal storms ripped across the planet. She hid in her home, or what was left of it, until Earth's "surrender" she was then compliant with the new rulers of the planet, as she had been with all authorities in the past. She was sent to C42 where she lived for one year and gained the position of Head-Loyalist in her own established Loyalist faction. Dawn's group however became the target of violent attacks from anti-union parties and it was only a matter of a week after the first official meeting that Dawn requested an immediate transfer, the move meant her points were re-set and she was once again a citizen and not a loyalist Dawn was moved to City 45 where she hoped that, once again, she could serve the Union.

5) Have you ever had a CCA character here at Catalyst Gaming?  If so, explain why it was removed.
I have never had a CCA character on CG before.

OOC Details

1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general?
Around a year, maybe a little more.

2. How long have you played on serious servers?
Six months, all of it HL2RP.

3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming?
Two weeks today. Not much but I intend to be extremely active as I have done these past weeks.

4. What Time zone are you in?
GMT +1 (UK time.)

5. In what country do you live?
United Kingdom

6. How old are you?

7. What�s your most memorable quality RP experience?
I was an OfC on another HL2RP server, I was leading an investigation into the location of a resistance base. I was presented with four detained citizens, each one were suspected members. In a single afternoon I broke them all with various methods of psychological and physical torture then executed each one. In order to crack the final guy, I ordered a unit fresh out of Recruit stage to break a man's arms and legs. The information I complied lead me to a hidden bunker where Overwatch were deployed and the entire group was wiped out. All because of my successful investigation. Also, after the base was wiped out, I ordered the unit who had broke the man's limbs to use his stunstick to beat him to death...

Good times.

8. Do you consider yourself a good listener?

IC Section

Full Name: Dawn White
CID: 17753
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Height: Five foot, five inches.
Hair Colour Brown
Eye Colour: Brown
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Weight: 118lbs
Mental Distinctions: A degree in Criminal Psychology and Body and language.
Mental Defects: Can become distracted by one thing sometimes.
Mental Advantages: Tenacious
Notable Qualities: Smart, loyal, trustworthy

1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain?
I have never been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before.

2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations?

3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union?
Yes. Till the light leaves my eyes and till my very last breath, I shall serve the Universal Union.

4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility?

5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live?
Undoubtedly yes.

6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?
To become a conduit of the Universal Union; my actions will be the will of the Union and my word will be true, as it is that of Our Benefactors. I wish to spread the ideals and aspects of our great Union by enlisting in the Civil Authority.

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, Dawn White hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.

Events / [Suggestion] Loyalist/CWU/CA tea-party
« on: July 08, 2012, 12:01:08 PM »

 Event contents: I understand this has probably been done before but with the recent resurgence in active CAs I think we should take advantage of this by having a Loyalist/CWU party with the CAs. So here is what we do, we take about five loyalists and a couple CWU ( the loyalists must have loyalist status, 5+ points) and they are taken into the Nexus, tied and searched, interviewed for a bit to confirm loyalty status and or CWU status, brought to the office, untied then can engage in a Union propaganda filled afternoon with the puppet leaders of C45. The CAs can be guarded by a team of OTA, if they are short on OTA then a handpicked team of CPs should do the job. The Workers and Loyals can talk to the CAs but only with the greatest of respect, anything less and they are taken to detainment by the OTA/CPs very subtly and quietly. Once about four or five cycles have elapsed, the loyalists/CWU are escorted out, tied all the way through the Nexus, then released to spread the good word of the Union.

Bug Reports / CCA apps not loading
« on: July 06, 2012, 02:12:34 PM »
Something is up with the apps, every time I click the APPLY HERE!button on this thread.
It takes me straight to the index page, a couple other would-be applicants are also experiencing the problem. If somebody could fix it that would be great, maybe the url is broken or something?

Accepted Authorizations / Dawn White's Authorization Application
« on: July 05, 2012, 04:02:43 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: [LrG] Dalatrass Linron [Rv]
Age: 16
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): A year, more or less, hard to say, I've always enjoyed RP.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Six months.

Character Section

-A degree in body language and Criminal Psychology from St. Andrews University.

Name: Dawn White
Age: 32 Years old.
Gender: Female
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Dawn White, daughter of David White and Sarah Park, was born in the small Scottish town of St. Andrews in 1983. From an early age she was bright and perceptive, picking up on things easily. Throughout her childhood and early teen years Dawn was abused by her father, David White. David would also regularly assault his wife, Sarah, this lead to Sarah developing severe depression and after many years of domestic abuse, by the time Dawn was 14, Sarah killed David in his sleep, smothering him with a pillow. Sarah was arrested shortly after, she made no attempt hide what she had done. Dawn was put into care and Sarah was put on trial for murder. Sarah White pleaded guilty and was deemed insane by a crown court, it was around this time Dawn was 15 and became obsessed with the criminal mind, the way it functions, the boundaries that it oversteps to do unspeakable things and most crucially; the things the mind can let us see. Dawn had already had first hand experience with the criminal psyche; her father being abusive and her mother being clinically insane, this made Dawn strangely drawn to the subject as it seemed useful to know exactly what made people tick.

Eventually at the age of 17 in 1997 Dawn was adopted by a rather wealthy couple that had recently moved to St. Andrews, the family were very nice to Dawn and after hearing her story, and in 1998 even paid for a full degree in Body Language and Criminal Psychology at St. Andrews University; one of the best schools in the UK. She studied there on a four-year course and lived with her carers during that time seeing how they lived close-by, it was there in the university she met Professor.Hale an incredible man who became Dawn's mentor over time, he taught Dawn many things about the mindset of people and how everyone she will meet will be undergoing their own emotional conflicts and that it is shown in a variety of ways. Dawn would sometimes be tested by being sat in front of a group of professional actors and was told a key thing about the group, from there she was to find out which one of the group was in fact lying about the thing in question.

On her course Dawn learned a myriad of useful clues to give decipher a person's feelings and motives for example: a person who smiles using only mouth muscles and not a whole face action is usually faking the emotion and is not in fact happy or a guilty person may repeat part of the question in their answer, another example is the classic stance a liar will take; a sort of stiff posture with random episodes of fiddling and lack of eye contact, another good trick Dawn learnt was that liars sometimes mess up their sentences by adding or missing incorrect letters or grammar. Another useful tactic Dawn learnt from Hale was the hatred of silence liars sometimes show, constantly denying or speaking naturally by adding un-needed or irrelevant info, trying to weave out of the accusing silence. Using this degree she went onto become a Criminal Analyst in 2002, she worked as one until the Seven Hour War.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
-The ability to assess an individual's facial patterns and try to discern their thoughts or motives.

-A little more aware of the detail of a situation.

-Dawn will spend a lot of time focused on the small details and may lose track of the big picture, she may become distracted with tiny irrelevant things and lose track of the important things going on around her.

-Will not work at all for CCA units, their masked voices and helmets block almost every kind of "tell" the only way Dawn could know anything about the Unit's thought is by the Unit's sentence structure and shade of monotone.

-Will need to be tried again and again to make sure a person is in-fact hiding something.

-Has not been tried at all with Vortiguants, probably never will.

-Not always accurate fully, may require more physical approach to get answers.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to use to enhance Dawn's ability to find Anti-Citizens and report them. This will not mean I walk up to somebody and instantly call CP, I will analyse the person, talk with them, walk with them, begin to uncover their motives and goals until Dawn is completely certain the suspect is committing Anti-Union activities. Dawn also intends to apply for the CCA very soon, this degree will greatly improve her ability to pick up on detainees during detainment and such.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
No, nobody else, it is for only one character: Dawn White.

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):

Media / Any Biffy Clyro fans? Anyone!?
« on: July 04, 2012, 01:02:23 PM »
I've been a fan of the Biffy for a good few years now (even before they went mainstream!) ((Cue hipster glasses)) also with I myself being Scottish, they always perform at least once in Scotland when touring (The band was assembled in Kilmarnock, a Scottish town)  , I've always enjoyed their live gigs.

I was wondering if there are any fans on CG? If so then what's your fav song of theirs. This is mine; Machines. I play it when I am RP'in on the HL2RP server, it fits the mood.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


General Discussion / A little HL2 question...
« on: July 04, 2012, 08:24:48 AM »
I just got done starting a new play through of Half Life 2; I played the opening mission (which is by far the best opening mission ever) in the background I kept hearing Breen talking about the Suppression Field and if the Union will ever de-activate it.

My question then came into being! Let's say Freeman refused to pick up the can and the CP killed him and the resistance was thus destroyed.

Q. How long would it take for the Human race to become OTA/Stalkers once Freeman was dead? ie: How long would it take for the Union singularity of Earth to be achieved?

We can even take the question further: would Earth become a bridge world between the Overworld and our universe?
Would the Union expand and eventually conquer all life in our Universe also?

IC Chat / The Journal of Dawn White
« on: July 03, 2012, 02:16:25 PM »
//This is a journal hidden on Dawn, using this info IC is meta unless I have shown these entries to you IClly!//


My name is Dawn White, my Citizen ID is #17753. Today marks my sixth day in City 45. I have been assigned an apartment; number 4B, it is where I write this, in this tattered blank journal bought for the last of my tokens, in this grimy and dusty room I shall recount my day-to-day experiences and commit them to word. A dangerous thing to do these days it seems.

Upon arrival, I found the station empty; the halls echoed almost as I cautiously walked, my dark shoes tapping the tiles. An empty station seemed like a blessing in all honestly, the train ride from City 42 had been a long one indeed with several stops along the way, Overwatch searching the train at each station, looking for "Anti-Citizens". The main plaza of C45 looks monotonously similar to C42's, the CPs have a large base at the corner of it, there are barricades leading to it's steel doors, passing the barricade is deemed trespassing can warrant death. The people here are far different here than my old city; they can even sell goods without being a member of the CWU! The CWU also give citizens work to do, of course, like in C42 there is the loyalist program. After my relocation from C42, my loyalist points were revoked as part of the transfer so I will have to start again if I want to pursue my goals of joining the Civil Authority.

Fortunately on my third day I was given the task of cleaning some windows by a Unit, the unit wore a long dark coat like thing, I had never seen such a unit before, it scared me. Once I had finished he added one point to my record, I decided to celebrate by reading; I read a personal favorite of mine "The Zen of The Union". Reading such things fills me with hope, to know that Our Benefactors are here to help and are helping us every single day.

Today I reported a man, I noticed him as I left my apartment; he was a bald, caucasian guy that looked around my age. The man dithered in the hallway glancing from one end to the other, he shook and trembled as he caught sight of me, I smiled and left quickly by way of the adjacent staircase from him, as I descended I heard a myriad of broadcasts, from them the message was clear; there was an Anti-Citizen in our block. I reached the landing of the concrete steps that lead to the building, I saw a unit, a Divisional Leader, she was darting around the Plaza at the time searching for the man. It was a hunch, just a little feeling about that man, I hovered around on the steps as I weighed it in my mind before taking the device from my pocket and calling it in as a "suspicious looking bald man in the UCH, it may be the anti-citizen..."

The unit then rushed past me, I headed to the main plaza as the unit headed to the apartment top floor. I waited a few minutes then I saw the unit emerge from the apartments, empty handed. She walked furiously over to the plaza and shouted in laborious monotone...
"Dawn White!?" I came up awkwardly from behind and accidentally addressed her as "Sir" but I quickly corrected myself and apologized hastily. She then told me to "point him out" from the citizens in the plaza who had all begun to gather round us. I studied the faces, looking for the bald man, there were two possible candidates but I picked the one I saw from the apartments out with ease; he was twitching almost, far more on edge than the other possible who stared dubiously at the bustle. I pointed him out and the suspect was dragged to the CCA headquarters. I was later called in for questioning and I gave my full story, was released and was rewarded two more points! Three points! Two to go!

Introductions / Hello Catalyst!
« on: June 27, 2012, 05:39:33 PM »
I am Dallas, as you can no doubt see, I enjoy Half Life 2 Role-Play, writing and video games in general. I cannot wait to get to know the members of this fine community and look forward to seeing/speaking to you all soon.

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