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Messages - .:KFrohman:.

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"Ask Me Anything" / Re: Ask Purple anything (Serious Questions)
« on: July 20, 2012, 03:28:24 PM »
Why do people think you're a dumbass?

Most people who assume I am, are one in most cases.

Does that also mean they're an idiot for assuming things?

"Ask Me Anything" / Re: Ask Purple anything
« on: July 20, 2012, 03:07:55 PM »

Hey, Looks like the new monkey, I mean mapper, made something. Here's a sticker.

Don't you ever talk about Frohman like that... just... NO... go to your room.

As for the map, plenty 'o' missing textures, but nice of you to release, none the less.

Most likely custom or L4D1/2. Would repost but :effort:
It's in the old thread.

Oh God... I mean seriously.. Citizens will act like God and surf up on the catwalks.

That's what admins are for.

its so pretty

I did say that it might be fullbright or otherwise incomplete.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1f
« on: April 27, 2012, 03:02:06 AM »
Was just reading some of the thread. Very nice ideas.
Regards to abbotts' above post, about the windows, it's not daytime it's just a white brush, I left it in there.
The doors seem like an areaportal issue, like a leak or something.

Already asked permission of Oz, he's fine with this.

I'm here to present the VMF of x1e again, but this time without all the bullshit before. You might ask "why are you re-releasing it? We already have x1e".
It aint that simple. Back in March, I got bored and decided to finally fix up that shitty fuckstick that is the nexus (what with its' 33.65784 degree angles or some bullshit), and make it to 45 degrees.  This meant I had to essentially rebuild the entire front of the building and move shit around.

That's the main changes, there are other minor alterations too, including some work by Nicknero and Kiwiee. I can't remember who did what exactly, but most, if not all of their shit was in the Nexus.

There's been a few modifications to the map on a whole. Modifications to the catwalks (which really could be rebuilt, mainly the support beams as they're ugly as fuck), changes to the nexus front (I decided to include veran's doors SIDE NOTE: Sticking a glass texture on the inside causes a portal failure. It's not ideal unless you solve the issue).

Also a couple of changes to the sewer network, and I reset the passcode to the armoury so mappers can add their own.

Included is a BSP which you can just drop into GMod and see the changes for yourself. Can't remember if it's fullbright or not.
As I mentioned before, there's certain things you have to do to get this working, but, if the thread exists still, you can probably find it in there. You shouldn't be tackling this map unless you know what you're doing.

Known bugs:
Adding glass to the inside of the nexus front doors causes a portal glitch
RT Camera/Screen constantly misaligned. May need to redo the entire system.
Running the compiler on -final or telling the light_environment to soften the shadows by anything more than 5 will cause VRAD to die.

Download (VMF + BSP) - 7z format

I probably wont give technical support or check this thread often. Good luck.

Oh yeah, one more thing. As before, I request that the credits' textures remain as is (can be found in the old thread, just look through my posts), and that any future version you guys come up with, credit my name too. I don't mind if you add more credits.

Support & Help / Re: Fuck! Help me!
« on: January 27, 2012, 11:07:39 PM »
This is what happens when you install norton. If you willingly installed it, I have no sympathy for you.

In all seriousness, get fucking rid of it. "Best" solution? Clean install of windows (it embeds its shit into the most stupid of places). Most logical? Get their uninstaller (if they still have it, last time I dealt with norton shit was in 2006 I think).

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1e VMF Release
« on: January 23, 2012, 10:49:44 AM »
The VMF is kaz's (IE the OP) and he's done work to it.

What I don't agree with is the fact that since I ever hinted OfC(T)
Kaz has decided to use the map against people. Mainly veran and
myself. Threatening to release the map to other communities other than
this one to get where he is.

Wrong, was before. And besides, I like to use leverages.

He constantly abused his position

Since when did I have a rank haha

and is actually the source of the blackmail, trust me when I say veran copied
and pasted everything he says to kaz whenever kaz decides to throw the
map into the conversation. Veran never said anything around a
blackmail idea and it would be stupid of him to do so, something veran
does not do.


As I said though, kaz was always talking to me in skype/steam about
how to use the map against the community, be it withholding the map,
stopping development, shipping it to some other community, or publicly
releasing the map. All just to get what he wanted, be it a custom
model, rank, or higher status in the community.

what. Rank? Nothing to do with it. Model? For the long time development, the determination and dedication(LOL), I never used blackmail to get it. Higher status? what.

Recently, however, things were getting worse. Kaz let this given power
go to his head, thinking he could do anything with said map. (as we
talked a lot before I told him to get a life in skype) and declared
that he was going to withhold the map again "becuase veran is dumb."
Why? There was no real reason. The only thing I ever got back was
"He's dumb."

I wish I could recall.

Regardless. Since then kaz has had gone into one of his LOLNOPE

Only because you decided to go HAHALETSATTACKHISSOCIALSTATUS when you knew full well it was not needed.

This being a time that whenever I or anyone tries to reason
with him he just remains silent and proclaiming ridiculous things.

Feel free to provide exerts.

Much of an attention grabber, as not long after these events he would
usually complain to myself or veran that he has nothing, ironically,
he threw it all away during his LOLNOPE stage.

True, I am whore.

On top of this. Kaz has now gone against his agreement with everyone,
simply because he wants more attention and drama.

When the fuck did I agree anything with everyone?

He releases the map to the public domain. So everything that we had given him, his rank
status, quick training, priority, custom model, etc. Was put to waste,

The rank and status? That was my doing because I was a good RP'er and I provided content for the server. Quick Training? NOPE. Priority in what? The custom model was never fully implemented because a particular piece of lua was never made.

furthermore he portrays both myself and veran as the people who were
blackmailing him, being uncooperative, and downright stupid. This is
not the case, as we were the ones putting up with his constant moaning
and crying along with threats and rage. Causing both myself and veran
to get ridiculously high tempered and actually have many arguments at
times as well. All because of kaz.

Well from my perspective you were, but whatever.

However, this is where I am leaving this. I have too much shit on my
mind to have to worry about childish and blatantly ridiculous fucks
such as kaz. If he wants to cause drama, fine, but leave me out of it.
I can not cope with what is happening in the world around me to care
about someone who's turning the community upside down as much as he
is. So fuck Kaz, and fuck catalyst for the next few days until maybe I
can get ahold of my life.

One does not simply LOLREVERSE out of drama. Turning the community upside down? No.

I refuse to listen and try to reason with such an idiotic blatant
retard such as kaz.

And I can only hope you do lose your house come the 24th.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1e VMF Release
« on: January 23, 2012, 05:43:18 AM »
Development is ready for the CWU HQ.
In fact, I have deleopment ready for District C (new development for the map) and a redo of the nexus, all in blackprints format.

I was never made aware of a "District C" because you never fucking told me. I was waiting for you to give me the black prints of the CWU HQ as you said you'd send me them shortly after sending me a 3D preview from TS3, but that never happened.

I was waiting for kaz to remove his LONOPE status so that he would actually speak to me and realise that what I've said was true:

You ARE throwing eveything you've worked for away. Frinds at HL2RP AND ALL.

Under the misconception I actually care these days.

Veran was right to do what he did raiden, if you don't know the mentality of kaz he's the biggest fuck in the world to try and do anything with collaboratively, he even suggested I paid him for giving him the development.

Is that why we successfully built an extension to the RDT and made a completely new training facility? I'm fairly sure that if it was trouble to do collab, none of the mentioned would have happened. As for  the second bit, If I did say that, it was in a joking way, something you are certainly aware of.

If kaz goes on one of his stupid pissy rages where he threatens to throw everything away (which has happened here) then the only way to stop him is use weather bitter realisation (which has 50% success rate) or blackmail him. In short.

The reason I'm doing this is because the map has no use for me because it's simply not doing what I want/need it to, and it's got to the point where I really can't be bothered.

Veran was trying to keep the map exclusive to the community, do the community AND deal with kaz's depressive rants which evolve around him threatening to leak an leave every two days or so. I assure you trying to suppress that is one of the harder things I've done here at CG,


In short. Deal with it or fuck you.


For your people information: I never told him that he will lose unit on CG if he releases it. NEVER. I never threatened him like this, I never said that he'll lose unit, never blackmailed him.

Maybe not those direct words but something that meant as much.

But should you see me talking with him - consisted of drama, and only drama. Kazuo was saying how bad CG is, and how he doesn't want to be part of it, how he is planning to release the map and he doesn't care at all. Damn, I regret I didn't take a screenshot. HE was threatening me that if he doesn't get OfC(T) the .vmf will be released. He was saying how everything in CG is bad and how he'll feed GMod community with our map and how CG will fall.
Because of short miscommunication between me and Kiwiee at the time when OfC(T) training programme was introduced, Kazuo was about to get OfC(T), but since miscommunication I placed him back to EpU. Then he started drama, about everything. Read above. Then somehow I agreed to forget about this situation and give him a chance as OfC(T).

This is true, but the fact is I had long term plans that involved getting a final release out (what was going to be x1e but you know), then waiting about 2-3 months before handing it to the GMod community. You make it sound as if I was going to start up a community and make CG fall. Nonsense. CG is falling apart and has done for a while, bit by bit. Let's not forget this isn't the first time a miscommunication has occurred. It happened what... another time about 5 days later?

And once again: I never once threatened him that if he releases .vmf he'll lose his unit. Never.

You did, V. Like I said, maybe not those words exactly but it meant the same regardless.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: RP_City45_Catalyst_x1e VMF Release
« on: January 22, 2012, 10:12:30 PM »
Other than that im sad but someone might pick up on the map :(

Anyone can try. 1% will succeed. That's how fucked the nexus front is.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / RP_City45_Catalyst_x1e VMF Release
« on: January 22, 2012, 09:56:08 PM »

This is it, the whole unedited release of the latest developer version of City 45 for you to do whatever with. Learn, enhance, improve, fix, I don't care really, all I ask is you leave the credits' textures as is and leave them in position.

Veran said to me that if I was to do this, I'd lose my unit at CG but to be quite fucking honest, I haven't played much, if at all in the last two weeks, and my disposition is simply "couldn't give many fucks", so feel free to hit it with a delete hammer.

Things you should be aware of:

  • You NEED EP1, EP2, CS:S AND L4D2 to use this. Merge all the game models, materials, sounds etc. into the EP2 game. Source SDK to be run with the EP2 game, 2009 engine.

  • Included are custom models and materials (decals, credits etc.) not related to any of the games mentioned above. Drop them into your EP2 directory.
  • Use vbct for compiling, with the following settings:

VBSP:  -notjunc
VRAD: -textureshadows -StaticPropPolys -LargeDispSampleRadius

Map TODO list:

  • The nexus front. I began rebuilding it two days ago and made good progress, UNTIL one of the brushes decided to be LOLNOPE and decide to invalidate half of its' face for NO REASON. May require total rebuild again. Replaced nexus doors, however one of the subsections with the hazard markings has a broken face which means the whole subsection needs replacing. NB. This is why I'm releasing it, because the nexus front is a complete load of fuck and REFUSES to work with me.

  • CWU HQ has had NO changes done to it because it was low priority, and the fruit never gave me black prints. If you chose to develop it further, hassle this guy.

  • As of current, the lighting seems to be fine, not fucking up like before. If it does (see: Random splotches of light in an otherwise unlit area), consider removing some func_details.

I might post more later... I dunno. Does this mean I'm leaving CG? No, but I've considered it. I'm moving back to OCRP where I can have more fun.


Bug Reports / Re: Suspicious error in console during Intense lag
« on: January 10, 2012, 05:36:54 PM »
Apologies for the bump, but that error indicates that you don't have HL2 EP2 mounted/installed. The rope textures are from that game. As for the spam when it lags, I think source is trying to re-init the ropes when the lag hits, and it's just crying that it can't find the texture.

I may get warned, but as the unit who dealt with this situation and asked Kom (who PK'd you via gamemode) to issue the PK, I feel I may be able to provide enlightenment to the situation.

I was outside the UCH, just issuing a Level 3 verdict to a citizen, when this "Michael Jones" character stands beside the citizen I was issuing a Level 3 verdict to. As I was finishing up, MJ said that they had just finished having sex, to which I responded by getting them against the wall and tying them up, to be detained. I found Level 3 contraband on them, to which I confiscated, then proceeded to do an on-street questioning.

It was during this process that MJ showed signs of 10-103M, so I elected to send them straight to the furnace. Once there, I interrogated them, trying to find out who the other person was that they had UPA with. It was during this time that I was then made aware of this false loyalist thing, and that a unit in a trench coat merely issued a warning.

Upon trying to deduct who might have warned them (I narrowed it down to 563 and 211, the two active 01's at the time), I called 211 down (as 563 was 10-7. 563 is also Kom's unit) to see if they knew anything. They didn't, so I proceeded to progressively gas the citizen for more information.

Once that was done, I lit the gas and had MJ amputated.

tl;dr, Michael Jones was amputated for 10-103M and admitting to UPA, something not really worthy of a PK appeal IMO. The Level 3 contraband and this supposedly false loyalist status just added onto it.

Guides / Re: FearRP and PainRP!
« on: December 30, 2011, 12:13:00 PM »
FearRP is when your character is feared by something unusual or suprising. In the Half-Life 2 world, citizens are often feared by the Universal Union and what awaits them such as being beatened up by stunsticks, open fired by various weapons or even the fear of Detainment or Amputation. Mostly, FearRP is when your character encounters a high-ranked unit (DvL, OfC, SeC.) or the OTA (Overwatch Trans-human Arm)... or just a gun to the forehead.

Should be "scared of", if I'm not mistaken. You make it sound like the UU is fearful of citizens themselves.

Bug Reports / Re: Conscript spawn
« on: December 29, 2011, 11:15:19 PM »
Will set them asap when I'm on the server.

If you're yet to set the vort spawn, ideally, stuffing it in group detainment would work.

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