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Messages - Dal Karus

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General Discussion / Re: Catalyst Gaming Short Story Compilation / Contest
« on: September 24, 2011, 07:41:12 PM »
Stars twinkled undesturbed in the void, all seems well. Nothing out of the ordinary in any shape, way or form. Farouke looks out the view port on the ISS.. He could never get sick of this view. A voice calls out "Farouke! That computer is fucking glitching again!" He could tell the voice was from John. "Coming!" He replys. He reluctantly tears his gaze away from the view port and floats towards where John called him from.

In the Busy Command Bridge Junior Officers, Commanders, serfs, pilots, gunners and everything to do with a ship busied themselves. The view ports were shut with 6 foot thick titanium blast doors. The entry doors up with a hiss as they glide into the walls and shut with a loud clank. A voice yelled out "ATEN-TION! Officer on deck!" All hands came to attention as the Warmaster entered the bridge. His large, alionic form dominated the bridge. "You all know that the War on Cryth is costing the Union more then we can afford." He said in his deep, brass, resonet voice "and the planet known as Earth holds a population hovering around six billion. Our mission: Take the planet, enslave the population to create our weapons of war, and to use the life their to create new soldiers. We estimate the planet will fall in one day. But High Command always over estimates; let's prove them wrong, gentlemen." He moved closer and said "As you were." Everyone returned to what they were doing. "Hensen! Bring us out of Warp." "Aye, sir!" He replied. The ship shuddered and the sound of tortured metal filled the ship. "Power down the Gellar feild. Raise blast sheilds and sheilds." "Yes sir!" Another said. He pointed to a communication officer, "Signal all ships to prepare for invasion, battle protacol Gamma." "Aye, sir." he replied and relayed the info. The Warmaster pointed at the Weapon Master, "Prepare all Bow, Stern, and Port weapon batteries. "Aye sir!" The Warmaster nodded. "Communication, did you hear that order?" "Yes sir!" "Good, relay that order to all craft." He looked at a rune board to see that all ships had done so, they did, they always do; or they die. He pressed a rune with his monsterous finger and said "All craft bring it into High Orbit and prepare for invasion." An officer yelled "Sir enemy space station crossing our orbital path!" He pointed at Master of Infanty "Prepare boarding pods!"

With a resonate boom one, of the smallest boarding pods rushed forth into the Void. They screamed into silence at a direct path towards the ISS. Leader of Tactical Squad Keplar was Squad Leader Veii. His comm sparked into life, the Warmaster's voice came through "The invasion cannot begin unless we take out that station, see if it has any weapons. If women are present, kill them, take the men; if their society has deemed them to go into space then they will make good soldiers. "Yes sir." He replied, his cranium shaking voice rang out. "Alright, we are taking the station. Take the men, kill the women." Then, the boarding pod slammed into the ISS, they could hear metal bending and snapping. The boarding pod fit so snug that the void couldn't rush in. A man in a blue jump suit flew back and slammed into a wall from the force of the impact. Bits of metal floated in mid air. The boarding door busted off it's hinges and left a huge dent in the wall. The 5 aliens walked out, energy weapons chasing for targets. Farouke tried to "float" Away, but Veii's lightning quick reflexes and huge arm caught him. "He doesn't look like a fighting man." he said "No matter." He crushed Farouke's skull like it was tin foil.  Blood and fragments of skull floated lazily. he blink clicked a rune in his helmet, his boots mag locked to the floor. He walked and kicked open a bulk head. "Keplar squad move out, male or not, if they resist, kill them." He saw a man and a woman standing in shock. They stared at the giant "We want nothing but peace." Said the woman, trying to be a diplomat. "Silly human." He said in broken english, he kicked he chest in and she slammed into the oposite wall. The man screamed and his face was immolated by the pulse cannon. "What's all the yelling?!" A man said, floating in the bulk head. He screamed "HELP!" When he saw the aliens and dead bodies. Veii fired one round into his stomach, ripping the man in half. He punched his yelling torso in the face so hard his fist went out the back of his head. He moved on. He looked at the cowering humans. He said into his helm link "Warmaster, sir, there is absolutely nothing dangerous here, all the men and women alike are un armed cowards." "Return." He replied.

The couple were interlocked in a sexual embrase. The woman put her head back and let out a moan of pleasure. The man grunted in reply. Then, suddenly, a deafening exsplosion was heard. The whole building shuddered and the sound of metal bending beyond normal capacity was heard. They broke apart, the woman said in a mild Italian accent "What's happening?" "I don't know." Replied the man in a thick Russian accent. They hastily put their cloths on. The woman opened the door to the cramped appartment and stepped out, looking up and down the hallway. Many other tenants were doing the same.

Sergeant Uzas and his Squad of the First and Foremost Berserkers stormed down the stair well. They were tall, atleast 3 meters, easily. Thier armor was bedecked with spikes, skulls on chains, and images of gruesome violence. They carried large Pulse Rifles. Uzas was infront, he jumped a whole flight and saw a human stand before him. Before the man could yell he had already ripped his throat out. Red blood sprayed his armor as he silently slumped agaisnt the wall. Uzas kicked the door off it's hinges and moved down the hall. People were talking in terror of why the building shook so bad. They saw Uzas and his four Berserkers. Their eyes opened in terror, they began to flee and Uzas spoke one word, "Kill." Their Pulse Rifles filled the hall with an Unholy light. Blasting people apart a door slammed shut. Uzas pointed at it and said "Talos!" The white armoured Apothocarie ran forth and kicked the door in.

She was Climbing into the vent, her boy friend was pushing her ass in. "Hurry!" She said in a panicked whisper. "No, go with out me, I'll be there in a minute." With that, he closed the vent. She climbed aroudn the corner of the vent shaft and poked her head around the corner to watch him. "Come on... Come on..." She whispered under her breath. The door to the appartment busted off it's hinges and a huge, armoured giant walked in.  She put her hand in her mouth to stop from screaming. Her boyfriend yelled at the giant "We are just civilians!" The giant paid no heed, a silver blade extended from under the barrel of his alien rifle. He was about to deliver the killing blow, but a streak of bright white slammed the building, she was blinded for a moment. She fled down the vent shaft.

"TAKE COVER!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. As buildings collapsed, tracers flew in every direction. The sound of exsplosions and gun fire filled the air. Soldiers wrapped in iron, which looked fairly human. Stormed down the street, their faces were also wrapped in iron, only leaving two eye slits and a mouth opening.

General Discussion / Re: Goodbye Catalyst-Gaming.
« on: September 22, 2011, 06:35:11 PM »
Though I do not know you well, nor have I seen you much ingame or on the forums; I will miss you. It is sad to see another administrator go (So I've been told). Well.. Good bye, I hope you get a girlfriend and join the Armed Forces.


-Seal of the God Emperor

The Emperor Protects

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: My RP Hiatus
« on: September 21, 2011, 11:56:48 PM »
It always saddens me to see a fellow HL2rper go, but I see why you are irritated. City 18 is the worse Rp map EVER. I hope to soon see you among the HL2Rpers of Catalyst Gaming.

I'll be on the forums purely so I know when the map is changed, so I can keep up on the times.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / My RP Hiatus
« on: September 21, 2011, 10:07:15 PM »
I will be taking a break from CGHL2RP, because of rp_shitty18

I can't handle the shear amount of minges, the minge runners, minge grabbers, failRP, FearRP, every fucking rule is broken over and over again and I simply can't take it anymore.
  Another reason is the Church of Ralph, the coalition of minges hellbent on wrecking RP and breaking rules, I really think they should be banned & disbanded.
   I've heard a lot about a new C45 edit and I think it's an AMAZING idea, I've DLed and played the old C45 edits, and I think they are truely good, so good that if we used them, it's worth applying for CP.
  I know that the C45 edit is unstable (So I've heard) But sense no other community uses C45, and I doubt the average troll is going to find the forums and download the map, it'll probably cut down the minge population.

  I'll be back when (if) we change the map.

General Discussion / Re: Catalyst Gaming Short Story Compilation / Contest
« on: September 18, 2011, 09:23:10 PM »
-text wall-

Absolutely brilliant, with an amazing twist.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: HL2RP Authorizations Applications
« on: September 18, 2011, 08:50:02 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Secondus
Age: 23, turning 24 in October
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 3 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 2 1/2 years

Character Section

Authorization(s): To have LMB flags, (If not, how about only the abilitys to spawn medical supplies, food and backpacks? I know thats a large bulk but my character needs it for her purpose)
Name: Octavia Aquila
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Resistance
Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.: One day my character was taking a leasurely stroll, she overheard a Loyalist telling a CP how there was a gun in the UCH laundry room, she turned on a heel and ran into the UCH laundry room. She looked a round and stumbled on somthing, she saw it was a grey 9mm handgun. She took it and put it in her coat pocket. While she was walking up the stairs an 01 stopped her and told her to get on the wall; she knew that to do so would result in death. She made a daring escape into D2 un scathed. After spending some time there, hungry she went in the UCH and exited the lobby; two loyalists, an 04 and 01 were talking. She began to back away when a Loyalist shouted "It's her!" She escaped back to D2 but at a cost, she was shot in the leg and lower back during her flight. She limped, injured, into D2 where she took an abandoned apartment. She treated her wounds. As she sat in the corner she noticed somthing under the fridge. She grabbed it, it was a feild medicine guide. She studied it and founded a group named the Crimson Cross. After she meet a mysterious stranger he got her a supply line deal from the Outlands. She uses this deal to get medicine and help people.
What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?: + LBM flags, atleast a majority - can only spawn X amount of shipments a day (You decide)
What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?: I plan to aid citizens who are hungry or hurt and try to free people from the City, hopefully getting to the outlands myself.
Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s)) No
Extra Notes (optional): I will do legit Resistance RP, not just "Hurr you cant come in!" I will do some Hard Core medic RP.

Denied - Not much is explained in this application, why was there a GUN in the lobby, why would you go back to the scene of the crime after barely escaping with a lethal weapon and why there was a medical guide in your apartment.

General Discussion / Re: IDevil
« on: September 10, 2011, 07:23:36 PM »

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: How Do I Apply To Be A Vort?
« on: September 10, 2011, 03:21:41 PM »
Yes, Sadly enough you can't be a slave vort.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Sweet sweet fail RP
« on: September 09, 2011, 06:30:29 PM »
If you want to make a ban request for him, go to the ban requests area and make one. Be sure to follow the format and have evidence. (If you got any.)

Problemo: I dont know his name, just his char's name.

Social Discussion / Re: I was on the Facebook...
« on: September 08, 2011, 11:16:20 PM »
Question: How high were you when you wrote this?

Warning issued. Trolling/Unserious comment ~ Crap-Head

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Sweet sweet fail RP
« on: September 08, 2011, 10:53:57 PM »
Octavia Aquila says "Asshole, check it"
[6'7l105 lbslWide inti...] says "Hey sweet heart"
** Octavia Aquila motions to her hip
** [6'7l105 lbslWide inti...] gives the bird
[6'7l105 lbslWide inti...] says "heh heh"
Octavia Aquila says "Now how you gonna act?"
[6'7l105 lbslWide inti...] says "Like im staring at a girl with no gaga's"
[LOOC] Octavia Aquila: minge grabber
Out of Character for OOC:
Octavia Aquila: Wow minge much
Out of Character for OOC:
C18.CCA.GRID-04.060: Indeed.
** Octavia Aquila punches him in the mouth
[LOOC] Will Gruns: u have to attempt
[LOOC] Octavia Aquila: I say bitch now how you gonna act?
[LOOC] Will Gruns: You cant change you body lol
[LOOC] Octavia Aquila: I messed up, faggot.
** [6'7l105 lbslWide inti...] attempts to puch in stomach
[6'7l105 lbslWide inti...] says "Im not afraid"
** Octavia Aquila side steps the idiot
** Octavia Aquila back hands him
Can't change replicated ConVar host_timescale from console of client, only server operator can change its value
[LOOC] Octavia Aquila: Get over it
Out of Character for OOC:
John Omen (Tier 2): in fact
[LOOC] Octavia Aquila: Lol?
Out of Character for OOC:
John Omen (Tier 2): im off now, 3:50am for me

When I motioned to my hip, I had a pistol equiped so it was there.

When I said minge grabber, it was when I accidently dropped it and he tried to minge grab it.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Post your HL2RP Chars!
« on: September 08, 2011, 10:43:10 PM »
Name: Octavia Aquila
Faction: Citizen
Affiliation: Resistance
Status: Scored a free gun off a stupid citizen and a clueless CP.

Hey Renegade!

Introductions / Hello!
« on: September 08, 2011, 10:40:38 PM »
I'd just like to say hi!. Its clear that I'm new, but I am not new to Serious RP. I was actually recommended here by my friend! Anyway; I just want to say "Hi I'm teh no0b". Your HL2RP seems very serious, and I would love to join.

Well, hello!

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