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Topics - Reimer

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"Ask Me Anything" / Ask Riemer moar things.
« on: March 14, 2013, 09:57:49 PM »
Mostly serious. I can derp.

General Discussion / Picture Time.
« on: March 10, 2013, 07:22:49 PM »
Last weekend I took a short drive over to the property of a friend of my great grandfather, I knew he had a tank but when he showed me around I found out he practically had an entire armored platoons worth of vehicles and memorabilia.

Starting with the souvenirs he brought back from Europe....

Second picture sucks ass as I took all these with my phone. Its a belt of MG34 ammunition and a few gas masks with matching bags. The first has helmets and canteens, to the left of it would be a English helmet as well but it didn't fit in.

Now for the vehicles.  This is a British post-WW2 Saracean APC, it runs but it isn't fully restored as far as painjobs and interior work goes.

Now we start with the M5A1 Stuart tank.... Side View Rear View, opened hatches show the twin Cadillac engines. I hopped into the drivers seat, this is to the right. Another drivers seat photo, to the left.

Other stuph. These are called Weasels, which are Amphibious army tractors, and he has about 6 of these in various makes and paintjobs. Another Weasel, this one sucks, I know. He had 5 fully restored jeeps in he same shop as the stuart tank. Also behind it is a DUKW amphibious assualt boat. Funfax, when he first got it, he fitted it with a PA system, lights, and decorations and took it out for parties in a Delta near Stockton.

Stuff I forgot/wasn't able to photograph:

A working M2 Machine gun, can fire both real rounds and propane, may have been used in some movies he worked with.
More of the DUKW boat.
Collection of M1 garands.
"Unicef" painted jeep used in the movie "Congo"

Suggestions / ACE/ACRE Insurgency Server
« on: February 27, 2013, 02:11:29 AM »
Gonna keep it short and to the point since I am tired as hell right now.

Around shoutbox and Ventrilo I have heard from or of about a dozen people who think that an ACE/ACRE Fallujah Insurgency server for ArmA 2 would be awesome. Since we are small, some have suggested, including me, that it be a MSO (Multi-Session Ops) server. Same people would approve of us switching to Teamspeak for this purpose to accommodate ACRE and that it would be a great change of pace from Ventrilo.

What I posted this for is to, besides gather some more support for the idea, ask all of you mighty gods up there if this is possible.

I would sing beautiful songs and possibly fork over another 30 dollars towards the cause if it were.

IC Chat / <::||C45.CCA.S4-05.357 Private Logs||::>
« on: January 05, 2013, 10:30:19 PM »

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened: 1

<::|| Alright, my old password still works, seems that is one of the few things that did not change.

It has been... I don't know how many days since the reform and my departure from City 45 to City 11, but I am back here in City 45 which is by far my favorite posting out of all the cities, even the sweaty smell of the mess hall and the inherent lack of air conditioning which gives it the atmosphere of a low-class gym. Even so, it is my low class gym. I may not have my rank authority anymore for reasons that evade me, but that doesn't mean I cannot find ways back up to my old position with my old squad-members. Now onto the events of today. It started with a routine mass training and integration session. I was swapping out what remained of my old oh-one gear for the standard uniform and some of my old effects from when I was a recruit, which was nostalgic. I got a call from 938, my old fellow 01, who is now a bloody Officer, that there was an accident in the "Advanced Breaching" area, which is a realistic house places near the new meeting room. I arrived to find that 21100 had accidentally (or so was said) shot a recruit in the right foot with a pulse rifle. It's hard to believe it was an accident considering she is in Section 0 but I never took her to be the wrathful type. Anyway, the recruit was bleeding badly but the round went right through, somehow managing not to hit any bone in the foot which in itself is a miracle. It was easy enough to patch up, but save for my prior experience, I don't know if I was actually authorized to treat him alone. He should be fine in the space of a couple days, I can't remember his digits. Need to work on that in general.  Nothing much else to report except that there was a crazy black man with a bow and arrows that shot a unit in the shoulder, who was taken care of by another unit. He got the B.O.L notice he deserved.||::>

Saving File As:
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting serial number here
Console Shut Down.

"Ask Me Anything" / Ask Riemer Anything.
« on: December 20, 2012, 07:18:30 PM »
Because it seems to be the thing all the cool kids are into.

General Discussion / Greatest Gmod Movie Ever
« on: March 19, 2012, 04:27:29 PM »
I can't believe a lot of people haven't even seen this yet.
It has to be one of the best Garry's Mod movies ever made, albiet its age.

Hour and a half long, watch it when you got time to kill.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

IC Chat / <::|| C45.CCA.NOVA-04.357's Logs ||::>
« on: March 17, 2012, 04:33:37 PM »
UNIT: 357

Enter Password: ************


Connecting to Network

New File Opened: LOG.001
Send To: N/A
Subject: Private Logs

<::|| I tried looking back at some logs I made as a recruit, but for somereason they were either missing or corrupted, so I am going to have to go back to square one with these. Today wasn't my best of days, but I'll start at the beginning. It all started when I finished suiting up and prepared to go on my usual patrol when there was a commotion outside, as well as on the radio, it turns out that several citizens contracted a never-before-seen disease, which High Command shortly namd Tussis Sanguinem, due to the major symptom of coughing blood, as I was the only NOVA unit on, I was quickly called in to retrieve some blood samples. That is where the absolute nightmare began. I quickly made my way to the Union Civil Housing block, which was being sealed off and clamped, I had an 01 follow me in so I could aquire the blood samples. he instant I stepped inside, I was overwhelmed by the sight. There had to be over two-dozen citizens scatter throughout the lobby and the upper floors, some where being their usual, bothersome selves, some were on the ground writing in pain, and others were panicking, begging us to help them. I managed to draw a sample from this fellow on the ground, writhing in pain. He... died shortly afterwards. Once I made my way back to the medbay, I was clueless. I was lucky that another 04, one still in UNIFORM at that, had some basic knowledge in virology, or else I, and the rest of the citizens that were somehow uninfected, were buggered. We cobbled together a simple vaccine and put it in the next RDC's supply of Breen Water, which suprisingly, worked. At the end of the day there were six citizens still infected in the lobby, on the verge of death.... I hoped putting them out of their misery would make me feel better, saving them from what had to be an excruciating two hours of drowning in one's own blood. ||::>

Saving File As: LOG.001
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting: 357
Console Shut Down.

IC Chat / Old server backstory.
« on: February 21, 2012, 10:33:16 PM »
A long time ago,  in a place far, far away, I made this backstory for a server I was operator on, it raped canon like noone has before, but it was the premise for what could've been a great game-mode. The server might still run, I haven't contacted the owner in a long time, but they probably still use an edited version of this backstory as their premise.

 First, the infected were few, they targeted citizen work crews, wandering citizens in the abandoned subway networks, the CCA would arrive only to find blood on the ground. The do some sweeps, but discover nothing.

 They try to keep everything quiet but citizens get word, some curious ones go down to investigate, they too, get infected. The CCA, seeing more and more of its citizens dissapearing in the abandoned tunnel networks and slums of the city, decided to send more sweeps, where the pathogens eventually learn how to accurately attack them. They come in swarms, patrols dissapear, few if any patrols are able to get radio calls out before being fully under control of the pathogens.

"..we heard the call, the fear in their voices. But were ordered to stand down. We had to hear as the... things... destroyed our men. One even sounded like it was laughing while doing so..." ~Unit.554, Log 37

 The swarm, now realizing it has grown to such a size it cannot sustain itself in sewers and slums alone, starts its attack on the city with its hive-mind controlled zombies, they cause total panic in the city and citizens crowding to escape the hordes barely allow enough room for the CCA to stop them in the cramped above-ground passages and houses.

 The CCA panics....they order a retreat from the slums and sewers to the downtown street area, losing control of the subways to the infected. The CCA, losing the subway, lose a major source of their supplies, all equipment must now be brought in by air, and not nearly enough comes, as a result of the attack on C20. Citizens, left behind by the CCA, their source of oppresion, their caretakers, are unsure what to do, they cannot fight the infected, and those who try are swiftly overwhelmed.  They all gang together, taking residence in locked buildings and cramped UU Apartment buildings.

 The citizens, cramped in scantly-protected buildings in the uptown district of the city, get a nasty suprise as the pathogens find their way to new hosts through the ventilation systems and cracks in the UU Apartments, main street is in a riot, citizens try to flee towards the nexus, only to be turned back by demoralized, confused units.

"...the last we heard of him, he was going to go to the roof, to see if it was safe... He never came back down. That strange feeling of dread started to seep in.  The fear of my housemates is almost thick enough to cut with a knife, I have a feeling it won't be getting better either." ~Gabriel Thompson, CID: 97751

 The infected, quickly gaining control of all of the outside of the city, turn inward, they learn how best to defeat their human opponents using the rooftops and shadows to their advantage, they attack in large groups, gobbling up entire groups of units and citizens alike, the CCA urges everybody to stay inside their apartments, not truly knowing what dangers await those that stay inside. Citizens are up in arms, they have been told for years that the cities were safer, and they looked to the CCA to protect them, riots start, citizens trash the shops of loyalist and CWU workers as they now begin to doubt the CCA's control of the inner-city.

 The citizens that still remain in the outer parts of the city live in constant fear. The pathogens, using their true forms in the fight for the inner sanctum of the city, instead send their infected to comb the ruins of the suburbs for humans that have been left behind. Citizens risk their homes, families, and loved ones every time they walks outside or even switch on a light.

"...Hunger is starting to set in, I can't take this anymore. We've got to move, we've got to try to get into the City. We need supplies. We need SOMETHING other than these damned canned beans from that Rebel-fella's apartment.  Don't know how he got it, but it doesn't matter anymore, we're all in this together. Loyalist, Rebel, or other..." ~Gabriel Thompson, CID: 97751

 The CCA is starting to get stretched thin, their OTA units, armored and armed enough to prevent all but the heaviest swarms of infected from overtaking them, and combat-fatigued and weary units, are all that stands between the outskirts of Downtown and the no man's land of the outer city. Less experienced or unarmed units are instead sent inside the confines of the front line, trying to contain riots of citizens who still roam the streets, angry and determined to get revenge on the CCA for allowing their loved ones to die while they are expected to continue working, as if nothing was happening.

"They sent me in on the front line, to deal with a bunch of pissed off Citizens trying to get in. We couldn't hold them back, we had to slowly let them in. Painstakingly searching each Citizen, we were told not to worry about contraband, just let in the clean and push away the infected... It gets harder every day." ~Unit.554, Log 88

IC Chat / Jonathan Welsh's Logs.
« on: February 03, 2012, 03:44:00 AM »

                                         Jonathan Welsh's Logs.       

We made it.

Through the canals, through the ambushes, all the hardships. We made it. Though I have lost many friends since I first escaped, this will make it all worth it.

Or so I thought when I first left.

We found an old bunker at the end of our journey, which naturally the Alliance claimed. Along with the Alliance, us that remain of the clinic are allowed to stay within the bunker, much to the chagrin of the refugees.

They can't seem to understand our supply problem, thinking we have tons of food and weapons, demanding to get in, but not so much to become violent. I think that would only be natural for people that have so little, to look up at us with a veil of security and wish to become a part of us. Little do they know that veil hides our true beings, we are really just like they. We sit in the bunker, helping those we can, and yet they still want to stay, although we cannot let them.

Reminding myself of all those who can all but fight to get in, I feel lucky that Kira and Grim struck a deal to let us stay, and set up a new clinic in the bunker, but enough of that for now. This land is beautiful, you could look across the trees and canyons and be reminded of the reason we fight to be free. I can't help but be reminded of home in California, so many oceans and miles away.

This land seems to be swarming with people now, people I have never seen before, they inhabit the canyon below the base and you can plainly see the fires of their camps light up the night, some claim to have escaped from nearby cities, and others seem to have followed the path we came. I can't help but feel sorry for them, while I sit here writing in this bunker, and they sit outside, exposed to snipers, soldiers, and things you cannot think of.

It is still a suprise to me that we found this place, with working lights, generators, even some running water. It is so great, but how is it? How did the Combine just forget about this place? They seem to have given up so easily when we came through the canyon. They could have wiped us all out. I should talk to leonard later, the Combine could have one to such a length as to bug this place, or wire it to explode.

Enough about my worries, now about my day. I got a new job at the clinic today, I need to scavenge supplies from the landscape, for the bunker to survive on, I bet if we found the right supplies, we could even grow our own food. But that is a far way off, we still need a stable food source, like livestock or some naturally growing grain or corn. It seems unlikely in a land out here in the middle of nowhere. I found barely anything in the outlying buildings, it is clear to me now, that I need to head out further if we will be able to sustain ourselves based on what me and the other scavengers find.

Seeing the good that the rest of the clinic's staff does, I might ask Kira or one of the other doctors to give me some rudimentary medical training, so I could save lives like they do. I should ask tomarrow.

But now, I should get some sleep.

Phillip Welsh's Civil Authority Application

OOC Name: Riemer

IC Character Name: Phillip Welsh

1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.
Phillip Welsh led a life of interest after stepping off the train into City 45. At first, along with everyone else, he was suspicious,
he was scared, he felt threatened and he hated the Universal Union on an unprecedented level, he would talk with others about how they
might be able to resist, but as the years went by, he saw resistance movements come and go, but the power of the Union would remain.
He could no longer count the number of friends he had seen killed on the streets for a cause he was starting to doubt. Day in and day
out he would see more men and women dragged into the nexus, screaming. Never to be seen or heard from again, except as charred,
mutilated and tortured corpses. He did now know at the time that through weeks of poisoned drinks and propaganda that his opinions
would change so much.

                                One Month Later.

A small brunette woman enters an apartment on the third story of a dark brown building down a dark, cobblestone street, the interior
of the room is dark, pieces of wood are exposed in the walls and furniture is sparse, save for a small, heavily torn couch on which a
tall, black haired man sits, watching the streets below through a fist-sized hole in the wall. He then turns around at the sound of
the door shutting.

"Oh, hello Rebecca."

The girl sets down a small bag on a table.

"Good morning Phillip, I'm back from the Distribution center, you can have my second ration, I can't swallow this shit anymore."

'I find it funny that it's a so called 'privilege' of the CWU to eat more of that stuff."

The woman pulls out two sets of rations, tossing one set to Phillip, and the other into the small mini-fridge on the far side of the


"Yeah, But that's why I joined Buisness Division, you get much better food, I even had lemonade the other day, can you believe that?"

Phillip sighs, trying to remember the last time he has tasted the sweet liquid that he could barely remember now.

"You know Rebecca, I've been thinking."

"Yeah? About what?"

"About the CCA. I'm thinking about joining, but then I remember what they have done, but then I think about the UU's purpose here, and, I just don't know."

"I was thinking about it too Phillip, it would be nice to be in it together but, it is a big decision."

Phillip, finishing the small can of food, stands up, and starts for the door.

"Where are you going Phllip?"

"I'm going to go for a walk."

Rebecca turns to ask further, but Phillip is already gone.

                                        Present Day.

Much has gone down since Phillip has become incarcerated in the global system of Union Metroplexes, he has had opinions from one
extreme to another, but the Union's propaganda, literature, and the food he is sustained upon, has kept him in the moral service of the
Union. Phillip now spent his days with a copy of The Counter-Criticism in his apartment, and a Loyalist armband
around his arm. Phillip has seen many of his friends eventually join the ranks of the CCA, including his good friends and roommate
Rebecca. This combined with the instilling of Universal Union philosophy into his very soul has made it his goal to join his friends
and serve his benefactors in the ranks of the Combine Civil Authority.

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)
Phillip Welsh has had most if not all rebelliousness quelled in him from constant UU propaganda and literature.
This has also instilled in him a sense of honor and duty in service of the Universal Union.

3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character.
About two or three weeks ago, I lost my other unit by doing something incredibly stupid and lying to an admin about it afterward,
since then I have found myself patrolling the streets like I had on my unit, and wishing that I didn't screw up and still had 493. I
am also thankful that I was not blacklisted from the CCA altogether as well, but I am truly sorry, not that by that sentence alone you

shall forget what I have done.
All I want to do is get back to the cameraderie, the excitement, even the drama of having a CCA character here on CG.
I expect the life hasn't changed much in the brief time that I have gone, he standard directives, the constant bustle of activity of
units going through their daily routines, and even the occasional UCH sweep would break the comparable silence of life in the CCA.
I expect there to be a lot more work to do now that I am starting out fresh, and I will try my best to tackle it head on and try my best to clear my name.

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.

Phillip Welsh was born in the British town of Liverpool in April of 1985 to two loving parents and three grandparents. Phillip had a
childhood that could only be described as normal, until he had found his passion, cooking. Phillip would often be seen after school
cooking delicious meals at a resturaunt owned by one of his friend's parents. Phillip's parents were concerned about him making a
living, and, knowing that he had been doing great in high school, wanted him to become a doctor. Phillip would eventually make it
through high school, setting his sights on being a doctor like his parents wanted him to become. Shortly after getting through his
first year of medical school, Phillip's parents were killed in a car accident. Knowing that Phillip could not pay tuition by himself
he decided to try and become a chef, a decision that would unknowingly save his life later.
Phillip worked hard at a local four-star resturaunt in Liverpool, the one that he had seen in high school which ignited his passion
for cooking. Phillip excelled in the kitchen, which made him a local legend in Liverpool. This also gave him a significant amount of
money, which neither he nor anybody else could have forseen. Phillip later bought a house in the suburbs, moving out of the house he
had lived in for his whole life. Phillip would eventually move on to become the most well-known chef in Liverpool.

                                                   The 7 Hour War
Phillip, trying his best to keep his returaunt in buisness during the shortage of food and the martial law of the modern day, would
eventually lose his house and his livelihood, living now in a camp filled with the thousands of displaced from town and the villiages
beyond, now infested by alien creatures. Life would be tough for Phillip in the time before the invasion, but he would get by crafting
tasty food from what rations were given to the populace. After a few weeks, Phillip awoke to see a crowd of people up and looking at
the sky, he looked up and rubbed his eyes to see what appeared to be a British jet chasing some sort of aircraft, it looked strange,
having a large rotor like a helicopter except a body like some sort of fish. The jet and the unidentified aircraft circled the
horizon, unit two streaks of light shot out from the fighter jet, heading for the other aircraft. The aircraft turned over and in a
brillian spectacle of aerobatics shot down both missiles with some sort of cannon that shot blue flame. The crowd watching cheered,
Phillip included, seeming to think all of this was a fireworks display. But then suddenly, the fighter jet's left engine burst into
flames, and made a steep descent towards the town. The citizens in the town screamed in peril, running towards every point of the
compass, until the plane crash-landed right into the hospital. Everyone ran towards the wreckage, trying to dig any survivors out, but
they could find nothing but bodies and rubble. Gunfire suddenly erupted from all sides of the city, along with indescribable screams
and whines coming from massive dark brown tripods that seemed to disentigrate any tank or APC that was unfortunate enough to happpen
upon it. Phillip and the other remaining people and soldiers gathered in an apartment building at the south end of the city, and heard
a loud voice call from outside.

"Attention Block Residents, this City is now under the control of the Universal Union. Exit the apartment block to begin citizenship procedures. Inaction will result in off-world relocation."

Phillip thought this would be the end, but it turned out to be a whole new beginning.

5) Have you ever had a CCA character here at Catalyst Gaming?  If so, explain why it was removed.
I started out on my old character around 3 or 4 months ago, and I eventually worked my way up to 02 rank, working hard through all the

OOC Details

1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general?
I have played roleplay servers ever since I started playing Garry's Mod, which I have played for over 1014 hours total.

2. How long have you played on serious servers?
I have played on serious servers for over a year now, when I first joined Slidefuse and got interested in the gamemode.

3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming?
I have played on Catalyst Gaming for over four months now.

4. What Time zone are you in?
I live in California, PST, which is GMT -8.

5. In what country do you live?

6. How old are you?

7. What�s your most memorable quality RP experience?
My most memorable experiance was on my late unit 493, during my time as an 04, I accompanied the GRID DvL during a rebel attack on the RDT on City 18.

8. Do you consider yourself a good listener?
I cannot speak for myself, but I think I am.

IC Section

Full Name: Phillip Welsh
CID: 98290
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Height: 6/2
Hair Colour Black
Eye Colour: Brown
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Weight: 120
Mental Distinctions: Persistant.
Mental Defects: Faint OCD Symptoms.
Mental Advantages: Incorruptable
Notable Qualities: Some Medical Training.

1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain?
I have not defied the Union so far and I do not plan to.

2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations?
Yes, I do.

3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union?
I am willing to give my life for what the Union has done for us and our world.

4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility?
Yes, I do.

5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live?

6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?
I wish to join the ranks of the Combine Civil Authority to honor those who have fell protecting our society against those who truly do not want peace and harmony for our planet.

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, Phillip Welsh hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.

IC Chat / <:: GRID-03.493 LOGS ::>
« on: October 06, 2011, 12:25:37 AM »

Enter Password: ************


Connecting to Network
New File Opened: msg.0000001

Just trying out these logs for the first time, look back on my performance when I'm further down the line and whatnot.
Its kind of weird, when I patrol up and down main street I slip into a state of lower consciousness. Up the street, down the street, up the street.
Keepin order. Its still as exciting as Ive heard way back from my friends.... Can't really remember them anymore.  I guess its for the best though.
Seeing more and more of these Red Union people, first they set the CWU on the old city on fire, almost destroyed the Nexus, now I heard from one of their members that there are more of them. Who knows maybe they'll slip up and we can catch one of their leaders? Then we will know whats really going on behind their masks, or whatever they wear, maybe that was from that other group? They are all melting into the same thing now. Anti-citizens, anti-citizens and more anti-citizens. We feed them, give them clothes, protect them from whatever those "exogen" things from the last city were. And they continue to be ungrateful. Why though?  Where was I, oh yes. Red Union. I'm going to have to get a few other units to patrol with me into the slums, maybe we will get lucky.

Also need to get more GRID projects done, and training.  Busy busy.

Saving File under Log: 01
Saving File.....
Saving File.....
Saving File.....
Saving File.....
File Saved
Logging off.
Console Shut Down.

// OOC Sorry if this didnt paste right with the colors and stuff, when I copy from teh code page it compacts itself and its useless.

City Administrator / Old CA Speech
« on: October 03, 2011, 06:37:26 PM »
Heres an old CA Speech I was saving for when Cloud Eights server was supposed to get up, about a year ago. Seeing as I'm not even going to try and get a CA here Ill just give away my speech for you existing CA's to use:

Dear citizens, I have come to you as a man of peace, a man of prosperity, a man of the human race, you, my glorious people, have been liberated!
The combine are our saviors! They have spotted our civil and emotional problems and have taken it upon themselves to save us from our arrogent leaders,
our inefficient civil system, and our very instinct of self destruction.
Many of you are concerned of your personal well being, your rights as a citizen, and an entity of this world, these are natural thoughts,and,
to save our kind, have been oppressed for your personal safety. The word of our benefactors is the word of salvation.
To be an anticitizen is to be a threat of mankind. Please my citizens, heed my words.
Do not listen to the lies of the anticitizens who call themselves the saviors of humanity,
they are actually plotters, trying to disrupt the peace and tranquility of modern life under our benefactors the combine.
Please citizens. Make the right choice for your sake, and the sake of all of mankind. Support your local CCA units
and remember every day when you live safely,
to thank our benefactors the Combine. Good Night.

IC Chat / The Travels of Jonathan Welsh
« on: September 05, 2011, 09:06:52 PM »
Entry 1

Just found this notebook in the trash today, been scavenging across the canals for days now. All I have found is a handful of food and water.
I figure I might as well keep an account of my journey across this land. I also found a small flashlight today, what a help that has been! I hope
that I can find a weapon out here so I can defend myself in case of trouble. There seems to be a bunch of other people in this sector of the canals, I oftem see them walking by, malnourished, in hopes of a better tomarrow out here, free from the combine. I hope I can find some
friends out here, Its awful lonely.

* The rest of the page is covered in small drawings of destroyed buildings and the devastation of the area*

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