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Messages - Channy

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General Discussion / Re: Say what
« on: September 22, 2015, 02:52:58 AM »
i will still use low orbit cannon pls

General Discussion / Re: Some Music I've produced
« on: May 06, 2015, 08:01:07 PM »
1st song was my favorite, both were great though. Might have to listen to that on repeat...

Media / Re: The Twilight Zone
« on: March 18, 2015, 11:23:07 PM »
I've seen a few episodes and I think they're fantastic. This kind of reminds me, I should watch more...

General Discussion / Re: Official Administration and Development Roster
« on: February 18, 2015, 02:50:03 AM »
Removed Captain_Colt45, Hazard Time, and Abbott from HRP Admins.

Removed TopHattedCat and TheCanadian from Developers.

Added HarmsWay to HRP admin ~ congrats! (btw I wasn't sure of which country you are from, so I used 'Murica)

Forum Games / Re: One Word Story
« on: February 09, 2015, 05:14:09 PM »

General Discussion / Re: Selling a used R9 270. Name your price.
« on: November 10, 2014, 12:23:17 AM »
I have an R9 270x myself and I'm not experiencing many issues with it at all. I've had it for a little over a year and it runs like a dream. I don't have extraordinary cooling or anything either.

Support & Help / Re: spore hard difficulty
« on: November 03, 2014, 10:56:24 PM »
I found that starting off peaceful and giving gifts in the beginning, and the raining hell on everyone later is the best way to go. Just make sure they can't possibly get pissed at you and perform and shit and they will stay off your ass.

Suggestions / Re: Facebook
« on: October 13, 2014, 05:24:43 PM »
Barely takes any time at all to make a facebook page. I don't see how it would hurt us, so why not?

General Discussion / Re: Fitness Board
« on: September 29, 2014, 11:30:10 AM »
I think it's a great idea.  I'd love to see some topics and advice on fitness goals. Would be an interesting board as everyone can post their advice and information.

That's what we are shooting for, but I'm going to personally make sure that no mis-information is spread like "I heard that if you drink this ancient chinese herb, you can loose 50 pounds of fat overnight!"

Cow, we have already talked about this on steam lol, it'll never work for me but I support it anyway.

Constant positive reinforcement to help you achieve your goals never hurt anyone.

As long as the board doesn't turn into "HEY GUYS GUESS HOW MANY REPS I CAN DO AT X WEIGHT?!", then I support it as well.  Some people need encouragement and advice on how to lose weight/train muscle, I know I did.

Don't worry. There will be different sub-boards for different things. The weight loss sub-board will be the main focus when we first open the board as that will attract people. The Weight Loss Board will be completely separate and will not be some sort of competition by any means. We will help encourage people to meet their goals and give them positive reinforcement along the way.

I would most def do this. But you would need a way for new ppl to join in the fun

Anyone can join in. It doesn't matter where you come from or who you are, anyone can come into the board and find sound advice to meet their goals.

Tell your friends about this thread! Get them on board, if we get enough people supporting it, then we can expect the board to open sometime in the near future!

Besides my earlier post, I really wouldn't care if this was a thing.  I wouldn't personally use it because I don't think my health is at risk currently.  But, there has to be a rule that if someone insults someone else based on their fitness in any way, shape, or form, it will be a permanent ban, this would include bringing it to other boards.
Permanent ban is a bit to extreme, but yes there have to be some 0 tolerance rules on that board because someone's health/fitness/whatever is quite personal and could be taken really seriously if some asshole decides to make fun of them.

Not only would they take it seriously, but it would also likely prevent future activity in the board because once someone starts to shit on people, others will see and refrain from posting because of shitty behavior. We should definitely make it clear that actual personal insults in this board will be taken seriously and likely will get them punished quite harshly. As long as everyone has that understanding - this board should be successful.

General Discussion / Re: Fitness Board
« on: September 28, 2014, 09:15:21 PM »
I think it's a great idea.  I'd love to see some topics and advice on fitness goals. Would be an interesting board as everyone can post their advice and information.

General Discussion / Re: F.lux
« on: September 22, 2014, 01:00:11 AM »
Shit ye it's pretty nice

General Discussion / Re: Post a picture of youself!
« on: September 10, 2014, 11:15:50 PM »
rule 1

also cut the drama now pls and get back on topic or this thread shall be given the tentacle padlock

pls to follow advice yes. This is getting completely off topic.

Support & Help / Re: Ads
« on: August 13, 2014, 11:43:52 AM »
Get ADWCleaner or something similar. It'll automatically detect those shitty programs and delete them. My friend just had to use ADW and it worked just fine.

Suggestions / Re: One Door per Base Rule
« on: August 04, 2014, 02:35:54 PM »
The rule is there because many people used to abuse a kazillion doors between their stuff and the outside, most of the time even 2 inches away from each other. Meaning by the time you lockpicked the second door, the first door already closes (With the auto-close time) in your face. So it was literally impossible to get in.

However, maybe the rule could change a bit to mean the following:
- For pre-existing houses (aka the map), you can only have 1 additional door and it HAS to be far enough away from the map door so you can lockpick one of them, go in a hallway/etc, then lockpick the next one. This means with 1 map door and 1 tool door, you have 2 doors in total.
- For self made bases, you can have 2 tool doors between the outside and your values, as long as they are far enough away from each other to fit one or two persons in between, so you don't have to lockpick both doors simultaneously to be able to get in.

Yes good idea. We need to add this.

Suggestions / Re: Replacement for HL2RP - Prison RP
« on: July 29, 2014, 01:36:36 AM »
Itl be the same in the way HL2RP is. Fun as fuck until you've done everything. Its too limited.

Only if we deny it the features suggested here, factions, gang wars, and corrupt guards would be good for constant action, and Roleplay would not be limited, not to mention the possibility of a smuggler, bribing the guards, ect. It's a new game type that the community will agree with, and play when its new, and if we keep events and attention to it, when its old.

Would most likely bring a lot of new players into our community as well.

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