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Messages - LeoMarr

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IC Chat / Re: <ll::RCT.480.Private logs::ll>
« on: August 21, 2011, 11:49:33 PM »
Ignore Double Post.

IC Chat / Re: <ll::RCT.480.Private logs::ll>
« on: August 21, 2011, 11:42:21 PM »
// Can you Structure your paragraphs Please. Oh and fix your format Please.

And You are a citizen in a suit. Not A Battle hardened Highlander.

We throw her on a woman's lap and say "Enjoy" she insults 527.. 527 turns around, beats her, tears off her cloths and leaves her in the Plaza. Then a Citizen comes off and rips the womans pants off, another comes from behind and unclasps her braw. 527 throws her cloths in a trash can and then a civi sets them on fire. So me and 376 make her do a dance for everyone in the Plaza.. Hysterical.. Couldn't stop laughing. Then 887 walks out, he was MAD. He ordered the fire to be put out, then orders me to get her cloths, I do, then she goes home.
This shouldn't Ever happen.

// You seriously Deleted that log Because of OOC information? I do believe that is MetaGaming.

IC Chat / Re: <::||03.252 Private Logs||::>
« on: August 21, 2011, 11:37:51 PM »

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New File Started: msg.0000002
To: [asdf]
Subject: Blank

<::|| ASDF text ||::>
I've been walking around as a god to the other Units. I am a NOVA unit, They come to me asking for medicine to cure ailments. I've been radio'd to numerous citizens claiming to be starving to death. Well, It's not the idea that they radio me to tell them what they already know, It's the fact that they expect me to magic the Citizen back to health. I've been trying to give the Citizens a bit of rations, I personally enjoy the duty more then other units.

A unit by the name of 480 came to me asking for medicine for anger. I couldn't think of anything in stock. I saw a small cylinder of Sugar pills, So I gave him them. He's caused trouble with me and other units before. I feel bad for the recruits some times. Some are so, Afraid of me and the other 03s and 02s. I'm not even a commanding unit and I'm called sir by Recruits, It's actually quite funny. I usually just nod at them and continue what ever it is I am doing.

I'm starting to forget things, I can't remember much of my life before Our benefactors Intervened in our spiraling destruction. I have turned my off-duty time to studying our previous Downfall. I can't say I want to remember the old. I wear a Uniform of pride. My duty is to maintain order. I do so. That is how it Is.

I've performed medical treatment on Citizens and Units alike. I can't say it's difficult, I've always been a quick learner. Units, Some are just so, Young in the mind. I've found some to be, Just Lugs. I have to give units medicine for something or other each day. Some are so, Idiotic. I had a certain unit pop Four painkillers when I specifically informed him he could die. I had a radio call that said unit was unconscious on the Nexus mid-Floor. I felt embarrassed that this happened. I will no longer give units High-Dosage painkillers, I will only give them low-dosage. That way they have to swallow Thirty to kill themselves.

I spoke to the SeC about the lack of 02s and 01s in NOVA, I wasn't expecting that he would recommend me for 02. I mean, A recommendation from the Sectatorial Commander. His, Voice encoder, Sounded like a Father, I couldn't help but feel a sense of, relief. I expected to be afraid, But I wasn't.  I spoke quickly and he wrote on my file. I also received a Recommendation from the EPU of HELIX, I saw him as an 01, He is a respectable person. Even though I failed his SMG course, I Couldn't make out the targets. He was a bit irritated that he thought this was my first time using the SMG, I should have confirmed that this was supposed to be secondary practice.

I enjoyed ration distribution mid-day. We ran out of rations, So instead of giving them nothing, We gave them Potatoes. One potato per citizen. The reaction to this was, less then expected. We give them food, and they hate it. We give them water, they complain. Next time once we run out of rations, I will shut down the center until rations are restocked. I won't have citizens throw food away. I also had a certain unit under my command Decide to stuff rations into a Citizens pockets as he 'searched' him. I didn't realize who it was, then I reviewed my staff at the time, 480 and 935. 935 was behind me, and 480 was searching the female. If I see it again, I can't say I won't be happy.

Attacking units is not what I call the happiest moment. I've been assaulted by rocks and sticks today. Massive riots ensued as the day progressed. I wanted to walk into Off-Duty Stasis, But I couldn't. I was the only active Nova unit on at the time, So I was forced to treat the wounded. I myself got hit in the face with a few rocks and stick-like things. Swelling, was terrible. I was temporarily upgraded to 01, As were all 02s and 03s. It was a desperate act to quell the riot. Amputations were discretionary. I carried out, Fourteen amputations. Fourteen lives taken as though they meant nothing. Then again, I feel as though they meant Nothing to me. I am a soldier now, Not a citizen. They put force, We force them. Nothing we do will suffice their needs, We give them rations, Protection, A sense of safety. I'd like to see them survive outside the walls.

I've kept myself up. I stretch and do Workouts every day. I've gained 25 pounds in the last two weeks. The Rations are to blame. I'm not fat, I checked my BMI And it's well within average range. I'm more muscular then I have been in a year. I feel stronger, More agile. I feel healthy and well. I've only experienced facial and bodily soreness from the Assaults and rioting. Other then that I am completely in health.

I respect my Commanders, I have not had a problem with any unit, Save for a certain recruit. I have worked with both the NOVA and Grid DvLs, They are not as I expected. I expected to not be able to stand in their presence without trembling. But they are Respectable, They don't ask me anything I cannot fulfill. I am glad I respect my duty. I have not had a Black-mark or Demotion to date. I try to keep my self Fit for duty. I do not want to be an embarrassment to those who look at me as a Unit.

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IC Chat / Re: <ll::RCT.480.Private logs::ll>
« on: August 21, 2011, 10:02:30 PM »
// Welp, You're quite, Fucked. Oh and the meds. I gave you sugar pills. Aren't I just a genis. And 480, I'd like you to include me, 252, In your complaint logs. I did yell at you at the RDS yesterday because you provoked citizens to speak out of turn.

IC Chat / Re: <::||04.252 Private Logs||::>
« on: August 19, 2011, 12:56:08 AM »

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New File Started: msg.0000002
To: [asdf]
Subject: [subject here]

<::|| ASDF text ||::>
The Day came, I was given more access to the CCA Six days ago, I had forgotten about these little logs I write. They make the days less binding. I've come so far in the last two weeks. I've done things that give me pride. I am a NOVA unit now, still bottom of the barrel, But better now then as a Recruit. It'd seem as though I have underlings now, Well not underlings, but those who wish me to hand them knowledge. I still talk to those who are, not as quick as I. They seem almost, jealous, it's not surprising. I walked out of the Nexus glowing. My NOVA patch is shiny, My NOVA Uniform is crisp. My boots, I shined them three times over to make sure they were tip top. Patrolling is dangerous though, I had been ganged by about Twelve citizens on numerous occasions, They just jumped me.

I was patrolling the plaza, alone. I didn't see them until I was hit by a large rock-like object.
(Continuing this at a later date)
Well I guess I'm not continuing that Entry. I was promoted to 03. I've done my time at an 04, Handed in the old and brought in the new Armband and Kevlar. I was trained with an SMG, An interesting sort. It's light-weight, Easy to use, and easy to handle. I like it here... I'm beginning to, lose memories, I can't remember where I was born, I can't remember any of it. I try to remember, but I can't. It may be for the best, I'm learning so much now. I've gained weight, Mostly muscle mass at this point. I've not weighed over 200 LBs in about a year. Now I weigh about 215. I feel stronger, I look larger. I can't say I made a mistake when I accepted my position.

It's stressful dealing with unruly crowds, I still fear from the last encounter. Citizen crowds seem to be very prevalent, They are making more problems then they are worth. Other Units, mostly recruits are breaking down in the streets. I've seen two break down and have to sit in the nexus for an hour moping about. They are afraid of the crowds, Because they know they are outmatched. They don't carry weapons, Only Stun batons. You can't hit everyone at once, But they can hit you all at once. I also saw an unnamed unit popping steroids by what looked like a small handful. He was very, aggressive during duties, He shot a man in the leg for running out of fear. I tended to the wound as best I could, I felt it was my fault for not handling the 04, But I understand the stress. I tried to take roids, But I couldn't handle the aggressiveness I felt, I wanted to just pull the trigger just to feel the adrenaline.

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Support & Help / Re: I think my OS is breaking.
« on: August 19, 2011, 12:35:32 AM »
Why not use a smaller hard drive to house your OS and use a larger to store your data. Or go out and dish 60 - 100$ and get a 500GB or 1TB External. Here's a few links.
WD Is a very good Brand.
Both are pretty good for the Price. Personally I use Western Digital when I travel and Use a different brand for my main storage because WD Doesn't make them large enough.

Support & Help / GMOD Crashing
« on: August 19, 2011, 12:29:03 AM »
Is anyone else still having Gmod crash on startup? It just goes LOADING.... and freezes at that screen. I noticed Garry posted this already, But Has he fixed it yet? Or is there a fix that I have not seen. And Please Dxlevel81 Does not work for this, Don't post it. Thanks

Civil Workers Union / Re: CWU Report 8/15/2011 - OH MY GOD TEA
« on: August 15, 2011, 08:03:47 PM »
So is the glorious Adam back in the CWU?

IC Chat / Re: <::||RCT.252 Private Logs||::>
« on: August 08, 2011, 09:19:20 AM »

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New File Started: msg.0000002
To: [asdf]
Subject: [subject here]

<::|| ASDF text ||::>
Well, It appears I had forgotten to add something.
An AC Laid his weapon on my head and shot my leg. I can't say I am surprised that this fools aim is as it is. The unit that Assisted me handled the injury in a cool manor. Hell, THis is the second time I've been shot in a week. Almost exactly next to the previous wound. This only took hours to heal, Whereas my other injury, Took hours just to get the proper ointments. This hurt though, Pulling the bullet out was not something 973 enjoyed. I just gritted my teeth and tried not to inflict any Uncivil acts to the Union property all around me. The reconstruction of the tissue and bone, Was not to be considered the most, fun part of the Job.
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IC Chat / <::||OfC.252 Private Logs||::>
« on: August 08, 2011, 09:06:26 AM »

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New File Started: msg.0000001
To: Myself
Subject: [First Day

<::|| ASDF text ||::>
Well, Today was an Interesting one. My First day in the Union, My Peers seem to be well off. They seem to be more, respectable When I'm not on the receiving side of the baton. My Interview went well, With a close encounter. I wasn't expecting to be speaking to an OfC like a friend. He walked myself and another recruit through the Nexus and City, Showing us how to conduct our daily routine. Outfitting, preparing, supplying. I haven't been issued a firearm yet, Probably to prevent barbarians from gaining quick access. Understandable, My Stun-stick does the job Well enough.

Well, First duty, Manning a Barricade block in the Ration Terminal, Very crowded place, Always having to yell for citizens to Move forward or Move backward, Seemed so easy from the other side. Nothing is the same now that I see things from, this side. The OfC in charge of us recruits is a Respectable man, He doesn't seem to take it as insulting, with the small mistakes we recruits make, We Salute, Stand at attention, he eases us, we ease, He walks we walk. He walks with pride, Something I wish i could do as he does.

Well, Five hours into it, I witnessed my first amputation. It Wasn't easy to watch the citizens head burst into the side of the Detainment cell. I thought of returning my gear that very second. The male had been carrying weaponry Through out the city, I saw the pistol, It was missing two shots. Did he kill someone? Did he shoot someone? Where did he get that? Was it easy for him to acquire? These questions filled my head after being alone for a moment. I saluted the 01 that carried out the amputation, I almost lost it looking at him, Afraid of what he would have done if I would have gagged, I did gag, He was so calm about it, Like it didn't effect him at all, As though, He just didn't care. Me however, I could barely stand, I felt frozen for a moment, I felt like I would collapse, But I was strong, I kept myself together, Saluted him, Spoke other words, And carried on with the day.

7 Hours in, Usually after a day this long I would feel exhausted, But I feel, energetic, It must be something with the rations, I've replayed the event that occurred earlier today in my head about one hundred times, What if he would have shot me? What If He would have killed me? Looking at the event, and why it happened. I almost feel a sense of calm, witnessing the amputation of a violent criminal. The possibilities are endless.

8 Hours In, The fourth amputation today, I can't say it isn't nerve wracking, I am watching peoples last moments as they are, removed, from our society. I don't look at them as people that were cared for, They did something wrong and were punishes by Death. I just think things don't always need to end like this, Why should they die for being an ant Why not just wipe their memory of the Rebellious actions they sought to commit...

9 Hours in, Beatings seem to be, less pain full to inflict, I've had to beat Six citizens that either committed Audio Violations or spoke out against the UU. I can't say I didn't try to make it less savage. I just closed my eyes and swung at them until they fell unconscious. It's less painful then Whipping them I think, Then Again I've never been hit by one of the sticks, I made an effort to stay away from the underworld.

14 Hours in, A unit came out of stasis, 973 (OOC: If I remember his Digits correctly) I was the only unit Out of stasis at that time, He is an 03 Raked APEX unit, He seemed well enough, Not flinching for a moment. We cleared out an apartment and found a large stash of radios in the D-2 Block. He even let me borrow his Side arm, Because we don't carry Firearms as RCTs, It was just like old times, Nothing to using a gun, Then again this is quite simple. We also found an older gentlemen, He was wearing a fake Loyalist Armband, I could tell from the way he had written it, I told him to get against the wall, I asked him for his CID He gave it without resisting, I tore the armband off, Added a level 01 Charge to his record, Six points, And went about my time Clamping the D-2 Hardpoint.

It seems like everyone here isn't as, forceful as I once thought, I even spoke to the SeC for a brief moment, He seemed so, Fatherlike in his voice, No trace of hatred towards me, A new recruit, fresh off the street, yet he spoke as though I was a son to him, Gave me orders, told me what to do with a violent suspect, And we continued.

15 Hours in, Well, the ear shaving was, Less then human, I couldn't say I liked watching a fellow unit cut the ear of an Anti-Citizen off. But it was, necessary.

It seems like Citizens just want to start fights, They just try to provoke me, It's becoming less and less nerve wracking to beat citizens, To process them. It all seems so, Routine.
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Suggestions / Ventrilo
« on: August 07, 2011, 11:35:02 PM »
The ventrilo AFK timer is Way too short, I walk away to go to the bathroom and am put in the AFK Channel, If this can be increased to ~30M or ~60 Minutes, It would help. If you do not know how to change them, I can guide you upon such.

Social Discussion / Re: Things that piss you off (IRL)
« on: August 06, 2011, 02:37:32 AM »
I hate people WHo can't speak FUCKING ENGLISH When they obviously know the language, But lack the capability to spell words Such as:

OOC Section

OOC Name: Leomarr

IC Character Name: Jake Melkut

1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so. Self Preservance gave Jake the Idea to apply towards the CCA. Walking around the city, Unable to help in the larger picture, Caused strife in his mind. Looking at the men and women serving as CCA members puts a spark of pride in Jakes heart. He wants to be with them, Instead of agitating them. Looking at the hierarchy of the Civil Protection, Jake feels a need to be apart of this.

Showing themselves to be a righteous force, The CCA walks the city proudly, displaying a sense of Honor, and Duty. Strength within itself, No fear towards an invisible enemy. This is observed by Jake while he is sweeping or doing some otherwise important duty. Giving himself a sense of duty, A drive towards joining this betterment. Wanting to help those who are in need, Those who are arrousing rabble to be detained and otherwise dealt with.

Those who wish to harm the system so whole heardidly placed before us, Should be dealt with righetous vengeance. For this, The CCA protects our cities well being with their very presence. With force, The CCA gains respect by the Citizens of our fair City. Knowingly, the force of anti-citizens causes our city as a whole to gain unlawfulness, When our city should be full of regard to our Mutual Benefactors. Jake Wants to join the CCA, To preserve his state of being a Man, Unlike those who are savages.

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)
He is a driven Individual, He strives for self preservation, He could be considered a materialist, but he does not hoard things. He is Unemotional towards the current occupation, Seeing it as a new opportunity. He is a dedicated individual who tries to occupy himself with his Occupation.

3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character?

I expect the Civil Authority to be a New gate way to self Preservance. I expect to be given Respect amongst the city, More then now. I have attempted to give myself to the union in other ways, But none will surpass this ultimate act of self preservation. Instead of Being on the Recieving end of power, I would prefer to be on the Right side of this mutually beneficial neutrality. Nothing would suffice more to me then having the capability to walk the streets as a Proud Civil Protection agent. 

Not Fear, But Pride would be achieved with becoming an officer of the City. Aiding those in need, Punishing those that strive to abolish our New lives. Permitting myself to give myself to a Righteous cause, Instead of one that is to be considered weak. I wish to become an Proud individual instead of one who is to be considered Less then our glorious benefactors. I expect to be a benefit to myself and my peers. More then now, Where I am hated by my, Unloyal Peers.

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.
Weeks of Attempted "Holding it out" left Jake and his father in a small country side manor house with dwindling food and water. Jakes father had seen the news reports months previously and had began to stock food and water. His father thought the Government would intervene before things got too bad. That never Happened, They were in that house for a years time before the well and water supplies ran dry. The few cattle they still had alive produced milk, But it was never enough. Two of them left, Not enough food for one, one would sacrifice himself for the other. His father took a .357 magnum and shot himself behind the house. Leaving a small note telling Jake to leave the Manor and follow the road until he reached the city. This city would keep him safe, as his father had failed to do.

Jake took enough food and water as he could carry and began to walk to the city. The city was over 50 miles away, So it would be at least a 4 day walk. After a Days walk, Jake noticed a military vehicle in the distance behind him. Thinking he could hitch a ride, he sat on the side of the road and waited for the vehicle. The vehicle stopped a few yards behind him and two large men came out, one shouting orders to the other. The man shouting orders walked up to Jake and told him he needed his hands to be tied behind his back for transport to the city.
Jake did not resist, in his head, it was better then walking for four days. After arriving at a checkpoint the vehicle continued along the broken countryside Stopping for no one else. This act confused Jake, there had been at least 16 people that had been driven by, but not picked up as Jake had. He got the idea to ask the men as they were talking amongst themselves. The answer was, " The city is already crowded, You just got lucky."

As he entered the city, It was bustling with activity, The soldiers had dropped him off in a re purposed industrial factory. He would be living with another family for the time being, A strapping young lad with his mother and small sister. He talked to the mother often after helping the local trash collectors sift through the waste. She was a German women living in the United Kingdom where she met her now deceased husband. She had stories he could not imagine of her life outside the city walls. These stories included things she could hardly describe, Terrible creatures attacking humans.

Life had been uneventful, the occasional drills to make sure the citizens of the city were ready for anything. Nothing had happened to Jake other then cutting himself on a sharp piece of metal. Until the day the Alarms weren't drills. Soldiers had been running everywhere most of the day, Citizens were told to head underground to the bunkers and living space under the city. Large numbers of vehicles had moved in an out of the city. Nothing was normal, Something was happening. Then the bunker main door was shut. People were screaming, Children were crying. Massive sounds rung through the main entries, Shots being fired, firefights occurring, Explosions in the distance. Jake counted the hours, 5, Massive fighting on one side, 6, Fighting began to die down as the unknown force mopped up. 7 complete silence, and 7 1/2, A large number of an unknown force began to attack the invaders, but were thwarted after only fifteen minutes of combat.

The door opened, Combatants stormed the bunker tying everyones hands and walking them out of the underground, Jake had been fairly close so he could hear what was going on, He was tied without a shed of resistance, He knew what was happening at this point. He and most of the males to a holding facility, They were placed here as though they were rats in a cage. Crowded together, not fed, not watered. This holding facility was chain link though, he could see the brutality of the now known Universal Union. After three days of this chain link, The men were released and processed as Citizens given necessary clothing, and showered after being inspected for imperfections. Then the men were given Transit Papers and instructed on access to the transit facility. Jake made no attempts to resist any of his situations, He simply followed instructions as he always had. Nothing had changed, only which hands controlled the world he had never known. His only objective now was to survive.

OOC Details

1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general?
About 12 Years
2. How long have you played on serious servers?
About 3 Years, I have 12 years of experience in All forms of Roleplay.
3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming?
About 3 days
4. What Time zone are you in?
Pacific Standard Time
5. In what country do you live?
United States
6. How old are you?
7. What’s your most memorable quality RP experience?
A large scale Resistance assault on a City Nexus, This failed however, But the injury RPing, Fear RP and demorilization RP were top notch.
8. Do you consider yourself a good listener?
Yes I consider myself to be a good listener.

IC Section

Full Name: Jake Melkut
CID: 98141
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1
Hair Colour Blonde
Eye Colour: Hazel
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Weight: 190LBS
Mental Distinctions:
Mental Defects: Lack of emotional attachment
Mental Advantages: Caniving, Imaginitive
Notable Qualities: Occupying Himself with work he strives to complete what he finishes.

1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain?

I was briefly Tied and searched for a Weapons violation, But this violation was not correct and I was released after a brief search. No charges were filed because of mis-information by a third party. Other then this brief mistake, I have not been detained or Apprehended.

2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations?


3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union?

I am Fully willing to Give my life for the Universal Union. In order to achieve a higher regard for ones self, I strive to give myself to my cause.

4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility?

I accept that any Action i perform will Directly Reflect on Myself and No others.

5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live?

I will Remain Failthful and Loyal to the Universal Union so as long as I may do so.

6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?

To Aid in achieving Soco-Harmony Within the City.

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, Jake Melkut hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.

Accepted for interview. Pending Loyalist check. (8/7/11)

Civil Workers Union / Re: New application format
« on: August 05, 2011, 03:44:08 AM »
OOC section

Steam Name: Leomarr

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:19913622

Timezone: Pacific Standard

IC section

Character name: Jake Melkut

Civil Identification Digits: 98141

Physical Description: Taught Face : Imaginative : Caniving : Slight Accent : 6'1 : 190 LB :   

Mental Description (Personality, how he acts, etc, etc.) He is a driven Individual, He strives for self preservation, He could be considered a materialist, but he does not hoard things. He is Unemotional towards the current occupation, Seeing it as a new opportunity. He is a dedicated worker who tries to occupy himself with his Occupation.

Detainment history: None

Number of Anti-Citizen points: None

Detailed character background (At least two paragraphs. Cannot have spelling errors):
Weeks of Attempted "Holding it out" left Jake and his father in a small country side manor house with dwindling food and water. Jakes father had seen the news reports months previously and had began to stock food and water. His father thought the Government would intervene before things got too bad. That never Happened, They were in that house for a years time before the well and water supplies ran dry. The few cattle they still had alive produced milk, But it was never enough. Two of them left, Not enough food for one, one would sacrifice himself for the other. His father took a .357 magnum and shot himself behind the house. Leaving a small note telling Jake to leave the Manor and follow the road until he reached the city. This city would keep him safe, as his father had failed to do.

Jake took enough food and water as he could carry and began to walk to the city. The city was over 50 miles away, So it would be at least a 4 day walk. After a Days walk, Jake noticed a military vehicle in the distance behind him. Thinking he could hitch a ride, he sat on the side of the road and waited for the vehicle. The vehicle stopped a few yards behind him and two large men came out, one shouting orders to the other. The man shouting orders walked up to Jake and told him he needed his hands to be tied behind his back for transport to the city.
Jake did not resist, in his head, it was better then walking for four days. After arriving at a checkpoint the vehicle continued along the broken countryside Stopping for no one else. This act confused Jake, there had been at least 16 people that had been driven by, but not picked up as Jake had. He got the idea to ask the men as they were talking amongst themselves. The answer was, " The city is already crowded, You just got lucky."

As he entered the city, It was bustling with activity, The soldiers had dropped him off in a re purposed industrial factory. He would be living with another family for the time being, A strapping young lad with his mother and small sister. He talked to the mother often after helping the local trash collectors sift through the waste. She was a German women living in the United Kingdom where she met her now deceased husband. She had stories he could not imagine of her life outside the city walls. These stories included things she could hardly describe, Terrible creatures attacking humans.

Life had been uneventful, the occasional drills to make sure the citizens of the city were ready for anything. Nothing had happened to Jake other then cutting himself on a sharp piece of metal. Until the day the Alarms weren't drills. Soldiers had been running everywhere most of the day, Citizens were told to head underground to the bunkers and living space under the city. Large numbers of vehicles had moved in an out of the city. Nothing was normal, Something was happening. Then the bunker main door was shut. People were screaming, Children were crying. Massive sounds rung through the main entries, Shots being fired, firefights occurring, Explosions in the distance. Jake counted the hours, 5, Massive fighting on one side, 6, Fighting began to die down as the unknown force mopped up. 7 complete silence, and 7 1/2, A large number of an unknown force began to attack the invaders, but were thwarted after only fifteen minutes of combat.

The door opened, Combatants stormed the bunker tying everyones hands and walking them out of the underground, Jake had been fairly close so he could hear what was going on, He was tied without a shed of resistance, He knew what was happening at this point. He and most of the males to a holding facility, They were placed here as though they were rats in a cage. Crowded together, not fed, not watered. This holding facility was chain link though, he could see the brutality of the now known Universal Union. After three days of this chain link, The men were released and processed as Citizens given necessary clothing, and showered after being inspected for imperfections. Then the men were given Transit Papers and instructed on access to the transit facility. Jake made no attempts to resist any of his situations, He simply followed instructions as he always had. Nothing had changed, only which hands controlled the world he had never known. His only objective now was to survive.

Why you want to be part of the Civil Worker's Union (Same requirements as above):
Jake applied to become a Civil Worker to further himself, At his current time he is not able to do as the Workers do, Which is aid his
Benefactors. Jake is used to working to occupy himself, He has not been able to do that walking about the city. He believes becoming a Union Member will give him something to do and better himself and the situation around him. Jake has worked all of his life, and he intends to keep himself working.

The things he wishes to do are in the Civil Workers Union , He wants to do something other then watch people doing things. Besides that fact, the extra tokens would help with the day to day. Nothing interests Jake more then work, he's willing to do any kind of work to earn his keep. Jake tries to keep himself strong daily, But the lack of nutrition causes this to be a daunting task. He still tries to aid those who need aid, and he believes the Civil Workers Union can help him achieve that goal.

A suggested project for the Workers in the Union:
Be instructed in basic medical treatment to help those who are injured, and better the cities health.

Do you agree to conduct yourself maturely, and in the behavior befitting a Civil Worker's Union?
I,  Jake Melkut agree to conduct myself as a Befitting member of the Civil Workers Union

Do you understand the rules you must obey as a Member of the Civil Worker's Union?
I,  Jake Melkut, Whole heartedly agree to serve as a Member of the Civil Workers Union to the best of my abilities. I, Jake Melkut, agree to the rules and regulations of the Civil Workers Union. Under all laws I, Jake Melkut agree to show myself as Loyal individual and conduct myself accordingly. I, Jake Melkut Agree to the Previous statements I have agreed to.

Accepted - meet us in game for whitelisting.

Invalid / Two Bugs.
« on: August 04, 2011, 10:21:15 PM »
For some reason the black shading around my screen is persistant in game, It does not disappear after time, This makes me unable to respond to an Apply.

Second Bug: Screenshot

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